The study investigated the effect of microhabitat (emergent/submerged macrophytes) within lakes of different status (transparent/cloudy water) on the diversity and distribution of chironomid assemblages. Field and laboratory studies were undertaken bimonthly, from January to November 2008, in two shallow lakes of Polesie Lubelskie (eastern Poland), transparent water and cloudy water lake. The main objectives of the study were to compare the density and taxonomic richness of chironomids associated with emergent and submerged macrophytes within lakes of extremely different environmental conditions and to recognize the most important variables affected chironomid distribution between microhabitats within lakes. In transparent water lake, number of chironomid taxa varied between 12 (emergent macrophytes) and 18 taxa (submerged macrophytes) and was significantly higher than in cloudy water lake, 6 and 8 taxa, respectively. Mean abundance of chironomids associated with emergent macrophytes was higher in cloudy water lake. The opposite relation was observed on submerged macrophytes. The PCA analysis showed visible distinction of chironomid assemblages between microhabitats and lake types. The results of RDA led to determine the significant variables (Monte-Carlo permutation test) affected chironomid distribution. In both, transparent and cloudy water lake, the significant variables responsible for chironomids distinction between microhabitats were density and biomass of macrophytes, biomass of periphytic algae and pH. Moreover, nutrients, N-NO3 (transparent water lake) and P-PO4 (cloudy water lake), showed the significant influence.
Diversity of the Tanytarsini chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) collected on the Żarnowieckie Lake (northern Poland) in the early 1980s and in 2008–2009 was compared. The analysis demonstrated a significant impoverishment of the Żarnowieckie chironomid fauna. Within less than 30 years, the number of Tanytarsini species dropped from 21 to 14, and the fauna became dominated by common eurytopic species Cladotanytarsus atridorsum Kieffer (more than 73% of all individuals collected in 2008), C. mancus (Walker) (more than 8%), and Paratanytarsus inopertus (Walker) (more than 9%). The four species rare in Poland [Tanytarsus niger Andersen, Rheotanytarsus muscicola Thienemann, Stempellinella brevis (Edwards), Paratanytarsus tenellulus (Goetghebuer)], recorded in the area in the 1980s, were absent in 2008–2009. The reduction in the Tanytarsini diversity is interpreted as an effect of unstable environmental regime of the lake following its artificial modification in 1983 to serve the needs of the "Żarnowiec" pumped storage power station, and interventions related to the planned construction of a nuclear power plant on the lake.
Prezentowana analiza objęła muchówki z rodziny ochotkowatych i plemienia Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae), grupę hydrobioindykatorów o zróżnicowanej tolerancji. Materiał zebrano nad Jeziorem Żarnowieckim na początku lat 80-tych oraz w latach 2008 i 2009. Zestawienie uzyskanych wyników wskazuje na wyraźne ubożenie fauny jeziora. Liczba gatunków Tanytarsini notowanych w okresie niespełna 30 lat spadła z 21 do 14. Faunę zdominowały pospolite gatunki eurytopowe: Cladotanytarsus atridorsum Kieffer (ponad 73% okazów zebranych w 2008 г.), С. mancus (Walker) (ponad 8%), Paratanytarsus inopertus (Walker) (ponad 9%), natomiast czterech rzadkich gatunków, notowanych na badanym obszarze w latach 80-tych, obecnie nie stwierdzono (Tany tarsus niger Andersen, Rheotanytarsus muscicola Thienemann, Stempellinella brevis (Edwards), Paratanytarsus tenellulus (Goetghebuer)). Spadek bioróżnorodności Tanytarsini zinterpretowano jako skutek niestabilnych parametrów jeziora, sztucznie uregulowanego na potrzeby elektrowni szczytowo-pompowej „Żarnowiec" w 1983 roku, a także inwestycji związanych z budową elektrowni jądrowej, wdrażanych w latach 80-tych.
New data on distribution and biology of rare tanytarsine chironomids in Poland are presented. Tanytarsus recurvatus BRUNDIN, 1947 and Parapsectra mendli REISS, 1983 are recorded in Poland for the first time and Stempellina almi BRUNDIN, 1947, so far known for doubtful record, is confirmed. New records from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Norway, Sweden and Ukraine are also provided.
Cyanobacterial biofilms serve as food and shelter for benthic invertebrates, such as juvenile insects. Chironomids are often the most widely distributed and abundant insect larvae in freshwater ecosystems. As a consequence of high grazing pressure, effective defence mechanisms can be expected in biofilm-forming organisms. The presence of chemical defence was studied in 12 axenic and monoxenic cyanobacterial species. Flakes of cyanobacterial biofilms were offered to Chironomus riparius (Meigen) over a period of 8 days. Mortality and body-length of the surviving animals were used as indicators for the toxicity of the cyanobacteria and their suitability as food. Toxicity and inhibition of larval growth were found for several cyanobacteria tested. Fischerella sp. (ATCC 43239) was the most active and caused 100% mortality in Chironomus larvae within 24 h. Mortality was also high (87%) for larvae fed with Aphanothece sp. Moderate toxicity (40–60% mortality) was found for Calothrix sp. (PCC 7507), C. braunii Bornet et Flahault, C. thermalis (Schwabe) Hansgirg and a cyanobacterium of the LPP group designated JU 5. Mortality of 7–33% was observed for Calothrix parietina (Nägeli) Thuret, Oscillatoria brevis (Kützing) Gomont, Cylindrospermum sp., Nostoc sp., Calothrix anomala Mitra and a cyanobacterium of the LPP group designated 5 KB. Differences depending on the cyanobacterial food offered were also seen in the lengths of surviving larvae. Fischerella sp. (ATCC 43239) was studied in more detail to chemically characterise the observed insecticidal activity. The insecticidal activity could be extracted with 60% aq. methanol from the fresh biomass and caused 100% mortality in Chironomus. A literature survey was performed on the bioactive compounds so far isolated and characterised from Fischerella and related Stigonematales. It is noticeable that no insecticidal activity has been shown for any of these compounds yet. The newly found insecticidal property of Fischerella may lead to the identification of bioactive compounds which may be important as chemical defence against insect grazers.