The results of researches of the perspective direction of solving the problem of growth of hardness of typical chernozem, which consisted in enrichment of the soil with fresh organic matter of postharvest greens, are presented. During the years of our research it was found that growing of post-harvest siderates contributed to a significant reduction in hardness of 0-30 cm soil layer. Among the studied siderates the lowest hardness of 0-30 cm soil layer was under crops of Raphanus sativum in all years of research - 10.9-16.8 kg/cm2. In the variants of potato growing without fertilizers was found close reverse relation between hardness and productive moisture reserves - r = -0.74. These dependences confirm positive effect of siderate Raphanus sativum as a factor of biological loosening of soil. After all, it was just the variant where reduction of productive moisture reserves had the smallest share of impact - 22% on the growth of soil hardness. At the same time, this share of influence increased to 27-41% on the background of other siderates and manure, and up to 54% in the control without application of organic fertilizers. The highest yield of potato tubers was obtained on the plots with the lowest soil hardness, where Raphanus sativum was used as a post-harvest siderate, followed by the variants with manure, Phacelia tanacetifolia and Fagopyrum esculentum.
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The pollutants, that are widely emitted to the environment by metallurgy, energetic industry or transport, are strongly magnetic. In consequence. magnetic measurements can be applied to investigate soil contamination. This study takes into consideration the influence of pedogenic processes on values and distribution of magnetic parameters along northem (Polish) and Southern (Ukrainian) chemozem profiles, developed in different climatic zones. The impact of metallurgical dust on the soil contamination was evaluated in polluted chemozem profiles by the comparison to their unpolluted counterparts. Magnetic investigations were complemented by chemical analysis of iron and organic carbon content. Magnetic characteristics of unpolluted profiles reveal the similarity of pedogenic processes accompanying the development of investigated soils. In both areas, the ferrimagnetic fraction (magnetite and/or maghemite) dominates in the surface soil and reflects in the elevated susceptibility (χ) and suppressed remanence coercivity (Hcr) values in comparison to those observed in loess, where antiferromagnetic hematite and paramagnetic minerals prevail. Although, due to the lower iron content in northem chemozems, the Polish chemozem is about half as magnetic as its Ukrainian counterpart, the ratios of soil susceptibility to the susceptibility of loess, χ/χc, representing their natural enrichment in ferrimagnetic fraction with respect to the available Fe supply, varies in a narrow range. Low temperature susceptibility changes κ(T) demonstrate the difference in granulity of magnetic fraction: presence of strongly magnetic superparamagnetic fraction in the surface soil of southem chemozem , and the single domain grains in the surface 10 cm layer and superparamagnetic fraction at a depth of 40 cm in northern chemozem. The nonstochiometric magnetite occurs all along the Polish profile, whereas in the Ukrainian soil the maghemite is observed. These differences can be ascribed to the impaired aeration and inereased precipitation in Polish climate. Contaminated profiles display significant inerease of susceptibility in the uppermost 40-cm layer that express in considerably inereased χ/χc ratio. Thermomagnetic analyses reveal the dominance of stochiometric multidomain magnetite in this layer, characteristic for the industrialny-derived magnetic minerals. Also the significant decrease of the anhisteretic remanence to saturation remanence ratio (ARM/SIRM < 1,5%) confirms the substantial share o f coarse-grained magnetic fraction in the uppersoil of polluted profiles. Slightly inereased χ values (and organic matter content) to a depth of about 140 cm, in comparison to unpolluted counterparts, suggest the penetration o f Fe-humic complexes into the depth of soil caused by the soil degradation process. The results demonstrate that magnetic parameters reflects processes occurring in the surface as well as in whole soil profiles. Therefore, magnetic analysis can be successfully implemented to monitor the changes in soil under the influence of various environmental factors, including pollution, and to assess the impact of rapid and unsustainable industrialization on the environment.
W pracy przedstawiono statystyczne charakterystyki wodne tj. zależność potencjał wody glebowej - wilgotnośc czarnoziemów Polski.Stwierdzono że najwieksze ilości wody użytecznej dla roślin retencjonuje warstwa powierzchniowa i podglebie czarnoziemów.Najkorzystniejsze stosunki powietrzno-wodne w czarnoziemach Polski panują w ich warstwie podpowierzchniowej , gdzie układ porów zapewnia równowage pomiedzy ilością wody użytecznej dla roślin a powietrzem znajdującym się w glebie.
In this paper the static characteristic , e.i.soil water potential-moisture relationships of Polish chernozems are presented. It was stated that that shape of static water characteristics for the investigated horizons of chernozems fitter to the typical silt composition. The optimum water-air relations for Polish chernozems were in the subsurface horizon, where the distribution of pores caused equilibrium between the amount of water useful for plants and soil air.