The purpose of the investigation was the application of two turbochargers system in spark ignition engine and determining turbochargers' work parameters depending on throttle opening and engine's rotation speed. System with small turbocharger and larger variable geometry turbocharger in parallel connection (three-stage turbocharging) was examined. The engine used during the investigation was 1300 cm displacement SI engine with modified intake and exhaust manifolds. Intake and exhaust manifold modification including only implementation of turbochargers and sensors was done for experimental purposes. Specific values of maximum boost pressure were obtained by introducing a waste gate valve system with appropriate characteristic. Proper choice concerning work parameters of the charging system allows to improve torque characteristic in wide range of engine's rotation speed. The system with additional small turbocharger allowed to increase torque value in low engine's speed range as well as to increase boost pressure in high engine's speed range for throttle opening angle values above 50 %. In medium engine's speed range the best results were given by variable geometry turbocharger. The two turbochargers system and values of maximum boost pressure were controlled by the system with two waste gate valves. Improving total efficiency was obtained in medium engine's speed range. The application of two turbochargers system as modification of naturally aspirated spark ignition engine allows to improve torque flexibility rate. There is a possibility to apply the charging system with two turbochargers, with boost pressure control system, in already existing, naturally aspirated engine without decreasing compression ratio and modifying engine's control system.
The purpose of investigation was comparison of engine's output while equipped with different types of turbocharging systems. Engine used during research was Toyota's SI engine with displacement of 1296 cm3. Intake and exhaust manifold were modified by introducing fixed and variable geometry turbocharger. The third system was electrically driven charger ensuring both constant and variable boost pressure. Regulatory parameters of fuel injection and ignition system weren't changed. On the basis of carried out research , it was affirmed that there is a possibility of introducing charging system into the engine without changes of mentioned regulatory parameters. Proper choice concerning charging systems allows improving torque characteristic in wide range of engine's rotational speed. Electrically driven charger giving maximum boost pressure provides significant improvement in low engine's speed range, whereas in higher range it is not showing so much advantage. In medium engine's speed range the best result is given by variable geometry turbocharging system. In this application boost pressure had to be reduced to 0.25105 [Pa] in order to provide stable engine's run in all conditions including variable engine's speed and whole range of throttle opening angle.
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Zdolność do przyspieszenia samochodu osobowego przy gwałtownym wciśnięciu pedału przyspieszenia, jest jednym z czynników wpływających na bezpieczeństwo kierującego i pasażerów. Sytuacja ta zakłóca przebieg siły napędowej w układzie napędowym doprowadzając do chwilowego jego niedoboru. Powstający wówczas niedobór siły napędowej wynika głównie z bezwładności mechanicznej całego układu napędowego, rozumianego jako połączenie jednostki napędowej i układu przeniesienia napędu. Zjawisko to opisywane w wielu pracach, wynika głównie z akumulacji energii mechanicznej układu napędowego. W celu rozwiązania tego problemu, w samochodzie osobowym instalowane są dodatkowe źródła energii np. bezwładniki czy silniki elektryczne. Innym sposobem pozwalającym na rozwiązanie tego problemu jest pozyskanie większego momentu obrotowego z jednostki napędowej samochodu osobowego w chwili jego gwałtownego przyspieszenia. Skutecznym rozwiązaniem w takim przypadku może być zastosowanie w układzie zasilania silnika spalinowego dodatkowego doładowania świeżym ładunkiem. W referacie przeanalizowano konstrukcję układu doładowania krótkotrwałego silnika spalinowego o zapłonie iskrowym oraz przedstawiono wyniki badań stanowiskowych.
The most disadvantageous system of the automobile, because of its damaging influence on environment is powertrain. This notion means engine connection with powertrain, which is very important in respect of ecology and safety. In the matter of safety very important is ability to accelerating with rapid depressed accelerator pedal. This situation takes place during overtaking process, which is caused by driving force deficiency from engine and powertrain mechanical inertia. It has negative influence on overtaking process and also on driving comfort. This phenomenon described in works, mainly come from accumulation of mechanical energy of powertrain. Numerous research centers in the world have undertaken examinations with an aim of solving this problem. However, a successful solution to this problem has to meet a number of prerequisites of technological and economic nature. The technological ones have to involve the uncomplicated construction while the economic ones are associated with the need for low cost of application of the solution put forward. The latter question is related to meeting numerous conditions and results from the effects of special testing as a result of specific operating conditions of power transmission system. In numerous research centers abroad additional energy sources including plungers or electrical motors are installed in order for the compensation of mechanical inertia. Another way of compensation for the mechanical inertia of the transmission system is gaining larger momentum from the driving unit at the time of its abrupt acceleration. A successful solution to this problem may lie in the application of an additional boost with surplus charging in the fuel supply system. They analyzed in the paper structure of the system of charging the internal-combustion engine up about the spark ignition in the purpose for the compensation for the shortage of the driving force on wheels of the car and results of preliminary research were presented.
The most disadvantageous system of the automobile, because of its damaging influence on environment is powertrain. This notion means engine connection with powertrain, which is very important in respect of ecology and safety. In the matter of safety very important is ability to accelerating with rapid depressed accelerator pedal. This situation takes place during overtaking process, which is caused by driving force deficiency from engine and powertrain mechanical inertia. It has negative influence on overtaking process and also on driving comfort. This phenomenon described in works, mainly come from accumulation of mechanical energy of powertrain. Numerous research centres in the world have undertaken examinations with an aim of solving this problem. However, a successful solution to this problem has to meet a number of prerequisites of technological and economic nature. The technological ones have to involve the uncomplicated construction while the economic ones are associated with the need for low cost of application of the solution put forward. The latter question is related to meeting numerous conditions and results from the effects of special testing as a result of specific operating conditions of power transmission system. In numerous research centres abroad additional energy sources including plungers or electrical motors are installed in order for the compensation of mechanical inertia. Another way of compensation for the mechanical inertia of the transmission system is gaining larger momentum from the driving unit at the time of its abrupt acceleration. A successful solution to this problem may lie in the application of an additional boost with surplus charging in the fuel supply system. They analyzed in the paper structure of the system of charging the internal-combustion engine up about the spark ignition in the purpose for the compensation for the shortage of the driving force on wheels of the car and results of preliminary research were presented.
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W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano konstrukcję układu doładowania silnika spalinowego o zapłonie iskrowym w celu kompensacji niedoboru siły napędowej na kołach samochodu oraz przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań.
They analyzed in the paper structure of the system of charging the internal-combustion engine up about the spark ignition in the purpose for the compensation for the shortage of the driving force on wheels of the car and results of research were presented.
Porównanie rzeczywistej liczby jeżdżących obecnie po polskich drogach aut o napędzie elektrycznym (ok. 8 tys.) z liczbą zakładaną kilka lat temu w krajowej polityce rozwoju infrastruktury paliw alternatywnych (ok. 32 tys.) może prowadzić do wniosku, że polska elektromobilność rodzi się w bólach. Tymczasem auta bateryjne oferują najszerszy zakres pozytywnych zmian, jakie może przynieść elektromobilność. Dlatego pokonanie barier ich upowszechnienia może okazać się kluczowe dla rozwoju całej elektromobilności.
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Opisano badania bezlepiszczowego brykietowania wsadu węglowego w celu poprawy jego gęstości nasypowej, a także jakości wytwarzanego koksu w systemie zasypowym. Badano wpływ procesu brykietowania na gęstość nasypową wsadu, na wytrzymałość poreakcyjną i reakcyjność koksu wobec CO₂. Omówiono również efekty ekonomiczne procesu bezlepiszczowego brykietowania wsadu węglowego w koksownictwie.
Coal fines were binderless briquetted, blended with coal grains and coked under lab. conditions to det. the effect of bulk d. of coal charge on coke reactivity and strength after reaction. The partial briquetting of the coal charge was recommended for Polish cokeries both from technol. and economic points of view.
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