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The article points out the phenomenon of pretence in education of students with disabilities. Activities, which are assumed to help equalization of educational opportunities for students with disabilities – but in effect that is not achieved, were discussed. The author indicates possible causes of selected sham activities and she suggests solutions that can help reduce the pretence in the field of special education.
tom 30
nr 1
The expression literary tourism is an established term which rarely raises controversies. It fits well into a positivist way of thinking about tourism reality. An analysis of Cuban literature, as well as field study conducted in Havana, however have pointed to the need to reconstruct the definitions of literary tourism that are currently in use as there are many contexts and current definitions are insufficient. The article presents an aleatoric approach based on the phenomenon of chance while exploring the literary space of Havana.  
Content available Probabilistic theism and the problem of evil
I would like to present in the article an “omnipotence model of a theodicy of chance”, which is, as I believe, compatible with the view called probabilistic theism. I also would like to argue that this model satisfies the criteria of being a good theodicy. By a good theodicy I mean a reasonable and plausible theistic account of evil. A good theodicy should be: a) comprehensive, b) adequate, c) authentic and d) existentially relevant.
The paper presents philosophical views which have been propagated in the first decade of the 20th-century by Austrian experimental physicist Franz-Serafin Exner (1846-1926). According to Exner all apparently deterministic laws are only a kind of the macroscopic limit of the indeterministic random events and processes in nature. The paper attempts to show whether Exner’s ideas have influenced the views on randomness and probability developed by renowned Polish physicist Marian Smoluchowski (1872-1917) who belonged to informal circle of Exner’s students and assistants (so-called Exner-Kreis).
The author of the article analyses Jacek Dukaj’s science fiction novella The Cathedral (2000), which inspired the famous animated short film released under the same title in 2002. The eponymous pseudo-building was founded on the grave of Izmir Predú, a man who has sacrificed himself to save his travel companions’ lives. It is built using programmed nanoparticles and has formed itself – chaotically – into a cathedral-like asymmetrical, fractal structure. The novella’s main character, a Catholic priest, has been sent onto a planetoid to validate rumours about Predú’s holiness. The author of the article argues that the process of incarnating the protagonist into the Cathedral’s body leads him to the point of holistic transformation of the body, psyche and knowledge, similar to technological singularity, which is indistinguishable from a mystical, religious act. It is limited to earthly life, though, and brings the risk (as a transhuman act) of losing humanity. Jacek Dukaj offers the reader a few clues, but they are inconclusive. The reader’s interpretative hesitance therefore mirrors the protagonist’s ambiguous transformation. There is no reason to name the novella a religious one, although transhuman messianism plays an important role in it.
The article includes the author's considerations on risk of survival and chance to survive of \ individual persons and the human species in conditions of progressive environmental degradation because of the progress of post-industrial civilization, especially the Western one. The development of this civilization is driven by the rapid advances in knowledge and technology, but above all by activities for maximum economic growth and its derivatives - unlimited growth in production, sales and consumption. So, naturally, it is accompanied by excessive destruction of natural resources and degradation of the natural environment, as well as of degradation of the social, cultural and spiritual environment. On the one hand, the consequence of the progress of Western civilization is the growing threat to human health, and thus the increasing risk of survival. On the other hand, thanks to this progress, they improve living conditions and comfort as well as the possibilities of curing many diseases; thus, they increase the chances to survive. The problem, however, is that this increase in risks and chances is not equivalent as they appear many more threats than chances. As a result, this imbalance is getting bigger. Political and economic decision-makers, who can hardly be suspected of a lack of knowledge about environmental threats, are primarily driven by profit maximization and therefore they ignore the appeals from environmentalists. Therefore, since the last decades of the twentieth century, it progress the development of "economic society". It is made up of individuals called "Homo oeconomicus" - fanatical followers of God Mammon. There are serious concerns that it will soon end either with the extinction of humanity or with the collapse of Western civilization. And what happens depends on whether further social evolution will follow economic or other (cultural or ecological) criteria, whether the most important goal will be to improve the quality of life and enrichment, or to delay the extinction of humanity as a result of the transformation of "economic society" into "Cultural society"
Stanislaw Lem recognizes the far-reaching role of chance both in gaining knowledge and in explaining the development of cultural norms. The consequences are explored by him in fiction and non-fiction.
The article presents the analysis of such concepts as “historical regularity”, “chance” and “great personality”. It is stressed that while studying epistemological problems of historical science we must focus on the system categories being used in general methodology of science, first of all on the category “scientific theory”. The role and place of personality in historical and political process is reviewed. It is noted that in order to solve the urgent problems of social development, there is a need for leaders who, through their own energy, will, mind and abilities, can implement quality changes.
Artykuł podejmuje tematykę związaną z możliwościami i zagrożeniami, jakie dają współczesne social media, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do ludzi młodych. Zawarta jest w nim krótka analiza polskiego rynku portali społecznościowych, opis wybranych badań na ich temat oraz analiza badań własnych autora przeprowadzonych wśród studentów Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
The article takes up the subject matter connected with the possibilities and dangers which are present in modern social media, especially for the young people. There is presented short analysis of Polish market of social media portals, description of the chosen research concerning them and the analysis of the own research of the author carried out among students of University of Rzeszow.
Nature is known through empirical methods. The development of a scientific methodology enables us to reveal the secrets of nature. Hypothesis and theories are formulated in order to explain phenomena. However, in this ordered world there are also events that occur randomly. Within this framework, Grzegorz Bugajak’s concept of chance will be applied to show its usefulness in the field of environmental protection. By referring to specific examples, we will discuss the circumstances of the occurrence of random phenomena in nature that create dilemmas for naturalists. Our aim is to single out an interpretation of Bugajak’s concept of chance that can be usefully employed by ecologists.
Rzeczywistość przyrodnicza poznawana jest dzięki metodom empirycznym. Jej tajemnice odkrywane są w dużym zakresie dzięki rozwojowi ich metodologii. Formułowane są hipotezy i tworzone teorie wyjaśniające odkrywane zjawiska. Jednakże w tym uporządkowanym świecie pojawiają się i takie zdarzenia, których wystąpienie ma charakter przypadkowy. Z tej racji zostanie zastosowana filozoficzna koncepcja przypadku wypracowana przez Grzegorza Bugajaka i przewidziana przez niego do analizy treści teorii naukowych oraz klasyfikacji zdarzeń przypadkowych. Zostanie ukazana użyteczność tej koncepcji w obszarze ochrony środowiska. W tym celu na początku zaprezentowana zostanie treść propozycji Bugajaka, a następnie omówione będą okoliczności pojawiania się w przyrodzie zjawisk przypadkowych, rodzących dylematy poznawcze u przyrodników. Podjęte analizy zostaną zilustrowane konkretnymi przykładami. W rezultacie wskazane zostaną te sposoby interpretacji przypadku z koncepcji Bugajaka, które mogą okazać się przydatne w pracach ekologów.
A system that continuously monitors housing markets can be a highly efficient tool towards a functioning housing policy and as a basis for decisions of private market actors. Monitoring means to permanently combine, aggregate and process data from different sources in order to attain a reliable database, on which housing markets are analysed and future developments are estimated to assist housing market participants with a firm foundation to substantiate their actions. For a better illustration of the gains, requirements and functioning of monitoring systems, the example of the monitoring system of Dortmund, Germany, will be presented. On the outcomes of researching Dortmund's monitoring system, the chance of implementing and managing a monitoring system in Warsaw will be investigated. The article is based on the author's diploma thesis at the Faculty of Spatial Planning at the University of Dortmund, titled "A Monitoring System for Warsaw's Housing Market", written during a six-month lasting field study in Warsaw.
Content available Ewolucja jako realizacja projektu?
In the scientific theories of biological evolution, evolution is presented as an undirected process in which chance plays an important role because the methods of the sciences are not able to detect any externally imposed order or project. This does not mean, however, that such a project does not exist. In this article I try to show that the philosophical interpretations of evolution allow for the possibility that evolution was the implementation of the project.
W przyrodniczych teoriach ewolucji biologicznej ewolucja jest przedstawiana jako bezkierunkowy proces, w którym istotną rolę odgrywa przypadek. Metody nauk przyrodniczych nie są bowiem w stanie wykryć żadnego narzuconego z zewnątrz celu czy projektu. Nie oznacza to jednak, że taki projekt nie istnieje. W artykule próbuję pokazać, że filozoficzne interpretacje ewolucji dopuszczają możliwość, by ewolucja była realizacją projektu.
Rozważania wokół szkolnej edukacji dzieci sześcioletnich prowadzę na tle pytań o bariery blokujące rozwiązanie trudnego, jak się okazuje, problemu związanego z przyszłością człowieka i społeczeństwa. Wiele jest powodów, dla których ciągle nie znajdujemy rozwiązania na miarę potrzeb człowieka XXI wieku. W opracowaniu próbuję analizować różne postacie lęku dorosłych o dzieci: przed nierównością, niedoskonałością, przed rożnymi trudnościami egzystencjalnymi, przed zagrożeniem utraty dzieciństwa, Lęki tego rodzaju ujawniają się implicite w rozmowach, argumentacjach prowadzonej na scenie gry o przyszłość edukacji, w kulisach i przenoszone są bezkrytycznie, nierefleksyjnie do rzeczywistości jako jej mistyfikacje, tworzące pozory poważnej debaty.
Considerations around the school education of six-years old children on the background of questions about the barriers blocking solution difficult as it turns out, the problem of the future of man and society. There are many reasons why we still do not find a solution to the needs of man in twenty-first century. This paper is an attempt to analyse the different forms of fear adults with children: against inequality, imperfection, against various existential difficulties, against the threat of loss of childhood. Fears of this type are revealed in conversations, argumentations performed on a stage play about the future of education, behind the scenes and are transferred uncritically to reality as its hoaxes, creating the appearance of serious debate.
Content available Jeux et hasard dans l’écriture de Patrick Modiano
Many of Patrick Modiano’s novels involve the motif of the game – predicate and space – in the narration, at characterization, thematic and structural levels. The introduction of this minor element – it never reaches the level of a trope – nonetheless informs us both about the novelistic techniques employed by Modiano and about the metaphysical considerations underpinning his writing. As such, a close reading of various episodes articulated around the motif of the game allows us to better understand the methods adopted by the novelist in the development of his characters and in the architecture of his texts. Furthermore, the insertion of the motif of the game allows us to identify and analyse the value given to chance and indeterminacy in all its forms in the Modianian novel, from which a true metaphysics, if not an ethics, of indeterminacy, can in turn be deployed.
De nombreux romans de Patrick Modiano font intervenir le motif du jeu – prédicat et espace – dans la narration, aux niveaux actoriel, thématique et structural. L’introduction de cet élément mineur – il ne s’agit pas d’un thème – nous renseigne toutefois autant sur la technique romanesque employée par Modiano que sur les considérations métaphysiques sous-tendant son écriture. Une lecture attentive centrée sur divers épisodes articulés autour du jeu nous permet ainsi de mieux comprendre les modalités adoptées par l’écrivain dans l’élaboration de ses personnages et dans l’architecture de ses récits. L’insertion du motif du jeu nous permet en outre d’identifier et d’analyser la valeur accordée au hasard et à   l’indéterminabilité sous toutes ses formes dans le récit modianien, à partir duquel se déploie une véritable métaphysique, voire une éthique, de l’indétermination.
Content available remote When do Risky Choices Justify Inequality?
Luck egalitarianism is the view that inequalities are justified when and only when a particular condition is met. Recent years have seen considerable debate about the exact nature of the risky choices thought by luck egalitarians to justify inequality. All positions in the debate emphasise the importance of choice, but they differ in the precise details of how choice features in the inequality-justifying condition. The present paper argues for a novel view about the conditions under which risky choices should justify choice in a manner that uncovers ambiguity and flaws in existing positions. It rejects existing accounts and develops a new hypothetical choice based account of inequality-justifying risk.
Content available Hylomorphic Teleology in Aristotle’s Physics II
Studia Gilsoniana
tom 8
nr 1
This study draws attention to the ordering of matter and form argued for in Aristotle’s Physics II, 8 (199a30–32). This argument for hylomorphic teleology relies on the presentation of nature earlier in Physics II, 1. In this way, it highlights the connections between chapter one’s account of nature as matter and form and chapter eight’s defense of final causality. Grounding final causality in the principles of nature reveals its central importance for Aristotle’s view of nature. To clarify the meaning of hylomorphic teleology I contrast my interpretation of Aristotle with that of Wolfgang Wieland regarding the scope and foundation of the final cause, countering his claim that chance and universal final causality are mutually exclusive. I contend that the presentation of teleology in chapter eight supports a diverse interpretation of the final cause, one that admits chance events while not sacrificing the intrinsic ordering of matter to form.
Okazja jest sytuacją sprzyjającą organizacji w realizacji jej celów. Sytuacje pojawiające się w otoczeniu powstają na skutek zdarzeń w nim zachodzących, a to czy, dana sytuacja jest sprzyjająca bądź nie, zależy od dostępnego lub posiadanego potencjału firmy. Zdarzenia obserwowane są w ramach funkcji poszczególnych jednostek organizacyjnych. W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano, jak zmieniają się struktury organizacyjne w zakresie funkcji badań i rozwoju, zaopatrzenia, marketingu oraz funkcji finansowej, a także ich przyporządkowanie do jednostek organizacyjnych. Prześledzono również trendy zmian w strukturach organizacyjnych, które następują wraz ze zmniejszaniem się wielkości przedsiębiorstwa, oraz związek form struktur organizacyjnych z identyfikacją okazji rynkowych. Związek ten przeanalizowano w zakresie następujących typów struktur organizacyjnych: struktura liniowa, struktura funkcjonalna, struktura liniowo-funkcjonalna, struktura sztabowo-liniowa, struktura pionów scalonych, struktura dywizjonalna, struktura kolegialna, struktura ogniw łączących, struktura zadaniowa, struktura macierzowa, struktura tensorowa, struktura hybrydowa, struktura procesowa, struktura sieciowa i struktura wirtualna. Analiza zależności między formami struktur organizacyjnych a identyfikacją okazji rynkowych jest wkładem do teorii struktur organizacyjnych, która jest raczej skromnie opisana w literaturze przedmiotu.
An opportunity is a situation that is favorable for an organization in achieving its objectives. Situations that arise in the environment are created by events in the environment, and whether a situation is favorable or not depends on the available or possessed potential and resources of the company. Events are observed within the functions of individual organizational units. This paper examines how organizational structures change in the R&D, procurement, marketing, and financial functions and their assignment to organizational units. It also analyses the trends of changes in organizational structures that occur as the size of the firm decreases and the relationship of the forms of organizational structures to the identification of market opportunities. This relationship was analyzed in terms of the following types of organizational structures: linear structure, functional structure, linear-functional structure, staff-linear structure, integrated division structure, divisional structure, collegial structure, link structure, task structure, matrix structure, tensor structure, hybrid structure, process structure, network structure, and virtual structure. The relationship between the forms of organizational structures and the identification of market opportunities is a contribution to the theory of organizational structures, which is rather modestly described in the literature.
As far as the member states of the European Union are concerned, it can be said that besides the declining proportion of agricultural workers, even the number of young farmers is constantly decreasing. In the strategy of Europe 2020: The intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth, young agricultural growers are devoted a prominent role as taking the future of agriculture into consideration, this role is essential. In my research I am investigating the young smallholders of the southern region of the Great Hungarian Plain focusing on the young farmers of Homokhátság, as a significant section where there are agricultural properties of land of really poor quality. The farmers in Homokhátság dealing with fruit-and vine-growing or arable vegetable growing have tried to find the most suitable forms of agriculture. These characteristics cannot be found in other territories with poor fertility properties so Homokhátság can be considered as a good example. Having the results, I would like to find answers to questions like what motivated the young farmers to start dealing with agriculture, how they see their prospects for the future and what sorts of challenges they face in our age. According to the opinion of the young farmers, the new land law which came into force on 1st May 2014 did not have a positive influence on the chances of their getting a property of land. Due to the arable prices risen recently only farmers with more capital are able to buy properties. Cooperation is less popular among the youngsters and only some of the respondents were aware of the concept of machinery rings.
Celem pracy jest próba oceny chęci młodych rolników do współpracy i motywacji do prowadzenia produkcji rolnej na południowych terenach Wielkiej Równiny Węgierskiej w Homokhátság. Stwierdzono, że młodzi rolnicy dysponują niedużym kapitałem na zakup ziemi produkcyjnej, a barierą w rozwoju ich gospodarstw jest organiczona wiedza na temat możliwości współpracy.
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