Joining of metals with ceramics is very difficult, because properties of these materials are very different. One of the methods of improving mechanical strength of the obtained joints is the introduction of an additional interlayer to the joining area. This paper presents the Zr and Cu-rich layers in C and SiC substrates obtained using the high intensity pulsed plasma beams method. The results of Zr plasma modifications were beneficial and similar to the results obtained in previous works with Ti. The measured contact angles were below 90 centigrade. The results with Cu plasma were unfavourable with contact angles close to 180 centigrade. Apart from the sessile-drop test and to extend the range of analysis, the investigated samples were examined by stereoscopic optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS), grazing angle X-ray diffraction (GXRD), and Rutherford back scattering (RBS) measurements.
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The need for strain and stress estimation in ceramic-metal joints requires application of adequate tools that would be able to describe the joint behaviour under applied load precisely. For this purpose we have introduced the automated grating interferometry (GI) method which was used as the high resolution experimental tool to measure the displacement field in brazed Al2O3-FeNi42 joints subjected to four-point bending. The finite element method was applied to verify the results, but also to read the raw data from experimental for further analysis. The measurements and analysis have been narrawed to the C-M interface zone with 3 mm width. The results of displacement distribution from GI and FEM showed good correlation, although the quantitive agreement depends on several conditions, laying both on experimental and numerical sides which are discussed. It is expected that coupling GI with FEM could allow to establish a joint hybrid method od stress estimation by transferring measured raw data into FEM analysis.
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The paper presents the problem of ceramics metallisation using the friction method based on the mechanism of joint formation, where the energy of kinetic friction is directly transformed into heat and supplied in specified amounts directly to the joint formed between the layer and the substrate. The paper also presents friction-utilising ceramic metallisation process developed by the authors as well as shows the results of microstructural examination of metallised layers obtained.
Przedstawiono zagadnienie metalizacji ceramiki metodą tarciową opierając się na mechanizmie powstawania połączenia, w którym energia kinetyczna tarcia jest bezpośrednio zamieniana na ciepło i dostarczana w ściśle określonych porcjach do obszaru powstającego połączenia między warstwą a podłożem. Przedstawiono opracowany przez autorów proces metalizacji ceramiki przy użyciu tarcia. Zbadano i zaprezentowano wyniki badań mikrostruktury otrzymanych warstw metalizacyjnych.
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Although, the friction method is well known for metals surface modification, the novelty of the article is based on the new idea of ceramics surface treatment with metal. The paper describes AlN ceramic metallization process by titanium coating deposition, obtained in friction surfacing method, which has been developed by the authors. The friction energy is directly transformed into heat and delivered in a specified amount precisely to the joint being formed between the metallic layer and the ceramics substrate material. The stress and temperature fields (as factors promoting the formation of diffusion joints) induced in the joint during the metallization process were qualitatively determined with the finite element method analysis and these results were verified experimentally. Finally, obtained structures of the metallic coatings were investigated and the results are discussed in the paper. As a novelty it was found, that the conditions of frictional metallization can favour the formation of a coating-substrate bond based on diffusion phenomena and atomic bonds of the coating components with the components of the substrate, despite the fact that it happens for metal–ceramics pairs. This type of connection is usually associated with long-term heating/annealing in chamber furnaces, because for diffusion in a solid state the most effective factor is time and temperature. It was shown that other components of the chemical potential gradient, such as temperature gradient, gradient and stress level, load periodicity and configuration of pairs of elements with high chemical affinity may play an important role in friction metallization. As a result, the relatively short time of operation (friction) is compensated.
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W pracy przedstawiono wybrane właściwości tytanowej powłoki metalizacyjnej wytworzonej na ceramice AlN metodą tarciową opierając się na mechanizmie powstawania połączenia, w którym energia tarcia kinetycznego jest bezpośrednio zamieniana na ciepło i dostarczana w ściśle określonej ilości do obszaru powstającego połączenia między warstwą a podłożem. W artykule scharakteryzowano tytanową powłokę metalizacyjną pod względem budowy fazowej, właściwości metalograficznych, morfologii powierzchni, struktury stereoskopowej powierzchni oraz grubości.
The paper presents selected properties of titanium coating deposited onto AlN ceramic surface using friction method based on a mechanism of joint formation, where the energy of kinetic friction is directly transformed into heat and delivered in a specified amount directly to the created joint between layer and substrate material. Face structure, metallographic properties, morphology and stereoscopy structure and thickness have been investigated.
The thermal residual stresses generated during the joining process are very important in the technology of ceramic-metal joints. The distribution and magnitude of these stresses mostly depend on the differences in the thermal and mechanical properties of the components being joined, on the joining technique employed and also on the geometry of the joint. The knowledge of the effects exerted by each of these factors permits designing joints with the most advantageous distribution of stresses, so as to avoid or restrict their adverse effect on the operation of the system. In the present study, the residual stress state induced in a heat sink-laser diode system with various geometries of the heat-dissipating component was analyzed using the finite element method. The substrate was an aluminum nitride ceramic/copper joint. The variation of the stress level on a cross-section of the joint was examined and the stress concentration regions were determined. Based on the results obtained, the optimum configuration of the joint was found, such that ensured the maximum possible reduction of residual stresses.
W technologii połączeń ceramiczno - metalowych bardzo istotnym czynnikiem są termiczne naprężenia własne, generowane w trakcie procesu spajania. Na ich rozkład i wielkość największy wpływ mają różnice we właściwościach cieplnych i mechanicznych spajanych elementów, rodzaj techniki spajania, a także geometria samego układu. Znajomość oddziaływania poszczególnych czynników pozwala projektować połączenia o najkorzystniejszym rozkładzie naprężeń, tak aby uniknąć bądź ograniczyć ich niekorzystny wpływ na pracę gotowych wyrobów. W pracy wykorzystano metodę elementów skończonych do analizy stanu termicznych naprężeń własnych w układzie odbiornik ciepła - dioda laserowa dla różnych geometrii układu odprowadzającego ciepło. Jako podłoże wykorzystano połączenie ceramiki z azotku glinu z miedzią. Analizowano zmiany poziomu naprężeń na przekroju złącza oraz wyznaczono obszary ich koncentracji. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań określono optymalną konfigurację złącza z punktu widzenia termicznych naprężeń własnych.
The paper is concerned with the metallization of ceramic materials using the friction-welding method in which the mechanism of the formation of a joint involves the kinetic energy of friction. The friction energy is directly transformed into heat and delivered in a specified amount precisely to the joint being formed between the metallic layer and the substrate material. The paper describes the ceramic metallization process, which has been developed by the present authors based on the friction-welding method. The stress and temperature fields induced in the joint during the metallization process were determined using the finite element method with the aim to optimize the process parameters. The results were verified experimentally. The structures of the metallic coatings thus obtained were examined and the results are discussed in the paper.
W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienie metalizowania ceramiki z wykorzystaniem dwóch metod niskoenergetycznych (stanowiących twórczą adaptację znanych wcześniej metod do innego zastosowania), bazujących na podobnym mechanizmie powstawania połączenia, gdzie energia kinetyczna obracającego się ciała i energia kinetyczna cząstek w strumieniu natryskowym zostaje wskutek tarcia zamieniona na ciepło i dostarczona w określonej ilości, bezpośrednio do formowanego połączenia. Opisano również uwarunkowania formowania połączenia ceramika-metal w kontekście specyfiki dyfuzji w ceramice, jak i wpływu obciążeń mechanicznych na procesy dyfuzyjne w ceramice. Przedstawiono opracowane przez autora procesy metalizowania ceramiki z zastosowaniem metody detonacyjnej i tarciowej. Przeprowadzono szereg analiz numerycznych naprężeń formowanych w złączach jak i pól temperatury, ukierunkowanych na dobór parametrów procesów metalizowania, które następnie zweryfikowano doświadczalnie. Przedstawiono badania strukturalne uzyskanych powłok metalizacyjnych. Zaprezentowano opracowaną przez autora metodę pomiaru naprężeń własnych w powłokach metalizacyjnych opartą na pomiarach krzywizny wygięcia układu podłoże-powłoka. Zaprezentowano przykład zastosowania opracowanej powłoki metalizacyjnej do połączeń lutowanych ceramika-stal.
This paper presents the problem of metallization of ceramic using two low-energy methods (creative adaptation of known methods for other uses), based on a similar mechanism of joint formation, where the kinetic energy of friction and detonation wave is directly transformed into heat and delivered in a specified amount directly to the created joint. It also describes the conditions of formation of ceramic-metal joints in the context of diffusion characteristics in the ceramic and the influence of mechanical loads on diffusion processes in ceramic. Developed by the author, the two ceramic metallization processes using the detonation and friction methods have been presented. A series of numerical analyses of stresses and temperature fields formed in the joints have been conducted, aimed at the selection of metallization parameters, and experimentally verified. Structural investigations of the obtained metallized coatings have been shown. The method developed by the author for measuring residual stresses in metallized coatings based on curvature measurements of the substrate-coating system has been described. An example of application of the developed metallized coating to brazed ceramic-steel joints has been attached.
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