In the Year for Priests, it is the person of a priest that arouses the interest of theologians, sociologists and publicists. The following article aims to present the opinions of catechized youth from two randomly selected secondary schools (in Olsztyn and in Wodzisław Śląski). The data collected in diagnostic research have a preliminary diagnostic value since they only describe the tendencies related to the youth’s perception of the priest and attitudes to the tasks and function performed by the priest not only in the Church but also in teenagers’ lives. It was noted that opinions of respondents from Olsztyn and Wodzisław Śląski were fairly similar. Occasionally, different attitudes were observed but only in the case of some specific categories. The students’ answers were in line with the teachings of the Church. An influence of social opinion was also noticed. The views on religious education proved surprising. Negative opinions prevailed; many students stressed that religious education did not reflect the truth about priestly vocation. Apart from that, regardless of the school type and place of residence, the students suggested that more discussions on priesthood be introduced, alongside with organizing meetings with priests and presenting audiovisual materials depicting priests devoted to God and man. Moreover, they expected testimony of faith on the part of priests and their readiness to serve and help other people.
Katechetyka jest dziedziną teologii pastoralnej, zajmującą się naukową refleksją nad katechezą, katechizacją i chrześcijańskim wychowaniem do dojrzałej postawy wiary. Mimo że sama katecheza jest działalnością sięgającą początków chrześcijaństwa, to nie można powiedzieć tego samego o katechetyce, która ukształtowała się na przestrzeni ostatnich dwóch stuleci. Najważniejszymi czynnikami kształtującymi pojęcie i rozwój katechetyki był aktualny stan refleksji teologii pastoralnej, do której zaliczano katechetykę, sytuacja i samoświadomość Kościoła, jego potrzeby duszpasterskie oraz funkcjonująca w danym czasie mentalność. Decydującym czynnikiem kształtującym koncepcję katechetyki był rozwój pojęcia i rozumienia natury samej katechezy. Początki katechetyki, jako nauki, sięgają końca XVIII wieku. Katechetyka od momentu wyodrębnienia się jako oddzielna dyscyplina naukowa przechodziła ewolucyjne przeobrażenia, doskonaląc i poszerzając zarówno swój zakres materialny, jak i samoświadomość naukową. Można wyszczególnić cztery etapy rozwoju katechetyki: 1) katechetykę jako metodykę nauczania religii, 2) katechetykę jako dydaktykę nauki religii, 3) katechetykę jako pedagogikę religijno-moralną, 4) katechetykę jako naukę teologiczną. Dzięki nieustannemu rozwojowi i poszukiwaniom katechetycznym, których nie można uznać za zakończone, obecnie katechetyka jawi się jako wiedza wielodyscyplinarna odwołująca się do zróżnicowanych metod naukowych. Co więcej, dzisiaj wydaje się koniecznością, aby katechetyka była ukierunkowana na interdyscyplinarność, rozumianą jako próba podjęcia dialogu z innymi dyscyplinami naukowymi, w celu skuteczniejszego zrozumienia i doprowadzenia do interakcji różnych procesów poznawczych, które biorą udział w refleksji katechetycznej.
Catechetics is a field of pastoral theology, dedicated to scientific reflection on catechesis, catechization and Christian education for mature attitude of faith. Although catechesis as an activity dates back to the beginnings of Christianity, one cannot say the same about catechetics, which was built over the past two centuries. The most important factors influencing the development of the concept and Catechesis were current reflections of pastoral theology, which included catechetics, the situation and the self-awareness of the Church, its pastoral needs, and functioning at a given time of mentality. A decisive factor in shaping the perception of catechetics was the development of the concept and understanding of the nature of catechesis alone. The beginnings of catechetics as a science date back to the late eighteenth century. Catechetics from the moment of extraction as a separate scientific discipline underwent an evolutionary transformation, improving and expanding both its range of material and scientific self-consciousness. We can specify four stages of development of Catechetics 1) Catechetics as methodology of religious teaching, 2) Catechetics as didactics of religious education, 3) Catechetics as religiously-moral pedagogy, 4) Catechetics as a science of theology. Thanks to the continuous development and the search of catechetics, which cannot be considered complete, currently, catechetics appears as a multidisciplinary science referring to a variety of scientific methods. Moreover, today it seems necessary for catechetics to be focused on interdisciplinarity, understood as an attempt to engage in dialogue with other disciplines, in order to better understand and bring together the interaction of various cognitive processes, which are involved in catechetical reflection.
La catechetica in quanto una delle discipline di teologia pastorale è una riflessione sulla catechesi, sul processo di catechizzazione nonché sulla formazione alla maturità nella fede. È stata soggetto di varie mutazioni fin da quando è emersa come un settore autonomo della scienza. È possibile, infatti, individuare le 4 tappe dello sviluppo della catechetica: 1) la catechesi come metodica dell’insegnamento della religione, 2) la catechetica come didattica dell’insegnamento della religione, 3) la catechetica come pedagogia di tipo religioso-morale, 4) la catechetica come scienza nell’ambito teologico. Adesso la catechetica è considerata come una scienza multidisciplinare riferendosi ai diversi metodi scientifici. Al duplice scopo di comprendere sempre meglio vari procedimenti conosciutivi che fanno parte della riflessione catechistica e quello di far interazione fra di essi, sembra che sia necessario ul dialogo della catechetica con altri saperi.
Catechetics is the field of practical theology, it means that in addition to scientific reflection on the issue of transmission of the faith provides for the analysis of empirical data, through which he sees better potential for more effective proclamation of the good news. In this paper an attempt has been made to the presentation of such studies auditorium example, anonymous questionnaire. Author conducted a study in four schools over seven hundred pupils small and large cities. The aim of the study was to identify - from the recipient - relevant to adolescence risks faced by teenagers on the threshold of adult life and attempt to interpret the results for the analysis of catechesis. The conclusions reached by the show that this type of study provides the knowledge necessary to create by theologians modern education and educational projects, while paying attention to issues not present in the previous reflection. Empirical studies in catechetics are therefore an important support, both from the point of view catecheticians and recipients ministry of the word.
Catechesi è una delle discipline di teologia pratica, vale a dire che, oltre alla riflessione scientifica sul tema della trasmissione della fede, prevede l’analisi dei dati empirici. L’autore ha tentato questo tipo di ricerca tramite un sondaggio anonimo condotto in quattro scuole. Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di individuare - da parte del destinatario - essenziali per l’adolescenza minacce incontrate da giovani sulla soglia della vita adulta e tentare di interpretare i risultati per l’analisi di catechetica. Le conclusioni attirate dall’autore dimostrano che questo tipo di studio fornisce le conoscenze necessarie per creare dagli scienziati moderni progetti educativi e d’istruzione, facendo attenzione alle questioni fin ad ora assenti nella catechesi. Gli studi empirici in catechetica costituiscono quindi un aiuto importante sia dal punto di vista degli scienziati che da quello di destinatari ministero della parola.
Nauczanie i sakramenty (katecheza i liturgia) to uprzywilejowane sposoby komunikacji Boga z człowiekiem, które od początku były ze sobą ściśle powiązane. Katechetyka i liturgika należą do kręgu dyscyplin teologii praktycznej, które zgodnie z własnymi celami i metodologią reflektują nad nauczaniem oraz sprawowaniem kultu. Istnieje przy tym wiele podobieństw między nimi. Obie te dyscypliny poprzez refleksję pastoralną troszczą się o rozwój wiary w konkretnym człowieku. Pomimo naturalnych powiązań nie zawsze w historii istniała między nimi właściwa kooperacja. Dopiero za sprawą J. A. Jungmanna oraz reform Soboru Watykańskiego II nastąpiło ponownie zbliżenie tych dwóch dziedzin. Do tej pory na katechezie uczyniono wiele, aby współczesny katolik mógł owocnie i świadomie uczestniczyć w liturgii. Najważniejszymi płaszczyznami współpracy katechetyki z liturgiką są: przekaz treści liturgicznej, wprowadzanie metod liturgicznych, katecheza inicjacyjna, katechetyczny wymiar liturgii, formacja liturgiczna grup parafialnych. Nadal jednak należy troszczyć się o formację liturgiczną katechetów i formację katechetyczną duszpasterzy, aby wzajemnie zbliżać obie te dziedziny praktyki kościelnej.
Teaching and sacraments (the catechesis and the liturgy), as privileged ways of God’s communication with the man, have been closely connected with each other from the beginning. Catechetics and liturgics belong to a range of practical theology disciplines which, according to their own goals and methodology, are interested in teaching and the performance of worship. There are many similarities between them. Both disciplines (through pastoral reflection) care about the development of the faith in the man. In spite of natural connections, the real cooperation between them has not always existed. Thanks to Jungmann and the reforms of the Second Vatican Council these two disciplines were brought closer again. So far, on catechesis, a lot of has been done to enable the contemporary Catholic to participate fruitfully and consciously in the liturgy. The most important areas of the cooperation between catechetics and liturgics are: the delivery of liturgical contents, the introduction of liturgical methods, the initiation catechesis, the catechetical dimension of liturgy, the liturgical formation of the parish groups. Still however, one should care about the liturgical formation of catechists and the catechetical education of priests, in order to integrate both fields.
Insegnamento e sacramenti (catechesi e liturgia) è un mezzo privilegiato di comunicazione tra Dio e l’uomo, che sin dall'inizio sono strettamente collegati. Catechesi e Liturgia appartengono alle discipline di teologia pratica, che, in conformità con i propri obiettivi e metodi riflettono sull’insegnamento e sull’esercizio del culto. Ci sono le molte somiglianze tra di loro. Nonostante i legami naturali non è sempre esistita nella storia tra loro una cooperazione corretta. È stato solo J.A. Jungmann e le riforme del Concilio Vaticano II alla grazie delle quali queste aree si sono di nuovo avvicinate. Le più importanti aree di cooperazione fra catechesi e la liturgia sono: comunicare il contenuto della liturgia, l’introduzione di metodi liturgici, catechesi dell’iniziazione, dimensioni catechetici della liturgia, formazione dei gruppi liturgici parrocchiali. Eppure, si dev’essere preoccupato per la formazione liturgica dei catechisti e per la formazione catechetica dei sacerdoti, per avvicinare reciprocamente queste due aree di pratica ecclesiale.
Das grundsätzliche Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht in der Erinnerung an die Gedanken zur Katechetik in den Schriften des Dieners Gottes Franciszek Blachnicki (1921-1987). Diesen besonderen Gegenstand der Pastoraltheologie hat er integral mit der Erarbeitung des Formalprinzips der Pastoraltheologie verbunden. Wenn wir dies nicht tun, kann von Katechetik, Katechese oder katechetischer Wortverkündigung nicht die Rede sein. Man kann dann höchstens von Religionspädagogik, Religionslehre, Methodik und Didaktik des Religionsunterrichts sprechen. Als besondere Disziplin der Pastoraltheologie erlangte die Katechetik in der ekklesiologischen Strömung dieser Disziplin den ihr gebührenden Platz und wurde zur Lehre vom kirchlichen Katechumenat als einer Funktion der Kirche, die deren Verwirklichung in den Katechumenen anstrebte. Als besonders wichtig für dieses ihr Verständnis und ihre praktische Reali-sierung erwies sich die Herausgabe des liturgischen Buches Ordo initiationis christianae adultorum. Auf der Grundlage der dort enthaltenen Suggestionen erarbeitete Pater Franciszek Bla-chnicki, der Gründer und Schöpfer der unter dem Namen Ruch Światło-Życie (Licht und Leben) bekannt gewordenen ekklesialen Bewegung das Programm einer deuterokatechumenalen Formation, welches einen Versuch darstellt, der Krise entgegenzuwirken, in welcher sich die Pasto-raltheologie und der Heilsdienst der Kirche in Polen befindet. Dieses Wirken hat sich in seiner doktrinalen und formativen Struktur so ausgedehnt, dass dieser Diener Gottes eine Idee vor-stellte, die er jedoch nicht herausgearbeitet hat, welche den Rang besitzt, neue Grundlagen des Prinzips der Seelsorge zu schaffen, aus dem die grundlegenden Lebens- und Entwicklungsgesetze der Gemeinschaft der Christen abgelesen und übernommen werden müssten. Es handelt sich um das Postulat, ein neues Prinzip einer katechumenalen Pastoraltheologie und der daraus resultierenden Seelsorge zu erarbeiten. Das ist ein Problem, auf das der Autor dieser Abhandlung den Kreis der polnischen Pastoralisten, Homiletiker, Katechetiker, Liturgisten und sozialen Pastoralheologen aufmerksam machen will.
The point of the elaboration is to remind a reflection on catechetics in publications of Franciszek Blachnicki (1921-1987). He integrally involved proper conception of catechetics with the formal principles of pastoral theology. Without that connection it is impossible to provide catechesis and catechetical preaching the Word. Because it is very specific: otherwise we can only tell at most about pedagogy of religion, didactics and methodology. Catechesis as detailed pastoral theology discipline gained in the mainstream of the ecclesiology its rightful place, becoming the science of the Church catechumenate as a function of the Church aimed at the accomplishment of the Christians. A particularly important for such her understanding and practical implementation turned out to issue liturgical book Ordo Initiationis christianae Adultorum. On the basis of the suggestions contained therein Franciszek Blachnicki, the founder and creator of the Light-Life Movement, has developed a program of deuterocatechumenal program, which is one of the attempts to counteract the crisis in which finds itself pastoral theology in Poland. This action in its structure and doctrinal formation has grown so that Blachnicki presented the new idea – but it has not developed – that rises to the rank of creating a new base of principles of pastoral care, which should be read and take over the basic rights of survival and development of Christian community. It's about developing a place for principles of new pastoral theology, catechumenal theology, and the pastoral care. It is a problem that the author of that report gives into consideration for the community of Polish pastoral theology, ecclesiology, and catechetics, homiletics and liturgists.
Rammentare la riflessione sulla catechesi del Servo di Dio Padre Franciszek Blachnicki è l’obiettivo principale di quest’articolo. La catechetica come una delle discipline di teologia pastorale ha ottenuto nell’ambito di ecclesiologia pastorale il suo giusto posto, diventando la scienza su catecumenato ecclesiastico in quanto funzione della Chiesa perseguita realizzazione della Chiesa in catecumeni. Per tale comprensione ed applicazione pratica ha un particolare rilevante emissione di un libro liturgico Ordo ini¬¬tia¬tionis christianae adultorum. Sulla base dei suggerimenti ivi contenuti padre Blachnicki, fondatore e creatore del movimento ecclesiale chiamato Movimento Luce-Vita, ha sviluppato un programma di formazione deutero-catecumenale, il quale è uno dei tentativi per contrastare la crisi, in cui è la teologia pastorale e la missione salvifica della Chiesa in Polonia.
W polskiej literaturze katechetycznej końca XX i początku XXI wieku uwidacznia się zwrot ku dydaktyce. Katechetycy, odwołując się do zasady wierności Bogu i człowiekowi, analizują kwestie dotyczące realizacji nauczania religii w szkole i katechezy parafialnej. Prezentowany tekst stanowi głos w dyskusji toczącej się wokół miejsca dydaktyki w katechetyce. Nie pretenduje do formułowania ostatecznych rozwiązań. Ma raczej formę szkicu, sygnalizującego problematykę. Najpierw dokonano wyjaśnienia centralnych kategorii badawczych. Zwrócono przy tym uwagę na rozumienie terminów: „dydaktyka dla” i „katechetyka”. Przywołano też badania katechetyków, którzy od dawna zajmują się dydaktyką katechezy (np. W. Kubika, J. Szpeta, S. Kulpaczyńskiego). Następnie opisano status dydaktyki w katechetyce. Zwrócono uwagę na służebną i pomocniczą rolę dydaktyki w katechetyce. Opisano przy tym cztery funkcje (deskryptywno-diagnostyczną, eksplanacyjną predykcyjno-prospektywna i praktyczną), jakie spełnia dydaktyka w katechetyce. W końcowej części podjętych analiz zwrócono uwagę na sposoby zastosowania osiągnięć współczesnej dydaktyki w katechetyce i na kwestie otwarte, wymagające w przyszłości dyskusji oraz weryfikacji empirycznej.
In the Polish catechetical literature of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century there reveals a turn towards teaching. Religious educators, referring to the principle of fidelity to God and to man analyze issues related to the implementation of religious education in the schools and catechesis in parishes. The presented text is a voice in the ongoing debate about the place of teaching in catechetics. It does not pretend to formulate definitive solutions. It has a form of a sketch rather, signalling problems. First was to clarify the central category of research. Attention was paid to the understanding of the terms "teaching for" and "catechetics". Religious educators' studies were cited, who have long been involved in teaching catechism (eg W. Kubik, J. Szpet, S. Kulpaczyński). Then there was described the status of teaching in catechetics. Attention was drawn to the servant and supporting role of teaching in catechetics. There were described four functions (descriptive-diagnostic, explanatory, predictive-prospective and practical ones) that the teaching meets in catechetics. In the final part of the analyses undertaken there were highlighted the ways of using the achievements of modern teaching in catechetics and also the open issues requiring future discussions and empirical verification.
Letteratura polacca riguardo catechetica della fine del XX e dell’inizio del XXI secolo rivela una svolta verso la didattica. Gli scienziati, riferendosi al principio di fedeltà a Dio e all’uomo, analizzano le questioni relative all’attuazione dell’insegnamento della religione nelle scuole e catechesi parrocchiali. L’articolo è una voce nel dibattito in corso attorno a luogo di didattica in catechetica. In primo luogo, è stata data una spiegazione delle principali categorie della ricerca, notando la comprensione dei termini “didattica per” e “catechetica”. Si citano anche dei ricercatori che sono da tempo impegnati nella didattica della catechesi, poi si descrive lo status di didattica in catechetica. È discusso il ruolo subalterno e di sostegno di didattica in catechetica, descrivendo le funzioni della didattica in catechetica. In conclusione, l’attenzione è stata attirata da modi di utilizzare i risultati della didattica moderna in catechetica e le questioni aperte che richiedono discussioni future e verifica empirica.
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