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XXI Century requires new approach to mutual relations of civilizations, if we wish to avoid the fate predicted by Samuel Huntington. We have to study carefully and without prejudice our respective achievements and see whether we can run better each our own civilization. One such case is Europe and India or better the whole of South Asia. An oxymoron definition of their mutual relationship is suggested. They are “twins-unlike” civilizations, being similar on many counts but dissimilar as their ‘personalities’ go. The most fascinating confrontation in their respect is provided by comparison of two social entities: the European ‘nation’ and the India ‘caste’ as well as umma and qaum. The conclusion of this comparison is strikingly political. European Union could solve its problems with supra-national integration if Europeans remodel their sense of mega-tribal identity putting more stress on competence of their respective nations as the main national identity factor while the peoples of South Asia could solve the problem of painful division of the Subcontinent by bestowing paraphernalia of sovereignty upon the constituent parts of both India and Pakistan.
Content available Rola emocji w tworzeniu przynależności etnicznej
The article points to the significance of emotion and nostalgia for the place of origin, which is passed on from generation to generation, in reinterpreting group identity within caste-based communities of the Konkani-speaking people in Kochi, South India. Konkanis came to Kochi from Goa in the sixteenth century. When they settled in Kochi, they established traditional communities localised around their temples. Nowadays, through formal and intentional actions of activists belonging to the Konkanis, the concept of their own identity has changed from understanding it on a local level - as a community of people they know from direct, everyday interactions to seeing it as an imagined community of people associated with Goa and speaking the Konkani language. On the one hand, these actions are based on an imaginary past and an alleged connection with the place which they came from five hundred years ago; on the other hand, they constitute an attempt to regain respect and social status among the local Malayalees, with whom Konkanis never fully assimilated. Emotions associated with the past are re-evoked, re-lived and internalized. They have a double function. Firstly, they serve as a strategy for achieving certain political objectives, that is, having the Konkani speaking people recognized as significant political actors. Secondly, they help determine what is important for the community. Understanding the nature of these intergroup relations as well as identity issues turns out to be possible by drawing on the emotional landscape in the field of research.
The present paper is based on fieldwork in Pushkar (Rajasthan) with the Kalbelia caste: traditionally associated with snake charming, it has recently been turning its own musical and dance heritage into a distinguishing feature of Rājasthānī folklore. This paper, through the description of the ethnohistory of Kalbelia dance leads to some considerations concerning the social status of female professional dancers in modern Indian society. The present social status of female professional dancers will be here described as an outcome of the past British colonial presence in India. The analysis will prove how the colonial past continues to haunt the Indian social and cultural present. Besides, through this case study, it will be argued that caste is not the unchanging, historically frozen structure as ethnographic imagination has largely presented it. On the contrary, caste will be considered to be the product of a dynamic balance ruled by economic, ideological and cultural requests.
By reference to a multi-caste and tribal village in southern Rajasthan the paper examines the degree to which caste and tribal membership impacts on different aspects of migration, e.g. commencement, form, destination, duration, and types of work undertaken. Using a livelihoods approach, supplemented by other perspectives and concentrating on four migration streams (three domestic, one international), data collected over a period of nearly thirty-five years indicates that patterns of migration are far from random. It is argued that the use of official stratification categories in migration surveys can obscure important differences within caste groupings. Short-term circular migration, underestimated in national surveys, is shown to be substantial, especially for the tribal migrants in the village. While position in the social structure differentially affects aspects of migration across the village hierarchy, examples are given of individual migrant agency overcoming structural constraints.
History of the discourse goes back to the national movement for India’s Independence. Both Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, though differed in their perceptions about future of India, they contributed immensely for modernization of India. Gandhi was for preservation of India’s diverse cultural values and traditions with resilience, and Nehru was for a India which was free of barriers of caste, region, religion, etc. However, a large number of studies indicated that Indian tradition did not blur the path of progress which India had set up for itself in the Constitution, Five Year Plans and other such means for a new India. Resilience has been a strong hallmark of the dynamics of Indian society. Both categorical and instrumental values have coexisted in the long history of Indian society and civilization. During the course of India’s modernization, perspectives such as structural-functionalism and historical materialism have been critically viewed in terms of their relevance for knowing India’s ground reality. Today, it is realized that there is no uniform pattern of modernization, rather the idea of “multiple modernities” has gained currency in contemporary India. Structural transformation of Indian society on the one hand, and changes in culture, values and norms on the other, signify a semblance of modernization in India. In domains like economy, politics, education, and media, it is not difficult to work out different phases of change and development. One can see correspondence in different phases relating to these basic structural and cultural domains. The issues of growth, development, weaker sections, human rights, social justice and distributive shares have attracted attention of scholars and concerned people and organizations, including the civil society. Contradictions at the cognitive as well as substantive levels are integral to the process of modernization. The question of cultural identity has surfaced prominently even in the face of considerable growth, development and education.
Celem opracowania, mającego charakter naukowo-badawczy, jest przedstawienie wizerunku środowiska prawniczego w Polsce. Jest to studium przypadku opierające się na konkretnym przekazie telewizyjnym w postaci serialu paradokumentalnego polskiej telewizji publicznej pt. Kasta. Wizerunek ten ma istotne znaczenie dla właściwego ułożenia relacji społecznych. Waga podjętej problematyki i sposób jej przedstawienia zasługują na bliższą analizę, tym bardziej że od lat w badaniach opinii publicznej dotyczących prestiżu zawodów prawnicy nie zajmują wysokich pozycji. Jako materiał badawczy wykorzystano paradokument, uznając, że mieści się w szeroko pojętym pojęciu dokumentu i stanowi jednocześnie pewną nowość. Dla celów opracowania dokonano doboru próby badawczej. W rezultacie przeprowadzonych badań wykazano, że zaprezentowany w paradokumencie wizerunek środowiska prawniczego w Polsce jest niekorzystny. W wyniku różnego rodzaju układów zapadają krzywdzące, dotkliwe dla ofiar układu orzeczenia, za które winą obarczane jest środowisko prawnicze, a przede wszystkim sędziowie. Wyjątki zdarzają się bardzo rzadko, a jedyną nadzieją są młodzi, pełni ideałów adwokaci, stanowiący wzór dla wizerunku prawnika. Serial Kasta, operując nieuprawnionymi uproszczeniami i stereotypami, wpisał się w ciąg działań mających na celu zdyskredytowanie środowiska prawniczego w Polsce i nie poprawił jego wizerunku. Nie zachowano odpowiedniej proporcji między faktami a fikcją, co posłużyło wykazaniu z góry postawionej tezy o skażeniu polskiej rzeczywistości przez prawników, zwłaszcza przez sędziów. Podkreślone zostały te problemy wymiaru sprawiedliwości, które pomogły udowodnić tezę o konieczności jego reformy, szczególnie korupcja. Nie wykorzystano też możliwości edukacyjnych tkwiących w tej formie przekazu, stąd nie został podniesiony poziom świadomości prawnej polskiego społeczeństwa. Można postawić hipotezę, że przedstawiony obraz pochodzący z medium stanowiącego główne źródło informacji i mającego największy zasięg sygnału mógł mieć wpływ na kształtowanie opinii o prawnikach w polskim społeczeństwie. Serial spotkał się ze społeczną reakcją, która jednak zasługuje na odrębne badania.
The aim of the study, which is of a scientific and research nature, is to present the mass media image of the community of legal professionals in Poland. It is a case study based on a specific television coverage in the form of a pseudo-documentary series titled Caste (Pol. Kasta) broadcast by Polish public television. This image is important for the correct organisation of social relations. The significance of the issue and the way it is presented deserve a closer insight, especially since lawyers have not been in high positions in public opinion polls on the prestige of professions for years. The pseudo-documentary was chosen as the research material for the study, because it falls within the broader concept of a documentary while being a certain novelty. For the purpose of the study, a test sample was selected. As a result of the research, it has been shown that the picture of the community of legal professionals presented in pseudo-documentary TV shows in Poland is negative. The usual plot of such shows is that as a result of various kinds of informal deals, unfair decisions are made which are harmful for the victims of the deal, for which the entirety of legal community is blamed, including primarily judges. Exceptions are very rare, and the only hope are young, idealist advocates who are presented as lawyer role models. The TV show Caste, operating unfair simplifications and stereotypes, was part of a series of actions aimed at discrediting the legal community in Poland and did not improve its image. The balance between facts and fiction has been disturbed, which served to support a presupposition that Polish realities are flawed due to the conduct of legal professionals, especially judges. Only those problems in the judiciary have been emphasised, which have helped to prove the need for reform, particularly corruption. Educational opportunities typical of this form of communication were not used, hence the level of legal awareness of Polish society was not raised. It can be hypothesized that the presented image from a medium that constitutes the main source of information and has the largest audience, could have affected the opinion about legal practitioners in Polish society. The TV series met a response from the public, which however requires a separate study.
Content available Małżeństwo i rodzina w hinduizmie
Nurt SVD
nr 2
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przeanalizowanie tematyki związanej z małżeństwem i rodziną w hinduizmie. Hinduskie małżeństwo postrzegane jest jako indywidualny i intymny związek dwóch osób, przy jednoczesnym wyraźnym podkreśleniu jego istotnego znaczenia dla całej społeczności – od harmonii tego związku zależą losy całej kasty. Mimo istotnego znaczenia małżeństwa w tradycji hinduskiej, w społeczeństwie tym nadal funkcjonują niewłaściwe zachowania. Uwidaczniają się one zwłaszcza na etapie zaręczyn i związanych z nimi negocjacjami w sprawie „wysokości” posagu. Innym, ciągle jeszcze obecnym w społeczności rytuałem, pozostaje ceremonia sati. Mimo sprzeciwu władz oraz organizacji humanitarnych, kobieta często wybiera spalenie na stosie wraz ze zwłokami męża, aniżeli żyć w pogardzie, jako wdowa. Oprócz małżonków, w rodzinie istotne miejsce zajmują dzieci będące gwarancją ciągłości rodu oraz gwarantem permanencji sprawowania obrzędów religijnych ku czci zmarłych przodków.
The present article aims to analyse the issues related to marriage and family in Hinduism. A Hindu marriage is viewed as an individual and intimate union of two persons, while clearly emphasizing its importance for the entire community – the fate of the entire caste depends on the harmony of this relationship. Despite the importance of marriage in the Hindu tradition, in this society inappropriate behaviours are still continued. In particular, they show up at the stage of engagement and the related negotiations on the “height” dowry. Another ritual, still present in the community is sati ceremony. Despite the opposition of the authorities and humanitarian organisations, a woman often chooses to be burned at the stake, along with the remains of her husband, rather than live in contempt, as a widow. Except for the spouses, children occupy an important place in a family being a guarantee of the family’s continuity as well as the guarantee of permanent exercise of religious rites in veneration of dead ancestors.
Content available Intersekcjonalność płci i kasty w Indiach
The current paper deals with the concept of intersectionality,* with specific emphasis on interconnectedness of gender and caste discrimination in Indian society. While globalization brought along with it development and prosperity, it also increased the gap between the rich and the poor. Gender and caste inequalities have been deeply rooted in Indian culture and the sudden surge of prosperity leads to power politics by some oligarchs, depriving basic human rights for individuals from the minorities. Women with multiple identities** are still not represented and their opinions not voiced in parliament. There is not much research on the effect of the convergence of multiple identities on the life of individuals, and this paper is an attempt to address this gap in literature. To address the needs of the downtrodden in India, we explore the intersectionality of gender and caste using a lens of cultural conflict as a means to identify the systems, structures, and experiences that can be ameliorated through HRD intervention.
W artykule przedstawiono ideę intersekcjonalności (intersectionality)*, zwracając szczególną uwagę na współzależność dyskryminacji ze względu na płeć i pochodzenie (kastę), występujących w społeczeństwie indyjskim. Choć globalizacja przyniosła rozwój i dobrobyt, to zwiększyła także przepaść pomiędzy bogatymi a biednymi. Nierówności wynikające z płci i kasty są głęboko zakorzenione w kulturze Indii, a nagła fala dobrobytu sprawiła, że niektórzy oligarchowie zaczęli stosować politykę siły, pozbawiając przedstawicieli różnych mniejszości podstawowych praw człowieka. Kobiety o wielowymiarowej tożsamości (multiple identity)** nadal nie są reprezentowane w parlamencie, a ich opinie nie są brane pod uwagę. Nie ma wielu badań na temat wpływu konwergencji cech dyskryminujących na życie danej osoby. Aby zająć się potrzebami osób uciśnionych w Indiach, badamy zagadnienie intersekcjonalności płci i kasty przez pryzmat konfliktu kulturowego. Chcemy w ten sposób określić, które systemy, struktury i doświadczenia można poprawić dzięki zastosowaniu idei rozwoju zasobów ludzkich (Human Resource Development – HRD)
The article discusses an Indian film adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream entitled 10ml Love (dir. Sharat Katariya, 2012). There is little scholarship on 10ml Love, which has been studied mainly as an independent film in Hinglish that depicts the lives of the cosmopolitan youth in urban India. Drawing upon recent readings of the play that identify elements of racism and whiteness as well as an analysis from an Orientalist lens that sees India as a gendered utopia, I suggest that the film adaptation highlights not racial/white supremacy but caste supremacy; furthermore, it indulges not in Orientalist tropes but tropes of indigenous Otherness based on religion, gender, caste, and class. I argue that this film presents two opposing political utopias-a right-wing utopia that stands for the maintenance of traditional values and a left-wing utopia that attempts to challenge, question, and subvert the conservative order. However, 10ml Love seems to endorse neither of the two utopias wholly; its reality appears to lie between the two utopias, a reality that is marked by stereotypes of Otherness. This paper analyses the audio-visual depiction of the tension between the utopias at both the ends of the political spectrum, as well as the realities of Otherness created by the presence of various social locations and identities in Indian society.
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