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tom 53
nr 1
The present paper should be regarded as a direct continuation of the article Does the Genitive Operate in the Hungarian Case System? I. The é-Genitive. The core of the adopted approach represents the standpoint that present-day Hungarian cannot be conceived as a language exempt from any case syncretism. The possibility of distinguishing different case categories relevant for this language by referring only to the form of their markers (endings) is illusory. What is more, it creates a space where some phenomena remain imperceptible. The postulated attributive genitive category can be distinguished not only on the basis of its syntactic properties. The manifestations of this case also differ substantially from the manifestations of other recognized cases. It is difficult to regard the attributive genitive in Hungarian as syncretic with nominative or dative in the sense known in general linguistics, because the appropriate markers turn out to be insufficient in semifying (marking grammatically) the required meaning. They must be complemented by other markers attached to the head of the attributive syntagm (a diák/Ø könyv/e, a diák/nak a könyv/e ‘the student's book’). The properties of the distribution of the Hungarian attributive genitive with its two main manifestations (the endingless one: a diák könyve, and with ending: a diáknak a könyve) can be regarded as a contribution to the general theory of syntax; the genitive attributes of different grades are marked there substantially (a diák/Ø (III) könyv/e (II) cím/é/nek (I) a fordítás/a ‘the translation of the title (I) of the book (II) of the student (III)’) and not only by their linear order as in many Indo-European and Finno-Ugric languages. When the word fulfilling the attributive function belongs to the category of personal pronoun, concord can be identified between it and its head in person and number (az én könyv/em ‘my book, the book of mine’). The factual elision of personal pronouns resulting from their redundancy in this context gives no grounds to state that morphemes like -em in a könyv/em do not fulfil any syntagmatic function. Such an utterance constitutes a discrepancy with the analogous behaviour of personal pronouns in relation to finite verbal forms (olvas/ok ‘I read’ → olvas/ok ‘(I) read’) where no-one speaks of the irrelevancy of the personal endings in reference to their syntagmatic function. The necessity of distinguishing of socalled "marks" (here "possessor marks") is being questioned here; those morphemes are not deprived of fulfilling the syntagmatic function ascribed traditionally to the case endings in the case of nominal flexion. They are regarded here as parts of the discontinuative (genitive) case markers. The specific features of the Hungarian genitive include its sharp division into two subcategories: (i) the é-genitive and (ii) the Ø-/nak-/nek-genitive. Their complementary distribution, together with other discussed properties, additionally corroborates the relevance of distinguishing for them a common upper morphosyntactic category called the genitive case. And finally, Hungarian turns out to be a language where the accumulation of multiple case meanings, all being manifested substantially within the boundaries of one word, can be attested (a diák/om/é/é/t ‘the one of the one of my student’).
This article is about formal (mathematical) version of chain supply from car factory to local dealers. The first step was a scheme this process, called model and trying to write formal definitions every points and relations between them. This article is an adaptation formal language in specific market of cars distribution.
Content available remote The Dirichlet problem for biharmonic equation in case the half plane
tom Vol. 32, nr 1
Using the representations of the solution of Dirichlet problem for the half plane, the basic biharmonic problem (BP) is solved. Applying the half plane theorem on Almansi type representation of the solution is given by direct or analytical methods. New formulas are proved and for special cases some applications are presented.
Content available remote Does the Genitive Operate in the Hungarian Case System?: I. Theé-Genitive
tom 52
nr 2
After three centuries of discussion concerning the genitive case in Hungarian, the authors of the latest academic grammars - in contrast to many of their predecessors - no longer distinguish this casal category. Different cases in Hungarian should, according to them, be distinguished only on the basis of their forms (endings). Such an extreme unilateral approach to this category seems to have simplified at first sight the description of the Hungarian language, erasing from it any case syncretism. From the point of the view defended in the present paper, however, talking about linguistic entities without taking into account their meaning is illusory; even in the case of meaningless speech segments such as phonemes it is the meaning of the segments in which they occur that constitutes the ultimate instance allowing them to be distinguished at all. The same applies to case. The moderate approach to the category of case adopted here, taking simultaneously into account its (i) morphological, (ii) semantic and (iii) syntactic properties, leads irrevocably to the restoration of the genitive in the description of the Hungarian language. As a specific feature of this language one should consider the sharp distinction between two subclasses of the genitive case: (i) the non-attributive (é-genitive) and (ii) the attributive genitive (Ø-/nak-/nek-genitive). Only the first of these (the é-genitive) will be discussed in detail. The second (the Ø-/nak-/nek-genitive) will be the subject of a continuation of the present paper. Recognition of the é-genitive seems to have been blocked by those of its properties which seem to be quite incongruous with those of other Hungarian cases. It is claimed, for example, that the marker -é - unlike the markers of other cases - seems not to express any syntagmatic function. This function is expressed by the case marker attached after the morpheme -é (A diákét (láttam) '(I saw) The student's one'). In the view of the author, however, the lack of syntagmatic function in the case of the morpheme -é is not so obvious. On the other hand, such "discrediting" properties for a case marker candidate, as the property of not occupying the final morphotactical position (diákét), can be viewed as entirely irrelevant for the category of case. The adopted approach seems to make possible a description of this fragment of the Hungarian case system from a more homogenous perspective, showing the interplay of different casal meanings within the boundaries of one word.
tom 50
In this paper the Old Lithuanian local cases of secondary origin (namely the inessive, the adessive, the illative and the allative) are compared with the Etruscan locative constructions derived from the locative or the different cases by means of some postpositions. The similarity of both the derivational features and the grammatical functions allows to give the exact definitions for the Etruscan constructions in question, which may be treated alternatively as the “secondary local cases”: the inessive (in -θi), the illative (in -te, tei, -ti), the destinative (in -ri), the allative (in -pi) and the adessive (in -tra). The suggested names of these cases are taken from the terminology used in Ugro-Fennic linguistics.
The ending -ów for nouns in genitive plural was initially typical only for a few words belonging to the second declination type in the Old Slavic language. This ending does not have any other function in the declension system which is why this expansive ending started to connect with other masculine forms ended in a hard consonant and also some of them ended in a soft or harden sound. The ending -ów was not confined only to the masculine gender; some feminine and neuter forms started appearing with the genitive plural form with the ending -ów from the masculine paradigm. This process was particularly strong in XVIIIth and XIXth century. In thie paper, besides the description of this process, the discussion about this problem in XIXth century grammar books of Polish language is also presented.
Wyrazista i ekspansywna końcówka dopełniacza liczby mnogiej -ów jeszcze w dobie przedpiśmiennej wykroczyła poza swój pierwotny zakres, obejmując nie tylko wszystkie rzeczowniki męskie twardo-, ale też część miękkotematowych. Jej zastosowanie nie ograniczyło się jedynie do rzeczowników męskich. Artykuł dotyczy przejmowania przez formy dopełniacza liczby mnogiej rzeczowników żeńskich i nijakich wyrazistej końcówki -ów z męskiego paradygmatu. Proces ten szczególnie nasilił się w uzusie w XVIII i XIX wieku. Badając charakter, natężenie i zakres zmiany fleksyjnej, zastosowano opracowaną przez Bajerową metodę strukturalną polegającą na badaniu przekrojów synchronicznych, często wykorzystywaną w badaniach historycznojęzykowych. Materiał wyekscerpowany z reprezentatywnego kanonu źródeł pozwolił na opis zjawiska, określenie jego natężenia i charakteru. W artykule została również przedstawiona normatywistyczna dyskusja autorów XIX-wiecznych gramatyk języka polskiego dotycząca rozszerzania się -ów na inne rodzaje.
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest próba porównania dwóch postępowań, tj. postępowania o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa (w prawie kanonicznym) oraz postępowania o rozwód (w prawie polskim), a w szczególności wskazania podobieństw i różnic powoływanych przez strony dowodów. Niewątpliwie na gruncie prawa kanonicznego powołane dowody służą innemu celowi, niż w prawie polskim. O ile dowody powołane w procesie o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa prawie zawsze mogłyby powołane zostać w procesie o rozwód, o tyle niekoniecznie będzie tak w sytuacji odwrotnej. Powyższe opracowanie ma na celu bliższe poznanie obu systemów prawnych.
The main purpose of the following study is attempt to compare of two proceedings i.e. the proceedings for declaration the invalidity of the marriage (in canon law) and divorce proceedings (in Polish law), in particular to point out similarities and differences of evidence which refer by the parties in both proceedings. Undoubtedly on the basis of the canon law evidence serve different purpose than on the basis of the Polish law. While established evidence in the proceedings for declaration the invalidity of the marriage could be almost always establish in divorce proceedings, there is not necessarily be in the opposite situation. The following study is aimed at closer inspection of both legal systems.
Between1984 and 2000, 62 marriages were concluded between Catholics and Muslims in the area of the Lublin Archdiocese. Prior to the act, the nuptrients met a Catholic pastor who would point to difficulties of such marriage. If they persisted in their resolution, the priest did pre-marital research to determine any other obstacles. Then he dealt with formalities connected with a dispensation required for a difference of religion. He attached a statement and pledge by the Catholic party of his or her readiness to withstand the risk of losing faith, to observe religious duties, and that their offspring would be baptised and raised in the Catholic Church. Attached also was a declaration of the non-Catholic party that he or she had been informed of the pledge of the Catholic party. The nuptrients would sign these pledges and declarations, but later on it frequently turned out that the non-Catholic party did not attach any significance to them, or even would not respect them – a fact easily ascertained by reading the files of cases for the nullity of marriage. In the discussed period, four such marriages were appealed to the Lublin Metropolitan Tribunal on the grounds of religion since the Muslim party impeded the Catholic party in the practice of religious duties. The greatest problem, however, was the fact Muslims deny the unity and indissolubility of wedlock, since they believe that it is sufficient to utter a short divorce formula for terminate marriage. Apart from polygamy and divorce practices, culture-based conflicts would arise. Muslim husbands took women to be their slaves, not spouses. They also attempted to convert their Catholic spouses to Islam, even by force. Those Muslim defendants did not appear in court. They would return to their home countries, hiding their place of residence, or the Catholic party fled Arab countries, fearing to maintain contact with their spouses.
The problem of thromboembolic complications concerns nearly all orthopaedic and trauma patients. However, risk factors are different and prophylaxis slightly varies depending on the complication. The presence of thrombosis of complex and insidious clinical picture, which is presented in this case report, is alarming. The article reports a case of a 64-year-old male patient with risk factors of thromboembolism. The patient underwent high tibial osteotomy for varus deformity correction due to gonarthrosis. Venus thrombosis and pulmonary embolism developed in the postoperative period. Additionally, symptoms of infection appeared during the treatment in the form of inappropriate wound healing, which was an indication for surgical revision of the wound. The authors present the manner of safe perioperative management of a patient, which is consistent with the standards, taking into account the risk of recurrence of thromboembolism.
Problem powikłań zakrzepowo-zatorowych dotyczy praktycznie wszystkich pacjentów ortopedycznych i pourazowych. Czynniki ryzyka są jednak zróżnicowane, a zapobieganie nieco odmienne w zależności od rodzaju powikłania. Niepokojące jest występowanie zakrzepicy o złożonym i podstępnym obrazie klinicznym, o której mowa w niniejszej pracy kazuistycznej. W artykule opisano 64-letniego chorego obciążonego czynnikami ryzyka choroby zakrzepowo-zatorowej. Z powodu gonartrozy przeprowadzono zabieg operacyjny osteotomii podkolanowej dewaryzującej. W okresie pooperacyjnym doszło do rozwoju zakrzepicy żylnej i zatorowości płucnej. W czasie leczenia pojawiły się objawy zakażenia w postaci nieprawidłowego gojenia się rany pooperacyjnej, co było wskazaniem do przeprowadzenia operacyjnej rewizji rany. Autorzy opisali sposób bezpiecznego i zgodnego ze standardami przeprowadzenia chorego przez okres okołooperacyjny z uwzględnieniem ryzyka nawrotu choroby zakrzepowo-zatorowej.
The article makes the attempt of the theoretical understanding of the essentiality and peculiarities of situational tasks out of methods of teaching mathematics, defining their place and role in the scheme of training future teachers of mathematics, typing them for various signs. The absence of the tough conditionality of the content of methods of teaching mathematics (unlike the science of mathematics itself) as one of the basic professionally oriented courses in pedagogical universities, situational and multivariate methods, which are inherent for it, allow the wide implementation of the method of concrete situations in the scheme of the teacher training. It was concluded that on the basis of generalization of many years of authors’ experience in the training of the teachers of mathematics, that the systematic use of situational tasks out of the methods of teaching mathematics has significant advantages in comparison to the traditional reproductively informative angle to the situation. It is shown that situational tasks out of the methods of teaching mathematics is a specialized way for creating the competency oriented learning environment for the establishment, development and self-identity of the student as a future teacher of mathematics. It is emphasized the effectiveness of using the situational tasks in the modeling creative activity and independence of the students, skills of interpersonal communication, enhancing motivation and emotional factors in the acquiring the profession by them. (Authorial practical manual out of the methods of teaching mathematics, which offer more than 1,000 situational tasks and exercises have been tested for over twenty years.) Examples illustrated that in the process of quasi-professional practice in this environment the student receives the product of education, the essence of which is primarily in the acquiring by the future teacher of mathematics the subjectively new professionally-relevant knowledge and initial experience of practical implementation of leading professional ways of varying degrees of generality, forming of readiness and capability to found a systematic way to solving problems that arise in the practice in work of mathematics teacher. Soundly, that the expediency of creation and use of the scheme of situational tasks out of methods of teaching mathematics as a productive foundation of dynamic combination of theoretical and practical components of methodological training of the specialists.
Content available remote O restrykcjach leksykalnych w użyciu udmurckich przypadków końcówkowych
Przypadek jest pojmowany zazwyczaj jako kategoria gramatyczna. Gramatyka jest kojarzona z regularnością i w tym sensie jest nader często przeciwstawiana leksyce. Jednak nawet najbardziej regularny mechanizm językowy podlega w każdym języku jakimś restrykcjom o charakterze leksykalnym. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę opisu głównych mechanizmów funkcjonowania tego zjawiska w końcówkowym systemie przypadkowym języka udmurckiego. Jak się okazuje, pomimo iż nominativus jest przypadkiem takiej niezbywalnej dla zdania kategorii syntaktycznej, jaką jest podmiot, to jego znaczenie diatetyczne jest w ostatecznym rozrachunku determinowane przez znaczenie leksykalne czasownika. Syntagmatyczne manifestowanie się accusativu, kolejnego tzw. przypadka gramatycznego w języku udmurckim, także jest ograniczane przez ten sam czynnik. Sygnifikacja genetivu w jego funkcji stricte adnominalnej wydaje się zdeterminowana z kolei przez znaczenie leksykalne obu komponentów syntagmy adnominalnej. W użyciu pozostałych przypadków udmurckich można dostrzec globalnie jeszcze mniej regularności. Ich użycie zdeterminowane jest albo przez leksykalny kontekst czasownikowy, albo przez rzeczownikowy. W pewnych okolicznościach współwystępują oba czynniki.
Case is traditionally viewed as a grammatical category. Grammar is associated with regularity, and in this sense, it is very often opposed to the lexis. Nevertheless, in every language, even the most regular lingual mechanism is subject to some lexical restrictions. In this paper, an attempt is made to describe the principal mechanisms of the functioning of this phenomenon in the Udmurt desinential case system. As it turns out, in spite of the fact that the nominative is the case of such an indispensable syntactic category for a sentence as the subject, its diathetic meaning is at the end of the day determined by the lexical meaning of the verb. The syntagmatic appearance of the accusative, the other so-called grammatical case in the Udmurt language, is also restricted by the same factor. In turn, the signification of the genitive in its strictly adnominal function seems to be determined by the lexis of both components of the adnominal syntagm. In the use of the other Udmurt cases, globally speaking, even greater irregularity can be observed. Their use is determined either by the verbal or by the substantival lexical context. In some cases both factors co-occur.
Artykuł przedstawia prawidłowości w zakresie podstawowych kategorii fleksyjnych (tj. rodzaju, liczby i przypadka) obcych i polskich toponimów. Materiał źródłowy stanowią nazwy państw świata i ich stolic, największe miasta świata oraz największe miasta Polski. Z badań wynika, że rodzaj męski mają zasadniczo toponimy o wygłosie spółgłoskowym, rodzaj żeński – nazwy własne zakończone na -a, natomiast rodzaj nijaki – leksemy z wygłosowymi samogłoskami: -e, -i//-y, -o oraz -u. Zdecydowana większość toponimów ma postać liczby pojedynczej, jedynie niewielka ich część to formy plurale tantum, o czym decydują czynniki semantyczne, np. Stany Zjednoczone, Komory bądź historyczne, np.: Węgry, Niemcy. Toponimy rodzaju męskiego odmieniają się według paradygmatu deklinacji męskiej, przy czym nazwy obce mają w D. lp. na ogół końcówkę -u, natomiast nazwy polskie najczęściej zakończenie -a. Leksemy rodzaju żeńskiego odmieniają się według wzorca deklinacji męskiej, natomiast toponimy rodzaju nijakiego są w ponad 90% nieodmienne.
The article deals with the formulation of the inventory of cases in the earliest Finnish grammars. Finnish language as a Finno-Ugric one differs typologically from Indo-European languages among others in regard of case system – there are 14–15 different case markers to be distinguished. In the first Finnish grammars however their authors [Petraeus 1649, Martinius 1689] followed the Latin pattern of six cases by choosing semantically or syntactically coherent cases. Therefore for example the ending of partitive was assigned to two different cases (nominative, accusative), non existing vocative was identical with nominative, and on the other hand ablative had four different endings. The first grammars didn’t also make a difference between word stem and ending. In the third Finnish grammar [Vhael 1733] the inventory of cases is already much larger and it consists of 14 cases. The first ones still reflect Latin cases but from the nowadays perspective only comitative is missing. Vhael didn’t however perceive a system of locative cases. Von Becker [1824] also distinguishes 14 cases but is atready able to divide them on the basis of their locative meaning into dativus, locativus, ablativus on the one hand and exterior, interior, formalis on the other. The inventory of Finnish cases similar to the one used today can be seen in Renvall’s grammar [1840] although there are still slight differences in the names of the cases.
Artikkeli käsittelee sijaluettelon muodostamista suomen kielen varhaisimmissa kieliopeissa 1840-lukuun asti. Ensimmäiset suomen kieliopit olivat Eskil Petraeuksen “Langue Finnicae brevis institution” [1649] ja Matthias Martiniuksen “Hodegus Finnicus, Eller Finsk Wägwijsare” [1689]. Kieliopin säännöt merkitsivät Petraukselle ja Martiniukselle samaa kuin latinan kieliopin säännöt. 1600-luvun käsitysten mukaan latinan kieli ja latinan kielioppi ilmensivät logiikan yleisiä lainalaisuuksia. Sekä Petraeus, että Martinius luettelivat latinan kuusi sijaa esityksissään: nominatiivi, genetiivi, datiivi, akkusatiivi, vokatiivi ja ablatiivi. Petraeus muodosti suomen sijamuotojärjestelmän valikoimalla latinan sijoille sopivat suomalaiset merkitysvastineet. Sen takia esimerkiksi ablatiivilla oli useita loppuja: lda, ldä, sta, stä, sa, sä, lla, llä. Akkusatiivi määräytyi latinan syntaktisen funktion perusteella, eli akkusatiiveja olivat ne, joiden käännösvastineeksi sopi latinan akkusatiivi. Petrauksen paradigmasta puuttuivat seuraavat nykysijat: essiivi, translatiivi, illatiivi, abessiivi, komitatiivi ja instruktiivi, vaikka niiden muodot esiintyivät kieliopissa. Martiniuksen sijamuotojärjestelmän kuvaus mukaili, muttei kopioinut kaavamaisesti, Petrauksen esitelmää. Hän esimerkiksi tajusi sijapäätteen ja preposition tehtävien vastavuuden kielen merkitysjärjestelmässä. Kolmas suomen kielioppi, Barthold Vhaelin “Grammatica Fennica”, ilmestyi 1733. Sekin oli latinankielinen, mutta siinä erotettiin jo 14 sijaa. Ensimmäiset kuusi vastasivat kuitenkin vielä latinan sijaluetteloa. Reinhold von Becker [1824] oli ensimmäinen, joka huomasi vastavuuden yleis-, sisäja ulkopaikallissijojen välillä. Gustav Renvallin kirjoittamassa “Finsk Spraklära” -kieliopissa [1840] sijaluettelo vastaa jo nykysuomen sijamuotojärjestelmää, vaikka jotkut termit ovat vielä hiukan erilaisia.
Przedstawiono wykonanie krótkiej serii obudów do istniejącego sterownika PLC. Model wzorcowy wykonano w technologii przyrostowej (metoda FDM) na drukarce 3D. Wymagało to odpowiedniego zaprojektowania geometrii obudowy, tak aby mogła być odformowana w formie silikonowej, a jednocześnie wykonalna na drukarce 3D. Pokazano proces projektowania kanałów dolotowych, odpowietrzających i przelewowych formy silikonowej oraz sposób przygotowania modelu wzorcowego.
Explained in the paper is production of a short series of cases used for the existing PLC controller. The master pattern has been made by the FDM method on a 3D printer. This required the case geometry to be suitably designed, so that its replica could be obtained in silicone mould and, at the same time, was practicable to be realized on 3D printer. The paper shows how runners, vents and overflow ducts were designed in silicone mould and how the master pattern was prepared.
The presentation of the Czech declension system in books for foreign learners is a key and very problematic chapter which later influences the presentation of other grammatical structures and categories. The complexity of Czech formal morphology is caused by language factors (different kinds of declension, many paradigms, a lot of exceptions, variants, etc.) as well as methodical factors (manifestation of agrammaticality, formalistic approach). The difficult situation has not even been solved by attempts to simplify and reduce the system of Czech declension for linguodidactic purposes. Most of the books tend to present the individual cases one by one (horizontal approach) rather than presenting the whole paradigms (vertical approach). Both of the concepts have their pros and cons. The question of optimal order of case presenting and some other problems remain unresolved. In the conclusion we provide basic linguodidactic recommendations for presenting the declension system
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