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Content available remote Dynamika zmian warunków świetlnych w stawie karpiowym w okresie hodowlanym
In the paper there have been presented the results of a field studies performed in 2001-2003 (carp breeding period), in order to establish the dynamism of the light conditions changes in a fish pond. The influence of shade caused by vegetation growing on the shore of the light conditions in the pond has been also analyzed. The results show a great changeability of the light conditions in a breeding period characterized by the tendency to worsen of the light conditions in the pond till the extreme conditions of a complete absorption of the sunlight by the surface layers of the pond water and, observed from the middle of June, 24 hours - night on the pond bottom.
Background. Poland is one of the largest common carp producers in the European Union. By 2006, the annual production of carp and other cyprinid fish species had reached around 17 000 t. The economic efficiency of pond farms is not only significant for the performance of Poland’s traditional carp market, but it also supports the non-productive environmental functions of earthen carp ponds. The objective of this study was to determine the costs and revenues of carp ponds, and to identify the key conditions for improving the profitability of carp farming in Poland. Materials and Methods. Data from 2005–2007 were collected through a survey of 18 carp farms keeping full accounting records of a total pond area of 17 302 ha, accounting for around 34% of the total in Poland. Data was both biological and economic. The former consisted of survival rate of different age groups of fish. The latter included farm revenues (sales of carp and other species, angling fees, and other income sources) and annual production costs. The cost was separated into two main parts, variable- and fixed costs. The income was determined by subtracting the annual total cost from the total revenue. The profitability was defined as the cost-to-income ratio. The results were compared with available economic indicators of carp production in Germany and Hungary in 1999–2002. Results. The proceeds from the sale of market-size carp had a predominant share of total revenues of the investigated farms. The variable cost consisted of labour (37%) and feed (20%), while the share of the remaining cost components did not exceed 10% of total expenses of fish farms. Only in 2007 was pond fish production profitable (merely 3.95%) while in 2005 and 2006, the total costs of the farms were higher than their revenues (on average –7.42% and –2.42%, respectively). The average survival rates of stocking carp in the studied farms, including fry between 0 and 2 years of age, were very low at 36% and 38%, respectively. The survival rates of market-size carp were much higher, on average 67%. Conclusion. The economic situation of Polish carp farms, within the studied time period, was difficult. The low survival rates of stocking carp seemed to be one of the main causes for the low return on carp production. This may be a compound effect not only of epizootic diseases but also of piscivorous animals and environmental restrictions imposed on carp ponds. Farmers could find it difficult to reconcile fish production with the pond environmental functions and the need to maintain a healthy profit margin without external financial support.
The rearing of carp K2-3 in polyculture with a grass- carp, silver carp and European catfish was carried out within 1995- 1997, in six (1995-1996) or in seven (in 1997) variants of ponds differed in stocking densities as well as in kind of feed fed. The objective of the present paper was to verify if the change of harvest date from September into November can affect the quality of discharged waters. Estimation of discharged water quality was made on the basis of following chemical factors: dissolved oxygen, water pH, total suspended matter, chemical oxygen demand CODMn, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and phosphates. The change of harvest date for 40 days improved markedly the quality of discharged water.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu temperatury wody na warunki tlenowe w stawie karpiowym. Stężenie tlenu rozpuszczonego w wodzie odnotowane o godzinie 8⁰⁰ średnio wynosiło 7,12 mg O₂‧dm⁻³, o 14⁰⁰ - 13,04 mg O₂‧dm⁻³, a o 20⁰⁰ średnio 13,61 mg O₂‧dm⁻³. W strefie eufotycznej żyznego stawu rybnego obserwowano duże dobowe wahanie zawartości tlenu w wodzie. Stężenie poniżej granicy optimum tlenowego dla karpi (5 mg O₂‧dm⁻³) obserwowane były najczęściej rano (minimum = 2,34 mg O₂‧dm⁻³). Przesycenie wody tlenem odnotowywano po południu i wieczorem (maksimum = 25,8 mg O₂‧dm⁻³). Analiza zależności między zawartością tlenu w wodzie a temperaturą wody wykazała istotny statystycznie, ale bardzo słaby związek dla pomiarów o godz. 14⁰⁰ i 20⁰⁰. Wraz ze wzrostem temperatury wody obserwowano wzrost jej natlenienia.
The results of research on the influence of water temperature on oxygen condition in the carp pond are present in this paper. Mean of dissolved oxygen concentration observed at 8 am were equal to 7.12 mg O₂‧dm⁻³, at 2 pm – 13.04 mg O₂‧dm⁻³ and at 8 pm – 13.61 mg O₂‧dm⁻³. Large fluctuations of dissolved oxygen concentration in the euphotic zone of eutrophic fish pond were observed. Oxygen condition lower then the lower limit of dissolved oxygen concentration for carp (5 mg O₂‧dm⁻³) were observed in the morning (minimum = 2.34 mg O₂‧dm⁻³). The highest oxygen concentration was observed in the afternoon and in the evening (maximum = 25.8 mg O₂‧dm⁻³). Analysis of connection between water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration revealed weak but essential relationship for the results from 2 and 8 pm. The increase of oxygen concentration was observed with the increase of water temperature.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu szuwarów na warunki tlenowe w stawie karpiowym. Badania tlenu rozpuszczonego w wodzie prowadzono w lecie, w 17 punktach. Określono różnice pomiędzy stężeniem tlenu rozpuszczonego w pasie szuwarów a częścią stawu od nich wolną. W pasie szuwarów stężenie tlenu rozpuszczonego średnio wynosiło 6,29 mg O2·dm-3, w części stawu położonej przy pasie szuwarów wynosiło przeciętnie 7,76 mg O2·dm-3 a w punkcie kontrolnym 8,74 mg O2·dm-3. Zwartość tlenu w punkcie kontrolnym była średnio o 10,2% wyższa niż w wodzie przylegającej do pasa szuwarów oraz przeciętnie o 27,6% wyższa niż w pasie szuwarów. Natlenienie wody w pasie przylegającym do pasa szuwarów było przeciętnie o 19,3% wyższe niż w pasie szuwarów.
The results of research on rush influence on oxygen condition in carp pond are presented in this paper. The research on dissolved oxygen concentration was conducted in the summer season at 17 measurement points. Differences between dissolved oxygen concentrations in water with rushes as well as free from rushes part of pond, were defined. With rushes the mean of dissolved oxygen concentration amounted to 6.29 mg O2·dm-3, in the part of pond near the rushes it was 7.76 mg O2·dm-3, and at the control point it was 8.74 mg O2·dm-3. The average value of dissolved oxygen concentration at the control point was 10.2% higher than in pond near the rush part, and it was 27.6% higher than in the part with rushes. In the case of water free of rushes, and located near the rushes, the average value was 19.3% higher than in the rush part.
The paper presents the results of research on the spatial variation of oxygen condition in a carp pond. The analysis of dissolved oxygen was carried out in the summer in 29 measuring points. In the analysed months the differences were determined between dissolved oxygen concentration in the strip of rushes and the part of the pond free from macrophytes. In the strip of rushes, the average concentration of dissolved oxygen was between 4.69–6.49 mg O2·dm–3. In the part of pond located near the strip of rushes the oxygen concentration was between 6.23–7.91 mg O2·dm–3 and in open water concentration of dissolved oxygen was in range 7.60–9.09 mg O2·dm–3. It was found that the biggest differences in oxygen concentration occur between the strip of rushes and the open water column: 40% in June, 26% in July, 28% in August, 38% in September, respectively. In the south-western part of the pond, covered with macrophytes and shaded by trees, the worst oxygen conditions were observed – below the optimum level for carps, sometimes reaching lethal values. The best oxygen conditions, noted in July and August, were in the central and northern part of the pond including the fishery and feeding point. In order to improve the oxygen conditions in macrophytes zone it is recommended to remove the rushes periodically and to remember to leave the part of emergent plants that are necessary for breeding and living avifauna. The scope and timing of the removal of plants has to be consulted and co-ordinated with the Regional Conservator of Nature.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przestrzennego zróżnicowania warunków tlenowych w stawie karpiowym, narybkowo-kroczkowym. Badania tlenu rozpuszczonego w wodzie przeprowadzono w lecie w 29 punktach. W badanych miesiącach określono różnice między stężeniem tlenu rozpuszczonego w pasie szuwarów a częścią stawu wolną od makrofitów. W pasie szuwarów średnie stężenie tlenu rozpuszczonego kształtowało się w przedziale 4,69–6,49 mg O2·dm–3. W części stawu położonej przy pasie szuwarów mieściło się w granicach 6,23–7,91 mg O2·dm–3, a w otwartej toni wodnej w zakresie 7,60–9,09 mg O2·dm–3. Stwierdzono, że największe różnice zawartości tlenu występują pomiędzy pasem szuwarów a otwartą tonią, średnio: 40% w czerwcu, 26% w lipcu, 28% sierpniu, 38% we wrześniu. W południowo-zachodniej części stawu, porośniętej przez makrofity i zacienionej przez drzewa, odnotowywano najgorsze warunki tlenowe, poniżej poziomu optimum tlenowego dla karpi, czasami osiągające wartości letalne. Najlepsze warunki tlenowe, odnotowane w lipcu i sierpniu, występowały w centralnej i północnej części stawu, obejmującej punkt karmienia i łowisko. W celu poprawy warunków tlenowych w pasie makrofitów można okresowo częściowo wykaszać szuwary, pamiętając o pozostawieniu części pasa roślinności wynurzonej niezbędnej dla rozrodu i bytowania ornitofauny. Zakres i termin planowanego koszenia należy konsultować z ornitologami i uzgadniać z regionalnym konserwatorem przyrody.
Apart from their basic role as fish farming reservoirs, carp ponds have an important influence on water circulation and thus on water resources in the catchment basin. The positive influence of carp ponds as storage reservoirs results from the rearing cycle which corresponds with the hydrological cycle and consists in limiting high water-flows in the summer and increasing low water-flows in the autumn. After the maximum precipitation shifted in the late 1960s from summer months to autumn months, a dramatically low water level occurred in the summer. This highly disturbed the catchment basins’ hydrological balance as well as the ponds’ water management. The influence of the changing meteorological conditions on individual components of the water balance are presented as a result of many years’ research (1957-1997) conducted at the Institute of Ichtyobiology and Aquaculture of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gołysz.
W artykule przedstawiono dobowe zmiany stężenia tlenu rozpuszczonego w wodzie, w różnych warunkach meteorologicznych. W eutroficznym stawie karpiowym „Staś Górny” letnie dobowe ekstrema tlenowe obserwowano między godziną 6⁰⁰ a 8⁰⁰ (minima tlenowe) oraz pomiędzy 18⁰⁰ a 20⁰⁰ (maksima tlenowe). W słoneczny, ciepły i bezwietrzny dzień obserwowano wysokie stężenia tlenu rozpuszczonego w wodzie, szczególnie w warstwach przypowierzchniowych przy silnym deficycie tlenowym w strefie przydennej. Zawartość tlenu mniejszą od wartości optymalnych odnotowano w dzień pochmurny i chłodny między godziną 5⁰⁰ a 7⁰⁰. Spadek ten nie przekraczał 0,5 mg O₂‧dms³. Różnice w natlenieniu wody obserwowane przy odmiennych warunkach pogodowych, prawdopodobnie wynikają z wpływu innych czynników, meteorologicznych (temperatura powietrza, usłonecznienie, prędkość wiatru) na warunki tlenowe.
In this paper day and night changes of dissolved oxygen concentration are presented. Summer day and night oxygen extreme conditions were observed between 6-8 am (oxygen minimum) and 6-8 pm (oxygen maximum). In a sunny, hot and windless day a high dissolved oxygen concentration was observed, especially in the layer of water surface. At the bottom oxygen shortage was observed. Lower then optimum oxygen concentration for carp was observed in a cloudy and cold day between 5-7 am. This decrease was lower than 0.5 mg O₂‧dms³. Differences in oxygen condition observed in contrary meteorological conditions probably are the result of influence of meteorological factors (air temperature, insolation, wind speed) on oxygen condition in the carp pond.
W celu określenia wpływu reakcji pogłębionego utleniania z wykorzystaniem odczynnika Fentona na jakość osadów powstających w stawach do chowu karpi w trakcie eksperymentu kontrolowano stężenie substancji organicznych wyrażonych jako ChZT w odcieku, zawartość substancji lotnych, stężenie fosforu ogólnego w odcieku oraz czas ssania kapilarnego. Przeprowadzone badania pozwalają stwierdzić, iż wprowadzenie do osadów odczynnika Fentona pozwoliło na osiągnięcie lepszych efektów kondycjonowania i stabilizacji osadów, w porównaniu do wariantów wykorzystujących jedynie koagulanty nieorganiczne oraz nadtlenek wodoru. W wyniku zastosowania procesu pogłębionego utleniania z wykorzystaniem klasycznej reakcji Fentona obniżono stężenie związków organicznych w filtracie o 26%. Natomiast czas ssania kapilarnego najwydatniej został obniżony, gdy do osadów wprowadzono sole żelaza (III).
In order to determine the effect of advanced oxidation reactions with the use of Fenton reagent on the quality of sediments formed in fishing ponds used for carp aquaculture, the concentration of organic matter expressed as the COD in the filtrate, the content of volatile substances, concentration of total phosphorus in the filtrate and capillary suction time were controlled over the experimental period. Experimental results indicate that the introduction of Fenton reagent to the sediments enabled the achievement of better effects of sediments conditioning and stabilization, as compared to the variants using only inorganic coagulants and hydrogen peroxide. As a result of applying the process of advanced oxidation with the use of Fenton reaction, the concentration of organic compounds in the filtrate was reduced by 26%. In turn, the capillary sucking time was diminished, to the greatest extent, when iron (III) salts were introduced to the aquaculture sediments.
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