The ethnographers, museologists and preservationists apply postulates as well as practical experience from their specializations, among others in the field of the specialized open-air expositions of vernacular architecture. Construction of those expositions may be based on preservation of the object in situ (rymice, třebíz), but also transfers may be applied and the open-air museums on the so-called “green field” can be constructed (Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Strážnice). There are some institutions, where we can find the combination of both (Veselý Kopec). In addition to that, a whole range of solitary rural buildings, which were redeveloped and utilized for all sorts of exposition purposes or for some other social and cultural objectives, exist. Ethnographers working as museologists and preservationists participated in establishment, redevelopment, furnishing, as well as in the follow-up maintenance of those rural buildings. Those buildings are established by the museums (detached branches of ethnographical institutes, monuments of some local celebrities), by municipalities as well as by other governmental and private organizations.
The obligations of local government units resulting from the Act of July 23, 2003 on the protection of monuments and care for monuments include the preparation of monuments care programs, i.e. the development and adoption of regional (voivodship), district (poviat) and municipal programs for the care of monuments. Programs of local self-government units, i.e. commune and district (poviat) self-government, differ significantly from those of a regional nature, i.e. prepared by the voivodship self-government. Local care programs for monuments are undoubtedly documents useful for local communities, because they contain multilateral analyzes of local conditions for the care of monuments, as well as the protection of monuments and the protection of cultural heritage.The ambiguities of legal regulations regarding local programs for the care of monuments significantly lower the rank of resolutions of commune and poviat councils in this respect. The long years experience of local government does not eliminate existing irregularities. On the contrary, erroneous assumptions about the possibility of influencing the owners of monuments, despite the lack of authorization to take imperative actions against external units in this mode, are not corrected, and there are tendencies to excessive, unlawful extension of the subject scope of these programs.
The National Fund for the Protection of Monuments is a state special purpose fund specified in Article 83b of the Act of 23 July 2003 on the protection and care of monuments. The provisions establishing the National Fund for the Protection of Monuments entered into force on 1 January 2018. The administrator of the NFOZ is the minister competent for culture and protection of national heritage. The current solutions regarding payments to the Fund are still of a temporary nature, as some of the changes entered into force in 2018, and the rest will come into force only in 2024. The aim of the article is to consider the most important aspects of the legal regulation of damages payments and fines to the Fund, including the creation and principles of operation of the Fund. These issues are also closely related to the process of replacing criminal provisions with a system of administrative fines, hence the analysis of this process on the basis of the Act on the Protection and Care of Monuments has also become an important element of the conducted considerations.
Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Zabytków jest państwowym funduszem celowym określonym w art. 83b ustawy z 23.07.2003 r. o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami. Przepisy powołujące Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Zabytków weszły w życie z dniem 1.01.2018 r. Dysponentem NFOZ jest minister właściwy do spraw kultury i ochrony dziedzictwa narodowego. Aktualne rozwiązania dotyczące wpłat do Funduszu mają nadal charakter przejściowy, gdyż część zmian weszła w życie w 2018 r., a reszta wejdzie dopiero w 2024 r. Celem artykułu jest rozpatrzenie najważniejszych aspektów regulacji prawnej wpłat nawiązek i kar pieniężnych do Funduszu, a także powstania i zasad działania Funduszu. Zagadnienia te związane są też ściśle z procesem zastępowania przepisów karnych systemem administracyjnych kar pieniężnych, stąd analiza tego procesu na gruncie ustawy o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami stała się również istotnym elementem prowadzonych rozważań.
We are all aware that monuments, due to their age and the behaviour of certain members of society, need constant protection, e.g. to prevent devastation. It has been decided to set up appropriate bodies whose main task is to take care of the relics of the past. However, it should be pointed out that these bodies will not always be able to react quickly enough to an action that contributes to the destruction of a monument. Therefore, it was decided to involve individuals who are not strangers to the fate of monuments. In this article I will try to introduce the institution of a social caretaker of monuments based on the Act of 23.07.2003 on the protection and care of monuments. I will present, among others, the requirements to be met by an individual applying for a guardian's card, the manner of appointment and statutory tasks. I will also look at how this institution functions in practice on the basis of a report issued by the National Heritage Institute.
Wszyscy zdajemy sobie sprawę, że zabytki ze względu na swoją wiekowość i zachowania niektórych członków społeczeństwa potrzebują stałej ochrony, np. w celu zapobiegania dewastacji. Zdecydowano się na powołanie odpowiednich organów, których głównym zadaniem jest dbanie o relikty przeszłości. Jednak należałoby wskazać, że owe organy nie zawsze będą w stanie dość szybko zareagować na działanie przyczyniające się do zniszczenia zabytku. Z tego względu postanowiono zaangażować do pomocy jednostki, którym nie jest obcy los zabytków. W niniejszym artykule staram się przybliżyć instytucję społecznego opiekuna zabytków na podstawie ustawy z 23.07.2003 r. o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami. Przedstawiam wymagania, jakie powinna spełniać osoba fizyczna ubiegająca się o przyznanie legitymacji opiekuna, sposób powołania czy ustawowe zadania. Przyglądam się również funkcjonowaniu tej instytucji w praktyce na podstawie raportu wydanego przez Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa.
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