The subject of the opinion is the issue of complaint regaring payment services in relation to an incorrect operation of an ATM. It was found that the complaint and possible claims related to an improper course of transactions using the ATM should be addressed to the bank that issued a given payment card. It was noted that as a part of the complaint procedure the bank cannot provide a client with a video recording from the camera located in the ATM, but is required to present such recordings upon a request of law enforcement authorities or as evidence in civil proceedings
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The last several decades have seen significant developments to the revolving-flats card and much research has been published on the fundamentals of the carding process. There are still, however, contradictions in the detailed explanation of fibre behaviour during carding and in the effectiveness of certain developments widely accepted as beneficial. This paper presents a critical review of the literature concerning the way fibre mass is disentangled into individual fibres to form a card sliver and the effectiveness of principal machine components. Areas are indicated where further research is necessary to resolve contradictory views and further the understanding of the process.
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High-speed photography was used to investigate the state of fibres during the short-staple carding process. Image processing was employed to investigate the flow uniformity and the degree of opening and fibre individualisation of the fibre mass. The results showed that there is a considerable mass flow variation at the taker-in stage and at the back of the cylinder. Due to the carding action between the cylinder and the revolving flats, most tuftlets are separated into individual fibres, but some remain as micro tuftlets and are transferred to the doffer. With the increased discretisation the fibre mass becomes more uniformly distributed at the front of the cylinder. However, on the doffer the mass flow variation increases, which suggests that the transfer is not a uniform action. The angle of orientation of fibres was measured at the taker-in, at the front of the cylinder after the revolving flats and at the doffer stage. It was found that the fibres are highly orientated at the front of the cylinder. However, after the transfer region the degree of orientation of the fibres on the doffer decreases. In order to establish an understanding of the state of individual fibres, the change in the crimp level of fibres during the process was studied. It may be assumed that crimp level is directly related to the forces applied to the fibres. The results showed that the fibres at the front of the cylinder are subjected to more tension as compared to the fibres at the taker-in stage. A study was also carried out on the effect of the boundary layer around the cylinder by directly measuring the speed of individual fibres at the front of the cylinder. This study showed that the majority of the fibres are hooked to the cylinder wires and travel at the speed of the cylinder surface.
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These studies concern the work of a modernised autoleveller whose algorithm of operation allows for the phenomenon of sliver retardation after short-term regulation. The autoleveller’s effectiveness at standard and corrected controlling signals was compared. Measurements were made for cotton, viscose and polyester fibres, applying three different drafts in the autoleveller. It was demonstrated that the levelling capacity of the new autoleveller is much better than that of the traditional one.
Badania dotyczyły analizy pracy zmodernizowanego regulatora rozciągu, którego algorytm działania uwzględnia zjawisko retardacji taśm przędzalniczych po procesie regulacji krótkoodcinkowej. Porównano skuteczność działania regulatora przy standardowym i skorygowanym sygnale sterującym. Pomiary wykonano dla bawełny, włókien wiskozowych i włókien poliestrowych, przy zastosowaniu trzech różnych rozciągów w regulatorze. Wykazano istotny wzrost zdolności wyrównującej nowego regulatora w stosunku do regulatora tradycyjnego.
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This article presents a part of technological studies concerning the recognition of phenomena connected with the retardation of sliver levelled with a card short-term controller, the so-called autoleveller. Studies were conducted for long- and medium-fibre cotton and for polyester fibres, over a wide range of linear density of slivers and autoleveller drafts. For the purposes of these studies, an original measuring stand was constructed on the basis of the prototype model of the autoleveller.
Artykuł przedstawia fragment badań technologicznych nad rozpoznaniem zjawisk związanych z retardacją taśmy przędzalniczej wyrównywanej krótko-odcinkowym zgrzeblarkowym układem sterowania zwanym regulatorem rozciągu. Badania prowadzono dla bawełny długo- i średniowłóknistej oraz dla włókien poliestrowych, uwzględniając szerokie spektrum mas liniowych taśm i rozciągów nominalnych w regulatorze. Do celów badań skonstruowano oryginalne stanowisko pomiarowe w oparciu o prototypowy model regulatora.
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Regularity of linear density for slivers levelled by a short-term auto-leveller is a function of time, due to the occurrence of retardation. This phenomenon was analysed, and assumptions were made for constructing an auto-leveller with a new algorithm of operation, in which retardation of sliver in the short-term regulation process is used.
Równomierność masy liniowej taśmy przędzalniczej wyrównywanej regulatorem krótkoodcinkowym jest funkcją czasu ze względu na występujące zjawisko retardacji. Dokonano analizy tego zjawiska i przedstawiono założenia do budowy regulatora rozciągu o nowym algorytmie działania, w którym wykorzystano retardację taśmy w procesie regulacji krótkoodcinkowej.
An investigation of various factors which affect the lead time in spinning mills which produce 14.76 tex (40 Ne) carded yarns linear density is reported. For this study, data were collected from 27 mills producing 14.76 tex carded yarns of linear density. The important parameters which affect the lead time were obtained by principal component analysis of the data. Correlation matrix and multiple regression analysis were carried out taking into account the lead time as the dependent variable and HOK (the number of Operative Hours required to produce 100 kg of yarn), FQI (Fibre Quality Index), YQI (Yarn Quality Index) and spindle production as independent variables. The reliability of the data was checked by Cronbach’s alpha, which indicated 0.839. Other tests such as the Kruskal-Wallis test, Durbin Watson test, KMO (Kaiser – Meyer Olkin) and Bartlett’s test were also done to find out their association. The results show that of all the parameters considered the, lead time exerts maximum influence on spindle production, HOK and the yarn quality index in carded counts.
Opisano badania rożnych czynników, które oddziałują na czas produkcji w przędzalniach produkujących przędze zgrzebne o masach liniowych 14.76 tex. Dla prezentowanej pracy zebrano dane pochodzące z 27 przędzalni produkujących przędze zgrzebne o masie liniowej 14.76 tex. Parametry, które wpływają na czas produkcji uzyskano przez analizę głównych składowych. Następnie zastosowano macierz korelacji i wieloparametrową analizę regresji biorąc pod uwagę czas produkcji jako zmienną zależną i liczbę operatywnych godzin potrzebnych do produkcji 100 kg przędzy (HOK), wskaźnik jakości włókna i przędzy oraz produkcję wrzecion jako zmienne niezależne. Stosowano również test Cronbach alpha, Kruskal-Wallis, Durbin-Watson, Kaiser-Meyer Olkin i Bertlett. Wyniki wykazują, że ze wszystkich parametrów wziętych pod uwagę przy rozważaniach czas produkcji wywiera największy wpływ na produktywność wrzecion, HOK i współczynnik jakości przędzy.
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