The authordiscussesand evaluatesmethods formeasuringthe level ofinformation asymmetry in enterprises depending on their ownership structure. Information asymmetryis asourceofprocesses such as adverseselectionandmoral hazard, the author says. An appropriate ownershipstructure in companiescanbe usedto reducethe negative effects of an information asymmetry. Thearticle examines ways of measuring information asymmetryinterms of the data needed for such measurements and therisk that a givenmeasure will be inaccurate. The author concludes that, in large-scaleresearch,direct measurements ofthe levelof information asymmetryareoftenimpossibleandthe results mustbeapproximated. When planningresearchit is necessary totake into account therange ofdataneededtousea specific measureand therisks related to the inaccuracy ofmeasurements, Kubiak says. When examining the relationship between information asymmetry and a company’s ownership structure, researchers should arrange enterprises according to the relativelevel ofinformation asymmetry, he adds. According tothe author, this can bedone by developing a compositemeasure of information asymmetryonthebasis of specificindicators usingthe linear ordering method. Such a procedureshouldreduce theriskof improperclassificationof companiesaccording to thelevel of information asymmetry, Kubiak says.
This paper describes the basis - resulting among others from the prudential capital regulations - for capital management at a commercial bank. In the capital management process there are used capital allocation and risk adjusted performance measures. Based on this, the concept of the central MIS extension has been presented in a way that allows to include a wide range of different level managers in the capital management process in order to improve the capital efficiency from the perspective of shareholders.
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