The aim of the article is to present the phenomenon of famine in the army of the Crown and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the reign of the House of Vasa. Shortages of food were not present in the army constantly. Nevertheless, they were a frequent phenomenon during wars. It was not always possible to buy or steal something due to destructions in the area where the army was staying. In situations of no possibility to purchase food products, people tried to look for things that could fill their stomachs in the nearest surrounding. They would pick rhizomes, tree leaves, vegetables and herbs. Carrion as well as ill and injured animals were eaten. A symbol of famine was eating horse meat. The last resort was cannibalism.
The subject of this text Franklin’s lost Expedition of 1845. The lost British exploration expedition to the Arctic, led by captain John Franklin, which left England in 1845 on two ships, HMS „Erebus” and HMS „Terror”. Article attempts to collect and analyze recent research on the reasons for the failure of the research expedition. Bringing closer the theory of lead poisoning as well as challenging it with new research. Locations of shipwrecks and analysis of the reports on the alleged grave of sir John Franklin.
This article provides preliminary insight into the creation of colonial visual culture. Using visual examples, the author shows how the encounter between European and Amerindian was, at first, apparently deprived of moral judgement, later being increasingly signified through moral and physical monstrosity, especially the female body, which served as an apparatus to assure colonial dominion. Looking mostly at the works of Liègeois artist Theodor de Bry, the author shows how increasing female protagonism may have helped to coin a proper visual culture that mirrored the development of productive force in early capitalism. Assuming that the European colonizer in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was still highly informed by Medieval culture, the author quickly retraces how the New World was imagined through cartography, following to the first depictions of the Amerindian and, finally, focusing on de Bry’s work and an argument on capitalism and how visual culture may help us understand its process.
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Size variation within species as a result of individual growth and development over the life cycle is a ubiquitous feature of many aquatic organisms. We review the implications of this size variation for the dynamics of aquatic systems. Ontogenetic development results in differences in size dependent competitive abilities between differently sized individuals giving rise to cohort cycles that are qualitatively different from traditional predator prey cycles. Size-dependent interactions also mean that the type of interaction - competitive or predatory - changes over the life cycle as a result of an increase in size. At the intraspecific level, cannibalistic interactions may, depending on the life history characteristics of the cannibal, give rise to either equilibrium or cycles driven by a mixture of inter-cohort cannibalism and competition. In multispecies contexts, size variation and particularly food dependent growth lead to the presence of alternative states involving catastrophic collapses. These size-structured interactions have so far been mainly demonstrated for fish and cladocerans, but do have whole lake food web ramifications.
The Feast (Пир, 2001) by Vladimir Sorokin is considered to be the culmination of the second period of the author’s literary work, and the one that presages his break up with the fundamental principles of postmodernism and conceptualism. The Feast consists of thirteen novels, all of which more or less literally revolve around the theme of eating. Sorokin’s search for the taste of life based on the opposition body/flesh–the disincarnate, culture–pseudoculture, manifests his critique of the superficiality of modern societies, in which the collective pursuit of sensuality together with widespread accessibility of all sorts of material goods are signs of inner self-destruction. Sorokin’s “taste of death,” expressed principally in the display of various forms of cannibalism, prefigures the advent of afuture “taste of life” — free from taboo, illusion and prejudice.
The article presents an analysis of the Ukrainian countryside after the Great Famine of 1932–1933. In 1934, hunger continued, although on a much smaller scale than in 1933. The mid-1934 brought a relative stabilisation, but it did not mean that the standard of living resembled that of the period of the New Economic Policy.
W artykule przeanalizowano sytuację wsi ukraińskiej po Wielkim Głodzie z lat 1932–1933. W 1934 r. nadal występował głód, oczywiście w znacznie mniejszych proporcjach aniżeli w 1933 r. Od połowy 1934 r. sytuacja zaczęła się względnie stabilizować, choć poziom życia nie przypominał ten z czasów NEP-u.
The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of stock density on the growth, survival and cannibalism of pikeperch fingerlings held under controlled conditions in a water recirculation system and fed an artificial diet. The mean body weight of the fish at the start of the experiment was 0.65 ± 0.11 g and the total length was 4.54 ± 0.28 cm. The fish were divided into three experimental groups with the following stock densities: group A - 0.99g l⁻¹ ; groupB - 1.65g l⁻¹ ; group C - 2.31 g l⁻¹ . The rearing period was 42 days long and was divided into the adaptation and rearing proper periods. The results obtained from the experiment revealed that the initial density of pikeperch summer fry, which ranged from 0.99 to 2.31 g l⁻¹, had no effect on the final outcome of the rearing, i.e. neither on growth nor survival (ANOVA, P > 0.05). The final mean body weights for groups A, B and C were 9.43, 9.25 and 8.62 g, respectively, while total losses were 52.5, 56.1 and 56.1%, respectively. The high fingerling mortality during the adaptation period, i.e. from first to the fourteenth rearing day (group A - 40.8%, group B - 50.6%, group C - 44.1%), determined the effectiveness of rearing.
Celem eksperymentu było określenie wpływu zagęszczenia obsad na efektywność podchowu (wzrost, przeżywalność, kanibalizm) narybku sandacza. Początkowa masa ciała i długość całkowita Lt wynosiła odpowiednio: 0,65 ± 0,11 (g) i 4,54 ± 0,25 (cm). Ryby podchowywano przez 42 dni w trzech wariantach zagęszczenia (0,99 g l⁻¹ - grupa A, 1,65 g l⁻¹ - grupa B oraz 2.31 g l⁻¹ - grupa C). Stosowanie różnych zagęszczeń nie wpłynęło istotnie na końcowe wyniki podchowu (ANOVA, P> 0,05). W dniu zakończenia eksperymentu narybek osiągnął średnią masę ciała od 8,62 g (grupa C) do 9,43 g (grupa A), a średni dzienny przyrost masy ciała (g d⁻¹) mieścił się w przedziale od 0,19 (grupa C) do 0,21 (grupa A; tab. 1). Straty całkowite w poszczególnych grupach doświadczalnych były również zbliżone i wyniosły: 52,5% (grupa A), 56,1% (grupa B), 56,1% (grupa C; tab. 1). Złożyły się na nie śnięcia naturalne (grupa A - 14,7%, grupa B-19,0%, grupa C-15,6%; rys. 1) oraz kanibalizm (grupa A - 37,8%, grupa B- 37,1 %, grupa C - 40,6%; rys. 2). Wysoka śmiertelność narybku w okresie adaptacyjnym (dni podchowu 1 -14; grupa A - 40,8%, grupa B - 50,6%, grupa C - 44,1%) zaważyła na efektach całego podchowu - wskaźniki przeżycia we wszystkich wariantach doświadczalnych były stosunkowo niskie (grupa A - 47,5%, grupa B - 43,4%, grupa C - 43,8%) i nie różniły się istotnie statystycznie (P > 0,05).
Background. Cannibalism occurs at various ages or sizes depending on fish species and the respective environments. Barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790), is a popular and valuable species in aquaculture on the Asian and Australian continents. In its culture, cannibalism can cause severe losses during the early stages of development particularly before fish reach a length of about 10 cm. Hence the present study aimed to study the effect of the two photoperiods, constant darkness and continuous light on the rate of sibling cannibalism in barramundi juveniles reared indoors under intensive conditions. Materials and methods. The indoor experimental setup consisted of two separate systems labelled system 1 and 2. Each system consisted of three rectangular rearing tanks each of 60 L capacity connected to a mechanical and a biological water-cleaning unit. System 1 was kept under 24 h of light provided by two 36 watt fluorescent tubes. System 2 was kept under 24 h of darkness except for a short period of 6 min during each feeding time. Each rearing tank was randomly stocked with 187 juveniles. A commercial fish feed was provided to the fish by hand ad libitum four times during the day time. The experiment was conducted for 112 days. Results. In both light and dark systems, larger specimens were much more active during feeding, chasing smaller siblings away from the provided feed, leaving them only the remains to feed on. The accumulated observed mortality was similar under both dark and light conditions. In the present study although feed was provided ad libitum, cannibalism still occurred under both light and dark conditions. However, the rate of cannibalism was significantly (P < 0.05) lower under dark conditions. The results show that a potential predator can swallow a prey up to a maximum of 67% of its own body length. Similar growth performances were observed in the fish groups reared under dark and light conditions. Conclusion. The application of constant darkness is therefore a useful strategy in significantly reducing cannibalism when rearing barramundi. Furthermore, such a strategy also leads to the formation of a more uniform population of fish which is a desire of the grower.
Size variation within species as a result of individual growth and development over the life cycle is a ubiquitous feature of many aquatic organisms. We review the implications of this size variation for the dynamics of aquatic systems. Ontogenetic development results in differences in size dependent competitive abilities between differently sized individuals giving rise to cohort cycles that are qualitatively different from traditional predator prey cycles. Size-dependent interactions also mean that the type of interaction – competitive or predatory – changes over the life cycle as a result of an increase in size. At the intraspecific level, cannibalistic interactions may, depending on the life history characteristics of the cannibal, give rise to either equilibrium or cycles driven by a mixture of inter-cohort cannibalism and competition. In multispecies contexts, size variation and particularly food dependent growth lead to the presence of alternative states involving catastrophic collapses. These sizestructured interactions have so far been mainly demonstrated for fish and cladocerans, but do have whole lake food web ramifications.