Półwodny siarczan wapnia CaSO4.1/2H2O może występować w dwóch odmianach, które są wynikiem różnic w prowadzeniu procesu dehydratacji. Odmiana 3 powstaje, gdy proces dehydratacji odbywa się w atmosferze powietrza, przy niewielkiej prężności pary wodnej. Odmiana a powstaje, gdy obróbka termiczna przebiega w atmosferze nasyconej pary wodnej. Może być także otrzymywana przez odwadnianie dwuhydratu w roztworach kwasów lub soli. Półwodzian obu odmian występuje ponadto w niewielkich ilościach w przyrodzie.
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Purpose: The aim of this work was to develop a new bone cement based on hydroxyapatite (HAp), âTCP and calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CSH) and to determine the influence of a liquid phase, used for cement pastes preparation, on physical properties of the final implant material. Design/methodology/approach: The powder phase consisting of CSH (60 wt.%) and HAp+ âTCP (40 wt.%) was applied. Composite samples were prepared using distilled water, chitosan and methylcellulose solutions as the liquid phases. Rheological properties of the solutions were measured by Brookfield rheometer. Initial and final setting times of the cement pastes were determined. Phase composition of hardened bodies was established using XRD method. Microstructure was investigated by SEM while pore size distribution by mercury porosimetry. Compressive strength was measured by Instron Universal Testing Machine. Findings: According to the conducted rheological measurements of the methylcellulose and chitosan solutions as well as evaluated cement pastes and hardened bodies properties, the optimal setting liquids were chosen. Research limitations/implications: The evaluation of a biological response to the developed materials, including in vitro and in vivo experiments, need to be done. Practical implications: The possibility of creation the physical properties of setting in vivo composites, designed for filling bone defects, via establishing the suitable liquid phase was confirmed. Originality/value: The new composite type triphasic bone substitute, based on CSH, HAp and âTCP, with superior resorbability in comparison to the commercially available calcium phosphate bone cements was developed. The influence of liquid phase on the microstructure and mechanical strength of this implant material was determined.
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The influence of gypsum additive on the formation of calcium silicate hydrates and on the formation of a sequence of intermediary compounds in the CaO-SiO2onH2O-H2O system has been examined. The synthesis was carried out in unstirred suspensions. The molar ratios of primary mixtures were CaO/SiO2 = 0.83, 1.0 and SO3/(SiO2 + SO3) = 0, 0.0125, 0.025. The durations of isothermal curing at 200 °C were 4, 8, 16 and 72 h. It was established that sulfate ions improve the synthesis of 1.13 nm tobermorite in the CaO-SiO2onH2O-H2O system with CaO/SiO2 = 0.83 at 200 °C. However, a larger amount of gypsum (SO3/(SiO2 + SO3) = 0.025) stimulates the formation not only of 1.13 nm tobermorite but also of CaSO4 and xonotlite. In the CaO-SiO2onH2O-H2O system with CaO/SiO2 = 1.0, a small amount of sulfate ions prolong the persistence of intermediate compounds - 1.13 nm tobermorite and C-S-H (I). The products of synthesis were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis, simultaneous thermal analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
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Purpose: In this work, calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CSH) was combined with titanium doped hydroxyapatite (TiHA) to develop a novel bone cement. Results of previous studies showed that bioactive potential of titanium modified hydroxyapatite ceramics is higher than that of pure HA. Calcium sulfate hemihydrate is also considered as a safe, biocompatible material, however it has been criticized for its rapid resorption. Combination of these materials may result in new cement type material with surgical handiness and selective resorption. Design/methodology/approach: TiHA was obtained by a wet method. Three compositions with different CSH:TiHA weight ratios, namely 3:2, 2:3 and 1:4 were examined. Pure CSH was used as a reference. Distilled water and Na2HPO4 solutions were applied as liquid phases. The study presents the setting time (Gillmore apparatus), phase composition (XRD), microstructure (SEM), porosity (mercury porosimetry) and compressive strength of the obtained new, cement type, implant material. Findings: Initial (I) and final (F) setting times of the obtained cements differed in the range of 2-16 min (I) and 4-75 min (F). The phase composition of the hardened cement bodies characterized by XRD method revealed the presence of calcium sulfate dihydrate (CSD) and hydroxyapatite. Scanning electron microscopy images show excellent bonding between needle-like CSD crystals and apatitic phase. Porosity of the final samples varied from 49 to 59% with pore size diameter from 5 nm to 3.0 ěm. Compressive strength of the samples differed in the range of 3.81-7.58 MPa. Research limitations/implications: The obtained results suggest that CSH-TiHA cements have the potential to be applied in bone substitution and for delivery of drugs. Bioactivity and biodegradation of the studied materials should be checked. Originality/value: According to our knowledge, these are the first studies concerning surgical handiness of bone implant materials based on calcium sufate hemihydrate and titanium doped hydroxyapatite. The cement type composites are biocompatible, shapeable and easy to apply and adapt in bone defects.
Calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) are a family of self-setting, bone repair materials. CPCs possess excellent biocompatibility, surgical handiness and adequate mechanical properties but reveal slow resorption in vivo. Currently, very interesting group of CPCs are biomaterials composed of a-tricalcium phosphate (a-TCP, a-Ca3(PO4)2) and calcium sulfate. Calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CSH, CaSO40.5 H2O) posses a long clinical history in different fields of medicine and is widely recognized as a safe, fast setting and resorbable implant material. The main goal of this study was to investigate how different factors influence the phase composition and physico-chemical properties of the new, cement-type material on the basis of a-TCP, CSH and anhydrous dicalcium phosphate (DCP, CaHPO4). In presented work two different powder phase compositions and three liquid phases were used to produce new bone substitutes. XRD results showed that obtained materials, after setting and hardening, consisted of α-TCP, DCP, DCPD (CaHPO42H2O), HA and bassanite phases. Initial (I) and final (F) setting times of the cement pastes were determined with Gillmore needles and differed in the range of 4-14 min (I) and 10-30 min (F). Increase in the amount of CSH in the powder component resulted in shortening of setting time. Microstructure of cements was evaluated on the fractured samples by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the porosity via mercury porosimetry. Open porosity of the final materials was similar for all investigated compositions. Compressive strength depended on the composition and increased steadily over a period of maturation. The results obtained suggest that calcium phosphate/sulfate bone cement has the potential to be applied for bone augmentation.
Fosforany wapnia (Calcium Phosphates - CaPs), stosowane z powodzeniem w regeneracji i rekonstrukcji tkanki kostnej, należą do grupy bioaktywnych materiałów zdolnych do bezpośredniego wiązania z kością. Interesującymi materiałami implantacyjnymi w postaci łatwo formujących się past cementowych są materiały dwufazowe na bazie HA (hydroksyapatytu) i α-TCP (α-fosforanu trójwapniowego) oraz HA i CSH (półwodnego siarczanu (VI) wapnia). Wprowadzenie do struktury hydroksyapatytu różnych jonów np. srebra lub magnezu wpływa na zmianę jego właściwości fizykochemicznych jak również biologicznych. Połączenie hydroksyapatytu i półwodnego siarczanu (VI) wapnia (ten drugi stosowany jest w medycynie od wielu lat pod nazwą Plaster of Paris) prowadzi do wytworzenia materiałów o wysokiej poręczności chirurgicznej i kontrolowanej biodegradacji. Celem pracy było wytworzenie oraz ocena potencjału bioaktywnego in vitro nowych materiałów kościozastępczych typu cementowego na bazie CaPs i CSH. W skład wyjściowych proszków cementowych wchodziły: zsyntezowany na wydziale Inżynierii Materiałowej i Ceramiki - AGH hydroksyapatyt dotowany srebrem (AgHA), węglanowy hydroksyapatyt dotowany magnezem (MgCHA), α-TCP oraz CSH (Acros Or- ganics). Jako płyny do zarabiania proszków cementowych zastosowano 1% roztwór chitozanu w 0,3% kwasie octowym oraz 0,75% roztwór metylocelulozy w 2% Na2HPO4. Opracowane materiały implantacyjne poddano badaniom czasu wiązania, składu fazowego oraz wytrzymałości mechanicznej. Wytworzone preparaty kościozastępcze przetrzymywano w symulowanym płynie fizjologicznym (SBF) przez okres 14 dni. Oznaczono zmiany stężenia pierwiastków: Ag, Ca, K, Mg, Na, S, P w płynie SBF w czasie trwania inkubacji wykorzystując technikę emisyjnej spektrometrii optycznej z indukcyjnie sprzężoną plazmą (IC- P-OES). Przeprowadzono przy pomocy skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego obserwacje morfologii powierzchni uzyskanych materiałów po 7 i 14 dniach przetrzymywania ich w symulowanym płynie fizjologicznym. Badania SEM potwierdziły narastanie warstwy apatytowej na powierzchniach badanych preparatów, co wskazuje na ich charakter bioaktywny. Materiały implantacyjne, w których zastosowano półwodny siarczan (VI) wapnia, w związku z ich dużą podatnością do dezintegracji i biodegradacji, wykazywały odmienną morfologię powierzchni w porównaniu do preparatów, w których składnikiem wiążącym był α-TCP Wzrost zawartości: Ca i S w płynie SBF podczas trwania inkubacji badanych cementów z udziałem CSH po twierdziło ich stopniową degradację in vitro.
Calcium Phosphates (CaPs), used successfully in the regeneration and reconstruction of bone tissue, belong to the group of bioactive materials, capable to form a direct bond with natural bone. Biphasic materials (bone substitutes) based on HA (hydroxyapatite) and α-TCP (α-tricalcium phosphate) as well as HA and CSH (calcium sulfate hemihydrate) in the form of easily shapeable cement pastes are very interesting implant materials. Introduction of different ions such as silver or magnesium into the structure of hydroxyapatite changes its physicochemical and biological properties. The combination of hydroxyapatite and calcium sulfate hemihydrate (the last one has been used in medicine for many years under the name of Plaster of Paris) leads to the fabrication of materials with high surgical handiness and controlled biodegradation. The aim of this study was development and evaluation of the bioactive potential in vitro of the new cement type bone substitutes based on CaPs and CSH. Initial cement powders consisted of synthesized at the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics - AGH-UST silver doped hydroxyapatite (AgHA), magnesium doped carbonated hydroxyapatite (MgCHA), α-TCP and CSH (Acros Organics). 1 wt.% chitosan solution in 0.3 wt.% acetic acid as well as 0.75 wt. % methylcellulose solution in 2 wt.% Na2HPO4 were applied as liquid phases. Setting time, phase composition and mechanical strength of developed implant materials were examined. Obtained bone substitutes were incubated in simulated body fluid (SBF) for 14 days. Changes in the concentration of the following elements: Ag, Ca, K, Mg, Na, S, P in SBF were determined by simultaneous inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Observations of the surface morphology of obtained materials after 7 and 14 days of incubation in simulated body fluid were carried out using scanning electron microscopy. SEM studies confirmed the growth of an apatite layer on the surfaces of tested materials, what indicates on their bioactivity. Implant materials based on calcium sulfate hemihydrate, due to their high susceptibility to disintegration and biodegradation, showed a different surface morphology compared to the materials based on a-TCP as a binding agent. The increase in the content of Ca and S elements in SBF during the incubation of studied bone cements with CSH confirmed their gradual degradation in vitro.
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W ostatnich latach coraz większe zainteresowane budzą biomateriały do wypełniania ubytków kostnych wykazujące właściwości wiążące in situ. Obecnie na rynku dostępnych jest wiele komercyjnych produktów, jednak wciąż nie ustają próby zmierzające do wytworzenia nowego substytutu kostnego, o ulepszonych właściwościach mechanicznych i biologicznych. Materiały oparte na fosforanach(V) wapnia (włącznie z hydroksyapatytem, HA) cieszą się szczególnym zainteresowaniem ze względu na ich doskonalą biozgodność oraz bioaktywność. Siarczan(VI) wapnia od szeregu lat używany jest do celów klinicznych, a jako wypełniacz kostny jest dobrze tolerowalny przez organizm. W obecnych badaniach opracowano dwufazowy, wiążący substytut kostny na bazie siarczanu(VI) wapnia oraz dotowanego tytanem hydroksyapatytu. Do wytworzenia tego biomateriału użyto półwodnego siarczanu(VI) wapnia (CSH) oraz trzech proszków hydroksyapatytowych dotowanych tytanem (TiHA): surowego oraz kalcynowanych w 800 i 1250°C. Celem badań było określenie wpływu obróbki cieplnej hydroksyapatytu dotowanego tytanem na czas wiązania, właściwości mechaniczne oraz zachowanie w warunkach in vitro w sztucznym osoczu krwi (SBF) kompozytu opartego na siarczanie(VI) wapnia i TiHA. Rezultaty badań wskazują, że materiały wiążące TiHA-CS są biokompatybilne, łatwo kształtowalne oraz posiadają potencjalne zastosowanie do uzupełniania ubytków kostnych.
Biomaterials with the self-setting in situ properties for the use in human bone tissue augmentation have attracted increasing attention in recent years. Currently many commercial products exist on the market, however the efforts still proceed to achieve a novel bone substitute with improved mechanical and biological properties. Calcium phosphate based materials, including hydroxyapatite (HA), have been of special interest due to their excellent biocompatibility and bioactivity. Calcium sulfate has also a long history of clinical use and it is known to be well-tolerated by organism when used as a bone filler. In this study, a biphasic, self-setting bone substitute was developed, basing on calcium sulfate and titanium doped hydroxyapatite. Calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CSH) and three different Ti doped hydroxyapatite powders (TiHA): raw and calcined at 800°C and 1250°C were used to form the new biomaterial. The aim of this study was to investigate how heat treatment of titanium doped hydroxyapatite influenced the setting time, mechanical properties and in vitro behaviour in simulated body fluid (SBF) of the calcium sulfate - TiHA composites. The results of our studies suggest that TiHA-CS self-setting materials are biocompatible, easily shapeable and have a potential to be applied for bone substitution.