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tom Vol. 4, No. 4
This paper discusses various aspects that should be considered when defining and executing extraction process-related information from the source data (ERP system) to an event log. This includes trace and event selection, as well as important project decisions that should be made beforehand. The basic idea of a proposed approach is demonstrated by performing a case study which is related to a standard sales order processing, that is, business process from sales quotation through sales order and delivery to invoicing. For this processes we showed the characteristics of the event logs, and the models we can discover.
The article is aimed at presenting the principles of Business Process Maturity Models (BPMM). They can be identified as a set of recommendations and good practices in achieving operational efficiency of performed processes. When process approach is a paradigm and according to available research organizations are becoming process – centric, the BPMM’s are beginning to be seen as the sources of sustainable competitive advantage and also a tool for obtaining operational excellence. As there is a very large number of documented maturity models the article also presents the results of literature study aiming at identify the most common existing models as well as present their main features and benefits.
Content available remote Determinanty skutecznego wdrożenia BPM w zakładzie opieki zdrowotnej
Wdrożenie zarządzania BPM w zakładzie opieki zdrowotnej odbywa się poprzez przeprowadzenie zmian techniczno-organizacyjnych i społecznych. W kontekście tych zmian doskonalenie procesów w medycynie rozumiane jest jako zbiór działań o różnym stopniu innowacyjności. Zgodnie z ideą podejścia procesowego poprawa funkcjonowania następuje poprzez przechodzenie na kolejny poziom dojrzałości procesowej w modelu PDF. Poprawne przeprowadzenie etapów analizy, oceny i modernizacji procesów wymaga uwzględnienia faz dojrzałości procesowej. W artykule zawarto wskazówki metodyczne realizacji działań w tychże obszarach.
Implementation of BPM in a healthcare institution is done by carrying out technical, organizational and social changes. In the context of these changes, improvement of processes in medicine is understood as a set of actions with varying degrees of innovation. In accordance with the idea of a process approach, improve the functioning is followed by transition to the next level of process maturity in the PDF model. Properly carrying out the stages of analysis, evaluation and process modernization requires using the phases of process maturity as references. The article includes methodical tips of implementation of activities in these areas.
The aim of this article is to identify grounds for using business process approach in IT projects in public sector and barriers faced by the introduction of this approach in public administration units. The content of the article mergers two approaches: theoretical and formal view of business process approach with the author’s experience in information systems projects carried out in public administration. The author presents several significant arguments for using business process approach. However, they are overwhelmed by many problems of the implementation of this approach, including: reluctant attitude to the process approach, bureaucratic mentality, a firmly fixed hierarchical organizational structure, and poor information culture among civil servants.
This article mainly aims at analysing determinants of possibilities of improving processes in an organization. The early sections of the study are devoted to a theoretical analysis of the determinants of the process management and its connection with the project management. Then the assumptions of the survey on the impact of the organizational structure and culture on the possibilities of applying business process management are presented. The verification of theoretical deliberations and survey assumptions is included in the last part of the article presenting the initial results of the obtained survey and the resulting conclusions.
Content available remote Process Discovery and Conformance Checking Using Passages
The two most prominent process mining tasks are process discovery (i.e., learning a process model from an event log) and conformance checking (i.e., diagnosing and quantifying differences between observed and modeled behavior). The increasing availability of event data makes these tasks highly relevant for process analysis and improvement. Therefore, process mining is considered to be one of the key technologies for Business Process Management (BPM). However, as event logs and process models grow, process mining becomes more challenging. Therefore, we propose an approach to decompose process mining problems into smaller problems using the notion of passages. A passage is a pair of two non-empty sets of activities (X, Y) such that the set of direct successors of X is Y and the set of direct predecessors of Y is X. Any Petri net can be partitioned using passages. Moreover, process discovery and conformance checking can be done per passage and the results can be aggregated. This has advantages in terms of efficiency and diagnostics. Moreover, passages can be used to distribute process mining problems over a network of computers. Passages are supported through ProM plug-ins that automatically decompose process discovery and conformance checking tasks.
We discuss the static verification of declarative Business Processes. We identify four desiderata about verifiers, and propose a concrete framework which satisfies them. The framework is based on the ConDec graphical notation for modeling Business Processes, and on Abductive Logic Programming technology for verification of properties. Empirical evidence shows that our verification method seems to perform and scale better, in most cases, than other state of the art techniques (model checkers, in particular). A detailed study of our framework's theoretical properties proves that our approach is sound and complete when applied to ConDec models that do not contain loops, and it is guaranteed to terminate when applied to models that contain loops.
The paper presents the concept and design models of the access control system for RFID tagged documents in supply chain management. The access control system allows to assign privileges to particular persons or groups of persons for specific documents. When implementing the processes related to the handling of documents, the required privileges are verified. Existence or lack of such privileges affects further development of such processes.
tom 2
nr 2
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current state of Process Performance Measurement Systems (PPMS) by means of a systematic review of literature. The PPMS literature is reviewed using a systematic approach. Based on an extensive literature review only twelve articles that contain the term PPMS in the title were found. The literature analysis showed that PPMS is a relatively new topic in the area of performance measurement. In order to understand PPMS, it was crucial to explain the concepts of business process management, business performance measurement and Performance Measurement System (PMS) which are well known and used in the literature and practice. PPMS is a special type of PMS that should be used in process-oriented organizations. Limitations of this research lie in the fact that all the conclusions were derived only from the literature, not empirical research. The results presented in the paper continue towards providing an updated overview of the current state of performance measurement, especially PPMS in order to identify the existing research gaps on which ongoing and future research efforts regarding this topic can be focused.
W artykule podjęto próbę określenia wpływu różnych czynników na zwiększanie dojrzałości procesowej organizacji. Najpierw przybliżono istotę dojrzałości procesowej organizacji oraz przesłanki jej zwiększania. Zwrócono uwagę na pozytywną korelację pomiędzy dojrzałością procesową a poprawą efektywności organizacji, jak również na złożoność zjawisk wpływających na wzrost dojrzałości procesowej organizacji, która nie pozwala na jednoznaczne wskazanie dominujących czynników warunkującego rozwój orientacji procesowej. Poszukując możliwości wskazania takich czynników, bazując na studiach literatury przedmiotu zaproponowano modelowe spojrzenie na omawiane zagadnienia. W zakończeniu sformułowano wnioski oraz wskazano kierunki dalszych badań w tym obszarze.
The paper aims to identify the influence of various factors on improving business process maturity. First, the essence of business process maturity and the reasons for improving it are expounded. The attention is drawn to the positive correlation between process maturity and organisation’s efficiency as well as the complexity of phenomena influencing the improvement of business process maturity which does not allow for unequivocal indication of the dominant factors conditioning the development of the process orientation. Looking for ways to point out such factors, based on the literature review, a model view on the discussed issues is proposed. In the conclusion, directions for further research in this area are suggested.
Differences in functioning of organizations basing their management structure on function, or process are the subject of this work. Empirical researches were conducted on the representative group of workers of enterprises from the West-Pomeranian and Lubuskie Voivodeship. At first respondents qualified their organization to the group of process or functional enterprises. Further analyses were conducted beyond general approach also in selected groups: process or functional organization looking for differences in paterns of behaviour in chosen areas: openness of organization for propositions of improvement of organizational reality, degree of orientation of organization towards client, range of used documentation of process in organizations, conformity of organization management systems with standards of chosen forms of ISO (with particular consideration of the standard ISO 9001) along with analysis of certification plans and implementation of further standards of conformity, degree of use in company integrated IT solutions which support management of processes along with analysis of plans within this scope. The aim of research was to analyze in investigated organizations chosen aspects connected with issues concerning process management. A hypothesis that in adopted areas substantial differences in ways behaviour of process and functional organization can be identified. Conducted empirical analyses were preceded with theoretical consideration where theoretical material considering analyzed field included in literature of subject were presented. Therefore the work is of theoretical and empirical nature.
Content available Dynamiczne aspekty procesów biznesowych
W ostatnich latach w obszarze zarządzania i systemów informatycznych szeroko dyskutowany jest sposób uwzględnienia w nich dynamicznych aspektów procesów biznesowych. Zagadnienie to określane jest jako Dynamiczne Zarządzanie Procesami Biznesowymi (ang. Dynamic Business Process Management, DBPM) lub BPM 2.0. Jest to rozwinięcie tradycyjnego Zarządzania Procesami Biznesowymi (ang. Business Process Management, BPM) o tzw. aspekt dynamiczny. Dostępne próby definiowania DBPM łączy wspomniany aspekt dynamiczny, który przeważnie sprowadzany jest do jednej z cech procesów biznesowych, tj. przebiegu, z pominięciem pozostałych. W artykule w uporządkowany sposób przedstawiono zagadnienie dynamicznych procesów biznesowych, wprowadzono jego definicję, zidentyfikowano i scharakteryzowano różne jego aspekty (z uwzględnieniem kontekstu zarządzania oraz systemów informatycznych) oraz przedstawiono kluczowe kierunki badawcze.
In recent years, in the field of IT and management, widely discussed is the issue referred to as Dynamic Process Management (DBPM) or BPM 2.0. This is an evolution of the traditional Business Process Management (BPM). This article, in an orderly manner with the problem of dynamic business processes, introduces its definition, identifies and characterizes its various aspects (including context management, and IT) and shows key research directions.
nr 186
The implementation of business process management projects in organizations is popular with many enterprises, regardless of their size or the sector in which they operate. Efficient implementation, a holistic approach in this concept focuses on the efficient functioning of processes in the context of the goals and strategic assumptions of the organization. Despite the use of many solutions and methodologies, projects are not always successful, and during their implementation there are many difficulties and limitations. Therefore, a research problem arises: What conditions of business process management projects in contemporary organizations influence their success, and what factors cause their failure? The considerations and the results of research work show the undertaken design solutions at the strategic and operational level. The key success factors are the linking of the strategic and operational levels, the involvement of human capital at all levels of the organization, and the involvement of employees as well as building an organizational culture open to changes with the support of IT tools.
Realizacja projektów wdrożenia zarządzania procesowego w organizacjach cieszy się zainteresowaniem wielu przedsiębiorstw, niezależnie od wielkości czy sektora, w którym funkcjonują. Podejście holistyczne w tej koncepcji koncentruje się na sprawnym funkcjonowaniu procesów, w kontekście celów i założeń strategicznych organizacji. Pomimo zastosowania wielu rozwiązań i metodyk implementacji, projekty nie zawsze kończą się sukcesem, a w trakcie ich realizacji pojawia się wiele trudności i ograniczeń. Nasuwa się zatem problem badawczy: Jakie uwarunkowania projektów zarządzania procesowego we współczesnych organizacjach wpływają na ich sukces, a jakie z kolei czynniki powodują ich niepowodzenie? Prowadzone rozważania oraz wyniki prac badawczych wykazują konieczność podejmowania projektów na poziomie strategicznym i operacyjnym. Kluczowymi czynnikami sukcesu jest powiązanie płaszczyzny strategicznej i operacyjnej, zaangażowanie kapitału ludzkiego na wszystkich szczeblach organizacji i zaangażowanie pracowników oraz budowa otwartej na zmiany kultury organizacyjnej wraz ze wsparciem narzędzi IT.
tom Nr 38
Złożoność BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) jest powodem trudności w poprawnym stosowaniu notacji. celem artykułu jest identyfikacja najważniejszych problemów, jakie sprawia wykorzystanie BPMN w różnych aspektach zarządzania procesami. Autor dokonał przeglądu publikacji związanych z zarządzaniem procesowym, ale niezwiązanych bezpośrednio z analizą systemów informacyjnych, w których wykorzystano do ilustracji BPMN. na tej podstawie zidentyfikowano najczęściej występujące błędy syntaktyczne w modelowaniu za pomocą BPMN i oceniono skalę tego zjawiska. Analiza wykazała, że największe trudności sprawia poprawne zastosowanie przepływów komunikatów oraz zdarzeń typu komunikat, a także rozróżnienie uczestników i wykonawców oraz ich poprawne reprezentowanie na diagramach w postaci basenów i torów.
The complexity of BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is the cause of difficulties in the correct use of the notation. This article aims to identify the most important problems of BPMN usage in various aspects of process management. The author conducted a review of articles illustrated with BPMN diagrams and related to process management, but not directly related to the analysis of information systems. On that basis, the most common syntactic errors in BPMN modeling were identified and the scale of that phenomenon was assessed. The analysis showed that the greatest difficulties were associated with the correct application of message flows, message events, as well as with the distinction of participants and actors, and their proper representation in the diagrams in the form of pools and lanes.
High complexity of business processes in real-life organizations is a constantly rising issue. In consequence, modeling a workflow is a challenge for process stakeholders. Yet, to facilitate this task, new methods can be implemented to automate the phase of process design. As a main contribution of this paper, we propose an approach to generate process models based on activities performed by the participants, where the exact order of execution does not need to be specified. Nevertheless, the goal of our method is to generate artificial workflow traces of a process using Constraint Programming and a set of predefined rules. As a final step, the approach was implemented as a dedicated tool and evaluated on a set of test examples that prove that our method is capable of creating correct process models.
tom 10/2
Aktualnost istraživanja područja kriznog menadžmenta posebno je izražena zadnjih 20 godina u kojima se, između ostaloga, dogodila svjetska ekonomska kriza, a zatim i trenutačna gospodarska kriza uzrokovana proglašenjem globalne pandemije zbog pojave bolesti COVID-19. Nadalje, tržište je postalo globalno, poslovanje digitaliziranije, razvija se umjetna inteligencija, robotiziraju se procesi, itd. Može se zaključiti da su suvremeni uvjeti poslovanja kompleksni i dinamični s čime su i razlozi za potencijalni nastanak krize u poduzeću sve brojniji. Menadžeri u praksi često reagiraju na simptome krize koji se u pokazateljima boniteta i bilančnim pokazateljima u literaturi opisuju kao rani simptomi. Autori smatraju da takav način upravljanja krizom nije učinkovit jer se navedeni pokazatelji mogu definirati kao mjera razine krize u poduzeću, a ne kao rani simptomi krize. Adekvatan način prevencije krize prepoznavanje je ranih simptoma krize putem upravljanja poslovnim procesima. U literaturi je dokazano da je najveći broj kriza prouzročen unutrašnjim čimbenicima, a upravljanjem poslovnim procesima se te neusklađenosti rješavaju. Cilj rada je raspraviti i problematizirati trenutak prepoznavanja potencijalne krize u poduzeću, evidenciju iste, reakcije menadžera kao i ukazati na potencijalne mogućnosti i načine prevencije krize koje se posebno ogledaju u upravljanju poslovnim procesima. U radu se nakon uvoda objašnjavaju pojam i uzroci krize, rani simptomi krize kao I krizni menadžment i upravljanje poslovnim procesima. Na kraju rada je zaključak.
The research in the field of crisis management has become particularly relevant in the last two decades in which, among other things, the global economic crisis occurred, followed by the current economic crisis caused by the declaration of COVID-19 global pandemic. Furthermore, the market has become global, business increasingly digitalized, artificial intelligence is evolving, processes are being robotized, etc. We can conclude that modern business conditions are complex and dynamic, which is why there are many causes of a potential crisis in a company. In practice, managers often react to signs of a crisis which are, in solvency indicators and balance sheet indicators in reference books, described as early signs. The authors believe that such crisis management way is not efficient because the indicators can be defined as the measure of the crisis level in the company and not as early signs of a crisis. An adequate way to prevent a crisis is to recognize the early signs of it through business process management. Reference books prove that most crises are caused by internal factors and business process management solves those inconsistencies. The paper aims to discuss the moment of recognizing a potential crisis in a company, recording it, reactions of managers, as well as point out potential opportunities and ways to prevent a crisis, which are especially reflected in business process management. After the introduction, the paper explains the concept and causes of a crisis, the early signs of a crisis as well as crisis management and business process management. The paper ends with a conclusion.
This article describes the authors’ methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of business process management systems (Business Process Management Systems). The current methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of IT systems implementation is too general and ineffective to the specificity of BPM implementations. Literature analysis and research conducted by the authors indicate that the area related to the assessment of the effectiveness of BPM information systems is very complex but at the same time very attractive from a practical and applied point of view. The authors explain the organizational implications of BPM implementation and they point out what gives you the transition from a functionally oriented organization to a process approach. In terms of time, the scope of work covers the key achievements and publications from the BPM systems of the last 20 years. In spatial terms work includes evaluating BPMS implementations in the insurance and energy sectors. Case studies and practical information on implemented business process management systems are presented in the material to prove it’s value.
W niniejszym artykule opisano autorską metodę oceniającą efektywność wdrożenia systemów zarządzania procesami biznesowymi (Business Process Management Systems) przedsiębiorstwa. Obecna metodyka, oceniająca efektywność wdrożeń systemów informatycznych, jest zbyt ogólna i nieefektywna w stosunku do specyfiki wdrożeń systemów BPM. Analiza literatury i przeprowadzone przez autorów badania wskazują, że obszar związany z oceną efektywności systemów informatycznych BPM jest bardzo złożony, ale zarazem bardzo atrakcyjny z praktycznego i aplikacyjnego punktu widzenia. Autorzy opracowania wyjaśniają implikacje organizacyjne związane z wdrożeniem systemu BPM oraz wskazują, co daje przejście z organizacji zorientowanej funkcjonalnie na podejście procesowe. W ujęciu czasowym zakres pracy obejmuje najważniejsze osiągnięcia oraz publikacje z obszaru systemów BPM z ostatnich 20 lat. W ujęciu przestrzennym praca obejmuje ewaluację wdrożeń BPMS w sektorze ubezpieczeniowym i energetycznym. Przedstawiono też studia przypadku oraz praktyczne informacje o zaimplementowanych systemach zarządzania procesami biznesowymi.
Content available remote Business Process Recomposition as a Way to Redesign Workflows Effectively
Business process models are subject to changing requirements. The purpose of this paper is to present methods that enable computer-aided recomposition of process models, understood as using existing processes to design new ones. This procedure involves dividing existing BPMN diagrams into smaller components, from which new models can be created. This kind of model generation can be performed manually by the user or run automatically, based on the Constraint Programming technique. The presented algorithms can improve the process of model redesign and allow users to avoid typical anomalies that may occur in the modeling phase.
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