The business processes’ constantly increasing dynamic occurred in companies forces them not only to create their new business models and strategies, but first of all to achieve appropriate profits. The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of business models strategy and economization, using the value-based paradigm. The author argues that currently designed business models and strategies should generate defined measurable financial results, at every stage of their implementation suitable to program them. Therefore, the application of such business models and strategies enables for an enterprise’s value increasing at its business development every stage.
Selection and proper application of business process modeling methods and techniques have a significant impact on organizational improvement capabilities as well as proper understanding of functionality of information systems that shall support activity of the organization. A number of business process modeling notations were popularized in practice in recent decades. Most significant of the notations include Business Process Modeling Notation (OMG BPMN) and several Unified Modeling Language (OMG UML) extensions. In this paper, the assessment whether one of the most flexible and strictly standardized contemporary business process modeling notations, i.e. Rational UML Profile for Business Modeling, enable business analysts to prepare business models that are all-embracing and understandable by all the stakeholders. After the introduction, methodology of research is discussed. Section 2 presents selected case study results. The paper is concluded with a summary.
Customer loyalty is of great significance to any company, because it is the loyal clients who allow the business to generate stable income. The matter of customer loyalty has been the object of scrutiny for scientists, marketing specialists, and promoters of other beliefs for some time already. It has seen diversification of theories and spiral development, thereby drawing in ever new elements, including the issue of electronic environment, which provides a broad range of possibilities for establishing circles of loyal clients. The objective of the article is to determine and analyse the factors which affect the attraction and retention of loyal customers by the means of electronic environment and electronic marketing activities. The authors employed quantitative and qualitative research methods: grouping, analyses, statistical methods, etc. The theoretical and methodological framework of the article is formed of scientific studies and publications, publications in mass media, and professional literature, as well as the statistical information from official sources and the information obtained as a result of the authors’ researches
This paper presents the design of universal Service Management Platform − SMP, which facilitates ordering services for senior citizens. Platform design motivation was presented as a tool to increase the chances of elderly people in the independent existence in their own homes. This is due to demographic changes taking place in Europe, the progressive aging of the population and evolving outline of an elderly person. The concept of service distribution based on the M:N model, sharing the customers and service providers database was proposed. Technological barriers and other aspects relating to the SMP platform design and maintenance were specified. Benefits of the platform release on the market, both in the sphere of business and society were presented.
The sustainable business model (SBM) concept emerged as one of the most compelling research topics in contemporary management. The multifariousness of discussion areas and problems related to creating, implementing, and modifying SMBs offers great at is ultimate, which means that it is sustainable in all three dimensions, i.e., in the technological, social, and environmental context, by applying innovations corresponding to these categories (technological, social, and organizational). Particular attention was paid to the discussion on SBM archetypes and a framework describing SBM key features that served as points of reference for further investigations. The paper comprises two major parts; the introduction of the sustainable business model concept is followed by research results. The theoretical part includes a presentation of the most important SBM definitions discussed in the managerial literature. In the second empirical part, based on secondary sources, an illustrative case study of an ultimately sustainable business model (USBM) was developed and discussed.
Customer loyalty is of great significance to any company, because it is the loyal clients who allow the business to generate stable income. The matter of customer loyalty has been the object of scrutiny for scientists, marketing specialists, and promoters of other beliefs for some time already. It has seen diversification of theories and spiral development, thereby drawing in ever new elements, including the issue of electronic environment, which provides a broad range of possibilities for establishing circles of loyal clients. The objective of the article is to determine and analyse the factors which affect the attraction and retention of loyal customers by the means of electronic environment and electronic marketing activities. The authors employed quantitative and qualitative research methods: grouping, analyses, statistical methods, etc. The theoretical and methodological framework of the article is formed of scientific studies and publications, publications in mass media, and professional literature, as well as the statistical information from official sources and the information obtained as a result of the authors’ researches.
The aim of the article is a presentation of the concept of The Business Model Canvas as a tool that supports the process management in the newly created organization and involvement in scientific discussion on the usefulness of such tools in practice. For this purpose a case study, which allowed to present copyright reflection associated with the use Canvas model for service management "" The research part of the results of the assessment of the usefulness of this tool from the perspective of owners of start-drop – people starting business operations. Model Canvas in the planning phase assists in the tasks and activities necessary to start operations in the initial phase helps in ensuring all the elements and from the perspective of annual activity helps determine the direction of development.
Celem artykułu jest włączenie się w dyskusję nad typologizacją modeli biznesu klubów piłkarskich, a także przeprowadzenie, na podstawie koncepcji Osterwaldera, charakterystyki jednego z wyróżnionych typów modeli biznesu. Istotność poruszanej problematyki wynika zarówno ze znaczenia dyskusji nad modelami biznesu w głównym nurcie nauk o zarządzaniu, jak i nienależytego, zdaniem autorów, ukształtowania procesów zarządzania w klubach piłkarskich. Ze względu na koncepcyjny charakter przedstawianego modelu w opracowaniu wykorzystano metodykę deskryptywną.
The article presents a proposal of typology of football clubs business models’ and, based on the concept of Osterwalder, a characteristics of one of the distinguished types of business models. The significance of the discussed issues due to both the importance of the discussion of business models in the mainstream of management science and improper, according to the authors, the formation processes of management in football clubs. Due to the conceptual nature of the model presented in the paper uses a descriptive methodology.
The aim of the article is to promote research on the concept of dynamic capabilities in the process of building the efficiency of the business model of enterprises on the fuel sales market. The starting point of the article is the presentation of the retail fuel sales market in Poland and possible change scenarios. The dynamic development of the sector has made fuel stations an important element of public infrastructure. However, due to the high level of competitiveness, the entities manage differently with survival and their development. The concept of dynamic capabilities, which is one of the most promising approaches to explaining differences in financial results, seems to be interesting. The article shows some of the results of the research procedure conducted among participants of the fuel sales market in relation to the environment of the organization, business model and dynamic capabilities in terms of both process and resources.
Social ventures represent a new type of organization that aim to create sustainable social value, such as promoting the well-being of communities and their existence is based on developing solutions to tackle complex social problems. Developing a suitable business model for a social venture is crucial because the right model with a sustainable value offering in its core can support the venture and direct it toward self-sustainability and competitiveness. Research on social venture business models has been so far limited and particularly innovation in business models needs more inquiry. Through an in-depth case study, we aim to extend the understanding how business models of social ventures can meet these goals and how the business model elements interact with each other. The study findings indicate that opportunity recognition which is followed by innovative resource mobilization and integration can turn into a well-functioning business-model that serves the desired ends, creating social value and help to achieve self-sustainability. Furthermore, establishing the right interconnections between the business model elements was found to support the development of an efficient social venture business model.
Green business model innovation can allow managers to better understand how it can contribute to global sustainable development through firm’s value proposition, delivery and capture. Therefore, more and more organizations are implementing and building the concept of its action on eco-innovations. The article presents issues of models of the business based on eco-innovations. Components of such models as well as their essential archetypes were determined.
Innowacje ekologiczne stanowią narzędzie do osiągania celów w zakresie zarządzania środowiskowego, przyczyniając się zarazem do poprawy konkurencyjności firmy, dlatego coraz więcej przedsiębiorstw wdraża i buduje na innowacjach ekologicznych filozofię swojego działania. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia modeli biznesu opartych na innowacjach ekologicznych. Określono składowe takich modeli oraz zidentyfikowano ich podstawowe archetypy.
Background and Purpose: Though Mobile Wallets have the potential to entirely substitute their physical predecessor, many Mobile Wallets narrow their operations to one particular feature. This might be because of strategic business- model design choices to position themselves strategically as intermediates between users and business partners (third parties) in more delimited markets. Thus, Mobile Wallet Applications (MWAs) often represent platforms in narrow two-sided market structures. Design/Methodology/Approach: The paper focuses on the economics of such platforms by the means of a business model analysis. It examines how business partners are integrated in four MWAs’ strategies: Key Ring, FidMe, Apple Passbook and Qustomer. Results: The paper shows that MWAs strive to incorporate not only a large quantity of partners but also such with a high brand value (quality of partners) in their organization design. These partners shape their service design since none of the platforms offer products or services themselves. Hence, MWAs are dependent on the third parties’ capacity and willingness to fulfill engagements and meet the customer demands. Conclusion: MWAs - though concerned with the inclusion and management of loyalty points and schemes - do not leverage the possibility to generate revenue via third parties’ loyalty points. Theoretically, MWAs could reward or redeem loyalty points themselves.
Millions of users around the world have registered on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offered by hundreds of universities (and other organizations) worldwide. Creating and offering these courses costs thousands of pounds. However, at present, revenue generated by MOOCs is not sufficient to offset these costs. The sustainability of MOOCs is a pressing concern as they incur not only upfront creation costs but also maintenance costs to keep content relevant, as well as on-going facilitation support costs while a course is running and re-running. At present, charging a fee for certification seems to be a popular business model adopted by leading platform providers. In this position paper, the authors explore possible business models for courses, along with their advantages and disadvantages, by conducting a literature study and applying personal insights gained from attending various MOOC discussion fora. Some business models discussed here are: the Freemium model, sponsorships, initiatives and grants, donations, merchandise, the sale of supplementary material, selective advertising, data-sharing, follow-on events, and revenue from referrals. This paper looks at the sustainability of MOOCS as opposed to the sustainability of MOOC platforms, while observing the tight link between them.
Industrial companies are the core of the national innovation system. However, large, medium and small enterprises differ significantly in their role in the innovation system, resource potential, strategic priorities and objectives. The paper focuses on a comparative analysis of the strategic priorities of innovative activities of Russian companies of different size. We have identified three types of companies: small innovative companies, large and medium-sized companies with a traditional business model, major innovation-driven companies with an integrated business model. Our analysis of the trajectories of small innovative firms located in Novosibirsk Scientific Center showed that the majority of the companies can be characterized either as spin-off firm or as specialized supplier. Spin-offs are newly established small firms, who have recently separated from the major research labs or parent companies. The typical behavior model for such companies is innovative entrepreneurship. Specialized suppliers are small companies that provide significant contributions to complex manufacturing systems in the form of equipment, parts, tools and software. Innovative objectives of such small companies deal with design and production of the specific elements required for large companies. Large and medium-sized companies with a traditional business model are characterized by the existing structure of commodity output and the supply chain. Characteristic type of innovative behavior for such companies includes incremental product and process innovations. Large innovation-oriented companies with an integrated business model have traditional production units and innovative units in their structure. Innovation priorities of major innovation-oriented companies with integrated business model are consistent with the hybrid model of behavior which combines the traditional model with an innovative entrepreneurship.
W artykule zaproponowano klasyfikację modeli biznesowych przedsiębiorstw branży TSL (transport, spedycja, logistyka) działających w Polsce. Wyjaśniona została definicja modelu biznesowego i różnica między modelem a strategią przedsiębiorstwa. Omówiono wyróżnione typy modeli biznesowych i ich elementy składowe. Dokonana została systematyka modeli, na podstawie przyjętej klasyfikacji, wraz ze wskazaniem najbardziej typowych dla branży TSL kierunków rozwoju.
Critical questions of the article to be answered include: What are the typical business models for the Polish T&L sector?, What are their features? What do they consist of? This article addresses the first question above by providing a framework for the classification of the T&L business models. This concept is a basis for further in-depth analysis of the T&L companies in Poland.
The fourth industrial revolution has resulted in technology advancements in the manufacturing industry. However, the innovation potential embedded in these technologies should be unlocked by a viable application, i.e., the business model (BM). The BM as a holistic concept featuring different interacting elements is thus emerging as a promising vehicle for innovation. Current BM research describes the entire domain but lacks depth in the characterization of its individual components. This paper investigates the available manufacturing literature through the lens of the BM concept performing a scientometric analysis. The results are presented in a relational framework that provides an in-depth characterization of the manufacturing element of the BM and highlights identified connections that link the BM components. This is the basis for tools that will support firms in developing manufacturing portfolios aligned with their strategic goals.
Information Technology (IT) shapes the success of organizations, giving them a solid foundation that increases both their level of efficiency as well as productivity. New and innovative business models based on advanced information and communication technologies are to promote the growth of enterprises and the flexibility of creating greater value for their stakeholders. The aim of the article is to discuss the challenges and trends facing organizations in the context of the selection and implementation of new business models with particular emphasis on sourcing models in the IT area. Moreover, the article will investigate the impact of IT sourcing models on innovation and competitiveness of the organization.
The paper focuses on the concept of supply chain management based on aviation logistics, which includes airport operations, services, global economy and airport aviation infrastructure. The article also gives details of a complex structure of aviation supply chain process and what kind of factors and trends are significant in supply chain management.
Purpose: The paper’s main objective is to structure the knowledge of the existing regulatory frameworks, projects and actions that support sustainable performance management (SPM) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) against the backdrop of the growing significance of the circular economy. The paper will also evidence how strategic management accounting (SMA) assists this process, what individual metrics, dashboards or scorecard concepts have been proposed and how their use may be assessed. Methodology/approach: The research methods include (1) a descriptive systematic analysis of the policies established by the policymakers and regulators in the EU, (2) a comparative analysis of various organisations’ initiatives, actions, delivered toolkits and their outputs, and (3) a literature review of the essential works and research studies on sustainable business models (SBMs), circular business models (CBMs) and SPM in the context of SMEs. Findings: The policies established in the EU support SPM by encouraging SMEs to be involved in sustainable business practices and indicating how to embark on a green transition. Recently, multiple initiatives have been aimed at indicating the opportunities the closed-loop economy system offers SMEs. Many toolkits have also been developed to help SMEs measure their sustainable performance. Although this measurement is vital for SMEs, the business practice falls behind the regulatory framework. Therefore, internal initiatives from the SME sector are needed to popularise the sustainability concept. Research limitations/implications: SMEs show lower levels of compliance with environmental requirements and are unaware of how their activities affect the environment. A limitation of the research is that, in many cases, SMEs are not ready to respond properly to the ESG requirements imposed by regulators. The reason may be a lack of knowledge, experience and limited funds. Therefore, future research should focus on recognizing the gaps in this area and identifying what may be impeding the development of sustainability performance management in SMEs. Originality/value: The work presents the evolution path from the traditional business models (TBMs) through the SBMs to innovative CBMs and addresses their distinctive features. It contributes to the existing knowledge about SMA in SMEs by analysing its links with SPM.
W artykule podjęto zagadnienie modeli biznesu firm rodzinnych. Firmy rodzinne to specyficzne podmioty łączące w sobie relacje rodzinne z logiką prowadzenia biznesu. Tematyka modeli biznesu firm rodzinnych to zagadnienie rzadko podejmowane w badaniach naukowych. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury przedmiotu i przeprowadzonych badań własnych autorka stwierdza, że modele biznesu wykorzystywane do opisu sposobu prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej firm nierodzinnych mają ograniczoną zdolność wyjaśniania zachowań biznesowych firm rodzinnych. Model biznesu, który pozwalałby scharakteryzować zachowania biznesowe firm rodzinnych powinien uwzględniać specyficzne cechy tych podmiotów wynikające z interakcji systemu rodziny i systemu przedsiębiorstwa. Autorka proponuje własną koncepcję modelu biznesu, którą można zastosować do opisu sposobu prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej firm rodzinnych.
The article examines the issue of business models of family businesses. The family businesses are specific entities that combine family relationships with the logic of conducting business. The subject of the business models of the family businesses is rarely undertaken in scientific research. Based on a review of literature and her own research, the author concludes that the business models used to describe methods of conducting non-family businesses, have a limited ability to explain business behaviour of the family businesses. The business model that would be able to characterize the business behaviour of family businesses should consider the specific characteristics of those entities arising from the interaction of family system and the enterprise system. The author proposes her own concept of the business model that can be used to describe the method of doing business by family businesses.
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