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Content available Saqqara: some remarks on flora from funerary context
An extensive Ptolemaic cemetery west of the Step Pyramid in Saqqara (Egypt), excavated since 1987 by a Polish mission headed by Karol Myśliwiec, has inspired the present study. Over 500 burials have been found so far in strata overlying the Old Kingdom necropolis. The aim of the paper is to present the plant remains discovered in burial contexts in 1987-2012 in the so-called Upper Necropolis. It emphasizes the results of their archaeobotanical analyses. The effects of research on plant remains from the Lower Necropolis are presented here to be used as a 2000 years older comparative material.
The author of the Book of Tobit, which should be taken as a model, wants to protect the values and wealth of Jewish families. In the Book we encounter God’s intervention in the life of Tobit, Tobias and Sarah living in a foreign land emphasised by the motive of burial, by the motive of the deprivation of the property, by the motive of blidness, by the motive of childlessness and abandonment and modelled on Genesis. Their religion is based on fidelity to Law, prayers and practising pious and good deeds. Such a religion does not exclude suffering, including the suffering of the righteous.
The issue presented in this article aims to explain the concept of ecclesiastical burial and shows the richness of its forms included in liturgical and law provisions in Code of Canon Law of 1917, “Ordo Exequiarum”, Johanno-Pauline Code, „Burial Rites” adjusted to Polish diocese. The issue is shown in different sources and literature on the subject. It also shows the historical development of ecclesiastical burial law from the beginings of Church to promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law of 1983. This thesis allows to understand the position of Church and state on burial law. It points out the historical development of ecclesiastical burial law and the reform of burial law emerged during Third Vatican Council resulting in current Polish law rules and Code of Canon Law.
This paper presents an analysis of the burial of the Bandkeramik culture discovered in Baїv in 1939. It provides a new reconstruction and accurate description of the vessel, which was a part of the grave goods. Detailed analysis of the ornamentation
Elemental mercury re-emission into the air from an old burial ground in Gdańsk Letnica and from a modern landfill in Gdańsk Szadółki resulted in noticeably increased TGM concentrations from the urban background level of 1.9 ng m-3 to a maximum value of 164.4 ng m-3. Hgtot concentrations in the soil of the burial ground ranged from 37.3 to 4817.3 ng g-1 and in the surrounding water: from 22.0 to 55.0 ng dm-3. The highest Hg_tot concentrations in the modern landfill (Gdańsk Szadółki) were reported for the unsorted waste: 36.1 - 972.8 ng g-1. Laboratory experiments on the re-emission of Hg(0) into the air showed that emission from soil was stimulated by solar radiation and from the water – additionally by turbulent mixing.
The article deals with unpublished research materials from the medieval Christian cemetery located on the territory of the hillfort in the village of Kopachyntsi in Sub-Carpathian region (Ukraine) which were conducted in 1953. Excavations were verified, objects and artefacts were analysed, and an attempt to attribute and date them was made. The site is represented by inhumations in pits, as well as burials under stone slabs. The so-called “under the slab burials” are a separate category of monuments of funeral culture, which is characterized by its diffusion only on the territory of Halician-Volhynian state, but not the whole of Kyiv Rus’. At the same time, such monuments are known in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia and Poland. Data on most of the under the slab monuments discovered on the territory of Ukraine are often uninformative, and therefore the publication of the results of stationary archaeological excavations is extremely important for understanding this cultural and religious phenomenon. Special attention is paid to a rare stone cross that was found by the deceased. The search for analogies allows us to conclude that it may be a pilgrimage relic.
At the beginning of February 2018, in connection with the ongoing investment in the Basilica of Bernardine church in Rzeszów (the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rzeszów) comprehensive archaeological works were conducted. They were performed by the Foundation for Archaeological centre in Rzeszów. The excavations were carried out due to the fact that during the renovation of the church and the replacement of the floor, human remains and two crypts were found. It is worth noting that within the Bernardine church no archaeological research had been previously conducted, even in the form of keeping a watching brief. Two archaeological sondages (A and B) were established during the exploration of the porch. In the course of exploration of the first trial trench burial pits with human remains were discovered. At the 50–70 cm level, the only well-preserved skeleton in an anatomical order, oriented along the north-south line (grave 12) was registered. With reference to one of the burials deposited at 90–110 cm (grave 22), a coin was found. It was located under the skull of the deceased, adjacent to the jaw and leaving a characteristic greenish discoloration on the bone. The last level at which human burials were registered was the level of 110–130 cm. The graves revealed traces of destruction by other burials or reburials with a mixed context of human remains. The second trial trench, 1.5x0.5 m, in the form of a small test pit was studied at the southern, primary entrance to the church (sondage B). During the exploration, human bones were uncovered in a mixed context that did not form any clear clusters. By conservator’s decision, the boundaries of excavations were gradually expanded to reveal as much foundation as possible and, at the same time, confirm or refute the legend about the burial of the church founder under the threshold in the porch. According to historical sources, it was Mikołaj Spytek Ligęza, who wished (in his will written on August 7, 1637) to be buried under the threshold of the church porch. The results of the research did not confirm this legend. The movable material remains chronologically correspond to the 15th to 18th centuries. With regard to uncovered ceramic forms, pots dominated among pottery vessels. A fragment of a bowl and a plate were also noted. Similar forms of vessels were known from Rzeszów. Another group of artefacts were metals, including iron nails and coffin closing staples, as well as corroded lumps, wires and wheels difficult to identify, probably associated with the equipment and construction of coffins. In addition, a fragment of the iron horseshoe protector and two coins were discovered. To sum up, it is worth noting that archaeological research carried out within the Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Rzeszów created a unique opportunity for conducting archaeological intervention research. It brought a number of new and valuable information about the history of the city. In the course of excavations, archaeologists discovered the remains of a church cemetery, which undoubtedly surrounded the former wooden church existing on the site of the present building.
The current report presents the results of the 2017 excavations of two prehistoric sites in, or in the vicinity of, the Zarabag Oasis, South Uzbekistan. In the Yaz I settlement of Burgut Kurgan, the 2017 excavation season focused on a small portion of the stone wall and was not able to confirm the presence of a gate hypothesised during the 2016 excavations. A trial excavation consisting of three trenches (BBL01–BBL03) was conducted at the site of Bobolangar, which was discovered during a previous field survey in 2016. The pottery sherds collected on the surface of Bobolanghar were from the Late Bronze Age and the date of the site was confirmed by the presence of Late Bronze Age pottery in secure stratigraphic contexts. Moreover, two burials were found in trench BBL03. Based on the characteristics of the burial traditions, it is likely that both individuals were interred during the Middle Ages and the graves were cut into the Late Bronze Age layers of the site. The human skeletons were exceptionally well‑preserved and preliminary details of the bioarchaeological analyses are presented here.
Zespoły rezydencjonalne wraz z folwarkami miały za zadanie tworzenie spójnych, samowystarczalnych układów. Budynkowi pałacu bądź dworu zawsze towarzyszył rozległy park w którym właściciele wznosili różnego rodzaju obiekty małej architektury. Część stanowiły obiekty sakralne takie jak: kaplice parkowe, kapliczki, krzyże czy grobowce. W artykule Autor szczegółowo przedstawia historię trzech wybranych kaplice grobowych z terenu województwa lubelskiego (kaplica w Neplach, Trawnikach, Stryjowie). W pracy przeanalizowana zostanie ich lokalizacja w zespole parkowym, forma architektoniczna oraz obecne wykorzystanie na tle ogólnej charakterystyki kaplic grobowych Lubelszczyzny.
Residential complexes were designed to create coherent and self-sufficient systems. The building of palace or manor house was always accompanied by a large park. In the park objects of small landscape architecture were located. Part of them was represented by sacral buildings such as chapels, crosses, tombs. In the article author presents the story of three selected funerary chapels of Lublin province (chapel in Neple, Trawniki, Stryjów). The work will analyze their location in the residential complex, architectural form and current use in the general characteristics of the tomb chapels in Lublin region.
Na początku bieżącego roku Rada Ministrów przyjęła projekt nowej uchwały dostosowującej przepisy związane z miejscami pochówku. Dotychczas obowiązująca Ustawa z 31 stycznia 1959 r. o cmentarzach i chowaniu zmarłych regulowała prawnie zarówno tę kwestię, jak i postępowanie w przypadku śmierci. Akcent położony został właśnie na procedury. Jednak wyzwania klimatyczne i przyrodnicze XXI w. powinny skłaniać nas do myślenia o wiecznym odpoczynku również w kategoriach ekologicznych.
Mianem domowych pupili najczęściej określane są psy i koty, ale ulubieńcami wielu osób są również inne zwierzęta, takie jak króliki miniaturki czy kawie domowe. Należy wspomnieć o licznych zwierzętach egzotycznych, w tym o wężach, pająkach i inwazyjnych dla przyrody żółwiach czerwono- i żółtolicych. 
The archaeological site of Aynuna, located in northern-western Saudi Arabia, is believed to be the ancient Leuke Kome, a port linked by a caravan route with the Nabatean capital Petra. Architectural remains suggest that it may be identified as an emporion – a trading outpost receiving freight from foreign lands to be transmitted further north. Archaeological excavations conducted by the Saudi-Polish Archaeological Mission have revealed the existence of multiple burials, not only within the cemeteries, but also in the buildings dated from the first to the seven centuries AC(AD?). Preliminary works at the necropoleis have proved rather uninformative due to most of the tombs being ransacked and burials almost completely destroyed. Although Necropoleis 1 and 2 exhibit some internal uniformity when it comes to the architectural outline of the tombs, the two cemeteries show no mutual similarities, which may indicate different dating or cultural affinity. Meanwhile, better preserved human remains from within the buildings can probably be dated to the early Islamic period. Two large stone cairns, containing three burials, were erected in the middle of the courtyard of Khan no. 1. However, most of the burials were interred directly on the walking level in Khans nos. 1, 4, and 5, and covered with stone rubble. While three out of four burials were extended on the back, facing south-east and provided with some kind of stone installation to protect the body, the fourth, belonging to a pregnant woman, was found lying face down, calling into question the intentionality of the burial.
Content available remote Namaszczenie Jezusa w Betanii (Mt 26,6–13)
The action of pericope that describes the anointing of Jesus (Matt. 26:6–13) took place in Bethany, in Judea. These areas were then part of the Great Roman Empire. Christ foretold that the woman who poured out the precious oil on His head in the house of Simon the Leper would know the whole world. That is what exactly happened. Many Christians do not know much about history of the Ro- man Empire, but probably everyone has heard of a nameless woman who anointed Jesus shortly before His passion and death. The woman embarrassed the apostles, her generous gesture toward Christ contrasted with the conspiracy of the chief priests and the elders of the people (Matt. 26:3–5) and the betrayal of Judas (Matt. 26:14–16).
In Kazanie o śmierci (A sermon about death), Polish writer and Jesuit preacher Piotr Skarga wrote: reward wrongs, write a last will. Hence, the authors of ars bene moriendi manuals from 16th and 17th centuries were of the opinion that the last will was an indispensable step on the road towards a good death. They argued that the last will enabled the testator to erase the committed wrongs, secure his family and leave his worldly affairs in good order.
tom 8
The article presents the results of the rescue archaeological excavations at the multi-cultural site 14 in Deszczno. The investigations covered an area of ca 83 ares and revealed relics from settlements from the Bronze Age, late Roman influence period, early Middle Ages – phases C and D, as well as early modern period. Moreover, a burial ground of the Luboszyce culture was recorded and dated to phases B2/C1 – C1a of the Roman period.
Zwyczaj grzebania zmarłych jest tradycją najściślej zakorzenioną w chrześcijańskiej antropologii i najlepiej ją wyrażającą, objawioną w Biblii konsekwencją grzechu pierworodnego, wyrazem oczekiwania na zmartwychwstanie i aktem naśladowania Chrystusa, który został złożony w grobie. W nauczaniu katolickim pochówek jest uczynkiem miłosierdzia względem ciała, aktem troski o zmarłego i jego bliskich. Zyskujący na popularności zwyczaj kremacji jest przez Kościół uznany za dopuszczalny ze względow zdrowotnych, gospodarcznych lub społecznych. Szczątki ludzkie, również formie popiołu, zawsze powinny być złożone w grobie lub umieszczone w kolumbarium. Formą nieakceptowaną przez Kościół są praktyki resomacji i kompostowania ciał zmarłych. Alternatywne formy upamiętnienia ciała ludzkiego lub jego szczątków, choć zachęcają swoją estetyką i przesłaniem, są nie tylko obce chrześcijańskim zwyczajom, ale sprzeczne z chrześcijańską nauką o pochodzeniu, naturze i przeznaczeniu człowieka.
The custom of burying the dead is not merely commonly accepted by Christianity the way of disposal of the human body after the death. It is most deeply rooted and perfectly expressing Christian anthropology, revealed in the Holy Scriptures as a consequence of original sin, sign of hope in the Resurrection, and imitation of Christ, who was buried in the tomb. In Catholic view the burial is a corporal work of mercy, act of care for the dead and their loved ones. Gaining popularity the practice of cremation is accepted by the Church for the sake of hygiene, economy, or community. Human remains, also in the form of ashes, always must be buried or placed in the columbarium. Church does not allow the human body to be disposed via resomation or promession. Alternative forms of memorializing the deceased, though attractive esthetically and sentimentally, are not only outlandish in Christian culture, but also contrary to the Christian teaching on origins, nature, and destination of the human person.
The paper deals with artefacts with a possible apotropaic function from the Early Iron Age cemetery of Quattro Fontanili at Veii. I have analysed mostly various types of pendants and beads that could have had – besides their ornamental function – also a symbolic meaning of ‘magical’ protection (e.g. as amulets etc.). They ap‑ pear more often in children’s and women’s graves, less frequently in men’s graves. The gender and age seem likely to be more important factors in the role of protection than social status. However, pendants made of precious metals could have reflected – besides their role as symbols of a higher social status – a protective meaning as well. The frequent use of ‘magical’ artefacts, especially in children’s and women’s graves, reflects the need to protect the weaker members of the society from evil forces.
Content available Wobec ziemi. Pomiędzy alienacją a zakorzenieniem
The article concerns that aspect of human existence that is frequently neglected both in everyday reflection and in social and humanistic research; namely, earth (soil). It attempts to make a synthetic reconstruction of the relations binding man with the soil preferred in western culture. Apart from identification of the predominant relations, which can be boiled down to it being treated as inanimate matter that is exploited, other concepts are also presented in which soil is perceived as the fundamental medium in sustaining life, change, and the transformation and reshaping of everything that exists. The article comprises three fragments, focusing on practices in cultivation, burial, and celebratory forms of contact with the soil.
The purpose of this paper is to present the problem of the burial of bodies and the storage of ashes of the faithful departed in the canonical-liturgical aspect. The Church demands respect for human bodies and ashes. The first part of the article presents the burial of corpses in the ground as an ordinary and basic form of Christian burial. The second part presents the problem of cremation as an acceptable way of burying the bodies of the faithful departed, while the second part discusses the question of the place of burial of the bodies and storing the ashes of the faithful departed.
The dignity of human person demands – among other things – that in case of one's death a proper burial is given. This obvious obligation seems to be somehow suspended, when it is an unborn child, who dies. Meanwhile, the Church is the only institution, which consequently defends the dignity and life of every unborn child. Its canon and liturgical law explicates strong conviction, that every human person's dignity should be respected, also by a burial. Surprisingly, not all in the Church seem to appreciate that approach. The present study is to remind all about that moral obligation of this final sign of respect toward unborn.
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