The paper presents a problem of protection against modern pistol ammunition with increased armour-piercing capabilities. Traditional bulletproof vests made of polyethylene or aramid fiber-based fabrics give acceptable protection against lead-core pistol ammunition and fragments but they are insufficient for AP steel core penetration. In such case, the use of ceramic materials is essential. The article presents results of ballistic tests of composite material sets involving silicon carbide (SiC) and boron carbide (B₄C) ceramics against 5.7 × 28 and 4.6 × 30 mm projectiles. Primary aspects of concealed bulletproof vest construction are also described.
The article refers to the development project implemented since 2012 by scientific consortium led by the Instituteof Security Technologies “Moratex” from Lodz. The consortium also includes: Police Academy in Szczytno, Central Institute forLabour Protection in Warsaw, Protective Equipment Company “Maskpol SA” in Konieczki, Military Institute of ArmamentTechnology from Zielonka, Academy of Military Technical in Warsaw. The aim of the project is to develop a prototype of heavybullet-and fragment-proof vest with high ballistic resistance, as well as resistant to adverse environmental factors and with comfortof use. The authors discuss problems related to the use of currently applied personal protective equipment in the form of bodyarmor, identify user needs in this area, present proposals for solutions worked out by scientific and industrial consortium. In thisarticle are described the requirements for a heavy bullet-and fragment-proof vest, the anticipated results of the project, scheduledtasks to be implemented under the project, as well as a partial result of the work ordered to be done by a team of Police Academyin Szczytno. There are discussed in detail: Risk Analysis for heavy bullet-and fragment-proof vest, validation procedures for heavybullet-and fragment-proof vest and the process of validation and testing the prototype of this vest in operating conditions.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań połączeń adhezyjnych stosowanych w procesie wytwarzania kamizelek kuloodpornych. Połączenia przygotowano na bazie tkanin polietylenowych i aramidowych oraz płytek ceramicznych typu SiC i Al2O3. Do łączenia materiałów wykorzystano kleje przeznaczone do łączenia tworzyw polimerowych: BONDICX 01 CX-80, POXIPOL 10 min, LOCTITE 3038, Scotch-Weld 8010, Professional Silikon Czarny i Terostat M9399. Stwierdzono, że tkaniny polietylenowe HB50 ROLL 401184C i HB26 ROLL 401400B, ze względu na ich niską wytrzymałość międzywarstwową oraz brak podatności do przesycania, nie nadają się do adhezyjnego łączenia ich z płytkami ceramicznymi. Na podstawie badań zaproponowano również rodzaj próbek, które w dobry sposób odwzorowują w kamizelkach obciążenie płytek ceramicznych przyklejonych do tkanin. Badania przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem takich próbek wykazały, że klej Bondicx 01 najbardziej nadaje się do takich zastosowań.
The research results of adhesive joints used in the manufacture of bulletproof vests were presented. The joints were prepared on the basis of polyethylene and aramid fabrics and ceramic tiles of SiC and Al2O3 types. For joining the materials, the following adhesives dedicated to bonding polymeric materials were used: BONDICX 01 CX-80, Poxipol 10 min, LOCTITE 3038, Scotch-Weld 8010, Professional Silicone Black, and Terostat M9399. It was found that the polyethylene fabrics HB50 and HB26 401184C ROLL ROLL 401400B, due to their low interlaminar strength and lack of compliance to supersaturation, are not suitable for their adhesive bonding with the tiles. On the basis of research, the test specimens were proposed which in the best way represent the loading of ceramic tiles which are bonded to the fabric. Tests with using such specimens demonstrated that the adhesive BONDICX 01 is the best solution for such applications.
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This article presents the results of research into the propagation velocity of a tension wave in a woven fabric with dependence on the parameters of its structure, such as the weave and the density of weft insertion. The investigation carried out allowed the selection of woven fabric structures which are characterised by the highest velocity of propagation of a tension wave. This velocity has decisive importance in the case of woven fabrics used as anti-impact barriers in bulletproof vests. Methods of investigation used in this work are presented, as well as a discussion of the results obtained.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań prędkości propagacji fali napięciowej w tkaninach w zależności od parametrów ich struktury, którymi były splot tkaniny oraz gęstość wątkowania. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na wyodrębnienie struktur tkanin, charakteryzujących się największą prędkością rozchodzenia się fali napięciowej. Ma to decydujące znaczenie w przypadku tkanin używanych jako bariery przeciwuderzeniowe w kamizelkach kuloodpornych. Przedstawiono również metodę badawczą oraz dyskusję wyników badań.
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