The article presents a critical examination of the abbreviated process before the bishop and ecclesiastical divorce in the Orthodox Churches. The basic point of departure for the analysis is the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia promulgated by Pope Francis. Article 244 in the subsection entitled “Accompaniment after breakdown and divorce” explains Pope Francis’ motivation behind the modifications to the briefer process before the bishop in line with his Apostolic Letter motu proprio Mitis et misericors Iesus. Using a combined method of analysis, synthesis and comparison, the article aims to present a comprehensive theological and judicial view on the abbreviated matrimonial process before the bishop and on the practice of the Orthodox Churches in the process of ecclesiastical divorce. The textual analysis revealed that the primary reason for the modifications was the length of the process as it posed considerable difficulties and exhausted the parties involved. Pope Francis’ recent documents on the subject have resulted in simplification of the procedures eventually granting the declaration of nullity of marriage. These documents have highlighted a very important component of the Second Vatican Council’s teaching that the bishop himself, in his local church over which he has been appointed shepherd and head, is at the same time a judge of the faithful entrusted to him. The article also emphasizes that bishops do not delegate the said ministry entrusted to them to other structures within their eparchies but exercise their ministry personally for the salvation of immortal souls.
Article 14 § 1 Ratio procedendi ((the official explanation which accompanied the new norms Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus) sets forth the various types of cases which qualify to be instructed according to the briefer process before the Bishop according to cann. 1683-1687. Among the circumstances includes for example: the defect of faith which can generate simulation of consent or error that determines the will; a brief conjugal cohabitation; an abortion procured to avoid procreation; an obstinate persistence in an extraconjugal relationship at the time of the wedding or immediately following it; the deceitful concealment of sterility, or grave contagious illness, or children from a previous relationship, or incarcerations; a cause of marriage completely extraneous to married life, or consisting of the unexpected pregnancy of the woman, physical violence inflicted to extort consent, the defect of the use of reason which is proved by medical documents, etc. The circumstances are analyzed in this article.
Papież Franciszek na mocy motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus wprowadził szereg reform dotyczących procesów małżeńskich. Jedną z najważniejszych jest ustanowienie nowej instytucji – procesu skróconego. Postępowanie w sprawach dotyczących stwierdzenia nieważności małżeństwa w trybie procesu skróconego może mieć miejsce jedynie w przypadku zaistnienia szczególnych przesłanek, takich jak zgodna prośba obojga małżonków oraz wystąpienie okoliczności, które poparte dowodami, w sposób oczywisty wskazują na nieważność małżeństwa (kan. 1683). Wyłącznie do biskupa diecezjalnego należy orzekanie w procesie skróconym, co w sposób szczególny podkreśla jego znaczenie jako pierwszego sędziego w powierzonym mu Kościele partykularnym. Poza biskupem w przebieg procesu skróconego odpowiednio zaangażowani są także wikariusz sądowy, instruktor oraz asesor. Wikariusz sądowy decyduje, czy sprawa może być rozpatrywana w trybie skróconym oraz powołuje instruktora i asesora – osoby bezpośrednio wspomagające biskupa w procesie. To z nimi bowiem biskup konsultuje się przed podjęciem decyzji dotyczącej nieważności małżeństwa. Skrócenie procedury w procesie biskupim przejawia się w odbyciu (co do zasady) jednego posiedzenia dowodowego, po którym akta sprawy przekazywane są do biskupa diecezjalnego. Gdy osiągnie on moralną pewność, stwierdza nieważność małżeństwa. W przeciwnym razie kieruje sprawę do rozpatrzenia w trybie procesu zwykłego. Wprowadzenie nowej instytucji procesu skróconego ma na celu przyspieszenie i uproszczenie procedur, w żaden sposób nie podważając zasady nierozerwalności małżeństwa. Zaangażowanie i odpowiednie kwalifikacje osób odpowiedzialnych za przeprowadzenie procesu skróconego są przy tym podstawą prawidłowości i legalności postępowania.
Pope Francis through motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus introduced a series of reforms of marriage processes. The most important of them was introducing the new institution of the briefer matrimonial process. Proceeding with the cases of the nullity of marriage with the briefer process can be taken whenever the petition is proposed by both spouses and in the circumstances of recurring evidences which render the nullity manifest (can. 1683). Only the diocesan bishop himself is competent to judge cases of the nullity of marriage with the briefer process, which emphasizes his importance as a first judge in the particular Church for which he was entrusted. Excepted bishop, in the briefer process are also involved the judicial vicar, the instructor and the assessor. The judicial vicar decides if case can be treated with the briefer process and he nominates the instructor and the assessor – the main people who support bishop during the process. Furthermore, before making up his mind, bishop consults nullity of marriage with them. Shortening of the procedure in the briefer matrimonial process manifests itself in a single session for collecting proofs, after which the case acts are taken to the diocesan bishop. After reaching the moral certitude about the nullity of marriage, bishop issues the sentence. Otherwise, he refers the case to the ordinary method. Introducing the new institution of the briefer matrimonial process is to speed up processes as well as to simplify them, without undermining of the indissolubility of marriage in any case. Involvement and proper qualifications of the people who are responsible for leading the briefer process are the foundation of appropriate and legal process.
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