Purpose. The aim of the study was to establish the respiratory response to unloaded cycling at different cadences. Methods. Eleven healthy participants performed a maximal graded exercise test on a cycle ergometer to assess aerobic fitness (maximal oxygen consumption: 46.27 ± 5.41 ml · min-1 · kg-1) and eight 10-min unloaded pedaling (0 W) bouts at a constant cadence (from 40 to 110 rpm). Respiratory data were measured continuously during each effort and then averaged over 30 s. Blood samples were collected before and 2 min after each effort to monitor changes in acid-base balance. Results. The efforts were performed at an intensity of 16.5-37.5% VO2peak. Respiratory response was not differentiated in cadences of 40, 50, 60 rpm. From 70 rpm, an increase in cadence was significantly associated with increased minute ventilation (F = 168.11, p < 0.000) and oxygen consumption (F = 214.86 p < 0.000) and, from 80 rpm, respiratory frequency (F = 16.06, p < 0.001) and tidal volume (F = 54.67, p < 0.000). No significant changes in acid-base balance were observed as a result of difference cadences. Conclusions. Unloaded cycling at a cadence of 70 rpm or above has a significant effect on respiratory function and may be associated with the involvement of large muscle ergoreceptors (mechanoreceptors) stimulated by the frequency of muscle contractions.
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Purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of training with added respiratory dead space volume (ARDSV) on changes in a breathing pattern and cycling efficiency. Methods. Twenty road cyclists were equally divided into an experimental (E) and control (C) group. All of them were involved in a training program that included endurance training (at moderate intensity) and interval training (at maximal intensity). During semi-weekly endurance training, ARDSV (1000cm3 tube) was introduced in the experimental group. Respiratory parameters, including, among others, oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide excretion (VCO2), end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PETCO2), pulmonary ventilation (VE), tidal volume (TV) and total work done during the tests (W), were measured before and after the experiment by a progressive and continuous test. Results. Higher PETCO2 and TV in both groups during the progressive and continuous tests were observed. VCO2 increased in group E during continuous test, while for group C only in the first four minutes of the test. VO2 and VE increased only in group E during submaximal and maximal exercise. Total work increased during the continuous test in both groups (significantly higher in group C than E). However, total work during the progressive test increased only in group E. Conclusions. Training with ARDSV improved exercise capacity at maximal effort and was associated with an increase in maximal oxygen uptake. On the other hand, this type of training lead to a decrease in cycling efficiency, reducing in effect the benefits associated with an increase in VO2max and reducing the ability to perform submaximal effort.
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This work deals with the application of a pattern recognition method to distinguish the degree of diaphragm paralysis after gradual unilateral sections of phrenic nerve rootlets in anesthetized, spontaneously breathing cats. The data set consisted of the features that characterize breathing pattern and of phrenic nerve amplitude. The method called for stratification of 6-dimensional vectors into three classes: intact, partial, and complete unilateral phrenicotomy, which offers the possibility to construe the classification rule on the basis of the information contained in a set of feature vectors with the known class-membership. This method deals with the use of a distance function as a measure of similarity between two feature points. The results show that the degree of diaphragm paralysis could be recognized with the probability higher than 90%. Distinguishing the severity of diaphragmatic dysfunction and the compensatory strategies of the respiratory system, knowing only a handful of basic values describing breathing pattern, might have a practical meaning in respiratory emergencies.
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Zaburzenia posturalne obserwowane w pracy fizjoterapeutów głównie kojarzone są z dysfunkcjami narządu ruchu. Niejednokrotnie prowadzona terapia nie przynosi oczekiwanych efektów dotyczących wyeliminowania wszystkich objawów zgłaszanych przez pacjentów. Okoliczność ta zmusza terapeutów do poszukiwania innej przyczyny dolegliwości chorego. Praca z pacjentem z dysfunkcją przepony objawiającą się jej hipotonią oraz towarzyszącymi objawami niejednokrotnie może wydawać się niezwykle trudna. Związane jest to z problematyczną diagnostyką nakładających się dolegliwości. Cel pracy: Celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie możliwości postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego polegającego na skojarzeniu wielu metod stosowanych w rehabilitacji, mających za zadanie usprawnienie terapii pacjenta z hipotonią przepony. Opis przypadku: 28-letni mężczyzna skarżący się na dolegliwości układu pokarmowego i oddechowego z dodatkowymi objawami takimi jak: brak regularnego snu, przyspieszony oddech oraz ból w okolicy karku i odcinka piersiowego kręgosłupa promieniujący w stronę żeber, został poddany diagnostyce fizjoterapeutycznej. W opisywanym przypadku zastosowano elementy reedukacji wzorca oddechowego, terapii manualnej, terapii punktów spustowych, masażu powięziowego, poizometrycznej relaksacji mięśni, kinesiologytapingu oraz treningu funkcjonalnego w celu normalizacji napięcia oraz uwolnienia pracy przepony i żeber, zmniejszenia zgłaszanych dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa, reedukacji posturalnej, stabilizacji obręczy brakowej i odtworzenia prawidłowych wzorców ruchowych łopatki i kończyny górnej oraz utrwalenia osiągniętych efektów i zapobiegania nawracaniu dolegliwości. Wnioski: Wykorzystanie wielu metod fizjoterapeutycznych przyniosło wymierny efekt oraz spowodowało znaczne ograniczenie zgłaszanych dolegliwości. Odnotowano znaczącą poprawę stanu zdrowia i wydolności fizycznej pacjenta.
Postural disorders observed in the work of physiotherapists are associate with dysfunctions of the locomotory organ. Most of the therapy does not bring the expected effects of eliminating all symptoms reported by patients. This circumstance makes therapists to look for another cause of the patient dysfunction. Conducting a patient with hypotension diaphragm and accompanying symptoms may often appear to be extremely difficult. This is related to the problematic diagnosis of overlapping complaints. Aim of the study: The aim of this paper is to present the possibility of physiotherapeutic treatment combining many methods used in rehabilitation aimed at improving the effectiveness of the patient's therapy. Case report: 28-year-old man complaining of digestive and respiratory ailments with additional symptoms such as lack of regular sleep, rapid breathing and pain in the neck and thoracic spine radiating towards the ribs, underwent physiotherapy diagnosis. In this case, improvement of respiratory pattern, manual therapy, trigger points therapy, fascial massage, postisometric muscle relaxation, kinesiologytaping and functional training were used to ease the tension and release the diaphragm and ribs. It also aimed to reduce spinal pain, postural reeducation, reconstruction of the correct movement patterns of the scapula and upper limb and fixing the achieved effects to prevent the recovery of the ailments. Conclusion: The use of many physiotherapeutic methods has resulted in measurable effect and caused a significant reduction of reported complaints. Significant improvement in the patient's health and physical efficiency was noted.
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