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nr 2(44)
The main aim of the paper is the analysis of the effects of actions undertaken so far that have aimed at shaping brand awareness of the parks in Eastern Poland supported under the Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland. The authors focused on the demand-side perspective and scrutinized two vectors of conscious branding: the surrounding environment and communication with customers. The group of potential customers underwent qualitative research (ITI interviews). The research in the group of the actual customers was conducted by means of quantitative methods (CAPI and CATI interviews). The results of the study indicate the lack of knowledge of the parks’ functioning, the lack of awareness of the benefits that could be achieved while cooperating with parks, low effectiveness of the existing forms of promotion of the parks, but also the high needs for innovation support among entrepreneurs. On the basis of the study results, the authors formulated recommendations for improving the promotion of parks.
Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza efektów dotychczasowych działań, podejmowanych w ramach kształtowania świadomości marki w odniesieniu do parków funkcjonujących w Polsce Wschodniej, wspartych w PO RPW. Autorki skupiły się na perspektywie popytowej i przeanalizowały dwa wektory świadomego brandingu: otaczające środowisko oraz komunikację z odbiorcami. W grupie klientów rzeczywistych przeprowadzone zostały badania ilościowe (wywiady CAPI i CATI  ), w grupie klientów potencjalnych — badania jakościowe (wywiady ITI  ). Wyniki badania wskazują na brak wiedzy na temat funkcjonowania parków, brak świadomości korzyści, jakie można odnieść ze współpracy z powyższymi instytucjami oraz niską skuteczność dotychczas stosowanych form promocji parków, ale także na duże potrzeby w zakresie wsparcia innowacji ze strony przedsiębiorstw. Na podstawie wyników badań sformułowano rekomendacje dotyczące poprawy promocji parków.
Content available Brand As A Source Of Value For Its Buyer And Owner
Purpose: This article deals with the creation of the brand and what kind of value it creates for the owner and the customer. Methodology: The article describes an insight on how to create strong brands, why many companies that based their success on a product now decide to create a branded product and how a brand adds value to both the owner of the brand as well as the customer. Findings: The article presents that brands create value for the customers as well as the company or brand owner. Furthermore, the article deals with the creation of strong brands and the underlying factors. Originality/value: This article helps to advance brand marketing theory as well as offers valuable implications and recommendations for practitioners, brand and marketing managers.
W wielu przedsiębiorstwach silna, rozpoznawalna marka stanowi bardzo ważny czynnik wzrostu wartości przedsiębiorstwa, ponieważ przyczynia się do zwiększania generowanych przez przedsiębiorstwo przepływów pieniężnych netto (premia za markę) oraz do zmniejszania ryzyka działalności przedsiębiorstwa. Marka, podobnie jak inne aktywa, może być przedmiotem transakcji kupna-sprzedaży (w ramach fuzji i przejęć przedsiębiorstw) oraz umów licencyjnych. Mimo, że silna marka ma niewątpliwie swoją wartość, to nie jest ona jednak zazwyczaj ujmowana jako składnik aktywów niematerialnych w bilansie przedsiębiorstwa [MSR38]. Nie tylko przedsiębiorstwo posiadające silną markę, ale także jego klienci, kontrahenci i inwestorzy są zainteresowani informacją o wartości tej marki. Sporządzane są rankingi marek według ich wartości. Istnieją cztery podstawowe metody wyceny wartości marki: kosztowa, oparta na opłatach licencyjnych, rynkowa oraz ekonomiczna (oparta na zdyskontowanych przepływach pieniężnych).
Strong, recognizable brand is regarded as an important factor of corporate value creation (so called value driver). Its role is to bring about increasing sales revenues and reducing business risk. Brands, like other corporate assets, may be a subject of acquisition or license. Despite its unquestionable economic use, the brand equity is, on principle not recorded in balance sheet as an intangible asset [IAS 38]. The brand value is an important information for customers, investors, contracting parties and corporate management. Different brands' rankings disclosing figures on the most valuable brands in the world or in the given country or region are regularly published. There are four main approaches to brand valuation: cost-based method, royalty relief method, market-based method and economic use valuation (based on discounted cash flows).
Research background: There are many consultative groups and market research companies on the market that have also brand valuation included in their service portfolios. Such companies tend to adopt their own unique approaches to value brands to face increasing competition, which is also reinforced by the fact that brand constitutes the company's most valuable commercial and intangible assets. The paper compares selected internationally recognized brand valuation methods, using the mathematical statistics apparatus (Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients), on the sample of 12 global well-known brands (Apple, Google, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Facebook, Toyota, IBM, Disney, McDonald's, General Electric, Samsung and Amazon). Purpose of the article: The aim is to analyze the brand values and the methods applied for possible deviations, and identify whether they are statistically significant and/or find any statistical correlation, or eventually recognize them as totally different and independent approaches. Methods: The analysis is carried out by pairwise comparison of selected brand values provided by selected consultative companies (Forbes, Interbrand, Brand Finance and Millward Brown). The degree of correlation of brand values provided by respective consultative groups is calculated using the following correlation coefficients: Pearson's correlation coefficient and its modified non-parametric version involving ordinals — Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Findings & Value added: The analysis proved the highest correlation of the brand values provided by the Forbes and Interbrand; Subsequently, a trend analysis is carried out to determine the development over time, identifying the most striking development in the brand values provided by Millward Brown (BrandZTM) for the period 2013–2016.
The aim of this article is to underline the role of quality processes at construction companies. The brand is regarded as the right tool to improve Total Quality Management. The client (in this case investor) can name the contractor not only based upon the tender but the brand as well. The same attitude is directed to sub contractors. If the processes correspond to the TQM standards, the brand is created respectively and the company can be competitive in the construction market.
The situation on the contemporary media market, including radio, has led to the building of a radio network’s value becoming more than just the result of an interesting programme offer that meets listeners’ needs. Listeners also desire other elements that strengthen their attachment to a particular brand. For this reason, radio broadcasters quite often prepare for listeners different forms of entertainment that take place outside the radio studio; examples include summer concert tours, trips to well-known health resorts during winter and summer holidays, New Year’s Eve parties, special-occasion concerts, football matches, etc. This article is a review of entertainment offers that are part of a strategy of interaction with the audience outside of the radio studio and an attempt to evaluate their influence on building the market position of a radio brand.
With reference to the current situation of national public hospitals, the article presents the possibility to implement the Lean Management concept in hospital management. Numerous common features connecting the management of commercial entities with the management of healthcare institutions are indicated. It has been stated that the management of contemporary organizations, regardless of the type of conducted operations, needs to focus on customer/patient satisfaction, financial liquidity and high quality. The purpose of the article is to assess the possibility to implement the Lean Management concept in hospitals. In particular, an attempt was made on the basis of a pilot survey to assess the introduction of the above concept in two selected hospitals. Critical analysis of the literature on the subject, the analysis of research results of other authors, casual interview, observation of practice as well as a survey based on the prepared questionnaire were used to achieve the purpose.
Content available The value of a trademark
nr 474
The paper discusses how trademarks are legally regulated, and how their value is established, considering trademarks in the context of products and services, brands, and innovation processes. The author analyses how the aforesaid factors condition consumer’s way of perceiving trademarks, pointing out that what a man needs is not what a consumer buys. The author concludes that the above-mentioned factors have a decisive impact on establishing the value of a trademark. They may not have a direct influence on physical assets of a titleholder, but they impact plans made by the management in order to advertise a product or a service.
Celem artykułu było przedstawienie wybranych aspektów zachowań konsumenckich wobec marek w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Jako kryteria różnicujące przyjęto percepcję elementów składowych marek oraz percepcję cen. Dla każdego z kryterium uwzględniono trzy poziomy analityczne, co pozwoliło skonstruować macierz zachowań konsumentów wobec marek w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Identyfikacji sytuacji kryzysowej z perspektywy konsumenta dokonano, uwzględniając spadek dochodów w gospodarstwach domowych w nieznacznym i znacznym stopniu. Na podstawie badań jakościowych określono zakresy znacznego i nieznacznego spadku dochodów oraz dokonano identyfikacji reakcji konsumentów w zakresie przyjętych parametrów różnicujących. W ostatniej części artykułu opisano główne zjawiska w zachowaniach konsumenckich wobec marek w sytuacjach kryzysowych: obniżenie lojalności wobec marek i wzrost lojalności cenowej oraz konsumencką akceptację rozszerzenia marek i tworzenia submarek w niższych segmentach cenowych.
The aim of this study was to present selected aspects of consumer behavior towards brands in crisis situations. The perception of component elements of brands as well as the perception of prices were accepted as differentiating criteria. For every criterion three analytic levels were considered, which lead to the construction of matrix with regards to consumer behavior towards brands in crisis situations. The identification of crisis situation from the consumer’s perspective was executed, taking into account the decrease of households earnings in insignificant and considerable degree. The ranges of insignificant and considerable decrease of households earnings were established on basis of qualitative investigations. In the last part of this study - the main phenomena in consumer behaviors towards brands were presented with special attention given to lowering of consumers’ brand loyalty and the growth of price loyalty as well as the consumer acceptance of brand extension and creating the subbrands in lower price segments.
The creation of a personal brand and its awareness nowadays are becoming more and more popular. Products offered by personal brands are the result of what specific persons represent. Conducting a personal brand is characterized by extraordinary perseverance and determination of actions that the founders have to perform. This article describes the factors that should be taken into account when building a personal brand to achieve success. The text is based on the example of the MBC brand. It is a brand of a personal trainer, leading under his name amateur triathlon players. Information on MBC brand was building obtained through interviews with brand founder Maciej Bodnar and his athletes. The article provides the reader with information about successful personal branding measures. From the perspective of individual experience, the motives leading to the creation of a personal brand and the means of communication used to promote the brand are shown. The article thus fits into the model of the analysis of experiences at N = 1, which has recently undergone a renaissance of interest of both theoreticians and practitioners (Runyan, 1992; Domański, 2019). The presented text is a contribution to this type of analysis within marketing.
Tworzenie marki osobistej oraz zarządzanie nią stają się obecnie zjawiskiem coraz bardziej popularnym. Produkty oferowane przez marki osobiste są nośnikami konkretnych personalnych reprezentacji. Prowadzenie marki osobistej wymaga sporej dozy wytrwałości i determinacji działania ze strony założycieli. Niniejszy artykuł opisuje czynniki istotne dla procesu budowania marki osobistej, warunkujące sukces założyciela. Tekst oparty jest na przykładzie marki MBC (Maciej Bodnar Coaching). Jest to marka trenera osobistego Macieja Bodnara prowadzącego pod swoim imieniem i nazwiskiem amatorskich zawodników triathlonowych. Informacje dotyczące budowania marki MBC zostały pozyskane w trakcie wywiadów z założycielem marki oraz jego zawodnikami. Artykuł dostarcza informacji na temat środków budowania marki osobistej zakończonego sukcesem. Z perspektywy jednostkowego doświadczenia ukazane są motywy prowadzące do stworzenia marki osobistej oraz środki komunikacji używane do promowania brandu. Artykuł wpisuje się więc w model analizy doświadczeń przy N = 1, które przeżywa ostatnio renesans zainteresowania zarówno teoretyków, jak i praktyków (Runyan, 1992; Domański, 2019). Prezentowany tekst jest przyczynkiem do tego typu analiz w obrębie marketingu.
The aim of this study was to present selected aspects of consumer behavior towards brands in crisis situations. The perception of component elements of brands as well as the perception of prices were accepted as differentiating criteria. For every criterion three analytic levels were considered, which lead to the construction of matrix with regards to consumer behavior towards brands in crisis situations. The identification of crisis situation from the consumer’s perspective was executed, taking into account the decrease of households earnings in insignificant and considerable degree. The ranges of insignificant and considerable decrease of households earnings were established on basis of qualitative investigations. In the last part of this study - the main phenomena in consumer behaviors towards brands were presented with special attention given to lowering of consumers’ brand loyalty and the growth of price loyalty as well as the consumer acceptance of brand extension and creating the subbrands in lower price segments.
Celem artykułu było przedstawienie wybranych aspektów zachowań konsumenckich wobec marek w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Jako kryteria różnicujące przyjęto percepcję elementów składowych marek oraz percepcję cen. Dla każdego z kryterium uwzględniono trzy poziomy analityczne, co pozwoliło skonstruować macierz zachowań konsumentów wobec marek w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Identyfikacji sytuacji kryzysowej z perspektywy konsumenta dokonano, uwzględniając spadek dochodów w gospodarstwach domowych w nieznacznym i znacznym stopniu. Na podstawie badań jakościowych określono zakresy znacznego i nieznacznego spadku dochodów oraz dokonano identyfikacji reakcji konsumentów w zakresie przyjętych parametrów różnicujących. W ostatniej części artykułu opisano główne zjawiska w zachowaniach konsumenckich wobec marek w sytuacjach kryzysowych: obniżenie lojalności wobec marek i wzrost lojalności cenowej oraz konsumencką akceptację rozszerzenia marek i tworzenia submarek w niższych segmentach cenowych.
This research aims to evaluate the impact of brand risk management activities on the brand safety of enterprises in the food \& beverage manufacturing and processing industry in Vietnam. The research data was collected from random questionnaires with 401 respondents from 72 enterprises (both large and SME enterprises) in the food \& beverage manufacturing and processing industry in Vietnam. Research results indicate that all four factors of brand risk management activities including strategy, processes, personnel, and investment have impacts on the brand safety of enterprises in the food \& beverage manufacturing and processing industry in Vietnam. The result confirms important roles in promoting brand risk management activities to help the brand has stable and sustainable development.
Research background: Country of origin and brand image are among the main factors influencing consumer buying decisions. The phenomenon known as the Country of Origin Effect (COE) refers to the influence of a country's image on consumer product evaluations and the perception of brands originating from specific countries. The COE describes consumer attitudes towards certain product categories and is connected with the perception of quality of such products manufactured in particular markets. The changing market conditions and proliferation of hybrid products cause certain problems for consumers who find it increasingly difficult to identify the country of origin of specific products and face a dilemma whether a product manufactured in China is of equal quality as a product of the same brand, but manufactured in France. Purpose of the article: The main purpose of the paper is to identify the young Europeans` attitudes towards the country of origin of purchased products. An attempt has been made to answer two research questions: firstly, whether are young Europeans guided by stereotypes associated with the country of origin of specific product categories in their conscious buying decisions? Secondly, do young European consumers attach higher value to a product's brand than its country of origin? Methods: The analysis has been based on literature studies and empirical data collected in two different period of time 2008 and 2015 among 1362 respondents (in 2008) and 1125 respondents (in 2015) from eight European countries (Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Great Britain). In the exploratory empirical study, the author of the paper used two research methods: PAPI in 2008 (Paper and Pen Personal Interview) and CAWI in 2015 (Computer Assisted Web Interview). Findings & Value added: The study results reveal that in some countries, namely Poland and the Czech Republic, young consumers are guided in their deliberate buying choices by certain mental schematics perpetuated, for example, in the mass media (the best wine comes from France, best watches are made in Switzerland, and superior quality cars originate from Germany). Respondents representing other nationalities showed more support for domestic products. By far, the most ethnocentric in their choices turned out to be the French who in almost all product categories showed preferences for products originating from their country. Furthermore, the empirical study showed that with respect to different product categories young European consumers attach more importance to a product's brand than its country of origin.
nr 22
Brand names play a special role for companies: they both convey and guarantee brand value. Despite their special status in brand management, and although the number of brand names is estimated to be over 43 million (!) worldwide, brand names are an underresearched area of linguistics. Brand names are often researched in a marketing context: the effectiveness of brand names is analyzed and suggested catalogs for “good” and “bad” brand names are created. Brand names are however also part of the language and can therefore be also analyzed using linguistic methods. As part of language, brand names are the bearers of a culture’s identity: they can be used to identify a specific culture, or even a specific historical epoch. This cultural identity-bearing and cultural identity conveying function is also recognized by companies: they often create and use brand names in order to consciously associate the given brand with a certain culture. In the article, these identity-giving and -bearing specifics of brand names are analyzed: we show how the Country-of-origin can be pointed out with linguistic and nonlinguistic devices, we show how Foreign Language Display can help to transfer cultural connotations to a brand and we show the possibilities for translating brand names. We argue that brand names should thus be better integrated into interdisciplinary linguistic research; also with the aim of showing new career prospects for (applied) linguists.
Consumers’ attitudes are determined by many factors, one of which is a product brand. The objective of the paper is to present young consumers’ attitudes towards mobile phone brands. The ABC model of attitudes is the theoretical framework for the study. The research method was a paper-and-pencil survey (PAPI) on the sample of 250 respondents aged 18–25. The research showed that it is just the name of the brand that can affect consumers’ attitudes. It is a derivative of associations with the brands. The value of the attitude components is differentiated by brands. The affective component appeared to be the most important and the cognitive component – the least important. The findings show that gender and brand of respondents’ mobile phones also differentiate the importance of components of young consumers’ attitudes on the mobile phone market. Limitations and recommendations for further research are presented as well.
Storytelling to narzędzie, po które marki w swojej komunikacji z odbiorcami sięgają coraz częściej. Analizując opowieści proponowane przez największe brandy, można dostrzec, że powtarzają się w nich pewne elementy, i na tej podstawie określić konstrukcję komunikatu storytellingowego. Celem niniejszej pracy jest wyznaczenie punktów stałych opowieści, określenie ich wpływu na skuteczność kampanii storytellingowej, a następnie odnalezienie ich w kampanii „Never Alone” firmy Guinness i ewaluacja wykorzystanego w niej komunikatu. Koncepcja: realizacji tego celu posłuży przywołanie przykładów komunikatów, z których czerpać można inspiracje do budowy treści storytellingowych, a także badanie mające stwierdzić skalę zmian wywołanych przez opowieść przedstawioną według przyjętych założeń. Wnioski: omawiana w niniejszej pracy konstrukcja komunikatu storytellingowego pojawia się w licznych produkcjach uznawanych za przykładowe w swojej dziedzinie, także w kampanii „Never Alone”. Przeprowadzone badanie dowiodło, że cele tej kampanii, postawione przed nią przez nadawcę, zostały zrealizowane w pewnym zakresie. Wartość poznawcza: zestawiając praktyczne przykłady storytellingu z tezami naukowymi, można ocenić efektywność konstrukcji komunikatu storytellingowego w kontekście ewaluacji samego komunikatu. Ponadto można określić założenia, których przyjęcie zwiększy prawdopodobieństwo skuteczności przygotowywanych opowiadań. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na ciekawą rozbieżność pomiędzy odbiorem komunikatu a jego przełożeniem na konkretne zachowania adresatów. Zestawiając wyniki badań z danymi rynkowymi, można wyselekcjonować grupę zmiennych, bez których nawet najlepiej skonstruowana opowieść storytellingowa nie odniesie sukcesu biznesowego.
Storytelling is a tool that brands use more and more often in their communication with recipients. When analyzing the stories proposed by the biggest brands, we can see that certain elements are repeated in them and on this basis, we are able to define the structure of the storytelling message. The aim of this study is to determine the fixed points of the story, determine their impact on the effectiveness of the storytelling campaign, and then find them in the Guinness “Never Alone” campaign and evaluate the message used in it. Concepts and scientific objective: this goal will be achieved by recalling examples of messages from which one can draw inspiration for the construction of a storytelling content, as well as a study to determine the scale of changes caused by the story presented according to the adopted assumptions. Results and conclusions: the structure of the storytelling message discussed in this paper appears in numerous productions considered to be exemplary in their field, including the “Never Alone” campaign. The research showed that the goals of this campaign, set for it by the broadcaster, were achieved to a certain extent. Cognitive value: by comparing practical examples of storytelling with scientific theses, it is possible to assess the effectiveness of the construction of a storytelling message in the context of the evaluation of the message itself. In addition, one can define assumptions, the adoption of which will increase the probability of the effectiveness of the prepared stories. The obtained results indicate an interesting discrepancy between the reception of the message and its translation into specific behaviors of the recipients. By comparing the research results with market data, we can select a group of variables without which even the best structured storytelling story will not be successful in business.
In previous research, studies on motivated correction in the evaluation of branded products are rare. This experimental study with 246 participants examined how the motivation to correct the impact of brand knowledge influences the product evaluation of actual strong and weak brands in low and high involvement situations. As predicted, asymmetry between the strong and weak brands was observed. After the induction of the motivation to correction, the smaller brand effect occurred only in the cases of low involvement and the weak (negative) brand. The effect of motivated correction was smaller than the effect of high involvement; therefore, the overall results suggest that conscious explicit motivation to correction evokes correction only in cases of weak brands under certain circumstances. However, this impact is not as strong as the influence of high motivation or a strong brand, even though explicit instructions are given to avoid the negative influence of the brand.
Acta Ludologica
tom 3
nr 2
The paper presents, discusses and analyses the role of building brand image in digital games. The purpose of this paper is to analyse and discuss in-game marketing in cultural spheres from the aspect of brand image. The aim is to explore, identify and present the relationship between brand image, consumer self-image and digital games as a brand. The contribution of this study is manifested in an interdisciplinary approach to work through marketing, psychology, sociology, and media theory. Consumers project their desires through digital games, and the brand’s entry into the digital game itself enhances the gaming experience and reality of the digital game. It was concluded that consumers want a realistic experience while playing digital games and they want to see famous brands within the game as this enhances their experience and projects the reality of the digital world. The core of brand image is consumers’ perception. In recent years, the digital game industry dominates this segment of the global entertainment economy. The paper analyses in-game marketing from the aspect of branding and sociology of culture. It is based on J. N. Kapferer’s theory of brand building and Huzinga’s theory of game. The article explores the meaning of the phenomenon of brand image and identity in virtual reality. The emphasis in this paper is put on the influence of brand image and digital game as a model of popular culture. This article adopts an integrated knowledge inquiry approach through thematic analysis to explain the concept of brand image. From the consumer’s point of view, the brand represents a symbol built on impressions, associations, metaphors and archetypes in the digital gaming industry. Brand loyalty is a key factor in building brand equity. The problem of brand loyalty appears as a reflection of brand symbol and its image. However, the oxymoron of in-game marketing starts from the hypothesis that consumers want to see brands in virtual reality.
The article analyses the vodka names containing numbers written in words or digits. The numerical names have long been used by naming specialists as a successful marketing trick. Combining words or letters with digits results in creating interesting names that not only arouse curiosity but also are easily remembered or written down. This is particularly important nowadays, when we are given the fast growing number of chrematonyms. The names with number components are also a source of information about the product, describing its characteristics or even some technological details in a more interesting way than it is done in traditional names. What is more, thanks to such names, invoking cultural, historical or geographical aspects, the product can be associated with a particular region, thus influencing the consumer’s decision. The article also examines the names with the measure components.
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