This paper aims to present the socio-pedagogical perspective of the meaning of the elements in a child’s environment, that ma ybe indicators of poverty, specifying the threshold of bio-socio-cul-tural endangerment. Poverty as a categoryis multiplied by context – family, environmental, educational, and individual situations of a child experiencing the deprivation of needs. This perspective requires paying attention in the analysis of the complexity of the issue. The argument for the necessity to remember to think complex in stating the final aims for action in the practice field, aiming at aiding a child’s development in his/her life environment, has be endeveloped. The analysis of endangering a child’s development by poverty is carried out in growth processes, social rooting and introducing values in reference to the category, which may be ‘risk indicators” for a child’s development in the context of poverty. These are, among others,: the threshold of developmental endangering, indicators of poverty, social age or the general environmental indicator. Such ananalysis aims at in dicating, in a complex way, the directions for progressing the nurturing of a child’s development. These are: acting against environmental issues endangering the development of a child due to poverty, supplementing shortcomings, allowing for the creation of ‘social chance conditions” or even rescuing the child, expressed in isolating him/her from their life environment.
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The aim of this contribution is to link the topic of gifted people with Young Adult Literature. The main point is to discuss whether the character of the book – The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Christopher Boone, can be considered as gifted or not. This is the story of a fifteen year old with“special needs”; a spaz or mong as the unkind normal kids call him. But, although Christopher is autistic, sometimes this disorder presents the savant syndrome – the ability to be a genius of mathematics or the ability to memorize vast quantities of data such as timetables, skylines or phone books, and this is the case of our main character. Person-against-society conflict is much more easily understood by adults than by children. The 1960s saw a rise in what were then called “problem novels”; often the plots focused more on social problems than on their effects on individuals. Such problems have not gone away, but today other varieties of social bullying, recent acts of violence among young people are often traced to feelings of being an “outsider”. In this paper we want to analyze the plot of the aforementioned book giving arguments about the status of Christopher Boone as gifted. Besides this, we will use this book in an educative way to motivate people to understand diversity and to advance towards inclusive education.
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The author undertook an anthropological reconstruction of the image of poverty in fairy tales and folk tales. Referring to cultural archetypes and symbols she outlined the common ground of narrative and structural space discovered in the cited examples. Although the text is not exactly part of the narrative stream, the proposed study has the characteristics of semiotic research into the magical plots of fairy tales. Putting the study of texts for children in the wider social and cultural context, makes this study a contribution to the debate on the role, nature and the condition of intergenerational transmission, and timeless meditation on the ways of overcoming poverty and crossing the borders of social and economic stratification and, in fact, the essence of the fairy tale and its role in the child’s life.
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A child’s watching, sad eyes. Monstrously emaciated forms in torn, dirty clothes, illness, fear, epidemics.... Through these and other images of the war, of poverty, we know suffering, in which the defenceless child is often a central object of the cinema, literature, photography and paintings. Multidimensional and diverse ranges of children’s poverty are becoming the inspiration for art, for which he is a purpose...? Yeah what purpose is actually motivating artists presenting the poverty? What role is the small child performing in them? And who „is saying” so to the truth behind the mediation of such images and photographs? In the present article I will try to expand the context „of reading out” of recorded and stereotyped images of the poverty well-known for the painting and the photography.
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This article examines how the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) matters to Polish children’s poverty, their social exclusion, and lives in an unequal society. It considers what work remains for Poland as a society to realize full implementation of the UNCRC. This article notes that while some pieces appear to be overlooked when pursuing UNCRC implementation, inherent in the UNCRC are limitations to enforcement of young people’s rights. This article concludes by asking if complete implementation of the UNCRC is enough for Poland’s children.
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The article analyses and interprets the principal terminus quo of curriculum for primary education in the Slovak Republic. The national curriculum is represented by the National educational program as the highest educational document. It is based on the National educational program for primary education – ISCED 1 that represents the 1st stage of primary school for pupils of younger school age (6–11 years old children) visiting 1st–4th class of primary school.
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In this article I present consequences of Education Reform 1988. I describe education transformation towards a centralized system of education, which is associated with introducing the National Curriculum in schools in Great Britain . However the term “education” is understood not only as related to learning and teaching but as a social activity that can take place in many different environments and can be related not only to pupils or students, but to babies, toddlers and adults as well. Changes that are observed nowadays in Great Britain are based on the assumption that whatever we do is educational, every experience is a source of knowledge, so it is very important to provide stimulating environments for children, and support for parents to be able to do their duties properly. that is why in this article I pay so much attention to close cooperation between schooling system and social support in that country. The National Curriculum initiated by Educational Reform 1988 was an important base for creating standards and aims for non-compulsory education (for children up to 5). In my opinion this document was very revolutionary not only for British schooling system but also for the care and nursing systems. It was intended to centralize the teaching system but effected with a centrally coordinated system of bringing the citizens up.
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The author compares the priorities of education in primary school (early school education) in Denmark and Poland in the light of the curriculum objectives. She presents selected elements of learning organization, focusing on such elements as school starting age, the duration of primary education, the teacher’s role, class size, space organization, assessment, curriculum, textbooks, work organization and attitudes toward the importance of education. At the same time she depicts the differences between Poland and Denmark. Then she analyses curriculum documents, pointing out the differences in the educational priorities. After the analysis she shows that the differences are in the way of understanding development and pupil activity, as well as approaches to learning outcomes and work organization.
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A six-year child’s drawing, interesting both in artistic and educational terms, with a description of the meanings adults assign to it, has become important owing to viewing it differently. It is analyzed in a different way from in the past, i.e. from the semiotic perspective. The own method of analyzing the meaning of drawings has been developed on the basis of CS Peirce’s triadic concept of sign, and is also a basis for research analysis and implementation of research in the field.
The paper presents selected aspects of the educational system in France, with particular emphasis on the core curriculum for class preparation (CP) for six-year-olds. Embedding information in the context of those relating to socio-economic conditions of children learning, shows a more complete overview of the French perspective of educational reality. There is also a good basis for comparing the situation of teaching Polish in a six-year systemic change. In the article, the writer has used pictures, the results of their observations and interviews during their stay in kindergartens and schools in Paris. ta
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Książka "Maski, twarze, pyski" pod redakcją Katarzyny Konarskiej stanowi zbiór artukułów odwołujących się do tytułowej problematyki. Każdy z nich, mimo, że oscyluje wokół trzech jednakowych haseł, poprzez zakotwiczenie ich w odmiennych kontekstach ukazuje szeroki wachlarz możliwości reinterpretacji oraz osadzenia poszczególnych pojęć na nowo w zmieniającej się rzeczywistości społecznej.
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Contemporary kindergarten pedagogy in the Czech Republic corresponds to an education ideology rooted in the Progressive Movement. The main goal is to develop life skills that are of key significance as far as functioning in the modern world is concerned, i.e.: ability to learn, communicate, solve problems, cooperate and actively participate in various spheres of life – within an individual and social scope. The article presents an analysis of a basic document that sets out the direction of guardianeducational-didactic actions, i.e. a framework curriculum for kindergarten pupils (PV FEP) designed in 2004. Special attention was paid to the adopted concept of educating the youngest children while indicating references to a constructive strategy.
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The purpose of the article is to present the main elements of John Bowlby’s attachment theory: the nature of the attachment relationship and its implications for cognitive, emotional and social development of human beings, especially in early childhood as well as the process of intergenerational transmission of poor parental bonding and ways of enhancing early attachment. Attachment theory posits that the early infant – caregiver relationship forms a mental representation that is a blueprint for future relationships, including later parenting. This phenomena is the source of parenting behaviours and styles of attachment transmitted across the generations. This is also the beginning of “the circle of psychological poverty”. One of the proposals helpful in breaking this circle of the negative model of the parent – child relationship may be The Circle of Security COS Project design to alter the developmental pathway of at-risk parents and their young children.
This article addresses the issue of marginalized students in American public schools. It refers to the missed aim of the No Child Left Behing program, the role of standards and standardization, the teacher-centered instruction and, ultimately, how to remedy the marginalization of students by allowing “...their voices to be heard as they make decisions about curriculum, instruction, assessment and learning environments that promote ownership, motivation, student challenge and success.”
Risk is a double estimate of probability, conveying both positive and negative consequences. Children nowadays are not only influenced by various factors of risk but threatened by the performance of behaviours of risk. Adult anxiety about the impact of a society of risk on children’s lives prevails in contemporary society. Taken from my PhD research project, this paper aims to explore adult perceptions of the relationship between risks and young children’s learning in Chinese and English contexts. The study reveals both similarities and differences between the two contexts. The comparison highlights the issues of risk for young children both as a global trend and as a social cultural construct.