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The article discusses one of the key problems of the post-Soviet area in respect of broadly understood security. Although almost two decades have passed since its beginning, the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan still remains unregulated. It is a serious obstacle to normalizing relations between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia. The stance of the latter is particularly important to the possibility of peacefully resolving the conflict.
The article studies the "afterlife" of the former Subcarpathia, the present-day Transcarpathia, within the Czech society after 1989. The discourse about the region was framed by the understanding of the Czech society of their revolution of 1989 primarily in terms of political and cultural return to the inter-war Masarykian Republic. It maps the different ways the Czech society coped with this deficit in its restoration endeavours in the early 1990s. Within the Czech public discourse uncritical conception of selfless and successful civilising mission in the East still prevails, based on a belief that local population gratefully accepted and now nostalgically longs for such input. For some time after 1989, the theme became one of the key components of Czech debates concerning the past, its neighbours and own identity within the integrating Europe.
Since the start of this decade external borders of the European Union have increasingly become sites of hardship, uncertainty, danger and death as hundreds of thousands of people every year attempt to enter Europe to escape war and poverty in North and Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East. The year 2015 saw the arrival of over one million people via maritime routes, an unprecedented number that caused panic among politicians on the continent and unsettled societies of the “old” and the “new” European Union. Neo-nationalist and neo-fascist parties and movements gained significant ground. In June of 2016 voters in the United Kingdom chose to leave the European Union in the Brexit referendum whose erratic consequences will continue to play out for some time to come. The migratory crisis of the previous year fuelled the “Leave” vote by creating the perception that immigration to the EU is unchecked, and that the UK must “take control of its borders.” While it is not yet known what exactly is meant by “taking control,” we can observe that as a result of these events the terms and conditions of migration, mobility and citizenship in Europe are shifting. In this talk I will argue that this is a shift away from what I call the neoliberal-humanitarian consensus towards a new model whose exact shape is as yet undetermined, but whose emergent features are illuminated by recent anthropological scholarship. Drawing on the UK case study I will show that the control of borders and regulation of mobility is undergoing a distinct anti-humanitarian turn. I will explore the significance and prospects of this new anti-humanitarianism and the possibilities of anthropological insight.
This article sets out to study creative works of collective memory in contrast to state-backed representations of the past. It takes as examples for analysis the erection of statues of the title hero of Jaroslav Hašek’s novel The Good Soldier Svejk in the border region of western Ukraine. It looks at the political and social contexts of creative readings of this novel and how such readings interfered with the dominant state-backed representations of the past and upset historical interpretations that had become deeply anchored in the national discourse. The erection of these statues also had the effect of expanding room for the imagination and fostering discussion of local cross-border cooperation. Activities of this nature tend to dowplay rather than emphasise the state border that cuts through the Urkainian-Polish border region. Methodologically the article is based on an ethnographic study of the unveiling of Svejk statues in Skelivce, Uzhhorod (Ukraine) and Przemyśl (Poland). These new contextualisations of Svejk help to establish an alternative representation of the past and political geography of the borderland area and make Svejk into an object that emphasises the differences between the inhabitants of the Ukrianian-Polish borderland on the one hand and the inland populations of these two stages on the other.
In the process of globalisation transnational corporations limit the role of individual nation states. It often happens that nation states are also made serve such corporations or act against the working class they have authority over. Patriotism may be used for the purposes of reactivation, criticism, or making progress. However, the role it plays depends on people who refer to it and socio-political conditions. Contradictions generated by globalisation have a negative impact on patriotism in its original meaning. The process has not led to the twilight of homelands, and patriotism or nationalism but to new waves of nationalism, racism, and separatism.
The predominant spatial conception of the EU contributes to an evident emergence of a sharpened territorial building of the European space. By all evidence the idea of both the territorial cohesion and territorial continuity shows how relevant the notion of territoriality in the ‘European discourse’ is and consequently how accepted the instrument of hard and closed border and the sharp inside/outside dichotomy are. Due to this pragmatic notion of territoriality, the idea of the EU as a ‘non-Westphalian new empire’ (according to the ‘neo-medieval paradigm’) became at least unrealistic. Its borders are getting more territorial, physical and visible. Hard border policies and practices on the Eastern and Western Balkan borders mirror the existence of a de facto barrier and of a deep ‘Westphalian memory’ in the way of using the territory as support of political unity.
W artykule zaprezentowano zmiany granic w Afryce, począwszy od ostatnich lat panowania kolonialnego, przez okres wyzwalania się kolonii i kształtowania nowej mapy politycznej kontynentu, aż po okres stabilizowania się ukształtowanych po 1960 r. nowych państwowości afrykańskich. We wszystkich tych okresach w pewnym stopniu występowała zmienność granic państwowych, zdominowana jednak przez zmianę rangi granic politycznych, a w małym tylko stopniu przez rzeczywiste zmiany granic w przestrzeni. W tym czasie obowiązywała bowiem zasada, usankcjonowana w różnej rangi dokumentach międzynarodowych, głosząca nienaruszalność granic państwowych w Afryce. Jej kwestionowanie przez nielicznych przywódców, którzy dążyli na drodze siły do rewizji granic, spotykała się zawsze z powszechnym międzynarodowym potępieniem, a podejmowane próby, prowadzące niekiedy do krwawych wojen, kończyły się ostatecznie utrzymaniem przebiegu granic odziedziczonym po epoce kolonialnej.
The paper presents the border changes in Africa, beginning with the last years of colonial rule, throughout the period of liberation of colonies and the formation of a new political map of the continent, until the period of stabilisation of new African states formed after 1960. In all of these periods, some degree of variability could be seen in state borders, though it was dominated by the shift in the significance of political borders, while actual spatial changes were slight. This was due to the principle, sanctioned by various international documents of different rank, of the inviolability of state borders in Africa. The violation of this rule by the few rulers that tried to use force to revise the borders was always met with universal international condemnation, and the attempts, sometimes leading to bloody wars, ultimately ended in the maintenance of borders inherited from the colonial period.
Artykuł omawia genezę i przebieg współczesnych granic w Ameryce Środkowej. Skupia się na historycznym procesie kształtowania się granic po upadku imperium hiszpańskiego oraz na sporach i konfliktach granicznych wynikających z roszczeń terytorialnych wobec sąsiadów. Granice państw w Ameryce Centralnej kształtowały się od czasu uzyskania przez nie niepodległości w 1821 r. i powstania Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Środkowej aż do XX w., kiedy w 1903 r., w wyniku oderwania się od Kolumbii, powstało niepodległe państwo Panama. Historia siedmiu państw regionu jest burzliwa i wypełniona licznymi konfliktami granicznymi i wojnami. Ich przyczyn należy szukać w sytuacji społecznej i politycznej regionu, a głównie w kwestii braku ziemi i rozszerzającym się problemom struktury własnościowej na wsi. Szczególnie wiele uwagi poświęca współczesnym stosunkom dwustronnym i konfliktom granicznym między Nikaraguą i Kostaryką.
The article discusses the origins and the course of contemporary boundaries in Central America. It focuses on the historical process of shaping the borders after the fall of the Spanish Empire as well as border disputes and conflicts arising from territorial claims against neighbors. The boundaries of countries in Central America developed since gaining their independence in 1821, and the emergence of the United States of Central America until the twentieth century when, in 1903, as a result of detachment from Colombia, Panama emerged as an independent state. The history of the seven countries in the region is turbulent and filled with numerous border conflicts and wars. Their causes must be sought, among others, in the social and political situation in the region mainly in the lack of land and expanding the problems of the ownership structure in the country. Special attention is paid to bilateral relationships and the border contemporary conflicts between Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
Introduction: Relationship between physiotherapist and patient has specific form of contact, in which latter lets the former to go through his personal distance, because some medical procedures demand close physical contact. Physical treatment can imply some kind of intimacy, because therapist and patient meet on physical, psychical and social level. It can cause attempts to violate boundary of this relation. The goal of this pilot study was exploration of physiotherapist’s boundaries in physical treatment and specification of the areas within this topic, which should be explored in the future. Material and methods: 80 therapists (39 female, 41 male) completed anonymously a questionnaire (28 questions - open, semi-open, closed). Results: Half of the respondents (56%) haven’t experienced violating boundaries of physical contact by patients, 37% have met this kind of attempts and inform mostly about: touch with sexual connotation, attempts to kiss and aggression. The most of physiotherapists (65%) think the standards of prohibiting intimate contacts between therapists and patients are appropriate, but some (26%) allow exceptions due to circumstances. The majority of respondents (86%) indicate patient’s sex no matter, 14% prefer to work with women. Conclusions: The most of physiotherapists don’t experience violating acceptable borders of physical contact by patients during treatment. Respondents accept mostly standards of prohibiting intimate contacts between therapists and patients, although some allow exceptions due to circumstances. Sex of treated person and connected within sexual boundary doesn’t seem to be a barrier in their work.
Following outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Turkey recorded an unprecedented inflow of migrants from its southern neighbourhood. The policy of opened borders in the initial years of war contrasted to securitization, the search for international support and other similar policies, which countries usually adopt in cases of migration crises. However, rising numbers of Syrian migrants, the deterioration of Turkish relations with the Assad government and the engagement of the Kurds as another important party in the Syrian conflict resulted in the switch of the Turkish border policy. In 2014, President Erdoğan initiated the construction of over 800 km long barrier on the border with Syria with an aim to build similar fenced walls on the Iraqi and Iranian border in 2017. Main aim of this paper is to analyze the development of the Turkish border policy (particularly concerning the border with Syria) in the aftermath of the 2011 events in the Middle East and identify factors, which led up to the shift from the policy of welcoming to the policy of building „Fortress Turkey”. The first part of the paper will briefly summarize Turkish migration policy and focus on presenting the change of the initial ‘open’ approach to migration from Syria into the current state of building fences in the borderland. Subsequently, the paper will deal with selected factors, which might have caused this phenomenon. These include spread of terrorism and inflow of the Daesh fighters, who were using soft border regime to diffuse their activities to the Turkish territory; increase in smuggling and cross-border illegal trade; fears from the conflict spillover; but also territorial integrity concerns with regard to revival of the Kurdish activities in the region .
W następstwie wybuchu wojny w Syrii w 2011 r., Turcja odnotowała bezprecedensowy napływ imigrantów z tego południowego kraju sąsiedzkiego. Polityka otwartych granic prowadzona w okresie pierwszych lat wojny została zastąpiona sekurytyzacją polityki dotyczącej ochrony międzynarodowej i innych polityk, które kraje zazwyczaj przyjmują w sytuacji kryzysu migracyjnego. Jednak wzrastająca liczba imigrantów z Syrii, pogorszenie relacji Turcji z rządem Assada oraz włączenie się Kurdów jako kolejnej ważnej strony w konflikcie syryjskim skutkowało zwrotem w tureckiej polityce granicznej. W 2014 r., prezydent Erdoğan rozpoczął budowę ponad 800-kilometrowego odcinka muru na granicy z Syrią wraz z zapowiedzią wzniesienia podobnych umocnień na granicach z Irakiem i Iranem w 2017. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza rozwoju tureckiej polityki granicznej (w szczególności dotyczącej granicy z Syrią) w następstwie wydarzeń z 2011 r. oraz wskazanie czynników, które doprowadziły do przejścia od polityki gościnności do polityki wznoszenia „Tureckiej Fortecy”. W pierwszej części artykułu krótko podsumowana zostanie turecka polityka migracyjna. Nacisk położony zostanie na przedstawienie zmiany początkowo otwartego podejścia wobec migrantów z Syrii na obecny stan budowy murów na pograniczu z Syrią. Następnie, w artykule przedstawione zostaną wybrane czynniki, które wywołały to zjawisko. Obejmują one rozprzestrzenianie się terroryzmu i napływ bojowników z Daesh, którzy wykorzystywali łagodny reżim graniczny do rozszerzania swojej aktywności na tureckim terytorium, wzrost przemytu i nielegalnego handlu transgranicznego, obawy o rozprzestrzenianie się konfliktu, ale także kwestie integralności terytorialnej w związku ze wzrostem aktywności Kurdów w regionie.
The article analyzes Polish borders, territory and geopolitical position during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Republics, including communist period. It argues that the most coherent territorially is Poland in the post-war borders. From a political-geographical perspective it assesses the contemporary western Polish border positively, and the eastern border negatively. It draws attention to the importance of the degree of integration of the international environment around Poland for its security and sovereignty, arguing that so far it has been better for Poland to have more neighbors than less.
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę kształtu polskich granic i terytorium państwa dla okresów Rzeczpospolitej szlacheckej, II RP z okresu międzywojenego, Polski ludowej oraz współczesnej, a także ocenę położenia geopolitycznego. Wykazano, że terytorialnie największą spójnością cechuje się Polska w granicach powojennych. Z polityczno-geograficznego punktu widzenia autor obecną zachodnią granicę Polski ocenia pozytywnie, natomiast granicę wschodnią negatywnie. Zwraca uwagę na znaczenie stopnia konsolidacji międzynarodowego otoczenia Polski dla jej bezpieczeństwa i suwerenności, argumentując, że do tej pory sytuacja była korzystniejsza dla Polski, kiedy miała większą liczbę sąsiadów.
The article offers a detailed analysis of the poem “The Map” by Elizabeth Bishop. As the opening text of Bishop’s first collection and also of all the editions of her collected poems, the poem can be read as a statement of the poet’s creative principles. The close-reading of the poem stresses the importance of the various encounters examined in the poem: the map (and the poem) is seen as a border space where “the other” can be approached in a kind of creative dialogue in which a plurality of perspectives co-exists, no one is in complete control, and the perception of the other is seen as an open dynamic process which is never completed.
Wojna w społecznościach pierwotnych ma często inne znaczenie społeczne, przyczyny i przebieg działań zbrojnych aniżeli w społeczeństwach o wyższym rozwoju kulturowym. Również delimitacja granic krajowych czy plemiennych jest inaczej rozumiana i nie zawsze broniona, zwłaszcza jeśli istnieją sąsiednie obszary niczyje, ucieczkowe. Bardzo często same rozprawy zbrojne przeprowadzane są obrzędowo; unika się zadawania i ponoszenia większych strat śmiertelnych. Stąd wojna stanowi często tylko demonstrację siły zbrojnej.
War in primitive societies often has different social significance, causes and course of military actions than in societies with a higher cultural development. Also, delimitation of national or tribal borders is understood differently and not always defended, especially if there are no neighbouring areas with the possibility to escape. Very often the armed clashes are carried out ritually, without unnecessary fatal losses. Thus, war is often just a demonstration of military force.
Ameryka Łacińska jest regionem o niezwykle bogatej i zróżnicowanej kulturze, w którym przez wiele wieków rozwijały się wspaniałe cywilizacje. Dzieła sztuki i kultury materialnej wytworzone przez dawnych mieszkańców stanowią dziś cenne źródło wiedzy o pierwotnych mieszkańcach tej części świata, a także ważny element budowy tożsamości narodowej i regionalnej. Również kolonizacja hiszpańska pozostawiła po sobie wysoko cenione dzieła sztuki. Zarówno wytwory kultur prekolumbijskich, jak i czasów kolonialnych nie są dostatecznie chronione i stanowią przedmiot handlu na coraz większą skalę. Brak odpowiednich mechanizmów kontroli, ubóstwo, a także brak edukacji w regionach, w których występuje największe nagromadzenie cennych przedmiotów sprawia, że wiele dzieł sztuki jest nielegalnie wywożonych za granicę lub ulega zniszczeniu. Wzrostowi przemytu sprzyjają nieszczelność granic i korupcja.
Latin America is the region of extremely rich and diversifies culture. Over many ages, there had been developing magnificent civilizations before it was conquered in the 16th century by Europeans. Works of art and material culture manufactured by early inhabitants are today a valuable source of knowledge about the primary dwellers of this part of the world as well as an important element of building the national and regional identity. Also Spanish colonisation has left behind cherished works of art. Both products of the pre-Columbian cultures and those of the colonial times are not sufficiently protected and are increasingly an object of trade. Lack of relevant control mechanisms, poverty as well as lack of education in the regions where there takes place the biggest accumulation of valuable objects causes that many works of art are illegally exported abroad or damaged. The growth of smuggling is increased due to permeability of borders and corruption.
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