W artykule podjęto temat procesu technologicznego kucia półfabrykatu wałka rozrządu. Scharakteryzowano materiały stosowane na półfabrykaty wałków rozrządu. Określono warunki doboru technologii wytwarzania półfabrykatów. Przedstawiono proces kucia i matrycowania. Dokonano też opisu prac kończących produkcję półfabrykatów wałków rozrządu. Opracowano kartę technologiczną dla procesu kucia.
The article presents technological process of forging blank camshafts. It describes materials used on the camshafts blanks. The paper also sets out the conditions for the selection of manufacturing technology of semi-finished products. It shows the process of forging and stamping. The ending work in the production process of semi-finished products is described. The card for forging process of semi-finished camshafts is developed.
W tekście autor poddaje analizie system obsługi podmiejskich i regionalnych przewozów zbiorowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem takiego pojęcia jak „białe plamy”. Określa się tak miejsca, gdzie nie ma komunikacji zbiorowej, co uważane jest za przyczynę wykluczenia mieszkańców z dostępności do zakupów, kultury, oświaty, pracy, służby zdrowa, a nawet przerwania więzi rodzinnych. Nowa ustawa o transporcie publicznym w niewątpliwy sposób stworzy warunki do dofinansowania przewoźników realizujących nierentowane przewozy zarówno będących własnością samorządów terytorialnych, jak i inwestorów prywatnych, jednak jaki będzie realny efekt tych działań?
The author analyses in the text the system of serving suburban and regional public transport, with particular emphasis on such term as ‘blanks’. This is the term used for such places, where there is no public transport, which is frequently considered the reason for residents exclusion from accessibility to shopping, culture, education, work, health service, and even family ties breaking. The new Act on Public Transport will undoubtedly create conditions to finance carriers carrying out unprofitable transport, both owned by local governments and by private investors, but what will be the real effect of such actions?
There can be no doubt that Wolfgang Iser’s literary theory was strongly influenced by Roman Ingarden’s writings on literature. Iser often quotes from Ingarden and develops some of his key ideas. The main aim of this article is to show that even in the cases where Iser develops Ingarden’s ideas and concepts he significantly changes their meaning and function. This tendency is not arbitrary but rather mirrors the difference of aims between the two theories. In this article, the author tries to show how Ingarden’s theory revolves around his consideration of the differences between the real and purely intentional object. Here, the literary work serves as an example of the purely intentional object. By contrast, Iser’s work revolves around his opposition to any theory which emphasizes the essential meaning of a work of literature without considering the reading process itself. This attention to the reading process is the main aim of Iser’s theory. The article develops the thesis that the two opposing definitions of the literary work arise from this essential difference, which in turn explains the dissimilarity, in terms of both meaning and function, between such seemingly similar concepts as Ingarden’s ‘places of indeterminacy’ (die Unbestimmtheitstellen) and Iser’s ‘blanks’ (die Leerstellen).
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