Przedstawiono sposób wyznaczania podstawowych wielkości hydrodynamicznych fluidyzacyjnego bioreaktora hybrydowego. Aparat składa się z dwóch części. Jedna z nich pracuje jako dwufazowy bioreaktor air-lift z zewnętrzną cyrkulacją cieczy, podczas gdy druga jego część jest dwufazowym bioreaktorem fluidyzacyjnym ciecz-ciało stałe. Cyrkulacja cieczy wymuszona wskutek nagazowania środowiska w części air-lift jest użyta do fluidyzacji ziaren ciała stałego w części fluidalnej. Zaletą takich bioreaktorów są mniejsze siły ścinające działające na biofilm immobilizowany na ziarnach materiału drobnoziarnistego w porównaniu z trójfazowymi bioreaktorami fluidyzacyjnymi. Pokazano sposób obliczania stopnia zatrzymania gazu w części air-lift oraz prędkości gazu i cieczy w obydwu strefach bioreaktora.
Hydrodynamic properties of a hybrid fluidized-bed air-lift bioreactor were detd. The analyzed apparatus consisted of a 2-phase air-lift bioreactor with external circulation tube and a 2-phase liq.-solid fluidized-bed bioreactor. The circulation of a liq. was used to maintain the fluidization of solid particles in fluidized-bed part. The main advantage of the bioreactor is a lower shear force acting on the biofilm immobilized on fine particles in comparison to 3-phase fluidized-bed bioreactors. The way of calcn. of gas hold-up in the air-lift part and gas and liq. velocities in all zones of analyzed hybrid bioreactor was presented.
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White, or industrial, biotechnology is the application of biotechnology for the processing and production of chemicals, materials, and energy. White biotechnology uses enzymes and microorganisms to generate products in industrial sectors as diverse as pharmaceuticals and chemistry, food and feed, pulp and paper, textiles or detergents. This review gives an overview of the possible developments in the transition to bio-based production with a focus on the production of chemicals. Implementation of industrial biotechnology offers significant ecological advantages. Renewable agricultural crops are the preferential starting materials, instead of dwindling fossil resources such as crude oil and natural gas. This technology consequently has a beneficial effect on greenhouse gas emissions and at the same time supports the agricultural sector, delivering these raw materials. Moreover, industrial biotechnology frequently shows significant performance benefits compared to conventional chemical technology, such as a higher reaction rate, increased conversion efficiency, improved product purity, lowered energy consumption and significant decrease in chemical waste generation. The combination of these factors has led to the recent strong penetration of industrial biotechnology in all sectors of the chemical industry, particularly in fine chemicals but equally so for bulk chemicals such as plastics and fuels. The chemical industry in Europe, which contributes about 28% of the world demand for chemicals, has identified industrial biotechnology as a key emerging technology area. The biorefinery concept offers numerous possibilities to integrate the production of bio-energy and chemicals. This will also provide substantially higher value-added economic activities, besides promoting production in agriculture and forestry. Shifting the resource base for chemical production from fossil feedstocks to renewable raw materials provides exciting possibilities for the use of industrial biotechnology-based process tools. In a bio-based production, industrial biotechnology also interfaces with plant biotechnology (green biotechnology), where gene technology is applied to accelerate the process of plant breeding for crop improvement or for altering the composition of the feedstock for a desired product. The concept of Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy and the vision of bio-economy in Europe to 2030 presented in so called "Cologne Paper". [82] are also briefly outlined.
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