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The decrease of fossil fuels resources and an opportunity of being independent from import of fuels led to a situation where more attention is paid to electricity production from biomass. Additional impulses for development of these technologies are law regulations connected with reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In medium and large scale, combined gas steam cycles integrated with biomass gasification are a very interesting solution. The main advantage of these systems is a relative high energy efficiency. In the paper, model of gas generator and models of gas steam cycles integrated with biomass pressurized gasification are presented. In particular, considered systems consist with gas generator model which use two equilibrium reactors, simple gas turbine, 1-pressure heat recovery steam generator and condensing steam turbine. The simulations include evaluation of the impact of gasification pressure on gasification parameters and the impact of pressure ratio in compressor on efficiency and power of the systems. In the work results of two different configurations of gas cooling are shown.
tom Vol. 28 nr 1-2
Biomass co-firing has become a significant player on the market of renewable energy in Poland through the last two years. Power producers after a few years of co- firing biomass have already identified some technical barriers limiting the biomass share in the combusted fuel blend. These limitations were mostly caused by the existing coal feeding system properties but also a group of them was a consequence of biomass chemical composition different from coal or lignite. The paper presents the identification of the most common technical barriers due to biomass co- firing reported in Polish power plants. Presented results are mostly based on biomass co-firing trial tests and full-time operational observations carried out by the plants themselves and in some cases evaluated by Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal who was the technical advisor at the co-firing process implementation.
The paper deals with a conception of replacing high-pressure regeneration in a supercritical coal fired power plant by a water boiler combusting biomass. The technology classified as belonging to the group of methods simultaneously co-firing biomass and coal is an alternative of the actually applied direct methods. Five variants of the configuration of replacing three regenerating exchangers have been analyzed. The reference system was a supercritical coal fired power plant. The fundamental indices have been determined which may be used to assess the newly created system, viz. cycle efficiency and electrical efficiency. Moreover, the share of electrical energy generated by the application of biomass in the entire amount of energy produced in the power plant has been analyzed. The values of the share of all the considered variants are being compared with a 7.5 percentage resulting from those presented in the instruction 2001/77 /WE.
In this paper there are presented results of experimental investigation of biomass gasification process in a fixed bed gasifier. Gasification was carried out with atmospheric pressure and air was used as oxidizer. Parameters taken into consideration were the air flow rate, amounts of biomass supplied into a gasifier, parameters of raw biomass- elemental composition and initial moisture content. Two kinds of biomass were investigated: oats husk pellets and wood pellets. Molar fractions of two combustible species in the syngas (CO and H2) were measured on- line and more detailed composition of the syngas was done for a few experimental points. Sum of molar fractions (dry basis) of main combustible species in the syngas (CO+H2) was 23-35% depending of the kind of biomass and parameters of the process. Experimental results were compared with other researchers' findings.
Alternatywne źródła energii są szansą przede wszystkim dla lokalnych społeczności. Niezbędny jest udział państwa w promocji odnawialnych źródeł energii i zachęcaniu obywateli do korzystania z tej formy energii. Z badań przeprowadzonych w ramach prezentowanej pracy wynika, że wierzba energetyczna z plantacji jak i z oczyszczalni ścieków jest doskonałym materiałem energetycznym. Odpady pochodzenia rolniczego (słoma), nasiona zbóż, przetworzone produkty biomasy (brykiety, pelety), a także osady ścieków z komunalnych oczyszczalni ścieków mogą być cennym surowcem energetycznym.
tom Vol. 39, No.1
The floristic composition, abundance, and biomass of phytoplankton in the Cybina River and the Maltański Reservoir were examined from April to October 2005. The analysis of the phytoplankton in the samples revealed statistically significant differences in both composition and abundance. The maximum abundance (39.2 × 10^3 ind. cm^-3) and biomass (56.8 μg cm^-3) of phytoplankton was noted in July 2005 at the outlet from the Maltański Reservoir. The lowest phytoplankton density was most often noted at the site located at the inlet of the Cybina River into the Maltański Reservoir. The quantitative and qualitative compositions of the phytoplankton varied at different sites. The highest taxonomical similarity was noted among the samples collected in the reservoir and at the outflow from it.
The article presents the current situation in selected types of renewable energy and their importance for rural areas. At the moment, Poland’s energy needs are more than 85% satisfied from fossil fuel resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. This results in serious environmental impacts and contributes to irreversible adverse effects, such as climate change due to the rise in global temperatures, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution. Directives and agreements of the European Union pertaining to climate change force the development in the field of renewable energy sources (RES). In this scope, the production of electricity and heat from renewable sources in rural areas creates new opportunities for the development of these areas and their local communities.
W artykule przedstawiono aktualną sytuację dla wybranych rodzajów energii odnawialnych i ich znaczenia dla obszarów wiejskich. Aktualnie potrzeby energetyczne Polski pokrywane są w ponad 85% ze źródeł nieodnawialnych takich jak: węgiel, ropa naftowa i gaz ziemny. Powoduje to poważne zagrożenia dla środowiska i nieodwracalne negatywne skutki, tj.: zmiany klimatu spowodowane podniesieniem się temperatury na Ziemi, emisja gazów cieplarnianych, zanieczyszczenie powietrza. Dyrektywy i umowy Unii Europejskiej dotyczące zmian klimatycznych wymuszają rozwój odnawialnych źródeł energii (OZE). W związku z tym produkcja energii elektrycznej i cieplnej z tych źródeł na obszarach wiejskich stwarza nowe szanse i możliwości rozwoju tych obszarów oraz społeczności lokalnych.
The obligation of renewable energy production and the opportunities for additional large revenue from green certificates has led to an increased interest in biomass derived from imports. During the period under study, imports of biomass to Poland increased nearly eight times: from 423 thousand tons to 3 591 thousand tons. Agro biomass imports showed higher dynamics (1160%), including in particular sunflower husks and sunflower and palm oil cake. During the same period, imports of forest biomass increased by 478%, of mainly firewood and wood chips. By 2007, the vast majority of imported biomass had come from the current European Union countries (nearly 50%, the highest amounts from Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia and Germany), and the structure of imports was divided roughly evenly into agro and forestry sourced biomass. The introduction of mandatory restrictions on the use of forest biomass resulted in a significant increase in non-forest biomass share in the total imports of biomass, which have also significantly increased from year to year. In the last three years, agro biomass imports from the EU and Ukraine have accounted for almost 65% of total imports of biomass for energy purposes. A dramatic increase has also been observed in the imports of exotic biomass, although in relatively small absolute values: from 0 in 2009 to about 65 thousand tonnes in 2010 and 2011, and to more than 600 thousand tonnes in 2014.
Obowiązek produkcji energii odnawialnej i możliwość dodatkowego dużego przychodu z tytułu zielonych certyfikatów spowodowały wzrost zainteresowania biomasą pochodzącą z importu. W badanym okresie import biomasy do Polski zwiększył się blisko ośmiokrotnie: z 423 tys. ton do 3 591 tys. ton. Wyższą dynamiką charakteryzował się import biomasy agro (1160%), w tym przede wszystkim łuski słonecznikowej oraz makuchów słonecznikowych i palmowych. Do 2007 r. zdecydowana większość importowanej biomasy pochodziła z krajów obecnej Unii Europejskiej (prawie 60%, najwięcej z Litwy, Łotwy, Słowacji i Niemiec) i dzieliła się mniej więcej po połowie na biomasę agro i leśną. Wprowadzenie ograniczeń wymuszających wykorzystanie biomasy nieleśnej spowodowało znaczny wzrost udziału biomasy agro w całkowitym imporcie biomasy, który również znacząco rośnie z roku na rok. W ostatnich trzech latach import biomasy agro z krajów UE i Ukrainy stanowi prawie 66% całego importu biomasy na cele energetyczne. Skokowy jest również przyrost importu biomasy egzotycznej, choć w stosunkowo niewielkich wielkościach bezwzględnych: od 0 w 2009 przez ok. 65 tys. ton w 2010 i 2011 do ponad 600 tys. ton w 2014 r.
Content available remote Oferta realizacji gospodarki energetycznej w gminach na przykładzie Austrii
tom nr 124
Firma Christof-Group jest prywatnym przedsiębiorstwem austriackim z siedzibą w Styrii, które zajmuje się głównie budową urządzeń przemysłowych, w tym urządzeń z wykorzystaniem biomasy. Głównym obszarem działalności w Austrii są obszary wiejskie, gdzie dzięki pomocy ze strony państwa stworzono odpowiednie możliwości realizacji inwestycji ciepłowniczych. Artykuł przedstawia dwa zrealizowane przez Christof-Group obiekty z wykorzystaniem biomasy: Admont w Styrii i Lienz w Tyrolu Wschodnim, zarówno od strony technicznej ich realizacji, jak i sposobu finansowania inwestycji.
tom Nr 5
Omówiono sposoby pozyskiwania biomasy oraz jej znaczenie jako źródła energii. Opisano wielokierunkowe procesy przetwarzania biomasy, pochodzącej głównie z rolnictwa. Przedstawiono bilanse masowo-eko-nomiczne związane z produkcją energii elektrycznej i ciepła na potrzeby mieszkańców typowej wsi.
The ways of biomass retrieval have been discussed and its role as an energy carrier. Multi-direction biomass transformation processes coming mainly from agriculture have been described. Mass -economic balances have been presented connected with production of electric energy and heat for the needs of an inhabitant of a typical village.
The objective of this study was to determine the change in phytoplankton biomass in Lake Niegocin following modernization of the sewage treatment plant in Giżycko, Poland in 1994. Phytoplankton samples were taken from March to November 1991 – 2001, and chlorophyll levels were determined from 1986 through 2001. High levels of total phytoplankton biomass (max. 8.2 mg l-1) and chlorophyll concentrations (max. 93.9 ?g l-1) were recorded in Lake Niegocin up to 1994. Filamentous cyanoprokaryotes (90%), mainly Planktothrix agardhii and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, were the most abundant taxa in summer. After modernization of the wastewater treatment plant (1995 to 1999), there was a change in the composition of the phytoplankton, biomass decreased threefold and chlorophyll concentrations fourfold, with dinoflagellates (Peridinium sp. div., Ceratium hirundinella) becoming dominant in the summer. However, increased biomass (max. 6.3 mg l-1) and concentrations of photosynthetic pigments (max. 46.5 ?g l-1) occurred in 2000 and 2001, with the summer phytoplankton dominated by cyanoprokaryotes (e.g. Microcystis aeruginosa, Leptolyngbya thermalis).
Bioethanol was an alternative liquid fuel produced from biomass that contained large amount of sugar (e.g. sugar cane, grain or biomass of lignocellulosic). An interesting idea was to use algae to produce bioethanol. Production of bioethanol from starch was a process of 3 stages: hydrolysis of starch, fermentation of glucose and separation/purification of ethanol. Bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass was a process of 4 stages: lignocelluloses pretreatment, cellulose hydrolysis, fermentation of sugars and separation/purification of ethanol. Bioethanol was more friendly for environment than convectional fuel because it was renewable energy source. Bioethanol could be used as clean or as blend (gasohol, diesohol). According to the literature, still extend research on production and use of bioethanol was observed.
The paper presents the main assumptions of the Directive 2009/28/WE of the European Parliament concerning renewable fuels. One of the possibilities of the use of biomass for electricity and heat production, thus in so-called cogeneration systems is presented. Experimental installation of the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal for biomass gasification with fixed-bed reactor is described. The obtained results concerning composition of producer gas together with its impurities are shown. The method and degree of gas purification is characterized. The main parameters of the gasification process in GazEla reactor are presented. The first results of cooperation of gas engine with automatic ignition with biomass gasification installation and the influence of the process gas on the engine operation were described.
This article describe problem of microcogeneration conversion way of chemically fixed energy of solid biomass on electric power and low – potential heat and optimal heat exchange between boiler and work space of double stroke engine. The aim of this project is research of converse way and device development on its realization. The experimental device consists of the boiler for dendromass, the double stroke engine and two heat exchangers.
The variety of biomass fuels and their constantly increasing content in the coal/biomass co-combustion requires further and more sophisticated on-line diagnostic methods, which can help in the properties characterization and fuels selection in terms of the impact on slagging and fouling of the heat exchange surfaces phenomena. One of the possibilities for such characterization is application of a deposition probe equipped with special thermal resistance sensors. The main aim of such a deposition probe is collecting deposits formed during combustion and co-combustion of solid fuels (coal, biomass, sludges, wastes etc.) in the Pulverized Fuel (PF) or Fluidized Bed (FB) boilers while also measuring the heat flux from the flue gas through the surface of the probe, to the simulated steam. As a result, the extend of the slagging and fouling processes as well as their influence on heat exchange can be determined, which is very important from operational, economic and environmental point of view of the power plant. The deposition probe can be used both in the main combustion chamber (radiant heat exchange zone) and in the convective ducts (convective heat exchange zone). However, the application of the deposition probe in such wide range of the operating conditions requires a very careful calibration of the sensor sensitivity as well as estimation and determination of the requirements for its proper operation. Unfortunately, many parameters can influence the sensor sensitivity and, as a result, the quantitative and qualitative measurements. In the paper, the influence of the deposition probe temperature, cooling medium temperature and cooling medium flow on the sensor sensitivity is shown and discussed. The said data have been obtained from measurements performed using a dedicated experimental test set up, covering the full applicable range of operating conditions. The said tests revealed that the sensor sensitivity varies broadly and the factors of primary importance are the mass flow of the cooling air and the deposition probe temperature.
Content available remote Dew Point of the Flue Gas of Boilers Co-Firing Biomass with Coal
The paper deals with the impact of co-firing biomass with coal in boilers on the dew point of the flue gas. Co-firing of biomass may have twofold implications on corrosion and fouling, which are the processes that determine the lowest acceptable flue gas outlet temperature and as a result, boiler efficiency. Both phenomena may be reduced by co-firing of usually low sulphur biomasses or enhanced due to increased moisture content of biomass leading to increased water dew point. The present study concerns the problem of low-temperature corrosion in utility boilers. The paper gives (in the form of diagrams and equations) a relationship between water dew point and moisture content of fuel mixture when co-firing coal and various biomasses. The regression analysis shows that despite significant differences in the characteristics of coals and these of additional fuels, which are planned for co-firing in large-scale power boilers, the water dew point can be described by a function given with the accuracy, which shall be satisfactory for engineering purposes. The discussion of the properties of biofuels indicates that the acid dew point surplus over the water dew point (Δtr = tr - twr) is not likely to exceed 10 K when co-firing biomass. The concluding remarks give recommendations for the appropriate operation of boilers in order to reduce risks associated with biomass co-combustion.
Content available remote Co-Firing of Biomass with Pulverised Coal in Oxygen Enriched Atmosphere
The aim of the paper is a comparative study of co-firing high shares of wooden and agro-biomass with hard coal under oxy-fuel and air conditions in the laboratory scale reactor for pulverised fuels. The investigations of co-combustion behaviour NOx and SO2 emission and burnout were carried out for selected blends. Detailed investigations were concentrated on determining the effect of dosing oxygen method into the burner on NOx emission. The paper presents the results of co-firing blends with 20 and 50% share of biomass by mass in air and oxy-combustion condition. Biomass oxy-cofiring integrated with CCS (CO2 capture) technology could be a carbon negative technology. The reduction of NOx emissions in the conditions of oxy-co-firing is dependent on the concentration of oxygen in the primary stream of oxidiser. A significant reduction of NOx was achieved in the case of low oxygen concentration in the primary stream for each investigated blends. Co-firing of biomass with coal in an oxygen enriched atmosphere enhances combustion behaviour, lowers fuel burnout and as a result increases of the boiler efficiency.
Content available remote System Simatic w sterowaniu spalaniem biomasy
tom R. 10, nr 12
Wyczerpujący się zapas surowców naturalnych, a także powiększająca się ilość zanieczyszczeń środowiska skłaniają przemysł do zastępowania tradycyjnych paliw odnawialnymi źródłami energii. Jednym z nich jest biomasa. Jest to trzeci na świecie pod względem częstotliwości występowania surowiec odnawialny.
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