Does a biological weapon threat exist nowadays? A probability to use pathogenic micro-organisms as a combat agent poses a real threat to a contemporary battlefield. Pathogenic micro-organisms have been used for a long time in wartime as a measure to eliminate the enemy living force. Contagious diseases (also those that appear naturally) decimated troops and often caused greater losses than the combat operations themselves. The article presents orderly arranged and evaluated information concerning the biological weapon development and combat use before World War I, during its course, in the between - the wars period, during World War II and after it. This retrospective view at both remote and recent years is the basis to draw attention to contemporary biological weapon. The author considers the possibilities of purchase, theft or production and then use of biological weapon. The perspectives and conclusions are alarming. In spite of temporary trends, it becomes clear that preventive measures must be taken immediately because eradicating the effects of terrorist attack, during which biological weapon was used, may appear to be impossible.
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The biological weapons often is defined as ‘weapons of mass destruction poor’, because this is relatively cheap and easy in the production, hidden and relocation. The risk of the use biological weapons still seems to be very real. A possibility of using weapons of mass destruction (biological weapon) is arousing special danger by contemporary terrorist organizations. In this article in a synthetic, based on the available references and the unpublished information, author present the current level of threat of biological terrorism.
Aby jak najszybciej wykryć atak bioterrorystyczny, należy dysponować możliwościami szybkiego i efektywnego nadzoru epidemiologicznego, systemem szybkiej diagnostyki i precyzyjnej identyfikacji czynników biologicznych. Broń biologiczna stała się orężem zagrażającym funkcjonowaniu wojska oraz ludności cywilnej, a groźba jej użycia we współczesnym świecie jest coraz bardziej realna. W pracy omówiono wybrane systemy oraz metody identyfikacji czynników broni biologicznej.
For the early detection of a bioterrorist attack one should posses all the means of a rapid and efficient system of epidemiological surveillance, rapid laboratory diagnostics and accurate identification of biological agents. Biological weapon has become a weapon endangering the functioning of both the army and civilians. The threat of its use in the modern world is becoming more and more real. The paper discusses the selected systems and methods of identifying biological warfare agents.
Objectives: The purpose of this article is to present biological weapon in the process of reducing the structural power of a state. This article answers the following questions: What is the structural power and national economy? What is human capital and agriculture? What is the biological weapon and what is its effectiveness? How does the biological weapon reduce the structural power of a state? Methods: Analyzing literature and documents. Results: This article states that a biological weapon is a tool for reducing a state’s international potential used by a hostile state. This is the main reason why agriculture is the high-risk target for biological warfare. From the perspective of a biological weapon, a high-risk target as agriculture is human capital that is engaged in the production of goods. This sphere is essential for the national economy as well. The health and vitality of the population is crucial for effective production. All of the above gives the full scope of the country’s capabilities in the international sphere which could lead to becoming a power actor in global politics. Conclusions: From the perspective of a hostile state, the structural power of the targeted state cannot be reached. At this point, it can be stated that a state's structural power can be limited by reducing its relational power (reduction of international power through reduction of production/agriculture). Due to the wide spectrum of potential biological hazards a biological weapon can easily meet the needs of a hostile state.
W pracy dokonano krótkiego przeglądu oraz usystematyzowano wiedzę na temat sposobów wykrywania broni biologicznej. Scharakteryzowano metody i urządzenia do wykrywania skażeń biologicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem komercyjnych urządzeń, oferowanych przez różne firmy. Urządzenia te mogą być używane podczas działań bojowych z użyciem broni biologicznej oraz w przypadku ataków bioterrorystycznych na ludność cywilną.
A short review is made and the knowledge about the ways of biological warfare agents detection is systematized. The methods and equipment for the detection are characterized considering commercial equipment offered by different firms. This equipment can be used during military action with biological weapon and in the case of bioterrorist attacks on the civilian population.
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Terrorism is a phenomenon which is still evolving, and terrorists are searching for new methods of killing people. Bioterrorism is one of the form of terrorism, which can pose a serious threat to humanity in the 21st century. Biological weapon can be, for example viruses, bacteria, plant poisons. Terrorists choose proper means of attack in order to cause many harms. Potential tool of biological warfare can be anthrax or ricin.
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Biological weapon is not the discovery of recent years or centuries. Since the ancient times natural pathogenic germs were applied. However, it was during World War l when it was for the first time attempted to use biological weapon created in laboratory conditions. In spite of signing on June 17, 1925 the International Protocol concerning the ban to use in war choking, toxic or similar gases, the Convention of April 10, 1972 on the ban to conduct research, produce and collect biological and weapon stores and the necessity to destroy them, many countries continuously break these regulations. It cannot be stated how many countries currently have biological weapon on their disposal. It is commonly known that many. Therefore, in spite of earlier legal regulations that ban biological weapon research, international organisations must tend to introduce univocal, global ban on biological weapon production taking into consideration contemporary world security.
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Bioterrorism is a relatively new phenomenon in the contemporary world. Biological agents may contaminate air, water, food and things used every day with vegetative or resting forms of microbes (germs). The threat of bioterrorist attack through food should be treated with priority in the defence strategy of the state due to the ease of conducting such an attack, possibility to inflict massive human losses and causing secondary negative economic and social effects. The most dangerous form of a bioterrorist attack is an aerosol variant or spraying an agent in ventilation systems. However, it is also hazardous for terrorists themselves. Spraying a biological agent causes fast and massive illnesses and high fatality rate due to the agent’s inhaling and developing illnesses in lungs. In order to fight the effects of a bioterrorist attack, it is crucial to detect early the biological agent used using remote bio-detection method which enables applying immediately prevention steps such as vaccines or antibiotics with a wide treatment spectrum. Network programs and services of local and global range allow monitoring the epidemics (GIDEON, RSVP, ProMed). There has been a great progress recently in research of new biological agents identification technologies, thus contributing to effective fight with biological threats.
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Broń biologiczna rzadko była używana przez ugrupowania terrorystyczne. Wynika to zarówno z trudności wiążących się z jej pozyskaniem i dyspersją, jak i z tego, że najbardziej śmiercionośne rodzaje tej broni: chorobotwórcze patogeny - ze względu na zdolność do samoreplikacji - mogą bardzo łatwo wymknąć się spod kontroli. Nic więc dziwnego, że jak dotąd tylko dwa ugrupowania zdecydowały się po broń tę sięgnąć. Były to Aum Shinrikyō (Najwyższa Prawda) i R.I.S.E. Autorka omawia ideologiczne cele tych ugrupowań, wyodrębnia cechy, które predestynowały je do aktywnego zainteresowania się śmiercionośnymi atakami z użyciem broni biologicznej oraz odpowiada na pytanie, czy istnieją współcześnie zjawiska lub procesy, które mogą się przyczynić do eskalacji bioterroryzmu.
Biological weapon has been rarely used by terrorist groups. It stems from both the difficulty to obtain and disperse it, and the fact that the mod lethal types of that weapon-pathogens, due to their capability of self-multiplication, can easily get out of control. It should not be a surprise then that so far only two groups have decided to use that kind of weapon. They were Aum Shinrikyo and R.I.S.E. The am of the article is taking a closer look at the ideological goals of these groups, singling out the features that predestined them for active interest in lethal attacks with the use of biological weapons, as well as answering the question whether there are currently existing phenomena or processes that may cause the escalation of bioterrorism.
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Systemy filtracji powietrza mogą stanowić ważny element obrony przed atakiem terrorystycznym z użyciem broni chemicznej lub biologicznej. Artykuł zawiera ogólny wstęp na temat biologicznych i chemicznych środków najczęściej branych pod uwagę w atakach terrorystycznych i stanowi pomoc dla użytkowników i projektantów w analizie ryzyka i decyzjach zarządzania budynkiem. Omówiono zabezpieczenia systemów HVAC oraz rodzaje filtrów powietrza odpowiednie do zatrzymywania zanieczyszczeń chemicznych i biologicznych.
A building’s air filtration system can serve as a significant defense component during an airborne chemical and/or biological attack from an external release. To assist building owners and designers in risk anarys s and management decisions, this article provides a general introduction to biological and chemical agents considered most likely to be used in terrorist attack. HVAC system safeguards ore discussed, followed by description of air filters suitable for use in chemical and biological arena.
Ze względu na wciąż aktualne zagrożenia biologiczne związane z działalnością ugrupowań terrorystycznych, sytuacjami kryzysowymi w wielu rejonach świata, a także cyklicznie pojawiającymi się epidemiami, szybka i wiarygodna detekcja skażeń biologicznych jest niezbędnym elementem zapewnienia szeroko rozumianego bezpieczeństwa ludności. W pracy poruszono kwestie procedur pobierania i weryfikacji próbek. Skupiono się na technikach przygotowania próbek do analizy, a także wyszczególniono metody analityczne służące do identyfikacji czynników biologicznych. Dodatkowo omówiono technologie on-site zaimplementowane w wojskowych przyrządach do detekcji skażeń biologicznych. Praca umożliwia czytelnikowi zapoznanie się z nowoczesnymi technikami detekcji czynników pochodzenia biologicznego i ich identyfikacji, co stanowi niezbędną wiedzę przy wyborze odpowiedniego sprzętu w zależności od przeznaczenia pododdziału rozpoznania skażeń i postawionego zadania. Wiedza z zakresu pobierania i przygotowania próbek do analizy przyczyni się do zwiększenia umiejętności zespołów pobierania próbek w zakresie takich działań oraz do osiągnięcia wiarygodnych wyników przez zastosowanie odpowiednich procedur i wyeliminowanie możliwości utraty analitu czy nieumyślnego skażenia próbki. Pozwoli to również na zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa na każdym etapie pracy z próbkami biologicznymi. Wszystkie te działania mogą przyczynić się do globalnego zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa ludności.
Due to still current biological threats related to the activities of terrorist groups, crisis situations in many regions of the world, as well as cyclical epidemics, fast and reliable detection of biological contamination is an essential element of ensuring broadly understood safety of the population. The work deals with the sampling and verification procedures. This paper focuses on sample preparation techniques for analysis and details analytical methods for identifying biological agents. Additionally, on-site technologies implemented in military devices for the detection of biological contamination were discussed. The work enables the reader to get acquainted with modern techniques of detection of factors of biological origin and their identification, which is the knowledge necessary when choosing the appropriate equipment depending on the purpose of the contamination recognition sub-unit and the task at hand. Knowledge of sampling and preparation of samples for analysis will help to increase the skills of the sampling teams and to achieve reliable results by using appropriate procedures and eliminating the possibility of loss of the analyte or inadvertent contamination of the sample. It will also increase safety at every stage of working with biological samples. All these activities can contribute to the global increase in security of the population around the world.
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