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The use of the biological method is promising for treating underground waters from iron compounds. Iron bacteria used in the process are widely spread in weak acidic and neutral underground waters containing iron ions (II), dissolved carbon dioxide and minimum concentrations of oxygen. The relevant direction of present-day biotechnology is the use of iron bacteria for treating underground waters. The goal of this research is to compare the efficiency of using the biological method for treating underground iron containing weak acidic and neutral waters under different conditions. As the testobjects, Gallionella and Lepthotrix iron bacteria were used. The sedimentation of bio-minerals was obtained from the washout waters of the biological deironing station. Calcium soda was used as an additional source of inorganic carbon for bacteria. As a result of the studies it is established that the use of the non-reagent method gives the possibility to achieve only 80% efficiency in removing iron compounds while the use of sodium carbonate results in increasing efficiency up to 93%. To determine the contribution of biological purification of ground water from iron compounds, the bacteria were inhibited with the preparation of polyhexamethylene guanidine (PHMG) chloride. It was found that inhibition of Gallionella and Lepthotrix led to the reduction of 50% of the iron removal effect. The mechanism was developed of inhibiting the process of iron bacteria metabolism by PHMG (polyhexamethylene guanidine). The new technology of arranging a blockmodule station for treating underground waters is proposed.
Metoda biologiczna stwarza obiecującą możliwość oczyszczania wód podziemnych ze związków żelaza. Bakterie żelazowe używane w tym procesie są szeroko rozpowszechnione w słabo kwaśnych i obojętnych wodach podziemnych zawierających jony żelaza (II), rozpuszczony ditlenek węgla i minimalne stężenie tlenu. Współczesne kierunki w biotechnologii zmierzają do użytkowania bakterii żelazowych w procesie uzdatniania wód podziemnych. Celem przedstawionych badań było porównanie w różnych warunkach wydajności metody biologicznej stosowanej do uzdatniania słabo kwaśnych i obojętnych wód podziemnych zawierających żelazo. Obiektem badań były bakterie żelazowe Gallionella i Lepthotrix. Biominerały sedymentowały z wód płuczących pochodzących ze stacji odżelaziania wody. Jako dodatkowe źródło nieorganicznego węgla dla bakterii użyto węglan sodu. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań ustalono, że wykorzystanie metody bez dodatku odczynnika umożliwia osiągnięcie 80-procentowej wydajności usuwania związków żelaza; dodanie węglanu sodu zwiększa tę wydajność do 93%. W celu określenia udziału biologicznego oczyszczania wód gruntowych ze związków żelaza zahamowano aktywność bakterii za pomocą chlorowodorku poliheksametylenoguanidyny (PHMG). Stwierdzono, że zahamowanie aktywności Gallionella i Lepthotrix zredukowało efekt usuwania żelaza o 50%. Opracowano mechanizm hamowania metabolizmu bakterii przez PHMG. Zaproponowano nową technologię blokowo-modułową dla stacji uzdatniania wód podziemnych.
Strategia Republiki Czeskiej dotycząca zarządzania odpadami biodegradowalnymi jest podstawowym dokumentem koncepcyjnym, spełniającym wymagania dyrektywy UE dotyczącej składowania odpadów oraz polityki zapobiegania powstawaniu odpadów i ich recyklingu. Strategia ta ma prowadzić do tego, aby Republika Czeska stała się społeczeństwem recyklującym odpady, społeczeństwem, które usiłuje zapobiegać powstawaniu odpadów i wykorzystuje je jako źródło energii i surowców. Celem Stategii jest unikanie powstawania odpadów biodegradowalnych, ograniczenie umieszczania ich na składowiskach a priorytetem jest powtórne wykorzystanie. Cele te Republika Czeska chce osiągnąć poprzez systematyczne wspieranie (legislacyjne, finansowe) i ograniczanie powstawania odpadów, poprzez recykling, kompostowanie, produkcje biogazu oraz materiałowe i energetyczne wykorzystanie odpadów biodegradowalnych. Dla ochrony środowiska korzystna jest redukcja powstawania gazów szklarniowych powstających podczas beztlenowego rozkładu odpadów biodegradowalnych na składowiskach. Kolejną korzyścią jest uzyskiwanie surowców do dalszego wykorzystania zarówno energetycznego jak i materiałowego. Istotne są również korzyści dla rolnictwa i w sferze zatrudnienia ludności - rozwój wykorzystania odpadów biodegradowalnych stworzy nowe miejsca pracy. Cele i podejmowane przedsięwzięcia Strategii są realizowane poprzez zmiany w legislatywie oraz nawiązujących koncepcyjnych dokumentach przygotowywanych i zatwierdzanych na poziomie narodowym i regionalnym. Wsparcie i przedsięwzięcia Strategii są również gwarantowane z tytułu Europejskiego, narodowego i regionalnego programu.
The strategy of the CR concerning for treatment with biologically dissoluble waste (further only „Strategy”) is the principal concept document of the CR for biologically dissoluble waste which fulfills the requirements of the Sladek UE direction and its Thematic strategy for preventing of waste formation and its recycling. This Strategy should contribute to the fact that the CR becomes a recycling company that tries to avoid the rise of waste and makes use of waste as a resource. The aim is the prevention of BDW formation, limitation of BDW land-fill storage, priority use of BDW before its removal, especially its storing. The Czech Republic wants to reach these targets through systematic support (legislative, system of grants) of prevention of waste formation, recycling, composting, biogas production and material and energy use of BDW. The contribution to the environment is above all reduction of green-house gas production during the anaerobic decomposition of BDW land-fill. Another contribution is gaining raw material for further use, whether referring to material or energy. Also a contribution in the field of agriculture and employment is important - the BDW use development will create new job opportunities. The targets and measurements of the Strategy are fulfilled through legislative amendments, establishing concept documents made and approved at a national and regional levels. Measurement support of the Strategy is also ensured by systems of grants from Eropean, national and regional programmes. Some of the measurements settled in this strategy are laid down in these systems.
tom [Z] 62, 3-4
Among organophosphorus biocides (OPB), VX is the most toxic, but multi-ton production of less toxic OP pesticides, solvents, plasticizers, and engine anti-wear additives as well as their precursors can also have a detrimental impact on our health. V-gases have been feared as the "nuclear weapon" of poorer nations and terrorist groups because their manufacturing is relatively simple and the starting materials are readily available. Comparison of toxicity of OPB, of both synthetic and natural origin is presented in Table 1. It is well-known that some OBP were used in ophtalmology. Rationally designed OBP can be active in treatment of Alzheimer or Parkinson disease [9-11] or as ?-lactamase inhibitor in the future [12]. The extreme toxicity of V-gases often mandates research laboratories to employ safer model compounds called simulants instead of the actual compounds. Some examples of recently involved simulants are presented (Fig. 3) and the influence of their structure on reactivity is reported [13-14]. Many efforts have recently been performed in order to find new and effective methods of detection of OPB and their degradation products (Ch. 4). Although sophisticated chromatographic techniques are involved [15], they are not optimal for rapid detection. The most promising methods seem to be antibody-based recognition [18] and the use of chemical [17] and biological sensors [19]. A great deal of work is devoted to develop efficient methods capable of eliminating persistent OPB under comparatively mild conditions. Chemical methods with the emphasis on nucleophile promoted hydrolysis are the most preffered reaction. Especially, supernucleophilic reagents facilitate OPB hydrolysis and some of them act as strong oxidants [25-27]. Otherwise, enzyme-like systems including micelles and microemulsions have been used in decomposition by nucleophiles. It was found that OPB methanolysis can be accelerated with the use of lanthanium and cupric ions by a factor of 109 [29-32]. The use of reactive polymers, which are prone to transesterification [28] is quite a novel approach to the detoxification of OPB. This methodology allows immobilizing phosphoric residue on polymeric particles and completely removes OPB from their solutions (Fig. 6). Detoxification of VX is an extremely serious, yet unsolved scientific problem. Its hydrolysis (and oxidation) is a relatively slow process and proceeds to the formation of other toxic compounds (Fig. 5) [22]. A number of groups have looked at the creation of catalytic antibodies which can be used for the degradation of VX [13, 37-38]. Haptens bearing amine oxides, phosphorane and ?-hydroxyphosphinate structures have been designed for the selection of antibodies in order to hydrolyse paraoxone and VX, respectivily (Fig. 8 and 9). Also, considerable efforts have been made concerning the hydrolysis of V-gases with enzymes [33-36]. Until now, reactivation of AChE is realized by only one family of antidotes known as pyridinum oximes although some improvements of their structure have been made [39-41] (Fig. 10). Studies of uncatalyzed [44, 48-52] and enzymatic phosphoryl transfer (PT) and thiophosphoryl group transfer reaction [43-47] have been undertaken in various laboratories in an effort to understand the mechanism of this important biological process. Additionally, few examples of improvements in OPB synthesis are presented (Fig. 13) which could have the influence on the progress in OPB-based research.
The study presents comparison of effectiveness in using microbial desulphurisation of dairy industry. Comparative study covers two factors describing performance and effectiveness depending on medium and wastewater content: COD and sulphites. Authoress proves that usage of SRB can be successfully exploited In significant reduction of sulphates and their immediate change into sulphides, which can be separated from the wastewater in form of sludge.
W pracy przedstawiono porównanie skuteczności w wykorzystaniu mikroorganizmów do odsiarczania ścieków przemysłu mleczarskiego. Analiza porównawcza obejmuje dwa czynniki opisujące działanie i skuteczność w zależności od medium i zawartości ścieków: ChZT i siarczany. Autorka dowodzi, że użycie BRS może być z powodzeniem wykorzystywane w znacznej redukcji siarczanów i ich natychmiastową zmianę do siarczków, które mogą być oddzielone od ścieków w postaci osadu.
nr 1
Scale insects are difficult to control even with insecticides. Their biological control in glasshouses is briefly reviewed. Particular attention was given to P. citri, C. hesperidum, S. coffeae and S. oleae. The parasites studied include L. abnormis and L. dactylopii which attack P. citri, M. luteolus which attacks C. hesperidum, and M. heholus which attacks Saissetia. Other biological control agents include predators: C. montrouzieri, N. reunioni and S. cyanea, and fungi: C. oxysporum and V. lecanii. The above species seem to be effective biological control agents.
Insect taxa regulating the abundance of aphids (Homoptera, Aphidodea), and their significance, are presented. Methods of evaluation of the degree of parasitization of aphids by various taxa of parasitoid insects, described in literature, are critically reviewed; an attempt is made at estimating particular methods.
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