Translating legal neuroscience with artificial intelligence: only in this way will there be a low percentage of wrongful convictions. For some time now, especially in common law jurisdictions, nanotechnology has not been such a remote idea for intervening in the brain activity of criminals. It is a valid reversible tool selective, precise and effective than psychopharmacological treatments. The technology, on which the neurodevices are based, provides a pulse that alerts the subject with such implanted tools,without inhibiting him from his free will and conscious control. The function is thus twofold: predictive and preventive-rehabilitative. The debated question is whether neurointervention should be only voluntary or also mandatory. Is neurointervention an essential component of sentencing or only one of its possible forms? An attempt will be made here to provide an opinion on how the use of nanotechnology applied to neurolaw is legitimate to the principles of substantive and procedural criminal law.
Artykuł porusza problematykę statusu życia ludzkiego w prenatalnej fazie rozwoju. Przeprowadzona analiza treści odwołuje się do wybranych dokumentów Rady Europy z lat 1976–2003, dotyczących ludzkiej biogenezy. Najistotniejszym z nich jest Europejska Konwencja Bioetyczna. Przeprowadzony przez autora dyskurs ma charakter interdyscyplinarny, a poddawane badaniom zagadnienia wykraczają poza ramy nauk prawnych i społecznych. Istotą sporu, z prawnego punktu widzenia, jest brak koherentnej definicji terminów „istota ludzka” i „osoba”, stosowanych w EKB. Rozważania merytoryczne zamyka przykład orzecznictwa Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka, ilustrujący kondycję prawa międzynarodowego w omówionym zakresie, jest to orzeczenie w sprawie Thi-Nho Vo przeciwko Francji (sygn. 53924/00), złożonej przed Europejskim Trybunałem Praw Człowieka.
The following article is the result of deliberations on the interdisciplinary debate conducted around the the status of prenatal human life in selected documents of the Council of Europe. The methodological basis for the studies was the content analysis of selected legislative documents announced by the CoE between 1976 and 2003. All divagations are taken from the legal and social perspective and focused on the European Convention on Human Rights and Bioethics. In this paper, I made a brief presentation of selected deeds established by the CoE that apply for the protection of human life in its prenatal stage. I have endeavored to present the difficulty of developing a coherent definition of the following concepts: “human being” and “person”. There is not any legal designation of this two terms. Furthermore, the following paper raise the topic of human rights and the scope of its protection. The summarization of this article contains of a verdict of the European Court of Human Rights of 8th July 2004 on Vo v. France.
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