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Content available remote Towards a Numerical Model of Bacterial Filtration in Fibrous Filters
A model of bacterial filtration on fibrous filter media is developed. The single fibre efficiency as well as the efficiency of the whole filter - at the onset of the process and the evolution of those quantities - are analysed. The differences between the numerical modelling of colloidal particles and bacteria are stressed in detail. The main differences are the active motion ability of bacteria and biofilm formation. The parameters of the model were identified based on the literature data.
The natural precedence of microorganisms growth on the damp surfaces is the formation of biofilm. The arising biolayer, stabilized by extracellular substances, is becoming hard to remove biological structure, the enzymatic activity of which can lead to violation of the packaging, and consequently to acceleration of the process of food spoilage. The microorganisms of Pseudomonas species are widely spread in food products’ environment. In order to perform the analysis three types of food wrapping foils from polyamide – polyethylene (PA/PE), which were kept in Pseudomonas culture, were used in the study. Two strains were used – the standard ATCC 15442 (WZ) and the strain isolated from pork-beef minced meat (MB) airtight packaged. All cultures were run at the temperatures 4°C and 20°C. It was reported that on all types of food wrapping foils biofilms were developed, which were formed by Ps. aeruginosa. The biolayers developed decreased permeability of foils, which was shown by restriction of permeability for gases. The changes of foils properties analysed here were most of all dependent on the type of the foil.
Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie wpływu rozwijającego się biofilmu bakteryjnego na przepuszczalność gazów przez folie spożywcze (PA/PE i EVOH) przy wykorzystaniu OX-TRAN 2/20 ML. W doświadczeniu wykorzystano szczepy Ps. aeruginosa – wyizolowane z prób mięsa mielonego hermetycznie pakowanego oraz szczepu wzorcowego ATCC. We wszystkich wariantach doświadczenia stwierdzono tworzenie biofilmu przez bakterie. Intensywność kolonizacji powierzchni folii przez testowane szczepy była największa w pierwszych trzech dniach hodowli (tab. 2, 3). Nie stwierdzono korelacji pomiędzy rodzajem folii, a intensywnością tworzonej biofilmu (rys. 2, 3). Ustalono, że powstały biofilm wpływa na podniesienie barierowości wszystkich testowanych folii spożywczych.
The food packaging material and its quality assessment based on permeability, tensile strength, swelling, transmittance, and biofilm formation are discussed in this chapter. The semi-Markov model of food packaging material quality change process is introduced and its characteristics are determined. Next, the safety and resilience indicators are proposed for multi-state analysis, identification, prediction and optimization of packaged food product consumption safety.
Filtration through biologically active carbon (BAC) filters is an effective method of organic matter removal during drinking water treatment. In this study, the microbial community in the initial period of filters’ operation, as well as its role in the organic matter removal were investigated. Research was carried out in a pilot scale on two BAC filters (Filter 1 and Filter 2) which were distinguished by the type of inflowing water. It was observed that the number of heterotrophic plate count bacteria and total microbial activity were significantly higher in water samples collected from Filter 2, which received an additional load of organic matter and microorganisms. Despite the differences in the values of chemical and microbiological parameters of inflowing water, the composition of the microbiome in both filters was similar. The predominant taxon was a bacterium related to Spongiibacter sp. (Gammaproteobacteria) (>50% of relative abundance). In both filters, the efficiency of organic matter removal was at the same level, and the composition and relative frequency of predicted functional pathways related to metabolism determined using PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States Software) at level 3 of KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) Orthology – were also similar. The study demonstrated that a 40-day period of filter operation after filling with virgin granular activated carbon, was sufficient to initiate biofilm development. It was proved, that during the initial stage of filter operation, microorganisms capable of biodegradation of various organic compounds, including xenobiotics like nitrotoluene, colonized the filters.
Filtracja przez biologicznie aktywne filtry węglowe (BAF) jest skuteczną metodą usuwania materii organicznej podczas uzdatniania wody przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi. W niniejszej pracy zbadano zbiorowisko drobnoustrojów w początkowym okresie eksploatacji filtrów oraz jego rolę w usuwaniu materii organicznej z wody. Badania przeprowadzono w skali pilotowej na dwóch filtrach BAF (Filtr 1 i Filtr 2) różniących się składem dopływającej wody. Stwierdzono, że liczba bakterii heterotroficznych i całkowita aktywność mikrobiologiczna były znacząco większe w próbkach wody pobranych z Filtra 2 – zasilanego wodą wzbogaconą o dodatkowy ładunek materii organicznej i mikroorganizmów. Pomimo różnic w wartościach parametrów chemicznych i mikrobiologicznych dopływającej wody, skład mikrobiomu w filtrach był podobny. W obu filtrach dominującym taksonem była bakteria spokrewniona z Spongiibacter sp. (Gammaproteobacteria) (>50% względnej liczebności). W obydwóch filtrach efektywność usuwania materii organicznej była na podobnym poziomie oraz skład i względna częstość występowania przewidywanych szlaków funkcjonalnych związanych z metabolizmem, oznaczone przy użyciu PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States Software) na poziomie 3 KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) Orthology były również zbliżone. Badania wykazały, że 40-dniowy okres pracy filtrów po napełnieniu świeżym granulowanym węglem aktywnym był wystarczający do rozwoju biofilmu. Udowodniono, że w początkowym okresie pracy złoża filtracyjne zasiedlane były przez mikroorganizmy zdolne do biodegradacji różnych związków organicznych, w tym ksenobiotyków, np. nitrotoluenu.
Background. Plumbing materials in water distribution networks and indoor installations are constantly evolving. The application of new, more economical solutions with plastic materials eliminates the corrosion problems, however, do not fully protect the consumer against secondary microbial contamination of water intended for human consumption caused by the presence of a biofilm on the inner surface of materials applied. National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene conducts research aimed at a comprehensive assessment of this type of materials, resulting their further marketing authorization in Poland. Objectives. Evaluation and comparison of polymer and rubber materials intended to contact with water for the susceptibility to biofilm formation. Materials and Methods. Plastic materials (polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride) and rubber compounds (EPDM, NBR), from different manufacturers were evaluated. The study was carried out on 37 samples, which were divided into groups according to the material of which they were made. The testing was conducted according to the method based on conditions of dynamic flow of tap water. The level of bioluminescence in swabs taken from the surface of the tested materials was investigated with a luminometer. Results. Evaluation of plastic materials does not show major objections in terms of hygienic assessment. All materials met the evaluation criteria established for methodology used. In case of rubber compounds, a substantial part clearly exceeded the limit values, which resulted in their negative assessment and elimination of these materials from domestic market. Conclusions: High susceptibility to the formation of biofilm in the group of products made of rubber compounds has been demonstrated. Examined plastic materials, except for several cases, do not revealed susceptibility to biofilm formation, but application of plastics for distribution of water intended for human consumption does not fully protect water from secondary, microbiological contamination. Complete verification of plumbing materials including biofilm formation test before their introduction into the domestic market should be continued.
Wprowadzenie. Materiały wykorzystywane w sieciach wodociągowych oraz instalacjach wewnątrz budynków ulegają ciągłym zmianom. Wprowadzenie nowych bardziej ekonomicznych rozwiązań z zastosowaniem materiałów z tworzyw sztucznych eliminuje problemy związane z korozją, jednak nie zabezpiecza konsumenta przed wtórnym mikrobiologicznym zanieczyszczeniem wody przeznaczonej do spożycia powodowanym występowaniem biofilmu na wewnętrznej powierzchni rur i przewodów instalacyjnych. W Narodowym Instytucie Zdrowia Publicznego - Państwowym Zakładzie Higieny, prowadzone są badania mające na celu kompleksową ocenę tego typu materiałów, czego efektem jest wydawanie Atestów Higienicznych i dopuszczenie materiałów do obrotu na krajowym rynku. Cel. Celem badań było porównanie i ocena materiałów z tworzyw sztucznych i gumy przeznaczonych do kontaktu z wodą do spożycia w zakresie ich podatności na tworzenie biofilmu. Materiał i metody. Ocenie poddano materiały z różnych tworzyw sztucznych (polietylen, polipropylen, polichlorek winylu) oraz mieszanki gumowe pochodzące od różnych producentów. Badania wykonano dla 37 próbek, które zostały podzielone na grupy w zależności od rodzaju materiału z jakiego zostały wykonane. Badania prowadzone były zgodnie z metodyką własną, w dynamicznych warunkach przepływu wody, z wykorzystaniem urządzeń przepływowych (UPE). Za pomocą luminometru oznaczano poziom bioluminescencji w wymazach pobranych z powierzchni testowanych materiałów. Wyniki. Ocena zbadanych materiałów z tworzyw sztucznych nie budziła większych zastrzeżeń pod względem higienicznym. Wszystkie materiały spełniały kryteria oceny określone w stosowanej metodyce badawczej, przy czym w kilku przypadkach oznaczone wartości były bliskie dopuszczalnego limitu. W przypadku mieszanek gumowych, w znacznej części stwierdzono wyraźne przekroczenia dopuszczalnych wartości, co skutkowało negatywną ich oceną oraz eliminacją tych materiałów z obrotu na krajowym rynku i możliwością ich wykorzystywania w kontakcie z wodą do picia. Wnioski. Wykazano znaczną podatność zbadanych produktów wykonanych z mieszanek gumowych na tworzenie się biofilmu. Materiały tworzywowe jak polietylen, polichlorek winylu i polipropylen, w znacznej większości nie wykazywały podatności na tworzenie się biofilmu, jednak ich zastosowanie do dystrybucji wody przeznaczonej do spożycia przez człowieka nie zabezpiecza jej w pełni przed wtórnym, mikrobiologicznym zanieczyszczeniem. W celu pełnej weryfikacji materiałów, przed ich wprowadzeniem na krajowy rynek, niezbędna jest dalsza ich ocena, z uwzględnieniem ich podatności na tworzenie się biofilmu.
Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are pentacyclic triterpenoids isolated from a variety of medicinal plants, which have antibacterial activity. Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive facultative pathogen, being the causative agent of listeriosis. The present study was carried out to evaluate the in vitro effect of sub-inhibitory concentrations of both triterpene acids on the pathogenicity determinants of L. monocytogenes: their hemolytic activity and biofilm forming ability. Oleanolic and ursolic acids inhibited listeriolysin O activity without influencing toxin secretion. Biofilm formation, and the viability of L. monocytogenes cells in biofilms was diminished by both compounds. Thus, both acids affected L. monocytogenes virulence. It was also demonstrated that oleanolic acid bound to the peptidoglycan of L. monocytogenes and this interaction was influenced by teichoic acids.
A model of bacterial filtration on fibrous filter media is developed. The single fibre efficiency as well as the efficiency of the whole filter – at the onset of the process and the evolution of those quantities - are analysed. The differences between the numerical modelling of colloidal particles and bacteria are stressed in detail. The main differences are the active motion ability of bacteria and biofilm formation. The parameters of the model were identified based on the literature data.
The activity of glucose catabolism pathways of film-forming strains of staphylococci isolated from vagina of women with dysbiosis of reproductive tract and from women without disorders of microflora was studied. It was established that the investigated film-forming strains utilized the carbohydrates by pentose phosphate pathway mainly, as indicated by 23-33% higher enzyme activity compare to strains isolated from healthy women. Instead strains, isolated from women without dysbiosis of reproductive tract, have higher activity of glycolytic enzymes on 13- 28%. The prevalence of glycolytic transformation of glucose by strains isolated from healthy women also indicates by the depression of glucose oxidation during action of monoiodinacetate – classical inhibitor of glycolysis. It inhibits glycolysis of strains isolated from healthy women more significant. It was established that oxidase activity of film-forming strains isolated from women with dysbiosis, increased over 40% during the use of basic substrates of citric acid cycle. These data indicate a general increase of catabolic activity of oxidative type of staphylococci isolated during vaginal dysbiosis and able to form biofilm.
Problem of biofilm formation have a great significance for environmental microbiological research. Biospheric microorganisms can form biofilm, that provide bacteria resistance to influence of different environmental factors. Some of the most common bacteria in biosphere are bacilli, among them there are film-forming strains. Bacillus spp. is a well-known film forming microorganisms that colonize environmental objects. The biofilm fouling of underwater elements of small wooden constructions located on the Dnieper River near the city of the Dnipro (Ukraine) was studied. It was found that biofilms from surfaces of water constructions include bacilli. It is established that the mean values of CFU in samples from running and still water were (1.81±0.52)×10⁸ and (1.83±0.53)×10⁸ CFU / ml respectively per area of wooden sample approximately 1 cm², while during the laboratory cultivation of the film, formed by these cultures on the plate, the number of cells was (4.90±0.93)×10⁷ and (4.60±1.07)×10⁷ CFU / ml per 1 cm² of the well’s bottom, which was an approximate limit of the content of cells of the Bacillus spp. film per unit of area.
Urinary tract infections are the most common health problem affecting millions of people each year. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains are the major factor causing lower and upper urinary tract infections. UPEC produce several virulence factors among which are surface exposed adhesive organelles (pili/fimbriae) responsible for colonization, invasion and amplification within uroepithelial cells. The virulence of the uropathogenic E. coli Dr⁺ IH11128 is associated with Dr fimbriae belonging to the Dr family of adhesins (associated with diarrhea and urinary tract infections) and a DraD protein capping the linear fiber at the bacterial cell surface. In this study we revealed that biofilm development can be another urovirulence determinant allowing pathogenic E. coli Dr⁺ to survive within the urinary tract. E. coli strains were grown in rich or minimal media, allowed to adhere to abiotic surfaces and analyzed microscopically by staining of cells with cristal violet. We found that both Dr fimbriae and DraD, exposed at the cell surface in two forms, fimbria-assoeiated or fimbria non-associated, (DraE⁺/DraD⁺, DraE⁺/DraD⁻ or DraE⁻/DraD⁺ E. coli strains) are required for biofilm formation. Additionally, we demonstrated the biofilm formation capacity of E. coli strains deficient in the surface secretion or production of the DraE adhesin.
In this study, five halotolerant Bacillus isolates from Aran-Bidgol Saline Lake in Iran were identified from saline environments. Screening of the bacteria led to the identification of a unique halo-thermotolerant Bacillus. On the basis of genetic and phenotypic data, this isolate was closely related to Bacillus licheniformis. But isolated Bacillus can be distinguished from B. licheniformis by salt tolerance, 16SrDNA sequence and some different physicochemical properties. Thus, suggested that the isolate was not the known Bacillus. Optical density analysis indicated strong biofilm formation for this strain. Also this isolate exhibited average tolerance to 1-25 mM concentrations of zinc and was sensitive to all concentrations of nickel. In biosurfactant production assay, this Bacillus exhibited the high activity for semi-quantitative oil displacement test (3.14 ±0.02 cm²) and evaluated positive for drop-collapse test and hemolytic activity. Moreover, amylase, protease and DNase enzymes produced in presence of 10-20% salt of medium. Therefore, identified Bacillus could supply potential microbial materials for bioremediation purposes and biotechnological applications.
Unicellular organisms naturally form multicellular communities, differentiate into specialized cells, and synchronize their behaviour under certain conditions. Swarming, defined as a movement of a large mass of bacteria on solid surfaces, is recognized as a preliminary step in the formation of biofilms. The main aim of this work was to study the role of a group of genes involved in exopolvsaccharide biosynthesis during pellicle formation and swarming in Bacillus subtilis strain 168. To assess the role of particular proteins encoded by the group of epsI-epsO genes that form the eps operon, we constructed a series of insertional mutants. The results obtained showed that mutations in epsJ-epsN, but not in the last gene of the eps operon (epsO), have a severe effect on pellicle formation under all tested conditions. Moreover, the inactivation of 5 out of the 6 genes analysed caused total inhibition of swarming in strain 168 (that does not produce surfactin) on LB medium. Following restoration of the sfp gene (required for production of surfactin, which is essential for swarming of the wild-type bacteria), the sfp⁺ strains defective in eps genes (except epsO) generated significantly different patterns during swarming on synthetic B medium, as compared to the parental strain 168 sfp⁺.
The study of biological properties of filmforming Staphylococcus aureus strains, including its sensitivity to bacteriophages, is one of the important tasks of laboratory diagnostic service that allows, if it necessary, choose an alternative treatment strategy and to establish the sources of strains. In the study of material from the nose and throat of 26 persons-volunteers the strains of S. aureus were selected. Among them 16 (61.5%) were able to form biofilms. Analysis of resistance to phages drugs of filmformation strains of S. aureus showed that 87.5% strains were sensitive the phages drugs "Piobacteriophage" and "Bacteriophage staphylococcal liquid". Phage type was identified for 9 (56.3%) strains. 64.3% of these strains were sensitive to the 1 phage from set, 21.4% – to 2 and 14.3% – 3 phages. It was determined that 77.8% strains were typed by phages from third group. For 1 strain detected simultaneous sensitivity to phages of 2 and 3 groups. With phage 81 (out of group phage) interacted 4 strains: 2 showed sensitivity only to him and another 2 were also susceptible to phage of third group.
The Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial pathogen is reputed for its resistance to multiple antibiotics, and this property is strongly associated with the development of biofilms. Bacterial biofilms form by aggregation of microorganisms on a solid surface and secretion of an extracellular polysaccharide substances that acts as a physical protection barrier for the encased bacteria. In addition, the P. aeruginosa quorum-sensing system contributes to antibiotic resistance by regulating the expression of several virulence factors, including exotoxin A, elastase, pyoverdin and rhamnolipid. The organosulfur compound allicin, derived from garlic, has been shown to inhibit both surface-adherence of bacteria and production of virulence factors. In this study, the effects of allicin on P. aeruginosa biofilm formation and the production of quorum-sensing controlled virulence factors were investigated. The results demonstrated that allicin could inhibit early bacterial adhesion, reduce EPS secretion, and down-regulate virulence factors’ production. Collectively, these findings suggest the potential of allicin as a therapeutic agent for controlling P. aeruginosa biofilm.
Roche’s xCelligence impedance-measuring instrument is one of a few commercially available systems of such type. According to the best knowledge of authors, instrument was tested so far only for eukaryotic cell research. The aim of this work was to estimate xCELLigence suitability for the microbiological tests, including (i) measurement of morphological changes in eukaryotic cells as a result of bacterial toxin activity, (ii) measurement of bacterial biofilm formation and (iii) impact of antiseptics on the biofilm structure. To test the influence of bacterial LT enterotoxin on eukaryotic cell lines, Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line and reference strain Escherichia coli ATTC 35401 were used. To investigate Roche’s instrument ability to measure biofilm formation and impact of antiseptics on its development, Staphylococcus aureus ATTC6538 reference strain was used. The data generated during the experiments indicate excellent ability of xCelligence instrument to detect cytopathic effect caused by bacterial LT endotoxin and to detect staphylococcal biofilm formation. However, interpretation of the results obtained during real-time measurement of antiseptic’s bactericidal activity against staphylococcal biofilm, caused many difficulties. xCelligence instrument can be used for real-time monitoring of morphological changes in CHO cells treated with bacterial LT enterotoxin and for real-time measurement of staphylococcal biofilm formation in vitro. Further investigation is necessary to confirm suitability of system to analyze antiseptic’s antimicrobial activity against biofilm in vitro.
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