A comparison of a few methodologies of building models useful in wastewater treatment plant maintenance is performed. One is mathematical modelling of the activated sludge process. It consists of modelling of the basic vessels: primary clarifiers, aerator basins and secondary clarifiers, linked and partially looped, as well as equations describing the physical and biochemical transformations going on in the vessels: sedimentation in the clarifiers and biological processes changing the influent wastewater chemical composition. The models' parameters were estimated in two steps. In the first step the active volumes of the vessels were estimated from the experiment performed in the plant. In the second step, parameters known from the literature were used as the initial guess and then calibrated to fit the observations taken during normal plant operation. Concerning other methodologies, results from the black box modelling of the performance of the plant with the neural network are given. The neural network and the time series models are also applied for prediction of the influent wastewater.
Between 2001 and 2016 the influence of diversified share of arable land in the catchment areas of Lake Długie (5.5% of arable land) and Lake Głębokie (73.5% of arable land) on the biochemical processes in shoreline soils was researched in five-year measurement cycles. The research chiefly encompassed the biochemical processes of conversion of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds (phosphatase, urease and protease activity). Simultaneously, the content of mineral nitrogen and assimilable forms of phosphorus in the shoreline soils of both lakes was investigated. During the observations the enzymatic activity in the Lake Długie shoreline soil was significantly greater than in the soil surrounding the shore of Lake Głębokie. However, the catchments areas of both lakes were characterised by similar changes in the enzymatic activity of shoreline soils. Between 2001 and 2006 the enzymatic activity in the soils under study was similar and exhibited a slight increasing tendency. In the consecutive measurement cycles (2011 and 2016) the activity of the enzymes decreased significantly. It was strictly correlated with the increasing content of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the soils surrounding both lakes. The biochemical and chemical indicators under analysis clearly point to rapid eutrophication in the shoreline habitats around Lakes Długie and Głębokie.
W latach 2001-2016, w 5-letnim cyklu pomiarowym, badano wpływ zróżnicowanego udziału gruntów ornych w zlewniach Jeziora Długie (5.5% gruntów ornych) i Jeziora Głębokie (73.5% gruntów ornych) na procesy biochemiczne w glebach strefy przybrzeżnej. Badaniami objęto procesy biochemiczne związane głównie z przemianami związków azotu i fosforu (aktywność fosfataz, ureazy i proteaz). Równolegle oznaczano zawartość azotu mineralnego i przyswajalnych form fosforu w glebach przybrzeżnych obydwu jezior. W okresie prowadzonych obserwacji aktywność badanych enzymów w glebie przybrzeżnej jeziora Długie była istotnie większa niż w glebie przybrzeżnej jeziora Głębokie, ale zmiany aktywności enzymatycznej gleb przybrzeżnych miały podobny charakter w przypadku zlewni obydwu badanych jezior W latach 2001-2006 aktywność enzymatyczna badanych gleb utrzymywała się na zbliżonym poziomie, wykazując niewielkie tendencje wzrostowe. Natomiast w kolejnych cyklach pomiarowych (2011 i 2016) zanotowano istotny spadek aktywności analizowanych enzymów, związany ściśle ze wzrastającą z roku na rok zawartością związków azotu i fosforu w glebach strefy przybrzeżnej obydwu jezior. Analizowane wskaźniki biochemiczne i chemiczne jednoznacznie wskazują na postępującą w szybkim tempie eutrofizację siedlisk przybrzeżnych jezior Długie i Głębokie.
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A biorefinery is a facility that integrates biomass conversion processes and equipment to produce fuels, power, and chemicals from biomass. The biorefinery concept is analogous to today’s petroleum refineries, which produce multiple fuels and products from petroleum [12]. Three biorefinery systems are distinguished in research and development [11, 13]: the „whole-crop biorefinery”, the „lignocellulosic biorefinery” and the „green biorefinery”. Moreover, a concept of „two platform biorefinery” emerged [14], which includes the sugar platform as a basis for (bio) chemical conversion of biomass and the syngas (thermochemical) platform which convert biomass into synthesis gas. This review focuses on the recent developments of basic biorefinery technologies. The whole-crop biorefinery (Figure 1) produces chemicals from sugars by biochemical (Scheme 1) and chemical (Schemes 2–11) transformations, of which twelve compounds, selected by US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) [14] are classified as „block (or platform) chemicals” with the potential to be transformed into new families („trees”) of valuable substances. These compounds are: 1,4-diacids (succinic, fumaric, malic), 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid, 3-hydroxypropionic acid, aspartic acid , glutamic acid, glucaric acid, itaconic acid, levulinic acid, 3-hydroxybutyrolactone, glycerol, sorbitol, and xylitol/arabinitol. The lignocellulosic biorefinery (Figure 2) uses biomass consisting of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin – an abundant and cheap feedstock. Among the potential products of the „sugar platform” are: cellulosic ethanol and hydrogen obtained by biochemical routs, and furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, the platform chemicals, (Schemes 3–11), obtained by chemical synthesis. The „syngas platform” covers three basic processes: aqueous – phase reforming of sugar polyols [109–111, 113–115] and glycerol [116–118], fast pyrolysis of biomass [121–128] and gasification of biomass [121–125]. Aqueous – phase reforming of glucose and sorbitol produces hydrogen, whereas integrated with catalytic cascade processes allows to produce liquid biofuels, i.e., branched hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds used in gasoline or longer chain linear hydrocarbons in diesel and jet fuels. Fast pyrolysis produces bio-oil that can be upgraded to transportation fuels. Synthesis gas is produced in gasification processes and may be converted into methanol or liquid hydrocarbons (so-called synthetic „Biomass–To–Liquid”, BTL-fuel) [131–133]. Finally, green biorefinery (Figure 3) uses green (wet) biomass rich in juice and oil to obtain food and non food goods, and from the latter a huge number of chemicals „produced” by Nature, i.e., by the vast diversity of plant.
The growing demand for solutions of household sewage treatment plants means that many new or improved technological solutions are available on the market. The implementation of these technologies is associated with the need to known the mechanisms of the unitary biological processes occurring when removing organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater. Determining the optimal conditions for these processes will determine the correct operation of the household sewage treatment plant.
Rosnący popyt na rozwiązania oczyszczalni przydomowych spowodował, że na rynku dostępnych jest wiele nowych lub ulepszonych rozwiązań technologicznych. Wdrażanie tych technologii wiąże się z koniecznością poznania mechanizmów jednostkowych procesów biologicznych zachodzących podczas usuwania ze ścieków związków węgla organicznego, azotu i fosforu. Ustalenie optymalnych warunków prowadzenia tych procesów decydować będzie o poprawnej eksploatacji przydomowej oczyszczalni ścieków.
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Scharakteryzowano substancje powierzchniowo czynne występujące w wodach naturalnych. Dokonano ich podziału na naturalne (mydła) i sztuczne, jonowe (anionowe, kationowe i amfoteryczne) i niejonowe, miękkie (łatwo rozkładanie) i twarde (trudno biodegradowalne). Przedstawiono źródła tych zanieczyszczeń w wodach naturalnych. Przeanalizowano zawartość substancji powierzchniowo czynnych w wybranych wodach powierzchniowych i podziemnych oraz w osadach rzecznych i morskich. Zestawiono dopuszczalne stężenia substancji powierzchniowo czynnych w wodach powierzchniowych ujmowanych do picia oraz w wodzie przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi. Omówiono wpływ substancji powierzchniowo czynnych na organizmy wodne i człowieka. Dokonano przeglądu procesów jednostkowych usuwania substancji powierzchniowo czynnych z roztworów wodnych. Skutecznymi procesami okazały się: filtracja, infiltracja, koagulacja, utlenianie chemiczne, sorpcja, wymiana jonowa, procesy membranowe oraz procesy biochemiczne. Ich efektywność w dużym stopniu jest uzależniona od składu wody, rodzaju substancji powierzchniowo czynnych oraz warunków prowadzenia procesu. Bardzo często dobre efekty uzyskuje się, stosując metody kombinowane, składające się z kilku procesów jednostkowych. Ustalenie układu technologicznego uzdatniania wód zawierających substancje powierzchniowo czynne powinno być każdorazowo poprzedzone szczegółowymi i wnikliwymi badaniami technologicznymi.
The paper presents the characteristics of surfactant substances occurring in natural waters. They are grouped into natural (soaps) and artificial. ionic (anionic, cationic and amphoteric) and non-ionic, soft (easily decomposable) and hard (slowly biodegradable) substances. Sources of those impurities in natural waters, i.e. household and industrial wastewaters as well as municipal landfills and damps, are presented. Contents of surfactant substances in selected surface and ground waters as well as in river and sea sediments are analyzed. Surfactants, accumulated in sediments, may be a secondary source of water pollution with those compounds. Acceptable concentratious of surfactant substances in surface waters taken in for drinking purposes are juxtaposed as well as in water intended for use for human consumption. The effect of surfactants on water organisms: direct or indirect, consisting in raising the solubility of many hazardous impurities such as. pesticides, WWA, is discussed. Surfactants accumulate on the surface of skin and gill, thus making oxygen exchange more difficult. The dose of ion detergents that is toxic for fish ranges from 6 to 7 g/m3, while that of non-ionic detergents ranges within 2+3 g/m3. Harmful effects of detergents for humans may occur as a result of water consumption or during bathing. Their bio-accumulation in internal organs of humans and animals lead to changes in protein structure. They may cause allergies and changes in the skin. The presence of surfactants at the level of 1 g/m3 reduces water aeration capacity by 60%, thus leading to inhibition of water self-cleaning processes and to fish kill. The presence of surfactants makes wastewater purification processes more difficult and water conditioning more complicated. A review of individual processes and methods of removing surfactants from aqueous solutions is included. Such processes as filtration, infiltration, coagulation, chemical oxidation, sorption, ion exchange, membrane processes and biochemical processes appear effective. Their effectiveness is affected to a high degree by water composition, types of surfactants and by process conditions. very good results are achieved by employing combined methods, consisting of several processes. The choice of water conditioning processes to be employed for surfactant polluted waters should be determined in each case with thorough technological studies.
W artykule dokonano charakterystyki wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (WWA) oraz przedstawiono źródła tych zanieczyszczeń w wodach naturalnych. Są nimi ścieki bytowo-gospodarcze i przemysłowe oraz wysypiska odpadów komunalnych. Przeanalizowano zawartość WWA w wybranych wodach powierzchniowych i podziemnych oraz w osadach rzecznych i morskich. Zestawiono dopuszczalne stężenia WWA w wodach powierzchniowych ujmowanych do picia, w klasach czystości wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych oraz w wodzie przeznaczonej do picia przez ludzi. Dokonano przeglądu procesów jednostkowych i metod usuwania WWA z roztworów wodnych. Skutecznymi procesami okazały się: koagulacja, infiltracja, utlenianie chemiczne, sorpcja i procesy biochemiczne. Ustalenie układu technologicznego uzdatniania wód zawierających WWA powinno być każdorazowo poprzedzone szczegółowymi i wnikliwymi badaniami analitycznymi.
The paper presents the characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons occurring in natural waters. Sources of those impurities in natural waters, i.e. household and industrial wastewaters as well as municipal landfills and damps, are presented. Contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in selected surface and ground waters as well as in river and sea sediments are analyzed. Acceptable oncentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface waters taken in for drinking purposes are juxtaposed, in purity classes of surface and ground waters, as well as in water intended for use for human consumption. A review of individual processes and methods of removing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from aqueous solutions in included. Such process as coagulation, infiltration, chemical oxidation, sorption and membrane processes, appeared effective. Biochemical processes deserve a special attention. The array of water conditioning processes to be employed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons polluted waters shall in each case be determined with previous detailed and thorough analitical analysis.
The paper presents the characteristics of phenols occurring in natural waters. Sources of those impurities in natural waters, i.e. household and industrial wastewaters as well as municipal landfills and damps, are presented. Contents of phenols in selected waters. Acceptable concentrations of phenols in surface waters taken in for drinking purposes are juxtaposed, in purity classes of surface and ground waters, as well as in water intended for use for human consumption. A review of individual processes and methods of removing phenols from aqueous solutions in included. Such process as extraction, chemical oxidation, sorption, ion exchange and membrane processes, appeared effective. Biochemical processes deserve a special attention. The array of water conditioning processes to be mployed for phenols polluted waters shall in each case be determined with previous detailed and thorough technological studies.
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