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Bobowiec R., Studziński T. and Sikorska M.: Effects of sodium taurocholate and sodium deyhdrocholate on bile flow and lipid and bilirubin secretion in sheep. Acta Physiol. Pol. The investigation was performed on 8 sheep with implanted catheters in the common bile duct and in the cystic duct. Sodium taurocholate and sodium dehydrocholate were infused into the jugular vein at the rate of 50 µmol/min for 20 min. Directly after the termination of the sodium taurocholate infusion, the volume of the secreted bile increased from 8.4-9 µl· kg⁻¹ · min⁻¹ to the highest mean value of 17.8 µl·kg⁻¹ , min⁻¹ , with a simultaneous increase in the concentration of cholates from 1.71 mmol/1 to 4.82 mmol/1 and bilirubin from 271.1 µmol/1 to 461.7 µmol/1. The concentration of cholesterol and phospholipids in the bile also increased, but did not reach statistically significant values. The infusion of sodium dehydrocholate caused an increase in the bile secretion to the highest mean value of 20.59 µ1 · kg⁻¹ · min⁻¹ with a simultaneous decrease in the concentration of bilirubin to 148.75 µmol/1, cholesterol to 233.0 µg/ml, phospholipids to 56.11 µg/ml and cholate to 1.0 mmol/1. The results show that biliary secretion of phospholipids, cholesterol and bilirubin is dependend on the secretion of sodium taurocholate rather than on dehydrocholic acid.
W niniejszym badaniu porównano zgodność wyników uzyskanych przy użyciu minimalnie inwazyjnego testu paskowego Bilistick i nieinwazyjnego bilirubinometru przezskórnego (TcB) ze standardowym pomiarem stężenia bilirubiny całkowitej w surowicy (TSB) u przedwcześnie urodzonych noworodków poddawanych fototerapii.
Bilirubin, an antioxidant in the blood, plays a role in protection from atherosclerosis. The level of bilirubin is highly correlated to the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Unconjugated bilirubin is conjugated with glucuronic acid through the reaction of uridine 5′-diphosphate-glucuronosyl transferase 1A1 (UGT1A1). The interactions of CAD and the variations in the coding regions of the UGT1A1 gene have never been evaluated. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the UGT1A1 variant on the incidence of CAD. There were 135 participants in this study: 61 in the experimental group, who had CAD, and 74 in the control group, who did not have CAD. The blood samples from all 135 participants were collected and assayed to clarify the relationship between bilirubin and CAD. The assay of the polymerase chain reaction and the sequence of the UGT1A1 gene were examined to find the gene’s polymorphisms. The bilirubin levels for the participants in the control group were significantly higher than for the patients in the CAD group. Although the concentration of bilirubin in the UGT1A1 variant was higher than the wild type for the patients in the CAD group, there was no significant difference in the polymorphism of UGT1A1 between the patients in the CAD group and the participants in the control group.
Aim of paper: Retrospective analysis of incidence of increased aminotransferase (AT) activity in patients treated with I and II generation antipsychotic drugs and of differences in AT activity in correlation with different drugs and different classes of drugs. Method: Retrospective analysis of AT activity assessed during administration of antipsychotic drugs to 506 patients treated at the Department of Psychiatry of the Elderly and Psychotic Disorders of the Medical University in £ódŸ in 2003. Data obtained were analysed using non-parametric tests. Results: Groups of patients treated with particular antipsychotic drugs (both in mono- and polytherapy) differed significantly as to the incidence of increased AT values (GOT>3x15 IU/L; GPT>3x17 IU/L). A higher level of significance was observed for GPT activity as compared with GOT. Groups of patients treated with I and II generation antipsychotic drugs did not differ as to mean values of AT activity while significant differences were observed between courses of particular drugs within a particular generation of antipsychotic medications. Drugs where mean activity of AT did not differ from that of the control group included: sulpiride, flupenthixol and zuclopenthixol for I generation antipsychotic drugs and risperidone and quetiapine for II generation drugs. Highest values of AT activity were noticed in patients using perazine, haloperidol, clozapine and olanzapine. Duration of hospital stay of patients who experienced an increase in AT activity was significantly longer and there was a significant positive correlation between AT activity and duration of hospital stay. Conclusion: An increased AT activity occurs frequently in the setting of antipsychotic treatment. Particular antipsychotic drugs possess a different hepatotoxic potential. Patients with a history of liver disease or at high risk of developing drug-related liver damage, should receive safer drugs, which include sulpiride, thioxanthenes, risperidone and quetiapine.
Cel: Ocena retrospektywna częstości występowania podwyższonych wartości aminotransferaz (AT) u pacjentów leczonych lekami przeciwpsychotycznymi (LPP) I i II generacji oraz różnic w aktywności AT w przypadku kuracji odmiennymi lekami i kategoriami LPP. Metoda: Analizie poddano wyniki aktywności AT oznaczonych w trakcie 506 kuracji LPP pochodzące z retrospektywnie analizowanej kohorty pacjentów, którzy byli leczeni w Klinice Psychiatrii Wieku Podeszłego i Zaburzeń Psychotycznych UM w Łodzi w 2003 roku. Uzyskane dane analizowano z wykorzystaniem testów nieparametrycznych. Wyniki: Grupy leczone poszczególnymi LPP (stosowanymi w mono- i politerapii) różniły się istotnie pod względem częstości występowania podwyższonych wartości AT (AST>3x15 IU/l; ALT>3x17 IU/l). Wyższy poziom istotności obserwowano dla oznaczeń aktywności ALT w porównaniu z AST. Grupy leczone LPP I i II generacji nie różniły się średnimi aktywnościami AT, natomiast istotne różnice zaobserwowano pomiędzy kuracjami poszczególnymi lekami w obrębie I i II generacji LPP. Lekami, których średnie aktywności AT nie różniły się istotnie w porównaniu z grupą nieleczoną, były: sulpiryd, flupentyksol i zuklopentyksol dla LPP I generacji oraz risperidon i kwetiapina w kategorii LPP II generacji. Najwyższe wartości AT obserwowano w przypadku kuracji perazyną, haloperidolem, klozapiną i olanzapiną. Hospitalizacje pacjentów, u których doszło do wzrostu aktywności ALT, były istotnie dłuższe, a pomiędzy aktywnością AST a długością hospitalizacji obserwowano istotną korelację o dodatnim kierunku. Wnioski: Wzrost wartości AT jest częstym zjawiskiem w trakcie kuracji LPP. Poszczególne LPP mają różny potencjał hepatotoksyczności. U pacjentów obciążonych wywiadem lub wysokim ryzykiem polekowego uszkodzenia wątroby należy stosować leki bezpieczniejsze, do których można zaliczyć sulpiryd, tioksanteny, risperidon i kwetiapinę.
The aim of this study was to compare some blood biochemical indicators in cows with displacement of abomasum (DA) which recovered or died after treatment. Examinations were performed on 60 multiparous cows with left (L) or right (R) displacement and on 15 healthy herdmates. Diagnosis was made by experienced practitioners on the basis of clinical examination. Surgical treatment was undertaken during the first 24 hours after diagnosis. Almost all animals (55 = 91.5%) became sick in the post parturient period (21 days p.p. on average) with the exception of 5 (8.3%) that became sick later. Blood samples were taken from each cow immediately before surgical procedure. Serum nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA), glucose (Glu), cholesterol (Chol), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total bilirubin (Bil) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) were measured. Sick animals were characterized by low mean values of Chol (≤ 2 mmol/l) and normal level of BUN (12-15 mg/dl), higher levels of NEFA (> 600 μmol/l) and Bil (> 22 μmol/l), higher activity of AST (> 100 U/l). Seven cows (11.67%) died after surgical correction and all others recovered. No significant differences in NEFA, Chol, AST, Bil and BUN levels were observed as dependent on the efficacy of treatment (survival, deaths). It was found that cows which died after surgical treatment were characterized by significant higher levels of glucose (5.05 mmol/l) compared to surviving cows (2.93 mmol/l).
Wstęp: Wpływ zatrucia ołowiem na nieenzymatyczny układ antyoksydacyjny nadal jest słabo poznany. Celem badania było określenie wpływu zawodowego narażenia na pyły ołowiu na nieenzymatyczny układ antyoksydacyjny u eksponowanych pracowników. Materiał i metody: Grupę badaną stanowiło 278 zdrowych pracowników (płci męskiej) huty cynku i ołowiu. Wyodrębniono 2 podgrupy – o niskim (stężenie ołowiu we krwi: PbB = 20–39,9 μg/dl) i wysokim narażeniu (PbB = 40–59,8 μg/dl). Do pierwszej podgrupy zakwalifikowano 129 pracowników, natomiast do drugiej z nich – 149. Grupę porównawczą stanowiło 73 zdrowych pracowników administracji, u których stężenie ołowiu oraz cynkoprotoporfiryny we krwi nie przekraczało dopuszczalnych norm (odpowiednio 10 μg/dl i 2,5 μg/g hemoglobiny). Stopień narażenia na ołów określono na podstawie stężenia ołowiu i cynkoprotoporfiryny we krwi. Ponadto oznaczono stężenia kwasu moczowego, albumin, grup tiolowych albumin, bilirubiny i α-tokoferolu. Określono także wartość tzw. zdolności redukującej osocza (ferric reducing ability of plasma – FRAP). Wyniki: Wartości biomarkerów narażenia na ołów były znamiennie wyższe w grupie badanej. Stężenie kwasu moczowego w surowicy było znamiennie wyższe w obu jej podgrupach z tendencją do wyższych wartości w podgrupie o większym narażeniu na ołów. W podgrupie tej stwierdzono także znamiennie wyższe stężenie bilirubiny w surowicy, podczas gdy w drugiej podgrupie wykazano tylko tendencję wzrostową tego parametru. Wartości FRAP nie różniły się zamiennie między grupami. Z kolei wartości pozostałych analizowanych parametrów (albuminy, grupy tiolowie albumin, α-tokoferol) były znamiennie niższe w badanych podgrupach względem grupy porównawczej. Wnioski: Zawodowe narażenie na pyły ołowiu modyfikuje funkcję nieenzymatycznego układu antyoksydacyjnego. Med. Pr. 2014;65(4):443–451
Background: The role of non-enzymatic antioxidants, such as uric acid, albumin, bilirubin, and α-tocopherol, in lead poisoning remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore the association between occupational exposure to lead and nonenzymatic antioxidant concentrations in serum and plasma. Material and Methods: The study population consisted of 278 healthy male employees of lead-zinc plants, with 129 workers classified as having low lead exposure (blood lead level – PbB = 20–39.9 μg/dl) and 149 workers classified as having high lead exposure (PbB = 40–59.8 μg/dl). The control group was composed of 73 healthy male administrative workers. No one from this group had blood lead level or zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) level greater than normal levels, being 10 μg/dl and 2.5 μg/g of hemoglobin, respectively. In addition to the levels of PbB and ZPP, serum levels of uric acid (UA), albumin, thiol groups of albumin, and bilirubin were determined. The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) and the plasma level of α-tocopherol were also evaluated. Results: Lead exposure indices were significantly elevated in the examined subgroups as compared with the controls. Serum uric acid levels were significantly elevated in both subgroups, particularly in the group with high exposure. Serum bilirubin concentration was significantly elevated in the group with high exposure compared with the control group, while in the group with low exposure, it showed only a non-significant trend towards an increase. In contrast, ferric-reducing ability of plasma was not significantly greater in the examined subgroups as compared with the control group. Nevertheless, levels of albumin, thiol groups of albumin, and α-tocopherol levels were significantly decreased in the exposed subgroups compared with the control group. Conclusions: Occupational exposure to lead interferes with the blood non-enzymatic antioxidant system. Med Pr 2014;65(4):443–451
Przebadano wpływ mleczka pszczelego i pyłku kwiatowego na przebieg zatrucia benzenem w warunkach kontrolowanej ekspozycji inhalacyjnej.
The aim of this work was to assess the effect of beebread and bee-milk on benzene intoxication. Rats were exposed for several days to benzene vapours and immediately after each day's exposure they were given per os some apiarian preparations. Effects of the preparations were assessed by determination of: urine phenol (a benzene metabolite) content, activity of some enzymes and bilirubin level. The results show that beebread and bee-milk applied during the benzene exposure caused that AlAT, AspAT and AP activity increasese and plasma bilirubin levels were reduced as compared with the controls. No effect of the tested preparations on the course of urine phenol excretion was observed.
Cadmium is a dangerous occupational and environmental toxin. It accumulates in the human organism mainly in liver and kidneys. Cadmium half-life is about 10 years, so the symptoms of cadmium intoxication may occur several years after the exposure. Until now in treating intoxication with this metal chelating compounds have been used, burdened with numerous undesirable symptoms. In our investigations antho- cyanins from Aronia melanocarpa were used to reduce the harmful results caused by cadmium. Administering anthocyanins with cadmium chloride resulted in a statisti­cally significant decrease of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine amino­transferase (ALT) activity, concentration of bilirubin and urea in blood serum and de­creased cadmium cumulation in liver and kidneys in relation to animals receiving cadmium chloride only.
The effect of the Panax ginseng powder extract on reproduction, growth, renal and liver functions and some blood biochemical indices of Japanese quails were investigated. Panax ginseng powder extract at 2 mg and 4 mg/bird daily increased egg number per hen, average egg weight and hatchability. It slightly improved the efficiency of feed utilization and increased the levels of serum total protein, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate amino transferase (AST). The extract decreased significantly the levels of albumin, total lipids, triacylglycerols, cholesterol and glucose, and had no effect on body weight and the levels of serum bilirubin, urea and creatinine. This suggests that long term studies should be done on many different biochemical and physiological parameters and laboratory animals.
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