The effect of the patternmaker’s proficiency on the creation of clothing was investigated by the observation of the patternmaking process for clothing that satisfies the designer. We asked Japanese and French patternmakers to make a clothing pattern for the same design. The reasons for the differences in resultant clothing patterns and toiles made by the two patternmakers are discussed. Although the patternmaking processes used by the proficient patternmakers were similar, the resultant patterns were different owing to different recognition of the design. In particular, the shape and size of the collar that the designer emphasized in the illustration were different in the resultant patterns. Differences in patternmaking originated from differences in the patternmakers′ levels of expertise in terms of education, experience, and proficiency. However, the designer was satisfied with both patterns.
Omówiono sposób oceny statystycznej stosowany w procedurach służących badaniu osiągnięcia biegłości przez laboratorium badawcze, czyli wymaganych kompetencji technicznych i organizacyjnych W tym celu powinno być w nim wdrożone systemowe podejście w zakresie organizacji i prowadzenia badań laboratoryjnych, które posługuje się współczesnymi zasadami zarządzania i wykorzystuje metody statystyczne do tworzenia i oceny dokładności wyników pomiaru.
It is shown that in order to achieve technical competence of a testing laboratory needed is to introduce a system approach for organizing and conducting laboratory tests, guided by the principles of modern management and using the statistical methods for establishing and evaluating the accuracy of results. Modern statistical approaches include: application of statistical indicators of accuracy of techniques that are able to evaluate influence as random and systematic effects, using the parametric model of variances for assessing the accuracy of results obtained in the same laboratory and model of variance component when assessing the accuracy of results in interlaboratory experiments; application of statistical models of test results, which are focused on definition of various indicators of accuracy depending on current tasks; estimation of equal influence factors in laboratories when analyzing the intermediate precision measures; estimation of acceptability of the results; estimation of uncertainty on statistical indicators without analyzing sources of influence quantities.
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