Introduction: Occupational safety includes technical, organisational and economic measures to protect employees against threats that may occur in the work environment. Popularisation of the subject of occupational health and safety and action in the field of accident prevention is one of the obligations of the employer and employees of the occupational health and safety service (OHS). Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present the implementation of the behavioural observation programme in a large manufacturing company belonging to a global concern in the household appliances industry. The purpose of the programme was to increase the awareness of the employees regarding the risks and health and safety rules. This awareness helps to minimize the number of accidents and potential accidents. Design and methods: The research used the method of covert observation of employees’ behaviour while performing work at particular positions and moving around the plant. The research tool was a free interview. Results: The results of the conducted research made it possible to answer the question how behavioural observation programmes improve work safety. As a result of the analysis of the collected data, it can be concluded that the implementation of the behavioural observation programme increased the level of operational safety, increased safety culture in the organisation and raised the number of safe behaviours among employees. The results of behavioural observations constitute the source of data and the basis for taking further corrective actions in the area of occupational health and safety. Conclusions: In case of the workplace described in the article, it would be advisable to extend the programme to other locations of the factory, including laboratories, maintenance area and offices. Behaviour-based safety (BBS) could also be used in other areas of the organisation’s activities, e.g., during exercises of the factory rescue staff (fire protection and evacuation) or audits in the field of quality and environmental protection.
Wprowadzenie: Bezpieczeństwo pracy obejmuje działania techniczne, organizacyjne i ekonomiczne ukierunkowane na ochronę pracowników przed zagrożeniami, jakie mogą wystąpić w środowisku pracy. Popularyzacja tematyki bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz działanie w zakresie profilaktyki wypadkowej jest jednym z elementów należących do obowiązków pracodawcy oraz pracowników służby bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy (BHP). Cel: Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja wdrożenia programu obserwacji behawioralnych w dużym przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym, należącym do światowego koncernu w branży AGD. Zadaniem programu było zwiększenie świadomości pracowników na temat zagrożeń oraz zasad BHP. Świadomość ta wpływa na minimalizację liczby zdarzeń wypadkowych i potencjalnie wypadkowych. Projekt i metody: W badaniach wykorzystano metodę niejawnych obserwacji zachowań pracowników podczas wykonywania pracy na poszczególnych stanowiskach oraz przemieszczania się po terenie zakładu. Narzędziem badawczym był swobodny wywiad. Wyniki: Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań umożliwiły uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób programy obserwacji behawioralnych wpływają na poprawę bezpieczeństwa pracy. W wyniku analizy zebranych danych można wywnioskować, że wdrożenie programu obserwacji behawioralnych wpłynęło na zwiększenie poziomu bezpieczeństwa operacyjnego, wzrost kultury bezpieczeństwa w organizacji oraz wzrost liczby bezpiecznych zachowań wśród pracowników. Wyniki obserwacji behawioralnych stanowią źródło danych i podstawę do podejmowania kolejnych działań korygujących w obszarze bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy. Wnioski: W przypadku zakładu pracy opisanego w artykule wskazane byłoby rozszerzenie działania programu na pozostałe lokalizacje fabryki, laboratoria, obszar utrzymania ruchu i biura. Podejście oparte na obserwacji zachowań (BBS) mogłoby zostać wykorzystane także w innych zakresach działań organizacji, np. podczas ćwiczeń zakładowej kadry ratowniczej (ochrona przeciwpożarowa i ewakuacja) lub audytów z zakresu jakości i ochrony środowiska.
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Several operational security mechanisms have been developed to mitigate malicious activity in the Internet. However, the most these mechanisms require a signature basis and present the inability to predict new malicious activity. Other anomaly-based mechanisms are inefficient due to the possibility of an attacker simulates legitimate traffic, which causes many false alarms. Thus, to overcome that problem, in this paper we present an anomaly-based framework that uses network programmability and machine learning algorithms over continuous data stream. Our approach overcomes the main challenges that occur when develop an anomaly-based system using machine learning techniques. We have done an experimental evaluation to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed framework. In the experiments, we use a DDoS attack as network intrusion and we show that the technique attains an Accuracy of 98.98%, a Recall of 60%, a Precision of 60% and an FPR of 0.48% for 1% DDoS attack on the real normal traffic. This shows the effectiveness of our technique.
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The main pipelines, like many engineering structures, are subject to high operational safety standards. The safety of their operation is supervised by various institutions from the operator, including supervisors such as the Office of Technical Inspection. Safe operation requires knowledge of their technical condition and trends. One of the important sources of information on the condition of pipelines is their periodic inspection carried out with so-called smart pigs. As a result of the inspection, the operator expects the following questions to be answered: what is the condition of the pipeline examined; where and what metal losses are occurring in its construction; what are the hazards causing these damages for the safety of the pipeline operation; what is the rate of increase in the size of metal losses in the pipeline wall. This article presents technical solutions and methodology to answer the above questions.
The purpose of the article is to present the conclusions and discuss the results of research outcome from the implementation and use of AFTO 781 record documentation in the formation of safety in the process of operation of a multirole aircraft F-16 C/D Block 52+ at Poznan - Krzesiny Airport in 2010 - 2020. Methods: Surveying and analyzing archival documents for comparison in the context of verifying the reliability of data. Results: The result of the conducted research is the presentation of research results and conclusions resulting from several years of use of AFTO 781 record documentation in the process of operation of F-16 C/D Block 52+ multirole aircraft at Poznan - Krzesiny Airport in 2010 - 2020. Conclusions: The main objective of the conducted study was to define the factors determining the functionality of the AFTO 781 series record documentation, in the process of maintaining a certain level of safety in the operation of F-16 aircraft. In addition, the analysis of the results of the study allowed the author to interpret the ability of technical personnel to use the functionality of the AFTO 781 series record documentation in question, as well as to define the following conclusions and proposals for action, in order to minimize the occurrence of potential risks in the operation of aircraft equipment in the future.
In recent years, numerous measures to modernize local roads in rural areas have been undertaken. Unfortunately, during renovations, especially at the poviat and commune level, errors are often made as a consequence of irregularities arising at the design stage. The article presents an assessment of the quality of local road renovations carried out in the last fifteen years, in the context of maintaining operational parameters over time, using a visual method based on the term “risk”. The research was carried out for twenty-six sections of roads that were renovated or rebuilt in the Kłobuck and Częstochowa poviats. The categories of the most common errors were identified and actions were proposed to correct them and prevent new ones. Among the negative trends, the improper placement of road technical devices and the lack of appropriate marking of integral areas were distinguished. It was found that a positive aspect in the aspect of traffic safety, recently, is the widespread use of modern road marking systems and road signs, as well as greater care for proper maintenance of drainage devices. The use of modern solutions during the modernization of roads, despite co-financing from the Government Fund, is still limited by the financial deficit of local governments.
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