Jedną z podstawowych przesłanek niezagrożonego wykonywania działalności gospodarczej, bez względu na jej rodzaj, jest bezpieczeństwo obrotu prawnego. Dzięki temu każdy przedsiębiorca wie, jakie skutki prawne mogą wywołać jego działania lub zachowania organów administracji. Bezpieczeństwo to gwarantuje art. 2 Konstytucji RP, przewidujący, że „Rzeczpospolita Polska jest demokratycznym państwem prawnym, urzeczywistniającym zasady sprawiedliwości społecznej”.
Legal security, as a general systemic principle closely related to the principle of legal certainty of particular importance for the entire system, is reflected in the Polish law as the principle of security of legal transactions. The article features an attempt to characterize “legal transactions” in writing, focusing in particular on the multidimensional nature of this term. An in-depth analysis of the term “legal transactions” in writing is necessary in order to determine the boundaries of security of legal transactions, which crossing by the notary public (not only by his activity as part of duties of a notary, but also negligence - refusal to perform a requested notarial activity) can result in liability.
Notary public performs activities related to succession management of business run by natural person (art. 79 sec. 1c of the Notary Public Act of February 14, 199118). They include drafting an act of appointment of succession administrator and an act of dismissal of succession administrator. Persons authorized to perform these activities file with the protocol written by notary public an approval to appoint succession administrator (art. 95zc § 1 sec. 4 pr. o not., art. 12 sec. 3 of the Act of July 5, 2018 on succession management of business run by natural person and other facilities related to business succession19) or an approval to its dismissal (art. 95zf § 1 sec. 4 pr. o not., art. 55 sec. 2 u.z.s.). It is admissible to express it in a separate document written before drafting a protocol for appointment or dismissal of succession administrator. In practice, this situation becomes increasingly important when the request for performance of notarial activity includes only an act of appointment or dismissal of succession administrator, based on the notarial deed from a protocol for appointment or dismissal of succession administrator filed for this activity (drafted by a different notary public) along with notary deeds covering the mentioned approvals from authorized persons. In this article, an attempt was made to demonstrate that the legislator has not provided to notary public - who has an obligation to safeguard the rights and legitimate interests not only of the parties performing notary activity, but also other people, for whom it can produce legal effects (art. 80 § 2 pr. o not.) - necessary tools that ensure the required due diligence during verification of personal data of physical persons comprising a group of those authorized to express their will to appoint or dismiss succession administrator. No obligation to include in the content of the protocol of appointment of succession administrator PESEL ID number of the person approving its appointment expressed in it, and in the event of drafting the protocol of dismissal of succession administrator, requires an urgent legislative intervention. This publication presents an analysis of not only the way of using in practice by notaries public regulations that raise doubts, but also the issue regarding the quality of law making. Each of these aspects also plays an important role for the most important functions fulfilled by notary public, which is to guarantee safety of legal transactions.
The situation related to the state of the epidemic on account of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection is an extremely difficult period for all citizens. Representatives of all professions face many problems. Among them is the notary who, due to the specificity of the tasks being carried out, is in an extremely difficult position. It is necessary to consider whether, in the current reality, a notary may refuse to perform a notarial act due to the threat of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
In accordance with art. 788 § 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, evidence provided by the applicant plays a key role in obtaining an enforcement clause in favor of (against) the legal successor of the original creditor (debtor). The effective demonstration of the transfer of rights or obligations to the legal successor in this case is possible only on the basis of official documents or private documents with an officially certified signature. The judgment exhausts the judicial doubts that may arise when assessing a private document with a notarially authenticated signature (and thus one of the types of official signature confirmation) in the context of proof of transfer of rights (obligations) to the legal successor of the original creditor (debtor).
W świetle dyspozycji art. 788 § 1 K.p.c. dowody przedstawione przez wnioskodawcę odgrywają kluczową rolę dla uzyskania klauzuli wykonalności na rzecz (przeciwko) następcy prawnego pierwotnego wierzyciela (dłużnika). Skuteczne wykazanie przejścia uprawnień lub obowiązków na rzecz następcy prawnego w tym przypadku możliwe jest wyłącznie na podstawie dokumentów urzędowych lub dokumentów prywatnych z podpisem urzędowo poświadczonym. Glosowane orzeczenie wyczerpuje wątpliwości orzecznicze, jakie mogą powstać przy ocenie dokumentu prywatnego z podpisem notarialnie poświadczonym (a zatem jednego z rodzajów urzędowego poświadczenia podpisu) w kontekście dowodu przejścia uprawnień (obowiązków) na następcę prawnego pierwotnego wierzyciela (dłużnika).
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