Przedmiotem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie propozycji budowy trzech nowych dróg dla transportu szynowego na Dolnym Śląsku, dwóch dla pociągów i jednej dla tramwajów. Wszystkie one mają na celu poprawę skomunikowania oraz skrócenie czasu przejazdu. Wymagają one dodatkowej analizy lecz pozwalają mimo stosunkowo dużych nakładów inwestycyjnych na poprawienie oferty transportu szynowego. Sprzyjałoby to zmniejszeniu obciążenia środowiska naturalnego emisją spalin ze środków transportu.
The aim of this article is presentation for build the new tracks connections for the rail transport in the region of the Lower Silesia. All of them have the goal to betterment of the communication and reducing the time of the journey. They needs to additional analysis but allowed despite relatively the big preliminary capital expenditure they betterment of the offer of the rail transport. This is conductive to reduce the environmental burden by the emission of exhaust gases from the modes of the transport.
This article defends the teaching of Mortimer J. Adler that human education must aim at the betterment of human beings by forming good habits in us; and that, if intellectual and moral virtues, or good habits, are the same for all human beings because our natural capacities are the same and tend naturally to the same developments, then what logically follows is that the intellectual and moral virtues, or good habits, as the ends of education, are the absolute and universal principles on which education should always and everywhere be founded. This being the case, it concludes that, because of its essential foundation in the essentially flawed Enlightenment understanding of human nature, the New World Order can never be a cause of higher education, can, at best, cause a caricature of it.
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