The article discusses non-stereotype conservation solutions, presented upon the example of two paintings from the sixteenth and seventeenth century, which reveal numerous joint workshop features. Despite many similarities in the manner of painting, the technique of the underpainting and the state of preservation, it was decided to pursue different conservation premises. The authors present reasons decisive for the type of conduced conservation, the choice between a full reconstruction of the painting layer, on the one hand, and purest conservation which consists of the least possible intervention into the work of art. The decision about a given conservation manner is usually determined by the actual needs of the damaged painting and its future destination. The object can comprise a historical, costumological or didactic document, and does not have to serve as a museum exhibit.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, a prioress or abbess at a nunnery had a status similar to that of a feudal lord. She represented the monastery in contacts with the ecclesiastic and secular authorities, and felt responsible for its material well-being, which frequently entailed the need to maintain good relations and to negotiate with persons on whom the convent was to some extent dependent, as well as with the parents or guardians of potential rich candidates for the cloistered life. The latter could bring in a large dowry, which was important for the material functioning of the monastic community. Another group of persons to remain on good terms with were the prioress’s relatives and all those who might influence the frequent disputes concerning property. In the period of monastic order dissolutions, it was important to prove to the decision-makers that the given convent was well-off and perfectly organised. Finally, in those turbulent times prioresses frequently had to negotiate with the commanders of troops passing through their lands or cities. I have used the description of events found in the chronicle of the Benedictine Nuns of Sandomierz, compiled in the years 1762–1780, to illustrate the ways in which music performed by the convent’s ensemble was used by the abbess in her diplomatic efforts. I give examples of the representative and ‘accompanying’ functions of music at the Benedictine Nuns’ Monastery in Sandomierz, as well as of the role of a concert as a ‘gift’ which creates an obligation.
W XVII i XVIII wieku status ksieni żeńskiego klasztoru był zbliżony do statusu feudalnego władcy. Reprezentowała ona klasztor wobec władzy duchownej i świeckiej, oraz czuła się odpowiedzialna za jego materialny dobrostan, skąd nierzadko wynikała konieczność utrzymywania dobrych relacji i pertraktowania z osobami, od których klasztor był w jakimś względzie zależny. Dobre stosunki należało utrzymywać także z opiekunami potencjalnych bogatych kandydatek do zakonu, które mogły wnieść pokaźny posag, ważny z punktu widzenia materialnego funkcjonowania wspólnoty, a także z własnymi koligatami i wszelkimi osobami, które mogły wywierać wpływy w częstych sporach majątkowych. Nadciągający okres kasat klasztorów wymagał tego, by decydentom zaprezentować klasztor jako dobrze uposażony i wzorowo funkcjonujący. Wreszcie, w niespokojnych czasach, nieraz przychodziło się ksieniom układać z dowódcami przemaszerowujących przez ich ziemie lub miasta wojsk. Wychodząc od opisu wydarzeń utrwalonych w kronice benedyktynek sandomierskich, spisywanej w latach 1762-1780, ukazuję w jaki sposób w prowadzonych przez przełożoną działaniach dyplomatycznych była wykorzystywana muzyka wykonywana przez klasztorną kapelę. Przykłady, jakie chciałam tu przywołać, ukazują funkcję reprezentacyjną i „towarzyszącą” muzyki w klasztorze benedyktynek sandomierskich, a także rolę koncertu jako „daru” powodującego zaciągnięcie zobowiązania.
At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, a reformation of monastics life was undertaken by the Benedictines from Chelmno. It was legitimised by the modified edition of Benedictine monastic rules published inLublin in 1635.One of the elements of the editorial frame of the printed text is a letter toPolishChurchleaders by the Apostolic Nuncio toPolandand the translation of that letter into Polish. Despite the identical structure of both texts, there are some differences in their typographical structure. The differences include using different type of print in composition, different location of the text on page or highlighting particular words by majuscules or romans. The abovementioned differences in typographical technique do not breach, however, the approximate graphic structuralization of the texts in both Polish and Latin. The function of this technique is universal, namely to deliminate and expose the text and its sequences visually.
Na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku benedyktynki z klasztoru w Chełmnie przeprowadziły reformę życia zakonnego usankcjonowaną prawnie w zmodyfikowanej wersji reguły św. Benedykta, którą po raz wtóry wydano w Lublinie w 1635 roku.Jednym z elementów ramy wydawniczej drukowanego tekstu reguły jest łacińskojęzyczny list nuncjusza apostolskiego w Polsce do hierarchów Kościoła w Polsce oraz jego tłumaczenie na język polski. Pomimo identycznej struktury obu listów istnieją pewne różnice w ich ukształtowaniu typograficznym. Polegają one np. na użyciu do składu innego rodzaju pisma drukowanego, odmiennym rozłożeniu tekstu na karcie książki czy wyróżnianiu majuskułami lub antykwą różnych wyrazów tekstowych. Wskazane odrębności w technice typograficznej nie naruszają jednakże zasadniczo zbliżonej strukturalizacji graficznej tekstów zarówno w języku łacińskim, jak i polskim. Funkcja tej techniki ma w istocie charakter uniwersalny, gdyż na płaszczyźnie wizualnej delimituje tekst i eksponuje jego sekwencje.
The article presents various forms of making music by 18th century Benedictines, not only within the frames of celebrated liturgy. The author uses sources created by Benedictines of Chełmno, including the directories, chronicles, registries of expenditures, musical manuscrpits. They show certain gradation of their music practice, dependent on the degree of its ”festivity”. The simplest form was singing in unison without accompaniment (chorale and songs), then polyphonic singing, and finally singing with an organ accompaniment. For the most important celebrations were prepared performances of vocal and instrumental, which required from the performers professional preparation. This type of musical setting for the liturgy was often entrusted to local bands, but some convents in 18th century were able to create their own vocal and instrumental groups consisting of nuns. They have acted for instance in Jarosław, Nieśwież, Sandomierz, and Lviv. Most of the information on the musical practice is provided by the directories, namely Porządki chorowe (Choir schedules) (part of liturgical and musical manuscript of Sandomierz – L 1651) and D4 manuscript of Lviv, containing Porządek godzin y zabaw zakonnych przez cały dzień w regule opisanych (The time schedule of monastic games described in the regulation for the whole day) and two editions of Porządki chorowe. They allow to compare the way of using music in two monasteries during the various feasts and liturgical occasions such as Christmas, Lent, Paschal Triduum, or The Assumption of the Virgin Mary. In turn, from the chronicle of the monastery of Sandomierz one can find out at what other religious occasions the nuns were trying to add splendor to the liturgy, and how they used music to ensure the goodwill of the people important for the monastery.
The object of interest is a description of manuscript L 1642 which belongs to the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz. This manuscript is a Hymnal, which was written in 1721 and it belonged to the Benedictine Sisters in Sandomierz. The material includes medieval European and Polish 16th and 17th century liturgical and paraliturgical songs. The texts in the manuscript are written in Latin and Polish. The Hymnal contains carols, the Advent, Easter and Passion songs among others; there are 77 works in total and only one has no musical notes (its text is written at the end of the manuscript). Most works are known and correspond with the content of other hymnals, e.g. the ones that belonged to the Benedictine Sisters in Staniątki, the Carmelite Sisters in Kraków, and the Clarisse Sisters in Gniezno. There are also some songs in Walenty Bartoszewski’s ("Parthenomelica albo Pienia nabożne o Pannie Najświętszej", 1613) and Stanisław Serafin Jagodyński’s works ("Pieśni katolickie nowo reformowane", 1638). The Hymnal is compiled by Anna Stogniewówna or, according to Magdalena Walter-Mazur, by Zofia Bratysiewiczówna. The manuscript is an interesting source of the known literary and musical culture of the Benedictine Sisters in Sandomierz. It also shows the popularity of these religious works. The Hymnal also contains some unknown versions of songs.
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