The article describes the results of the research carried out on the evaluation of the influence of friction pairs (rubber belt – belt pulley in belt drive) on the ability to transmit power. In order to determine the characteristics of the belt drive operation, measurements were made on a real belt drive from the drive train of a light two-wheeled vehicle. The measurement was carried out in conditions of changes in the dynamic load. The measurements of the belt slip on the belt pulley within the whole range of the changes of gear ratios and angular speed of the engine were made. During the tests, belts made from various rubber mixtures were compared. The values of the friction coefficients between the surface of belts and the belt pulley were measured. Model analyses of the impact of belt slip on the wheel related to the temperature of belt drive elements were also made. Generally, one can ascertain that, in belt drive systems, power losses are a combination of speed losses and torque losses. The increase in the efficiency of belt drives is possible by decreasing power losses. It is possible to obtain the high performance of continuously variable transmission belt drives with a V- belt solely with the proper choice of the design parameters, which is possible only after the exact recognition of the operational characteristics unique to this class of belt drive systems.
W artykule omówiono wyniki przeprowadzonych badań, których celem była ocena wpływu pary ciernej: gumowy pas napędowy–koło pasowe w bezstopniowej przekładni pasowej na zdolność przenoszenia mocy. Dla określenia charakterystyki pracy przekładni wykonano pomiary na rzeczywistej przekładni z układu napędowego lekkiego pojazdu jednośladowego. Pomiary te przeprowadzono w warunkach dynamicznych zmian obciążenia. Wykonano pomiary poślizgu pasa na kołach pasowych w całym zakresie wymaganych zmian przełożenia i prędkości obrotowej silnika napędowego. Podczas prób porównano pasy napędowe wykonane z różnych mieszanek gumowych. Dla zastosowanych pasów wyznaczono wartości współczynnika tarcia przy współpracy z kołami pasowymi. Wykonano również analizy modelowe wpływu poślizgu pasa na kole na temperaturę pracy elementów przekładni. W bezstopniowych przekładniach pasowych straty mocy wynikają ze strat prędkości i strat momentu obrotowego. Dlatego też podniesienie sprawności przekładni możliwe jest do osiągnięcia poprzez obniżenie tych start. To z kolei możliwe jest tylko dzięki odpowiedniemu doborowi parametrów konstrukcyjnych. Służy temu gruntowne poznanie charakterystyk roboczych tego typu przekładni.
Belt drives have been used for decades to transmit power from a drive unit to an end device in a variety of applications. There is constant scientific, technical and technological progress in the production and use of belts, which has led to a variety of types and types of belts. Belt drives have several advantages over other methods of power transmission, including light weight, affordability, and the ability to be used as a slip clutch. As the requirements for V-belts increase, so does the required quality of the offered belts. When analyzing belt transmissions, it is also possible to examine their influence on other components of the machine or equipment on which they are installed. If the belt drive transmits large forces, this can have consequences on the bearings and other parts of the transmission. It is therefore essential to ensure that belt drives are optimally designed and installed to minimize potential damage to other components. On the designed specific design solution for testing belt transmissions, the actual revolutions of the input and output pulleys were monitored, the belt float was measured using high-precision distance measurement sensors, and the vibrations were measured using a magnetically fixed sensor. During the experimental measurements, parameters such as belt tension, input speed and output load were changed. The experimental measurements themselves were carried out on three A1450Lw 13x1420Li belts of the same dimensions, but manufactured by other manufacturers (Optibelt, Rubena and Gufero).
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