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Kamila Kielak to podróżniczka, fotografka, reporterka i przyrodnik z zamiłowania. Ma na swoim koncie kilka trudnych wypraw, samotne przejście prawie 5000 km szlaku Pacific Crest Trail pomiędzy Kanadą a Meksykiem. Jej ostatni projekt, „Biało na Czarnym”, dotyczył endemicznego podgatunku niedźwiedzi czarnych, których niewielka populacja jest ... biała.
Śmietnik jest tuż pod blokiem, więc śmieci można wynieść w kapciach. Problem w tym, że w nich kiepsko się ucieka. A kto by nie uciekał, gdyby w śmietniku zastał niedźwiedzia? To nie jest niemożliwe.
The sites of 87 brown bear Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 attacks on livestock (horses, cattle, sheep, goats) were investigated in the Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. Ninety percent of livestock predation occurred between May and October, while attacks were most frequent during the months of May and July. There was no difference in overall attack rates between the first and second part of the year, nor among livestock type or age-class. Bears were not selective predators of livestock type or age-class, but had a slight tendency to attack more cattle and adult animals. Bear tracks and scats were found at slightly more than half of the sites visited, while bed construction and food-caching behaviour was rarely detected. Attacks were initiated most times on the neck and the head region. Muscle tissue and soft organs were most preferred body parts consumed by brown bears.
Twenty six European brown bears Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 were captured, radio-collared, and tracked in and around Plitvice Lakes and Risnjak National Parks from 01 November 1981 to 25 July 1991. The largest male and female ranges were 224 km2 and 147 km2, respectively. Mean annual ranges were 128 km2 and 58 km^ for males and females, respectively. Male ranges were 2 to 5 times larger than female ranges. The median straight-line distance between consecutive day locations was 1.5 km for a!! bears and the maximum distance was 8.5 km. Distances traveled daily by males and females were similar, but movements of females were restricted to smaller areas, Winter ranges were significantly smaller than ranges during other seasons. Marked bears spent 52% of their time outside the Plitvice Lakes and Risnjak National Parks.
Zwrócono uwagę na wzrost znaczenia filtracji membranowej w dziedzinie separacji mediów. Wskazano na problemy eksploatacyjne takich rozwiązań technicznych. Na podstawie badań doświadczalnych przedstawiono własną koncepcję systemu sterowania filtrem polegającą na automatycznym włączaniu wstecznego obiegu piwa w celu oczyszczenia porów membrany z zanieczyszczeń.
Increasing importance of the membrane filtering technique in media' separation was discussed. Some problems connected with application of such technical solutions were indicated. On the basis of experimental studies authors presented their own conception of a filter steering system consisted in an automatic actuation of the reverse beer circulation in order to clean the membrane pores from impurities.
Bieszczady Mountains of Poland. Acta theriol. 37: 339 - 344. The diet of brown bear Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 in the autumn of 1990 and the spring of 1991 was studied by the analysis of faeces contents (46 samples, 23 from autumn and 23 from spring). Based on frequency of occurrence of food items in individual faeces, the autumn diet of bears was more diverse than the spring diet. We calculated for each food item frequency percent (F%), dry weight percent (W%) and Importance Value (IV%). Beech Fagus silvatica nuts were the most important food during both spring and autumn (36.9% IV in autumn and 78.5% IV in spring). Carrion, used as a bait by hunters, and foodstuffs from game-feeding stations (maize, oats, beets) also appeared to be a significant part of the bears' diet.
In a world full of violence, which affects everyone from small children to adults, harm is caused to animals. It is easier to defend a people who can be relied on for legislation. Unfortunately, animals are not able to defend themselves in this way. Hence the importance of environment care of those who are the most vulnerable and dependent people. It does not matter whether the animal is a pet or wild. Bears, goats, and marmots that live in the mountains are protected. Unfortunately, laws cannot eliminate accidents related to the irresponsible behavior of tourists and poaching. Accidents such as the bear Magda and the bear Cuba, the murder of the little bear in the Valley Chochołowska and accidents with the horses Jordek and Jukon attracked media attention. Perhaps this is because people think that, in the Tatra National Park, bad animals living there live there. Nothing could be further from the truth. It depends on the people and animals living there whether there will be conditions for a safe, peaceful life and reproduction.
In modern times giant panda becomes an informal symbol of China, almost as popular as images of dragon, a mythical creature and heraldic animal of China till 1928. There is an astonishing contrast between today’s popularity of panda and an almost total lack of images and mentions of this animal in ancient times. Bai xiong ‘white bear,’ a local Chinese name for giant panda was registered for the first time only in 1869, by Father Armand David, who discovered giant pandas for the Europeans, the first image of panda was printed in a French zoological book in 1874, the first logo with an image of panda was created by pilots from the American Volunteer Group in Kunming (Yunnan) in 1941. If we add to this that the word xiongmao, a modern Chinese name for giant panda, is a phraseological calque from English bear cat created at the beginning of the 20th century, that panda became subject of the traditional Chinese painting in the mid of the 20th century and the literary motif of panda gained ground only after success of a popular song in 1983, we are faced with the problem of explaining, why giant panda was unknown to ancient Chinese art and literature. Some Chinese scholars assume that panda was known by other names in ancient China. Hu Jinchu enumerates a list of 25 such names, however Slovak sinologist Stanislav Vavrovský proves, that only some of them may actually mean giant panda, although the unambiguous and decisive arguments are lacking. The authors of this paper assume that giant panda was known in ancient China, however it was not differentiated as a separate species but was regarded simply as a bear (xiong). The authors present the role of bears in the mythical stories about the origin of Chinese civilization, the archaeological findings of bear bones in neolithic and bronze age tombs, as well as the images of bears in ancient Chinese art till the end of the Han dynasty. They talk through two common bear species in China: Asian black bear and brown bear, whose some subspecies are sometimes called white. The authors take notice of the fact that the known contemporary image of giant panda as a black-and-white animal is due to the discovery of the black-and-white Sichuan subspecies of this animal by Father Davis what follows that the first specimen known to Europeans became normative subspecies. However in ancient times the giant panda habitat was much more than modern refugial areas mostly in Western Sichuan mountains. The authors assume that ancient Chinese had an opportunity to meet with other pandas, e.g. from Qinling mountains, near Xi’an, a former capitol of China, than with the normative in our times subspecies of giant panda from Sichuan. The Qinling panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis) is very rare in our times and having a dark brown and light brown pattern instead of „typical” black and white seems to be atypical. In ancient times because of this brownish pattern Qinling panda could not be discerned from the common brown bear. The authors assume that whenever there are images and mentions of bear in ancient Chinese art and literature, we cannot automatically exclude giant pandas.
W dzisiejszych czasach panda wielka stała się nieformalnym symbolem Chin, niemal tak samo popularnym jak wizerunek smoka, mitycznego stworzenia będącego heraldycznym zwierzęciem Chin aż po rok 1928. Z dzisiejszą popularnością pandy zaskakująco kontrastuje niemal całkowita nieobecność tego zwierzęcia w wyobrażeniach dawniejszych epok. Lokalna nazwa pandy bai xiong „biały niedźwiedź” została po raz pierwszy zapisana przez O. Armanda Davida, odkrywcę tego gatunku dla nauki w 1869 r., pierwsze wyobrażenie pandy znajduje się we francuskiej pracy zoologicznej z 1874 r., a pierwsze symboliczne wykorzystanie pandy jako logo jest zasługą amerykańskich lotników stacjonujących w Kunmingu (Yunnan) w 1941 r. Jeśli dodamy do tego, że obecna chińska nazwa tego zwierzęcia xiongmao jest kalką z języka angielskiego bear cat i powstała na początku XX wieku, że panda wielka stała się przedmiotem tradycyjnego chińskiego malarstwa w latach 50. XX wieku, a rozpowszechnienie motywu pandy w literaturze chińskiej sięga 1983 r., stajemy przed trudnym do wytłumaczenia faktem nieznajomości pandy w literaturze i sztuce starożytnych Chin. Badacze chińscy zakładają, że panda wielka znana była pod innymi nazwami w dawnych Chinach. Hu Jinchu wylicza 25 takich nazw, jednak słowacki badacz Stanislav Vavrovský dowodzi, że tylko pod kilkoma z nich, i to regionalnie w Syczuanie, może się rzeczywiście kryć panda, choć nie ma na to jednoznacznych, rozstrzygających dowodów. Autorzy tego artykułu uważają, że panda wielka była znana w starożytnych Chinach, nie była jednak wyodrębniana jako osobny gatunek, lecz po prostu uznawana za niedźwiedzia xiong. Przedstawiają znaczenie niedźwiedzi w mitycznych opowieściach o genezie chińskiej cywilizacji, archeologiczne znaleziska szczątków niedźwiedzi (w tym i pand) w grobowcach z neolitu i epoki brązu oraz wyobrażenia niedźwiedzi w starożytnej sztuce do epoki Han włącznie. Omawiają również dwa podstawowe gatunki niedźwiedzi zamieszkujące Chiny: czarnego himalajskiego i jasnego niedźwiedzia brunatnego, zwanego niekiedy białym. Zwracają uwagę, że rozpowszechniony dziś wzorzec czarno-białej pandy wynika z faktu, że taką właśnie pandę po raz pierwszy poznał europejski badacz o. David i to właśnie ten podgatunek z gór zachodniego Syczuanu, stał się normatywnym dla pandy wielkiej. Tymczasem w starożytności zasięg występowania pandy wielkiej był o wiele większy niż dzisiejsze tereny refugialne. Można też założyć, że Chińczycy o wiele wcześniej niż pandy z Syczuanu mieli okazję poznać pandy z gór Qinling, położonych w pobliżu dawnej stolicy Xi’an. Ten podgatunek pandy (Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis), dziś znacznie rzadszy od syczuańskiego i uznawany za nienormatywny, charakteryzuje się odmiennym ubarwieniem jasno- i ciemnobrunatnym, co sprawia, że mógł on być uznany za jeden typ zwierzęcia z niedźwiedziem brunatnym. Dlatego też w starożytnej sztuce i literaturze chińskiej panda wielka mogła być przedstawiana po prostu jako niedźwiedź, a jeśli dochodziło do jakiejś dalszej specyfikacji, to niedźwiedź nie czarny, czyli nie himalajski.
Ancient DNA from bones of the extinct Ursus spelaeus Rosamueller et Hainroth, 1794 found in the Bavarian Alps has been amplified by PCR. Two out of five samples yielded a distinct band of 135 bp originating from the mtDNA control region. A combination of nested and touchdown PCR supported the amplification. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences revealed four transitions compared to the French cave bear sequence, the only cave bear data known so far (Genbank database X80259, AF121779). The consensus distant matrix tree clustered the two cave bears next to the brown bear Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758.
W artykule poddano interpretacji jedną z rzeźb z wilanowskiej bramy głównej, która w dotychczasowej literaturze uchodziła za przedstawienie niedźwiedzia, gdy w rzeczywistości jest to przedstawienie psa. Na podstawie odnalezionej wzmianki archiwalnej udało się ustalić, że owa rzeźba pochodzi z wilanowskiego ogrodu, a na pałacowej bramie została ustawiona dopiero w 1721 r., za czasów, gdy dawna królewska rezydencja była własnością hetmanowej wielkiej koronnej Elżbiety z Lubomirskich Sieniawskiej. Jak dotychczas, jest to jedyna znana rzeźba ogrodowa z wilanowskiego ogrodu, pochodząca zapewne jeszcze z czasów Jana III Sobieskiego.
The article analyzes one of the sculptures from the Wilanów main gate, which in the existing literature was considered to represent a bear. In fact, however, it is a representation of a dog. Archive sources revealed that this sculpture came from the Wilanów garden. It was not placed at the entrance gate until 1721, at a time when the former royal residence was owned by Queen Elżbieta Helena Sieniawska née Lubomirska. It is so far the only known garden sculpture from the Wilanow garden, probably coming from the times of King Jan III Sobieski.
During the last centuries many West European populations of wolf Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 and brown bear Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 have been extirpated from most of their former ranges. Isolated populations of wolves (about 300 - 400 animals) and brown bears (about 80 - 100 animals) actually survive in the Italian Apennines, while very few (5 - 10) brown bears remain in the Italian eastern Alps. We have investigated the consequences of isolation, demographic decline, and random drift on genetic variability of the Italian populations of wolf and brown bear using restriction site analysis and nucleotide sequencing of portions of the mitochondrial genome. The studied sequences were homogeneous within-populations of both species, but there was a fixed difference in mtDNA between brown bears form the Alps and from the Apennines. Random drift since the time of isolation is a plausible explanation for both results. These findings suggest that wolves and bears have small effective population sizes and, thus, they will continue to loose genetic variability by random drift in the near future. Conservation efforts should be directed towards an increase of the annual growth rates of these populations. The individualization of discrete phylogeographic units in the brown bear suggests to manage them separately in order to preserve the existing gene diversity among populations.
This paper is focused on cloning and bioinformatical as well as immunological characterisation of the new vaccine antigen candidate against fasciolosis - Fasciola hepatica phosphoglycerate kinase (FhPGK). The antigen was cloned from the adult fluke by the use of RACE-PCR method. It was found that FhPGK is not a secretory and not a stage specific protein. It is present in all kinds of parasite tissue, particularly in fluke intestine and tegumental as well as subtegumental layers. FhPGK is involved in production of the first ATP molecule in the glycolytic pathway and can be used in vaccination trials in which the strategy is to block fluke's energy metabolism. This is the first, to date, phosphoglycerate kinase cloned from F. hepatica.
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