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Potrzeby gospodarcze wielu krajów Europy, a także ciągle rosnące możliwości i malejące koszty wykorzystania technologii informatycznych przyczyniły się w latach 80. XX w. do zmiany koncepcji gromadzenia, przechowywania i udostępniania informacji o terenie. W wielu krajach decyzji tworzenia baz danych topograficznych towarzyszyła znaczna redukcja zakresu treści w stosunku do tego, jaki był przedstawiany na mapach topograficznych. W Polsce przyjęto, że w Bazie Danych Topograficznych (TBD) będą gromadzone dane opisujące wszystkie elementy treści cywilnej mapy topograficznej w skali 1:10 000. Wybrano więc rozwiązanie dość kosztowne, czego efektem jest wciąż niewielkie pokrycie kraju cyfrowymi danymi topograficznymi. Celem niniejszego opracowania było porównanie zakresu tematycznego baz danych topograficznych o szczegółowości 1:10 000 w krajach europejskich z zakresem tematycznym TBD i stwierdzenie, czy rzeczywiście w TBD jest gromadzonych zbyt dużo danych. Analiza została wykonana dla 13 baz danych topograficznych: belgijskiej, brytyjskiej, czeskiej, duńskiej, fińskiej, francuskiej, litewskiej, niderlandzkiej, niemieckiej, norweskiej, słowackiej, słoweńskiej i szwedzkiej.
Economic needs of the European countries as well as the increasing opportunities and low costs of IT technology caused in 80s. changes in collecting, storing and made available to users land data. Most of the countries decided at that time to create topographic databases. One of the factors that can slow down the creation of a database is very broad thematic scope. In Poland, it was decided that all topographic objects presented on topo maps should be stored and maintained in the database. This very costly and time-consuming solution results in only few per cent of coverage of topographic data. The authors analysed thematic scope of the Polish TBD and 13 EU national civil vector topographic databases with the level of details corresponding to the scale 1:10 000. The analysis allowed authors to show the similarities and differences between TBD and other databases, concerning their thematic scope and to indicate which topographic objects or their attributes could be reduced.
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In the paper, possibilities of using Digital Cartographic Studio for generation of Polish topographic maps directly from topographic data base are presented. Some functions of this software are described concerning creation of cartographic signs libraries and automatic map edition consisting in selection of vector data and attributing to them corresponding cartographic sign from he library, displacement, rotation and changing orientation of signs, replacing one sign or its part by another. In the paper there is presented an example of using DCS to elaborating topographic maps with a scale of 1:10 000 scale based on Topographic Database. In the paper particular attention is drawn to the convenient use of the software for elaboration of topographic maps in TDB standard in the form of printouts of maps of a given area at request directly from the basic TDB or in the version compliant with the technical instructions in force.
Content available remote Wykorzystanie Bazy Danych Topograficznych dla potrzeb zarządzania kryzysowego
The Topographical Database (TBD) is a nationwide undertaking implemented since 2003 by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography and by Voivodeship Marshals. Its aim is, first of all, to create modern resources of topographic data which will provide a base for various spatial information systems built and used by state institutions and organisations as well as by private companies and individual users. As a reference database, TBD is one of the most important elements of the national infrastructure of spatial information within the context of implementation of INSPIRE Directive of the European Commission. One of the principal applications of TDB is its utilization in crisis management, where high quality spatial information plays important, often key role. The data contained in TBD may be used, for instance, for realization of the following aims: m registration and presentation of dangerous objects on a map, m conducting demographic analysis in potentially endangered areas, m registration and presentation of public buildings, m planning distribution of assembly points of population, command centers, evacuation routes, m planning and coordinating approach to the catastrophe area, m simulation of spreading of flood wave, m estimation of potential damages depending on actions undertaken during the disaster (analysis of variants of actions) and estimation of damages afterwards. Realization of these aims is possible thanks to the scope of content and accuracy of data contained in TBD: m digital model of the terrain surface, m ortophotomaps with resolution of the order of 0.5 meter, m vector data typical for spatial GIS databases containing descriptive attributes, m image of topographical map in digital raster form or in the form of plotter printouts from the database. In the paper examples of data available from TBD are discussed and general assessment of usefulness of individual information contained in TBD is presented supporting the most typical actions of crisis management centers. Attention was also drawn to methodological and technological aspects of taking advantage of TBD
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Jednym z celów tworzenia WBDT jest gromadzenie źródłowych danych topograficznych, służących do opracowania innych systemów informacji geograficznej. Istotne jest zatem takie zdefiniowanie podstawowej struktury bazy referencyjnej, które umożliwi z jednej strony pełne wykorzystanie już istniejących danych tematycznych, z drugiej zaś pozwoli na poszerzenie kręgu potencjalnych użytkowników tej bazy. Opracowana w projekcie celowym nr 6 T 12 2005C/06552 koncepcja Wielorozdzielczej Bazy Danych Topograficznych, wykorzystująca materiały stanowiące pzgik: zapewnia optymalne wykorzystanie dostępnych obecnie baz topograficznych i umożliwia integrację innych opracowań wykonanych z zastosowaniem wieloaspektowych zasad tworzenia WBDT . Dotyczy to nie tylko zabezpieczenia praktycznych potrzeb związanych z planowaniem i realizacją inwestycji, prognoz oceny oddziaływania na środowisko przy pozyskiwaniu środków z funduszy unijnych, czy zarządzaniem przy różnego rodzaju zagrożeniach, kryzysach i katastrofach, ale pozwala łączyć doświadczenia wielu dyscyplin dla wielowymiarowego projektowania różnego rodzaju przedsięwzięć regionalnych, krajowych i międzynarodowych. Realizując te cele opracowano metodykę harmonizacji modelu pojęciowego wybranych baz danych tematycznych z pzgik: Mapy Sozologicznej (SOZO), Mapy Hydrograficznej (HYDRO), a także - uspójnienia danych pochodzących z innych Źródeł, takich jak: leśna mapa numeryczn (LMN), mapa geośrodowiskowa i hydrogeologiczna oraz rozważono dodatkowo inne możliwości integracji i harmonizacji w WBDT - np. z grupami obiektów w Elektronicznej Mapie Nawigacyjnej (ENC). Opracowanie WBDT wymagało także uspójnienia mechanizmów wymiany danych odniesionych przestrzennie z wielu rejestrów państwowych np. Państwowego Rejestru Nazw Geograficznych (PRNG), Państwowego Rejestru Granic (PRG), Rejestru Jednostek Podziału Terytorialnego Kraju TERYT. W projekcie szczegółowo opracowano prototyp systemu informatycznego PRNG, umożliwiającego udostępnianie nazw geograficznych zgromadzonych w rejestrze, ich edycję i aktualizację. Wykorzystywanie wspólnych, łatwo dostępnych, identyfikatorów obiektów w bazach danych WBDT z jednej strony zmniejszy pracochłonność ich tworzenia, z drugiej - ułatwi ich integrację. Próby przeprowadzone w czasie wykonywana VMap L2+ i TBD, na zlecenie GUGiK i urzędów marszałkowskich biorących udział w projekcie, dowiodły, że stosowanie identyfikatorów z bazy PRNG nie podnosi kosztów wykonania, a uzyskane korzyści są oczywiste. Wielorozdzielcza baza danych topograficznych i tematycznych integruje dane potrzebne do prowadzenia i planowania różnego rodzaju zadań na podstawie georeferencyjnych rejestrów państwowych. Harmonizacja zbiorów georeferencyjnych poprawi efektywności wykonywania zadań, w szczególności w zakresie planowania przestrzennego, planowania gospodarczego, realizacji inwestycji budowlanych, badań i analiz statystycznych, zarządzania kryzysowego, wyeliminuje gromadzenie tych samych danych przez różne organy administracji itd. Bardzo ważnym efektem, nawet tylko częściowej harmonizacji zbiorów danych w rejestrach państwowych jest ułatwienie przepływu i wymiany informacji między różnymi organami administracji państwowej i samorządowej.
In Poland, many spatial databases have been recently created. All official, both reference (topographic) and thematic databases should be the basis for analysis performed for the needs of the central, local government administration and state institutions. Exchange of data between particular registers not necessarily always concerns geometry; sometimes integration of attribute data, related to explicitly identifiable reference objects may be sufficient. Unfortunately, in the process of creation of particular registers and spatial databases, such rapid development of the geo-information sector has not been expected. This resulted in the problems concerning integration of data, which originated from various sources. Due to the lack of a uniform and complete topographic database in Poland, geographic information is stored independently by various bodies, institutions and organisations which use different standards and software. The paper characterises some existing state spatial databases stored by various institutions. The methodology to harmonise them has also been proposed. New digital maps of forest districts were developed in 2007, what allowed to include, at the highly advanced level, digital maps in the activities performed by the basic unit of the State Forests, i.e. a forest district. At present, about 85% of the State Forests apply the digital map compliant with obligatory standards. Besides, permanent updating of maps in forest districts, applying those maps, is also an important issue. The paper specifies settlements concerning analysis of data stored in the State Forests, which may be used for supplying reference databases, such as forest, crops, thicket etc. Similar analyses were also performed for data concerning the Baltic offshore zone. Based on comparison of the area of the entire country and the length of the coastline of the Baltic Sea adjoining Poland, together with inland waters, it has been noticed that this is the area which should not be neglected in the topographic database for Poland. The National Hydrographical Offices are responsible for supplying reliable and updated information about those areas and for systematic updating of those data. Data supplied together with the object class standards as well as their attributes allow for describing the majority of real objects, which should be placed on marine charts. The paper contains a proposal of widening the basic reference database by marine hydrographical objects, as well as proposals concerning methods of visualisation of such information. Other spatial databases, which have been reviewed by the authors with respect to possibilities of their harmonisation with the reference database, are: the Register of Lands and Buildings, the Land Parcels Identification System (LPIS) and database maintained by the Polish State Railways.
Implementation of the draft Spatial Information Infrastructure Act requires development of several administrative regulations. One of them is the regulation of the Council of Ministers on "the issue of methods and modes of gathering, updating and distribution of thematic databases - SOZO and HYDRO, development of standard cartographic works, based on those data as well as on the rules of co-operation and on competencies of entities responsible for its creation and updating within the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive to the Polish legal conditions". The group responsible for implementation of that task, nominated by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK), has also prepared technical standards for creation of hydrographical and sozological maps. Performed works included: a) Analysis of obligatory GIS-3/GIS-4 Technical Guidelines with respect to updating definitions of individual thematic objects. This stage of works mainly included elaboration of new, as well as increasing the level of details of object definitions, in connection with obligatory regulations and standards, in particular the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive. Definitions of individual objects were also updated, and the catalogue of elaborated objects was also enlarged. The analysis of obligatory legal acts and environmental criteria points to the necessity to update the thematic content of the hydrographical database, with special respect to: -. new monitoring system, classification of the quality and ecological conditions of water, - water protection system, water intakes and inland water reservoirs, - threats connected with extreme events (such as floods), - hazards related to inflows of pollutants into waters. b) Development of rules of updating thematic map components. The scope of works included the attempt to specify time frames when updating the components of both maps should be performed. Updating of SOZO and HYDRO databases is considered as a set of works and organisationaland- technical activities aimed at achieving consistency of the data resources with the reality. It is assumed that sozological and hydrographical data will be acquired for the entire country not later than by the year 2015. c) Development of a conceptual model of thematic data. At present, topographic data stored in the digital form in reference VMapL2 first edition databases have been used for supplying thematic map structures. A modification of assumptions of creation of thematic maps also refers to that aspect - it is proposed that reference databases of new edition become the basic source of supplying thematic maps. It is also assumed that an orthophotomap and a digital terrain model will become the basic components used in the process of creation of thematic maps of the new edition. This will allow to increase the accuracy of acquisition of particular classes of objects (DTM - location of watersheds, hydro-isobates, location of outflow-less basins etc., orthophotomap - location of hydrotechnical structures, ranges of water reservoirs etc.); both components may be also used for implementation of complex spatial analyses. However, the most important element of that idea is the achievement of coherence with the basic reference data required at the same time. Interoperability of both thematic databases requires the utilisation of works gathered by other state institutions, such as the Voivodeship Environmental Protection Inspectorate, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, the Polish Geological Institute, the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, the Regional Water Management Board, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations, the State Forests etc. In the course of creation of updated concept of both thematic databases, the structures of SOZO/ HYDRO databases were also reorganised; numerous substantial as well as technological modifications were introduced in both databases. Among others, selected classes of objects, which had been considered separately, were combined in order to increase the transparency and coherence of the entire model, dictionaries of data, related to selected attributes were developed, a unified system of identification of every object introduced to the database was developed, presence of an attribute, which allows for storing the source object identifiers, originating from the reference database structures (such as Topographic Databases) were assumed. This will allow for harmonisation and exchange of information between the databases in the future.
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