The Cretaceous basin of the Lublin area belongs to the SE part of the Mid-Polish Trough and its NE border extending on the East European Craton. Our study is based on isopach maps of seven time intervals, from Neocomian to Early Maastrichtian. Several main lithofacies have been distinguished whose areal extents were plotted on thickness pattern maps. The isopach and lithofacies maps helped to delimit the basin depocenter, providing information on vertical motions of the basin basement and synsedimentary reactivation of older fault zones. The areal extents of the siliceous and chalk lithofacies have been shown to be controlled by the positions of discontinuity zones in the crystalline basement. Two stages of accelerated subsidence have been established: in Turonian and Early Maastrichtian times. Regional comparisons of accumulation rates and their accelerations during these time spans gave possibility to distinguish the roles of eustatic and tectonic factors in the process of augmenting the basin capacity. Some remarks concerning Early Maastrichtian timing of the inversion onset are also presented.
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Praca ma charakter przeglądowy; zawiera odniesienia do publikacji zajmujących się osadami kredy obszaru lubelskiego: ich pozycją strukturalną, litologią, warunkami sedymentacji i warunkami paleotektonicznymi. Ewolucja basenu została scharakteryzowana na podstawie map litofacji i tempa subsydencji 7 przedziałów czasowych. Podkreślono związki rozkładu litofacji i subsydencji ze strukturami paleozoicznego i prekambryjskiego podłoża. Ewolucję paleotektonicznych warunków, kształtujących przestrzeń depozycyjną, interpretowano na podstawie lokalizacji przypuszczalnych stref synsedymentacyjnych uskoków i fałdów. Przedstawiono przesłanki na rzecz początku inwersji lubelskiego odcinka bruzdy śródpolskiej we wczesnym mastrychcie.
The aim of the study is to give an overview of research dealing with Cretaceous deposits in the Lublin region, i.e. their structural position, lithology, sedimentary and palaeotectonic conditions. Reconstruction of the Cretaceous basin evolution is based on lithofacies maps and on maps of subsidence rates made for 7 time spans. Relations of lithofacies and subsidence patterns with Palaeozoic and Precambrian basement structures are emphasized. Interpretation of synsedimentary faults and folds enabled conclusions on palaeotectonic conditions that created the depositional space. Some remarks concerning Early Maastrichtian timing of the onset of inversion processes is also presented.
In the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous palaeogeography of the Alpine Tethys the term Ocean is used for different parts of these sedimentary areas: eg. Ligurian – Piedmont and Penninic, Magura, Pieniny, Valais and Ceahlau-Severins oceans. The Magura Ocean occupied the more northern position in the Alpine-Carpathian arc. During the Late Cretaceous–Paleogene tectono-sedimentary evolution the Magura Ocean was transformed into several (Magura, Dukla, Silesian, sub-Silesian and Skole) basins and intrabasinal source area ridges now incorporated into the Outer Western Carpathians.