In the article, the author analyzes three models of attitudes towards people with special needs in the world: the medical model, the model of normalization, and social model, as well as defines priority humanistic approach based on respect for human dignity, rights and freedoms of every individual, regardless of gender, age or state of health. The basic needs of people with disabilities are identified, as well as the need for self-realization by which people seek to find their place in life and to realize their potential, talents, professional self-determination. We considered internal and external support mechanisms of “the disabled” in their development, for whom inclusive education aims at: creating favorable psychological climate in the family; creating cultural system in society; support from the government in professional and creative self-realization; social prevention and control of negative attitudes towards people with disabilities; providing equal rights by state, that erasure boundaries between “healthy” people and those with disabilities; positive self-perception and self-attitude; active life; a clear identity and personalization; responsibility, freedom and a strong will; belief in yourself and a positive assessment of one’s own and other people’s capabilities. We considered foreign and domestic regulations that ensure the rights of people with special needs: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959), the Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons (1971), the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons (1975), the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention (1983), Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993), the Salamanca Statement on Principles, Policy and Practice in Special Needs Education and a Framework for Action (1994), the Dakar Declaration (2000), the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006, New York) and others.
W artykule autor przeanalizował trzy modele postaw wobec osób o specjalnych potrzebach na świecie (model medyczny, model normalizacji i model społeczny) oraz określił priorytetowe podejście humanistyczne oparte na poszanowaniu godności ludzkiej, praw i wolności każdej osoby, niezależnie od płci, wieku czy stanu zdrowia. Wskazano też podstawowe potrzeby osób niepełnosprawnych oraz potrzebę samorealizacji, w wyniku której ludzie starają się odnaleźć swoje miejsce w życiu i wykorzystać swój potencjał, talenty, profesjonalną determinację. Uwzględnione zostały wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne mechanizmy wsparcia „niepełnosprawnych” w ich rozwoju, dla których edukacja włączająca ma na celu: zbudowanie korzystnego klimatu psychologicznego w rodzinie; stworzenie systemu kulturowego w społeczeństwie; uzyskanie wsparcia rządu w profesjonalnej i twórczej samorealizacji; zapobieganie społecznym negatywnym postawom wobec osób niepełnosprawnych i ich kontrolę; zapewnienie równych praw przez państwo; usuwanie granic między „zdrowymi” a osobami niepełnosprawnymi; pozytywne postrzeganie siebie; aktywne życie; wyraźną tożsamość i personalizację; odpowiedzialność, wolność i silną wolę; wiarę w siebie i pozytywną ocenę możliwości (swoich i innych osób). W opracowaniu przedstawiono zagraniczne i krajowe przepisy gwarantujące prawa osób o szczególnych potrzebach, takie jak: Powszechna deklaracja praw człowieka (1948), Deklaracja praw dziecka (1959), Deklaracja praw osób upośledzonych umysłowo (1971), Deklaracja praw osób niepełnosprawnych (1975), Konwencja dotycząca rehabilitacji zawodowej i zatrudnienia osób niepełnosprawnych (1983), Konwencja o prawach dziecka (1989), Standardowe zasady wyrównywania szans osób niepełnosprawnych (1993), Deklaracja Salamanki w sprawie zasad, polityki i praktyki w zakresie specjalnych potrzeb edukacyjnych i ramy działania (1994), Deklaracja z Dakaru (2000), Konwencja o prawach osób niepełnosprawnych (2006, Nowy Jork) i inne.
The article reveals the essential characteristics of risk society in the social-psychological context. The current studies in sociology, philosophy and psychology concerning the psychological security of the person in conditions of traumatic events of risk society are analyzed. The necessity of studying the psychological conditions for effective innovative practice in a situation of social transformations is proved. The specific features of an innovative creative personality are analyzed. Based on the analysis of different scientific sources the strategies for overcoming the challenges of social-psychological adaptation in terms of ambiguity of the society are identified: 1) personality’s realization of the sense of his/her own life in a new environment and desire for its implementation; 2) individualization of the life scenario design that ensure readiness for action in a situation of choice; 3) «over-situation activity» which has the potential to revive the lost and to form the new values and meanings through search activity; 4) «active non-adaptability», that assumes transcendental openness to new experiences and is the basis of creative, research, innovative activity; 5) «autotelic» lifestyle, according to which the main driving force is not external, but internal motivation of the personality caused by deep feelings and real needs. The attention is focused on the need of searching the optimal solution to the problem of the personality’s information security in the context of uncontrolled manipulative influence of modern information and computer technologies. The need for forming in the personality the ability to overcoming, transforming behavior, to self-regulation that provides a sense of security, as well as transgressive orientation is identified. The psychological recommendations for optimization of the creative innovative activity in risk society are formulated. It is determined that individuals with high creative potential who use creative strategies to overcome difficult life situations are more able to effective innovative activity. It is emphasized that the strategic benchmark of modern education should be awakening in a person innovative qualities, creativity and ability to comprehend and create a new one. For further research the problem concerning the transformative transgressive strategy of the person in conditions of risk society is proposed.
The luxury-versus-necessity controversy is primarily concerned with the importance of civil and political rights vis-à-vis economic and social rights. The viewpoint of political leaders of many developing and newly industrialized countries, especially China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia is that civil and political rights are luxuries that only rich nations can afford. The United Nations, transnational civil society and the Western advanced countries oppose this viewpoint on normative and empirical grounds. While this controversy is far from over, new challenges of “evidence” and “marketization” are emerging. The first calls for a narrative on the history of civil and political rights in the West in the comparative context of the Industrial Revolution and the East Asian Miracle and China’s economic growth. The effects of the recent financial crisis and insulation of China from the Arab Spring further deepen this challenge. The marketization challenge looks at this controversy from the social exclusion angle. It argues that the basic needs covered by the minimum human rights agenda are becoming luxuries in a real sense for those who do not have the power to purchase these needs from the market.
In this article we will be shown the conditions and structure of the necessities of life of seniors. The definition needs to be selected and their classifications. Will be described types, the nature and etiology of a variety of needs in this developmental period. Will be paid also attention to the important role of the family and the various groups and communities in meeting the vital needs of seniors and improve their quality of life.
W niniejszym artykule ukazane zostały uwarunkowania i struktura potrzeb życiowych seniorów, definicje potrzeb oraz ich wybrane klasyfikacje, a także rodzaje, specyfika i etiologia różnorodnych potrzeb w tym okresie rozwojowym. Należy podkreślić istotną rolę rodziny oraz różnych grup i społeczności w zaspokajaniu potrzeb życiowych seniorów i podnoszeniu jakości ich życia.
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