Investigation of the Permian Basin in the western part of the Polish Lowland was initiated in 1961 when the Rybaki field was discovered - the first one outside the Carpathians in Poland. The Main Dolomite (Ca2) in the eastern part of the Wielkopolska Platform, located in western Poland, is characterized by a significant variety of microfacies, hence this research is aimed at better interpretation and understanding of depositional environments of current reservoir rocks as well as possibility of identification of facies distribution within the investigated carbonate platform. A detailed microfacies analysis of the Main Dolomite was conducted, which was supported by core logging. The author interpreted depositional environments and generated a 3D model of the top of the Main Dolomite using seismic reflection data. An attempt to correlate microfacies between the analyzed wells was also performed. Integrated analyses of thin sections and drill cores from 4 wells allowed me to interpret the depositional environments of the Main Dolomite. The generated 3D model of the top of the Main Dolomite provided a better insight into subsurface tectonics, paleogeography of the analyzed area and a better understanding of depositional lithofacies environments.
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Celem pracy było wyjaśnienie mechanizmów migracji węglowodorów oraz tworzenia się pułapek złożowych w analizowanym basenie naftowym. W badaniu tych zjawisk za normalną sytuację dla niemal wszystkich basenów naftowych przyjmuje się warunki hydrodynamiczne, a nie hydrostatyczne. Styl hydrodynamiczny basenu determinowany jest w znacznej mierze przez warunki sedymentacji oraz architekturę basenu. Ruch płynów zależał będzie od parametrów hydrogeologicznych skał. W pracy wykorzystano zmodyfikowaną przez prof. Ludwika Zawiszę metodykę hydrodynamicznego modelowania basenów sedymentacyjnych oraz metodykę kartowania hydrodynamicznych pułapek złożowych dla ropy i gazu.
The aim of this study was to clarify the mechanisms of hydrocarbon migration and the formation of traps in the analyzed Basin. Therefore, the normal situation for almost all petroleum basins shall be hydrodynamic rather than hydrostatic. Hydrodynamic style pool is determined largely by the conditions of sedimentation and basin architecture. The movement of fluid will depend on the hydrogeological parameters of rocks. In this work modified by prof. Ludwik Zawisza methodology for hydrodynamic modeling of sedimentary basins and methodology of mapping hydrodynamic traps for oil and gas was used.
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