The assessment of phenotypic plasticity expressed as the response to abiotic and biotic site factors is important for successful conservation of endangered and threathened species. In Poland one of the strictly protected plant requiring an active conservation is globeflower Trollius europaeus L. It is the perennial forb, consisted of numerous dark green, deeply cut basal leaves and generative shoots with flowers composed of several multi-ovulate carpels. The investigations of morphological traits of Trollius europaeus i.e. number and height of generative shoots and basal leaves as well as the production of flowers, multi-follicles and follicles at stem- and cluster levels, were carried out between 2005 and 2008 on two patches of Molinietum caeruleae localized in Kraków vicinity (Southern Poland) and having different height of litter and herb layer. The study plot labelled NS - "not shaded" (2000 m2) was prevailed by perennials with delicate procumbent or erect stems, small-tussock grass or short rosetteforb species. The height of the tallest plant has not exceeded 98 cm, while the litter layer measured from 10 cm to 28 cm. The study plot named SH -"shaded" (6000 m2 ) was characterised by presence of tall perennials as well as grass and sedges forming large compact tussocks. The tallest plants attained 186 cm, whereas the layer of litter reached from 18 cm to 42 cm. In NS plot -32 clusters were observed, whereas in SH plot 39 clusters occurred. In both populations, clusters were situated in close vicinity, forming large aggregations. The number of aboveground units per cluster in both populations were similar. The longer petioles (higher petiole average length), caused by maximization of light capture were noted in SH, than in NS plot. In SH plot higher sexual shoots were also noted as well as greater number of flowers per shoot. Such phenomenon presumably makes the plant more attractive for pollinators and thus pollen receipt and donation. The similar number of flowers and multi-follicles per cluster were observed in both populations, while the greater number of follicles was observed in NS, than in SH plot. Due to morphological plasticity established clusters of T. europaeus might presumably endure among the vegetation cover or adapt to new environmental conditions. It might be considered that making the gaps in vegetation cover and litter can be an effective way for active protection of Trollius europaeus populations.