Efforts to create a banking union in the European Union focused in 2012 primarily on the common banking supervision. It was found in particular that the joint supervision should have been located in the European Central Bank, but would cover only the largest banks of the Member States. Smaller banks would remain under the control of the existing supervision on the national level. Among the countries that strongly supported such a solution was Germany. This paper tries to analyze the reasons why Germany preferred a “split” supervision despite the significant disadvantages of such a solution. The strongest argument concerns the intention to protect the banking sector against interference by the Community authorities. The reason is its specific shape dominated by small and medium-sized financial institutions. They play a crucial role in providing financial services to the sector of medium-sized businesses, so called Mittelstand, which is the most distinct element of the Rhenish capitalism. Smaller banks have developed with these companies an almost symbiotic, long-term oriented relationship. This is why they have become universal banks offering a variety of services to a single company. This feature, highly controversial after the crisis, is defended in Germany due to tradition and lower costs generated for small companies. The preference to leave the smaller banks under the supervision of national authorities may be also explained by their specific ownership structure. Most of the small-sized banks belong to the state or are cooperatives, so it is possible to use them for the implementation of local and regional economic policy. This is not the only reason for their attractiveness to the politicians. Places in the management and supervisory boards of public banks can be an attractive instrument for personnel policy of political parties. For these reasons, the number of adherents to subordinate the medium and small banks to a supervision outside Germany, which could impeach certain practices, is quite limited. An addition argument against a centralized supervision on the EU-level is related to the functional independence of the central bank. This issue is important for Germany because of its traditional anti-inflationary macroeconomic policy orientation. Since the crisis Germany has seen the European Central Bank losing its restrictive pattern of the monetary policy based on the experience of the Bundesbank and moving towards more and more expansionary monetary policy. In this context, the ECB as a body responsible for the overall supervision of European banks could easily fall into internal conflicts with the principles of monetary policy. The last argument explaining the position of Germany on the joint supervision is the shape of its own institutions of supervision. Germany has adopted a bipolar model in which tasks are divided between the central bank and a special authority, supported by other bodies and associations of financial institutions.
The COVID-19 pandemic was a challenge for all aspects of life. Besides others, this includes health and social life as well as the overall state of the economy. To contain the spread of the coronavirus, governments throughout the world imposed temporary closures (lockdowns). The banking industry was affected by these lockdowns in multiple ways. To mitigate the potential negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on banks, the national and international supervisory authorities passed comprehensive measures. The aim of this paper is to highlight the main regulatory facilitations for German banks by focusing on measures regarding capital buffers and the operating areas of banks. Besides this, an expert study was conducted to analyze how the measures are perceived by German banks and to develop recommendations for action. The results of the study show that the measures have mainly had a signaling effect on banks. However, measures like the easing of capital requirements are also related to higher risks for the banks. The results illustrate that most banks have hesitated in taking these additional risks if they can avoid them, with other measures like general moratoria on payments considered helpful. Overall, the results demonstrated that the experts prefer a cautious approach to using the easing measures.
The COVID-19 pandemic was a challenge for all aspects of life. Besides others, this includes health and social life as well as the overall state of the economy. To contain the spread of the coronavirus, governments throughout the world imposed temporary closures (lockdowns). The banking industry was affected by these lockdowns in multiple ways. To mitigate the potential negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on banks, the national and international supervisory authorities passed comprehensive measures. The aim of this paper is to highlight the main regulatory facilitations for German banks by focusing on measures regarding capital buffers and the operating areas of banks. Besides this, an expert study was conducted to analyze how the measures are perceived by German banks and to develop recommendations for action. The results of the study show that the measures have mainly had a signaling effect on banks. However, measures like the easing of capital requirements are also related to higher risks for the banks. The results illustrate that most banks have hesitated in taking these additional risks if they can avoid them, with other measures like general moratoria on payments considered helpful. Overall, the results demonstrated that the experts prefer a cautious approach to using the easing measures.
The subject of considerations is the legal issue of the optimal model of supervision over the functioning of credit institutions. Normative regulation models in selected European countries have been presented with particular reference to the solutions applied in German legislation. Two basic banking supervision systems were identified: institutional type and functional type. Institutional type supervision is exercised by one supervisory institution which deals with irregularities in the functioning of all entities performing bank activities. It has been adopted in Switzerland and in Poland. In this system, the supervision is entrusted to one entity. Functional supervision is exercised, by several supervisory institutions acting jointly, each has their unique statutory competences. The experience of the recent financial crisis indicates a greater effectiveness of the first type of supervision and the need to deepen further the cooperation between national supervision in cross-border activities.
W referacie zaprezentowano działania podjęte przez rządy państw oraz instytucje międzynarodowe pod wpływem doświadczeń kryzysu finansowego z roku 2007. Działania te koncentrowały się na następujących obszarach: regulacji działalności bankowej w zakresie m.in. wzmocnienia nadzoru bankowego, podwyższenia gwarancji depozytów bankowych dla osób fizycznych i prawnych, dokapitalizowania banków połączonego z przejęciem części ich udziałów, podniesienia wymagań kapitałowych (regulacja Bazylea III) oraz regulacji działalności „rajów podatkowych”. Przedstawione rozwiązania w istotny sposób wpływają na działalność instytucji finansowych, przyczyniając się do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa ich funkcjonowania i ochrony klientów.
The paper presents the actions taken by the governments and international institutions under the influence of the experience of the financial crisis in 2007. These activities are focused on the following areas: regulation of banking activities in such areas as strengthen banking supervision, increase guarantees for bank deposits of individuals and legal entities, recapitalization of banks linked to the acquisition of their shares, raise capital requirements (Basel III regulation) and the regulation of "tax havens". The solutions have a significant impact on the operations of financial institutions, helping to increase the safety of their operations and customer protection.
The reform of financial supervision is seen as the key step to make the Eurozone and – in the broader sense – European Union less vulnerable to financial and economic crises. Many economists point, that the ultimate objective of such endeavours should be the establishment of the banking union. The article presents an analysis of that concept. In particular reforms aiming at stabilization of the liquidity of the banking sector have been scrutinized.
W artykule podkreśla się, że za ostatnimi cyklami ożywienia i spowolnienia gospodarczego w wielu krajach stoi wcześniejsze wejście banków komercyjnych na rynki kredytów hipotecznych, z których wyparły one banki hipoteczne i kasy budowlane. Doprowadziło to do powstania systemowego ryzyka będącego wynikiem sytuacji, w której długoterminowe kredyty hipoteczne finansowano stosunkowo krótkoterminowymi depozytami bankowymi. Ryzyko to nasiliło gwałtownie narastające wykorzystanie przez banki krótkoterminowego finansowania o charakterze hurtowym na globalnym międzybankowym rynku pieniężnym. Działania te wywołały w wielu krajach długotrwałe ożywienie koniunktury na rynkach kredytów hipotecznych. Tym procyklicznym zachowaniom banków nie przeciwdziałały organy nadzorcze, wychodząc z doktrynalnego założenia, że spełnienie wymogów kapitałowych przez banki (tzw. Bazylea II) wystarczy do pokrycia potencjalnych strat instytucji finansowych. Globalny kryzys bankowy dowiódł, że przekonanie to było nieuzasadnione. Doświadczenia płynące z niedawnego kryzysu przemawiają za stwierdzeniem, że organy nadzorujące powinny wykorzystywać dostępne narzędzia do przeciwdziałania procykliczności na rynku kredytów bankowych. W artykule podkreśla się, że banki centralne ze względu na swą niezależność powinny odgrywać dominującą rolę w podejmowaniu decyzji o stosowaniu odpowiednich narzędzi do zapobiegania nadmiernemu ożywieniu na tym rynku, gdyż może to prowadzić do kolejnych niestabilnych okresów boomu kredytowego.
The paper underlines that behind the recent boom-bust cycles that occurred in a relatively large number of countries there was the prior massive entry of commercial banks on mortgage markets where they crowded out mortgage banks and building societies. This produced systemic risk resulting from the situation in which long-term mortgage loans begun to be funded with relatively short-term bank deposits. The risk was compounded by the rapidly growing use of short-term wholesale funding taken by banks from the global interbank money market. All this produced long-term booms on the mortgage markets in many countries. The pro-cyclical bank behavior was not contained by supervisors, due to the doctrinal belief that bank capital requirements (Basel II) were sufficient to cover bank potential losses. The global banking crisis proved that this belief was unfounded. The experiences of the crisis illustrated that supervision tools should be used to contain the pro-cyclicality of bank credit. The paper underlines that central banks, due to their independence, should play a dominating role in deciding about using supervisory tools for preventing excessive rate of growth in credit that ould lead to unstable lending booms.
Ostatni kryzys finansowy ujawnił istotne powiązanie stabilności systemu bankowego z kredytowaniem nieruchomości. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie narzędzi z zakresu nadzoru bankowego jako czynników, które mogą ograniczyć podaż tego rodzaju kredytów. Badaniu poddano wyłącznie instrumenty wprowadzone do prawodawstwa unijnego poprzez pakiet CRD IV/CRR, a następnie dzięki analizie porównawczej pokazano zakres ich wdrożenia w poszczególnych państwach EOG. Otrzymane wyniki pozwalają na stwierdzenie, że instrumenty nadzorcze skutkujące wzrostem wymogów kapitałowych cechują się istotną elastycznością. Jednakże relatywnie niewiele państw zdecydowało się na ich zastosowanie z uwagi na potencjalne skutki uboczne.
The recent financial crisis revealed an important link between the stability of the banking system and real estate lending. An aim of the article is to present tools in the field of banking supervision as the factors that may limit the supply of such loans. The research covered only instruments introduced to the EU legislation through the CRD IV/CRR package; then, the method of comparative analysis was applied to show the scope of implementation thereof in individual EEA states. The obtained results allow stating that supervisory measures undertaken in relation to capital requirements are characterised by significant flexibility. However, relatively limited numbers of countries have decided to use them due to their potential side effects.
Operational risks have become increasingly important for banks, especially against the background of growing IT dependency and the increasing complexity of their activities. Further-more, the corona pandemic contributed to the increased risk potential. Therefore, banks have to back these risks with own funds. There are currently three measurement approaches for determining the capital requirements for operational risk. In recent years, and especially during the Great Financial Crisis of 2007/2008, however, some of the weaknesses inherent in these approaches have become apparent. Thus, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision revised the current capital framework. Therefore, this article examines the various measurement approaches, addresses inherent weaknesses and moreover, presents the future measurement approach developed by the supervisory authorities.
The article introduces the reader to the legal foundation of the national regulation and examines the rules of conducting international operations of domestic banks. According to the Banking Law in Poland, international banking operation can be carried out via branch offices or as cross-border activity. In either case, the domestic bank is to fulfill specific formal requirements associated with the launching of such operation and its continuation. Operation violating the host country’s law entails the possibility of being supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.
Artykuł wprowadza w genezę regulacji krajowej, a następnie analizuje zasady prowadzenia działalności zagranicznej przez banki krajowe. Polskie prawo bankowe przewiduje dwie zasadnicze formy prowadzenia takiej działalności: oddziałową oraz transgraniczną. W przypadku każdej z nich bank krajowy powinien spełnić konkretne wymagania formalne związane z podjęciem takiej działalności oraz jej dalszej realizacji. W przypadku zaś prowadzenia działalności z naruszeniem prawa państwa gościnnego, jest to związane z ryzykiem nadzorczym ze strony polskiego organu nadzoru.
Publiczna debata na temat efektowności funkcjonowania modeli nadzoru nad rynkiem finansowym w okresie ogólnoświatowego kryzysu 2007-2011 znalazła swój finał w reformach prowadzących do utworzenia unii bankowej. Wśród powtarzających się zarzutów adresowanych do instytucji nadzoru finansowego były m.in. ich spóźnione reakcje na pojawiające się symptomy zagrożenia oraz mało stanowcze i skuteczne działania przeciwdziałające rozprzestrzenianiu się skutków kryzysu. Celem artykułu jest próba przedstawienia stanu prac UE w zakresie ochrony systemu bankowego oraz korzyści płynących z tych zmian zarówno dla państw strefy euro, jak i pozostałych członków UE, jak np. Polska. Opracowanie powstało w oparciu o przegląd dostępnej literatury oraz badania własne w ww. zakresie. Wnioski z artykułu wskazują m.in. na konieczność dokonania reform modelu nadzoru finansowego oraz na poprawę atrakcyjności promowanego rozwiązania, szczególnie dla państw nie będących członkiem strefy euro.
Public debate on the effectiveness of the models of financial market supervision during the 2007-2011 global crisis found its final reforms leading to the creation of a banking union. Among the recurring accusations addressed to the financial supervisory institutions were, for example, their delayed reaction to the first signs of danger and not firm and ineffective measures undertaken to combat the crisis. The purpose of this paper is an attempt to present the actions taken by the EU to protect the banking system and the benefits of these changes for both the Euro area countries and other EU members, such as Poland. This paper is based on a review of available literature and own research. The conclusions of the paper indicate, inter alia, the need to reform the system of financial supervision, the need to improve attractiveness of the proposed solution - especially for countries that are not members of the Eurozone.
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