The consequence of acknowledging that language abilities are an inherent property of man is that the actual speaker/ listener has come to the foreground of linguistic deliberations and thereby the emphasis in these reflections and in the research has been shifted to what is happening in the brain as far as language processes are concerned. The last few decades, due to increasingly modern technological solutions, have brought about the possibility of more detailed and in-depth explorations of human brain functioning and its properties. In the first part of the present article, the characteristics of the object of research in linguistics are presented, and in the second, the possibilities of its exploration are described. Special attention was focused on the possibilities of using eye-tracking research in applied linguistics. Summing up the observations, it should be admitted that in order to make progress in linguistics and to be innovative, experimental research carried out using apparatus must be incorporated and started. However, it must be emphasized that this type of experimental research in linguistics, including obviously eye-tracking studies, is scientifically relevant only to the point that it really contributes to the creation of new knowledge or the verification of scientific knowledge gained earlier, and only if it contributes to the scientific exploration of the object of linguistics.
Professional audio describers often face a dilemma what to include in their descriptions, how to order described elements and what to omit due to time constraints. It is thus useful to examine how particular film scenes are perceived by sighted viewers and to what extent audio description can influence that perception. This paper is a work-in-progress report on the first stage of an eye-tracking study. The participants watched clips from "Marie Antoinette" by Sofia Coppola and responded to questions afterwards. The data analysis focused on the number of fixations and the total observation time in selected Areas of Interest and gaze sequences in selected scenes. The results can contribute to further development of audio description standards by showing audio describers how the perception of sighted viewers should be reflected in the description in order to facilitate scene comprehension for the blind and visually impaired.
The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of application of eye tracking in translation studies. Thanks to the development of noninvasive methods for measuring eye motion and computer technologies witch allows to record and analyze the huge volume of data that eye movement generates, eye tracking research expands intensively, particularly reading research, marketing research, human-computer interaction. The eye tracking research results show that eyes do not move continuously along a line of text, but their movement is typically divided into fixations and saccades. The eyetracker can also measure the time of fixations and saccades and record regressions or series of fixations and saccades – so called scanpaths. The article discusses how this data could be used to research the translation process. For the described translation studies there is chosen an optical method for measuring eye motion, in which a video based eyetracker records the movement of the eye gaze as the translator looks at the source-language text or at the target-language text during translation. The author of the article defines the research questions about translation process, which could be answered thanks to the data gathered in these studies.
Na całym świecie około 10% ludzi ma dysleksję, neurologiczne zaburzenie, które upośledza zdolność danej osoby do czytania i pisania. Istnieją dowody na to, że typograficzna prezentacja dokumentu piśmienniczego ma znaczący wpływ na dostępność tekstu dla osób z dysleksją. Jednym z ważniejszych czynników wpływających na typograficzną czytelność tekstu jest krój pisma i/lub jego odmiana. W artykule przedstawiono proces czytania w perspektywie neurofizjologicznej i psycholingwistycznej. Mimo iż dysleksja związana jest przede wszystkim z deficytami w przetwarzaniu fonologicznym, to zaburzenia przetwarzania wzrokowego również mają wpływ na czynność czytania. Dlatego też przedstawiono symulacje zniekształceń wizualnych, które pomagają wyobrazić sobie, jak drukowany tekst wygląda dla wielu ludzi cierpiących na dysleksję. W drugiej części artykułu przedstawiono powszechnie dostępne kroje pisma, które są przyjazne dla dyslektyków, oraz wybrane fonty specjalnie zaprojektowane dla osób z dysleksją.
Worldwide, around 10% of people have dyslexia, a neurological disability that impairs a person’s ability to read and write. There is evidence that the typographic presentation of the written document has a significant effect on a text’s accessibility for people with dyslexia. One of the most significant factors that affects readability of the text is a typeface and/or its variations. In this paper, we present the reading process from neurophysiological and psycholinguistic perspectives. Though dyslexia is primarily related to deficits in phonological processing, the visual processing disorders also have an impact on reading. So we present simulations of visual distortions that help imagine what the printed text looks like for many people suffering from dyslexia. In the second part of the paper we present a set of common typefaces that are friendly for dyslexics and selected font types designed specifically for people with dyslexia.
Eye-tracking reading research has long history which dates back to the second half of the 19th century. In those early times, the simplicity of the equipment used did not allow to carry out research on a large scale but the main facts concerning eye movements were discovered. The situation changed in the late 1970s when computers equipped with eye-tracking systems were introduced. Due to this development large number of studies on cognitive processes, perception, attention, etc. started, revealing enormous potential of this method. The author of the article emphasizes the possibilities of its implementation in foreign language didactics. The article presents a few significant facts concerning eye movements during reading on the basis of which conclusions about the mental processes involved can be drawn. It shortly describes the ways in which the process of reading is usually understood emphasizing the importance of subskills which are crucial in fluent reading in a foreign language. It gives examples of studies where eye-tracking methodology largely contributes to the investigation of the process of reading but the author points to the importance of application of other research methods apart from the technologically advanced eye-tracking equipment when needed.
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