Głębienie wentylacyjnego szybu R-XI, najgłębszego w Zagłębiu Miedziowym, rozpoczęto w kwietniu 2000 r. Jest to 29. obiekt tego typu realizowany na terenie Zagłębia Miedziowego przez Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Kopalń PeBeKa SA w Lubinie. W marcu 2002 r., po zabudowie ostatnich dwóch żelbetowych pierścieni panelowych i wybraniu urobku dla wykonania wyłomu stopy podstawowej na poziomie 632 m, zauważono na dnie szybu niewielki wyciek na kontakcie spąg-ocios, który oceniono na około 3÷5 1/min. Szyb głębiono dla potrzeb KGHM „Polska Miedź” SA z zastosowaniem specjalnej technologii zamrażania górotworu, uniemożliwiającej dopływ wody do szybu z warstw wodonośnych do głębokości 635 m. W artykule opisano działania podjęte przez Inwestora i Wykonawcę, które okazały się skuteczne w ratowaniu szybu.
Sinking of a ventilation shaft R-XI, deepest in the Copperfield was started in April, 2000. It the 29th object of his type being accomplished on the area of the Copperfield by the Mine Construction Company ,,PeBeKa" SA in Lubin. In march 2002, after completion of the two last reinforced concrete panel rings and removal of the gotten for execution of a room for a basic foot at 632 m horizon, a small leak was notices at the contact of the floor-rib, which was assessed at water inflow volume in the amount of- 3-5 1/min. The shaft was being sunk for the needs of Copper Mining - Foundry Combine ,,Polska Miedz" SA with application of special technique of the strata freezing, making the water inflow to the shaft impossible from the water bearing strata up to 635 m. The article describes the activities undertaken by the investor and the executer which proved to be successful in saving of the shaft.
This article explores the current state of research in hydrogeology and the future challenges of fundamental and applied hydrogeology. A bibliometric analysis was conducted in the first part of the paper in order to evaluate groundwater research. It was based on papers published in Hydrogeology Journal and Journal of Hydrology in the period 2010–2014. This two journals were chosen arbitrary as most representatives for groundwater research for many reasons. The first journal published the largest number of articles and the second one has the highest percentage of publications related to groundwater research. Another reason was the field of research presented in this two journals: regional hydrogeology and methods. The bibliometric analysis summarizes output and research hotspots in groundwater studies. A keywords analysis showed that regional hydrogeology, methods and research techniques, isotopes and tracers and hydrogeochemistry were the main research areas in the study period. Then the citation data were used form these two journals and from the period 2001–2015 to assess the main areas of research. This analysis showed that methods of studies, recharge, ground water/surfaced water interaction and hydrogeochemistry were the main research areas in the studied period. The second part of this paper presents the main challenges for hydrogeology and it is based on many papers published in the period of last ten years. One of the greatest challenges in hydrogeology is fundamental science on regional scale .The demand is in determining universal theory on dominant processes on the regional scale, mainly with respect to groundwater recharge, groundwater/surface water interaction and transport processes. Finally the regional scale research imply interdisciplinary research.
Racjonalne zarządzanie wyrobiskiem odkrywkowym oraz kierunkiem i zakresem jego rekultywacji jest istotne z punktu widzenia zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa powszechnego i środowiskowego. Szczególne znaczenie ma ograniczenie oddziaływania na środowisko wód podziemnych i powierzchniowych w przypadku rekultywacji odkrywki poprzez częściowe lub całkowite jej wypełnienie materiałem allochtonicznym, najczęściej odpadami pogórniczymi z kopalń węgla kamiennego. Dla tego typu obiektów autorka zaproponowała zakres zintegrowanych badań hydrogeologicznych, których zastosowanie pozwoli na docelowy dobór optymalnego kierunku zarządzania wyrobiskiem odkrywkowym i ograniczenie wymywania zanieczyszczeń ze zwałowiska i dalszej ich migracji w wodach podziemnych.
The rational management of the open pit and the direction and scope of its reclamation is important from the point of view of ensuring universal and environmental safety. It is of particular importance to limit the environmental impact on groundwater and surface water in the case of the excavation reclaimed by partial or full filling with allochtonous material, most often with post-mining waste from hard coal mines. For such as objects author proposed a range of integrated hydrogeological research, the application of which will allow for the targeted selection of the optimal management direction of the open pit work and limitation of leaching of pollution from the dump and further their migration in groundwater
The Polish Geological Institute (PGI) was established in 1919 according to the act of the Polish Parliament. Four departments made up the structure of PGI at that time, and one of them was Department of Hydrology. The first head of this Department was Prof. Dr. Romuald Rosłoński, also the professor of the Lwów Technical University. He is recognized as a founder of the Polish hydrogeological school. The term hydrogeology was used in the Polish literature 120 years ago, but has slowly been implemented in science as a separate research field. In the period of time between the First and Second World War the PGI team of hydrogeologists dealt with groundwater resources and water supply, hydrogeological cartography, groundwater geochemistry and hydraulic properties of rocks hosting aquifers and aquitards, and water balances of drainage basins. Hydrogeology at that time was closely connected with regional geology, tectonics and petrology on the one hand and with mining activity and civil engineering on the other hand. After the World War II in 1949, the Section of Hydrogeology was established as a part of the Geological Institute. In 1953 this was renamed the Department of Hydrogeology, with the authorization for scientific activity. The scope of this activity encompassed regional hydrogeological recognition, cartography, hydrogeology of ore deposits and mining, geophysical logging in hydrogeology and drilling diagnosis. Mathematical modeling of groundwater flow started in this Department with the physical, analog simulation in the late 60s. of the 20th century. Results of the regional investigation of groundwater occurrences and geochemistry were presented in many hydrogeological maps prepared under the guidance of Professor C. Kolago. Groundwater resources were estimated both in the regions and the whole country by the team led by Professor B. Paczyński as a head and an editor. The brines, mineralized and thermal groundwaters were identified by this Department in close cooperation with branches of the PGI under direction of B. Paczyński, Z. Płochniewski and J. Dowgiałło from the Polish Academy of Sciences. The alteration and rise of the hydrogeological studies in the PGI took place at the beginning of 2000 due to the twin projects resulted from Poland’s accession to the European Union. There was little time for the EU directives implementation, especially for Water framework directive (FWD) and integrated water resources management to be introduced in practice. To meet these needs, the state hydrogeological survey (SHS) was organized in the PGI. This survey has been established according to Water Law Act from July 18 of 2001. The SHS imposed new duties resulting from the EU Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EU) on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration (Official Journal UE, L 372 from 27.12.2006). There are legal, organizational and research tasks within the monitoring network and water management planning projects, which projects that belong to duties of the SHS. The main tasks of this survey include: groundwater monitoring organization and control and quality and geochemistry control of groundwater resources within groundwater bodies, gathering of hydrogeological data in data banks, analysis of current data and forecast elaboration, documentation of groundwater resources, publication of maps, guidebooks etc. This is the current activity of the hydrogeological team of the Polish Geological Institute.
The results of researches conducted in coastal area of the Przyladek Rozewie, were presented in this paper. The monitoring of physicochemical properties and ionic composition of groundwater outflows was carried out in the years 2013–2014 in the investigated area. Hydrogeochemical conditions of the Przyladek Rozewie region is mainly formed by lots of factors like specific marine climate, mineral composition of groundwater medium, depth of groundwater circulation and time of contact between water and rock.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki kompleksowych badań hydrogeologicznych w celu oceny sprawności 40-letnich studni, poprawności wyznaczonych w latach 70. XX w. wielkości zasobów eksploatacyjnych „dużego” ujęcia i zasięgu jego oddziaływania. Badania hydrogeologiczne objęły prace terenowe, kartograficzne, pompowania pomiarowe oraz badania modelowe. Prace terenowe przeprowadzono w trakcie normalnej pracy Zakładu, co wiązało się z szeregiem uciążliwości wynikających z ograniczeń poboru wody dla celów technologicznych. W rezultacie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, iż stan techniczny większości badanych studni, w wyniku 40-letniej eksploatacji, uległ znacznej poprawie, na co wskazuje wyraźny wzrost wydatku jednostkowego nawet o 4,5 raza. Według próbnych pompowań i badań modelowych ujęcie może pracować na poziomie zatwierdzonych zasobów (również pozwoleń wodnoprawnych), jednakże obszar zasilania i oddziaływania jest niemal 2–3 razy większy w stosunku do obszaru oszacowanego metodami analitycznymi zaprezentowanymi w dokumentacji hydrogeologicznej wykonanej w latach 70 ubiegłego wieku.
The paper presents the results of comprehensive hydrogeological studies to evaluate the efficiency of 40-years old wells, correctness of the amount of exploitable groundwater resources of a “large” intake, predicted in the 1970s, and to assess the range of its influence zone. Hydrogeological studies included field work, mapping, test pumping and modelling. Field work was carried out during the normal operation of the Department, which was associated with a number of nuisances resulting from water intake limits for technological purposes. The research found that the technical condition of most wells after 40 years of operation has greatly improved, as indicated by a marked increase in the specific well’s discharge as much as 4.5 times. According to test pumping and modelling studies, the intake can still work at the level of approved groundwater resources (including water-legal permits), however the recharge area and influence zone are almost 2–3 times greater compared to the area estimated by analytical methods presented in the hydrogeological documentation compiled in the 1970s.
The present study is aimed at characterizing the subsurface geological and tectonic structure in Deir El-Adas area, by using Vertical Electrical Sounding survey (VES) and hydrogeological investigations, in order to determine the causes of the failure for the majority of the wells drilled in the area. The survey data was treated in three different approaches including direct VES inversion, pseudo-2D method and horizontal profiling, in order to maximize the reliability of the data interpretation. The results revealed the presence of a local faulted anticline structure at the top of the Paleogene formation, underneath the basaltic outcrops where Deir El-Adas village is situated. The appearance of this subsurface anticline structure has complicated the local hydrogeological situation, and most likely led to limitation of the groundwater recharge in the area. Moreover, the performed piezometric and discharge maps indicated the presence of a notable groundwater watershed, in addition to feeble water productivity of the wells drilled adjacent to Deir ElAdas, mostly related to the subsurface geological and tectonic settings in the area.
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