Prezentowany artykuł stanowi próbę uchwycenia wątków aksjologicznych pojawiających się w pracach Izydory Dąmbskiej. Główne zainteresowania naukowe tej wybitnej przedstawicielki filozoficznej szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej koncentrowały się na problematyce epistemologicznej i metodologicznej. Głównym zadaniem, jakie stawia sobie autor tekstu, jest pokazanie, że równie ważnym aspektem twórczości filozoficznej Dąmbskiej jest refleksja aksjologiczna.
The presented article is the attempt to grasp axiological trains in the works of Izydora Dąmbska. The principal topics of interests of Izydora Dąmbska who was one of the most outstanding representatives of the philosophical Lvov-Warsaw School concentrated on the problems belonging to epistemology and methodology. The main goal of this article is to show that axiological reflexion is as important part of Dąmbska’s philosophy as the mentioned above.
The first aim of in this paper is to present the main relations between multiculturalism and values. The second aim is to analyze relations between relativism (cultural, moral, axiological), pluralism and multiculturalism. In several aspects this relation is parallel to the relation between relativism, pluralism and liberalism. The parallel makes it possible to show a lot of axiological premises and difficulties concerning multiculturalism. It also enables one to demonstrate some essential obstacles occurring in its practical application. Based on the often observed relation between multiculturalism and relativism, I endeavour to demonstrate that it would be more effective to relate multiculturalism with the axiological pluralism.
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