The research article discusses the advantages of using compressor downstream air partial bleed and supplying it downstream of the turbine, which was applied in a prototype of a “bypass” turbojet engine. The objective of such a turbo engine structural solution was discussed along with its elements and principle of operation. Further part of the article determines the impact of such partial air bleed on the value of achieved basic operating parameters of the engine, i.e., unit thrust and unit power consumption. The presented attempt to compare these parameters with the parameters achieved for a turbojet, single flow engine is very important; in the first case without air bleed, and in the second, with air bleed to the environment. Further sections of the article compared these parameters relative to a turbojet, turbofan engine with a jet mixer. Such comparisons enabled to determine the actual benefits of using compressor downstream air partial bleed and supplying it downstream of the turbine, which may constitute an intermediate solution between single flow turbine engines and turbo fan engines. Wide possibilities for the application of such structural solutions were shown, which was summarised in the conclusions.
The research paper discusses the advantages of using compressor downstream air partial bleed and supplying it downstream of the turbine, which was applied in a prototype of a “bypass” turbojet engine. The impact of such a solution on the value of achieved basic operating parameters of the engine was described, i.e., unit thrust and unit power consumption. The presented attempt to compare these parameters with the parameters achieved for a turbojet, single flow engine is very important; in the first case without air bleed, and in the second, with air bleed to the environment and with the parameters of a turbojet, turbofan engine with a jet mixer.
W artykule omówiono korzyści wynikające z częściowego upustu powietrza za sprężarką i dostarczania go za turbiną, co zostało zastosowane w prototypie turbinowego silnika odrzutowego typu „bypass”. Opisano wpływ takiego rozwiązania na wartość uzyskiwanych podstawowych parametrów eksploatacyjnych silnika, tj. ciągu jednostkowego i jednostkowego zużycia paliwa. Istotna jest zaprezentowana próba porównania tych parametrów z parametrami uzyskiwanymi dla turbinowego silnika odrzutowego jednoprzepływowego; w pierwszym przypadku bez upustu powietrza, a w drugim z upustem, oraz z parametrami turbinowego silnika odrzutowego dwuprzepływowego z mieszalnikiem strumieni.
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