Objectives: The aim of this paper is to perform an evaluation of the social and living conditions of professional soldiers and their families in Poland at the beginning of the 21st century and two decades later. Methods: The research methods used in this study are: literature analysis and review and the method of logical analysis and structure. Results: The analysis of the available sources allowed the author to draw the conclusion that the appropriate status level of a professional soldier may realistically contribute to the improvement of the overall state of social security of both the soldiers and their families, as well as of the capacity of the armed forces, provided, however, that the organisational and legal conditions are fully adjusted to their needs both during service and after termination. Conclusions: Professional soldiers serve in the conditions that result from currently existing organisational, systemic, and legal solutions that secure the process of realisation of the tasks for: the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, the state of Poland, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). The social and existential situation of professional soldiers and their families is influenced by numerous, different factors, both external (political or economic) and internal (departmental) ones, as well as those connected to the course of performing professional military service: the structure of the armed forces and the types of tasks performed in the country and abroad.
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Koszty pracy stanowią ważny obszar wszechstronnych analiz dokonywanych w gospodarce polskiej w celu zwiększenia jej efektywności. Przedmiotem analizy niniejszego artykułu są koszty pracy w gospodarce polskiej w latach 2010-2014. Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o dane Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Dotyczyła ona następujących obszarów tematycznych: przeciętne wynagrodzenie miesięczne, płacowe i pozapłacowe koszty pracy, koszty pracy w różnych sekcjach gospodarki narodowej i w różnych sektorach własności. Wnioski z przeprowadzonej analizy mogą być wykorzystane dla różnych potrzeb krótko- i długoterminowego procesu decyzyjnego, na szczeblu mikro i makro w gospodarce.
Labour costs constitute the important area of many-sided analyses made in the Polish economy in order to increase her effectiveness. An object of analysis of the present article are labour costs in the Polish economy in 2010-2014 years. They carried out an analysis based on data of the Central Statistical Office and concerned the following thematic areas: monthly average salary, payroll and non-pay labours cost, labour costs in various sections of the national economy and in various sectors of the property. Conclusions from conducted analysis can be used for different needs of briefly and of long-term decision-making processes, both at the micro and macro level in the economy.
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